Worship Bulletin - First United Methodist Church of Richardson


Worship Bulletin - First United Methodist Church of Richardson
The Things We Do For Love:
February 15, 2015
Ephesians 5:21-33
February 15, 2015
Please silence cell phones as we prepare our hearts for worship.
*indicates the people standing
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Mark Hayes
Mary Lightfoot, piano; Larry Porter, bass; Rick Holt, drums
Dr. Clayton Oliphint
This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
*Hymn 98
To God Be the Glory
*Affirmation of Faith 885
Rev. Fred Treviño
Where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is the one true church, apostolic and universal,
whose holy faith let us now declare:
We believe in God the Father,
infinite in wisdom, power, and love,
whose mercy is over all his works,
and whose will is ever directed to his children’s good.
We believe in Jesus Christ,
Son of God and Son of man,
the gift of the Father’s unfailing grace,
the ground of our hope,
and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death.
We believe in the Holy Spirit
as the divine presence in our lives,
whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance
of the truth of Christ,
and find strength and help in time of need.
We believe that this faith should manifest itself
in the service of love
as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord,
to the end
that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth. Amen
*Glory Be to the Father 70
Time of Prayer
Rev. Debra Hobbs Mason
Offering Our Gifts to God
(Remember the Extra Dollar) Offertory Music
I’ll Fly Away
arr. Joel Raney
The Journey Youth Choir; Caitlin Wells, director
Kyle Henson, guitar; Rick Holt, drums; Larry Porter, bass
Children’s Time
Cheryl Bishop
Ephesians 5: 21-33
Rev. Treviño
This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
The Things We Do For Love: Submit!
Dr. Oliphint
Invitation to Christian Discipleship
*Hymn 2226
Bind Us Together
Reception of New Members
Sending Forth
Dr. Oliphint
February 15, 2015
Please silence cell phones as we prepare our hearts for worship.
9:45 11:00
*indicates the people standing
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Mark Hayes
Mary Lightfoot, piano; Larry Porter, bass; Rick Holt, drums
Dr. Clayton Oliphint
This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
*Hymn 98
To God Be the Glory
*Affirmation of Faith 885
Rev. Rich Rindfuss
Where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is the one true church, apostolic and universal,
whose holy faith let us now declare:
We believe in God the Father,
infinite in wisdom, power, and love,
whose mercy is over all his works,
and whose will is ever directed to his children’s good.
We believe in Jesus Christ,
Son of God and Son of man,
the gift of the Father’s unfailing grace,
the ground of our hope,
and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death.
We believe in the Holy Spirit
as the divine presence in our lives,
whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance
of the truth of Christ,
and find strength and help in time of need.
We believe that this faith should manifest itself
in the service of love
as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord,
to the end
that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth. Amen
Special Music
Ever Be Bethel Music
Kyle Henson, solo
Dr. Oliphint and Rev. Rindfuss
Henry Ray Kelly
son of Ryan and Ashley Kelly
Logan She-Dong Newell
son of Pam Newell
Dr. Oliphint and Rev. Rindfuss
Lucas Angel Moreno
son of Elizabeth and Christian Moreno
Lily Katherine Smith
daughter of Amy Smith and Sam & Suzanna Smith
Congregational Pledge
With God’s help we will so order our lives after the example of Christ,
that Henry Ray & Logan She-Dong/Lucas Angel & Lily Katherine, surrounded by
steadfast love, may be established in the faith and confirmed and
strengthened in the way that leads to life eternal.
Time of Prayer
Rev. Debra Hobbs Mason
The Lord’s Prayer Page 895 United Methodist Hymnal
Offering Our Gifts to God
(Remember the Extra Dollar)
Offertory Music
Soli Deo David Waggoner
Chancel Choir; Michael Lightfoot, director
Soli Deo, soli Deo, soli Deo, Gloria! (Glory to God alone)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise him all creatures here below.
Praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Praise God for his amazing love; for grace and mercy from above.
We’ll praise thee, Father, all our days. And praise thee for thy holy ways.
All people that on earth do dwell, sing to the Lord with cheerful voice.
Serve him with love, his praises tell. Come ye before him and rejoice!
Children’s Time
Cheryl Bishop
Ephesians 5: 21-33
Rev. Fred Treviño
This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
The Things We Do For Love: Submit!
Dr. Oliphint
Invitation to Christian Discipleship
*Hymn 2226
Bind Us Together
Reception of New Members
Sending Forth
Dr. Oliphint
There are two ways offered to become a member of this congregation:
- Fill out the Journey With Us card found in the pew back and bring it forward
to the pastor during the singing of the closing hymn
- Meet Rev. Scroggin in Ogden Fellowship Hall at the close of the 9:45 or 11:00 worship hours
Communion is available in Ogden Fellowship Hall East at 12 (noon)
Rev. Fred Treviño, minister; assisted by a Stephen Minister
The “Extra Dollar Concept” represents the way members of First United Methodist Church Richardson,
who give to the church monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually or by mail, may place “an extra dollar” in the
offering plate each Sunday in order to participate in our worship through giving and serve as an example
to our children, youth and guests of our love for our church.
Flowers in the Sanctuary are in loving memory of Brad Davis’ birthday by Bob & Helen Davis and family
Please welcome our new member who joined last week:
Janet Westfall, Calvin & Jenna Smellage, Clayton & Whitney Welch
First United Methodist Church
- Richardson -
503 North Central Expressway
Richardson, Texas 75080
972 235 8385
upcoming opportunities
outreach ministry
communications Center
[email protected]
rev. joy anderson
[email protected]
town hall meetings
9:45 & 11am Mays Hall
Ogden Fellowship Hall
February 22
9:45 & 11am Mays Hall
Hear the details of the financial and building
processes for the Imagine capital campaign before
the final vote on March 1.
eblast new look
Open your Monday eblast for a new look at the
current events and opportunites at FUMCR.
Send the names of military loved ones, family
and friends to add to our military prayer list to
Jennifer Rawlinson at [email protected].
Canned meat, pancake and muffin mix,
cooking oil and sugar
haiti mission trip
July 31-August 8
Cost $1400
Construction of a classroom at the United
Methodist school in Yvon community.
Contact Joy for more information.
adult workcamp
July 26-August 1
Cost $125
Repair homes of Native Americans in
Cookson Hills Center, Oklahoma.
mark your calendars
Directories are available at the Shawver Welcome
Center desk for all who had their picture taken.
Cookie Caper - March 22
Amigos Days - April 17, 18, 24 & 25
Stop Hunger Now - April 19
men’s fellowship dinner
family life ministry
Directory pickup
February 17
6pm Shawver Welcome Center
Join us for dinner and small group sessions to
help you focus on your faith journey.
love to stay: sex, grace, commitment
Wednesdays, February 25 - April 1 6:30pm
Explore the ups, downs & how-tos of marriage
and how to make love last in this study led by
Rev. Rich Rindfuss. fumcr.com/learn
lenten journey
February 25&26
Come and go any time on either day. Walk at
your own pace for this self directed time of
prayer and meditation.
book review club
February 26 7pm
Ogden Fellowship Hall
Ann Shelton continues her series of Texas
Women on Mary Ann Goodnight whose husband
founded the historic JA Ranch. Cost $4.
Heather canny
[email protected]
youth soccer
Camps, clinics and team play for ages 3-14
starting March 7. Games at YMCA and
FUMCR’s Oliphint Field. fumcr.com/soccer
adult intramurals
Tuesdays starting March 3
All teams/individuals are welcome and do not
have to be FUMCR members/groups.
spring break basketball camp
March 8-10
9am-12noon Cost $70
Ages 5-10 fumcr.com/springbreakbball
summer sports camps
UMW weekend for women
Basketball, soccer, volleyball and more. Find
the camp for your child and register today.
March 20-21
Prothro Retreat Center
A weekend to explore your spiritual growth and
rest in the loving arms of God. Register by March 4.
children’s ministry
cheryl bishop
[email protected]
preschool/mdo 2015-16
Registation for current families and church
members can register now. Others can
register starting February 17.
kid’s summer camps
Sports, arts, science and more. Find the camp
for your child and register today.
bridgeport summer camp
Cheryl Bishop is one of the directors of the
C3 elementary camp, July 21-25. For kids who
have completed 3rd - 5th grades.
joys & concerns:
In the Hospital as of Tuesday, February 10:
Evie Belvin, Nita Musgrove, Charles Peavy, Julie Williams, Carol Miner, Betty Jones, Gordon Goering
Those who have lost loved ones:
The family of Mary Jane Snow on her death
Candy Goehring on the death of her aunt
Scot and Jen Bontrager on the death of Scot’s father and great-uncle
Laura and Scott Bartolome on the death of Laura’s grandfather;
Logan and Carter on the death of their great-grandfather
Congratulations to:
Janet and Miro Pavelka on the birth of their grandson, Jaxon Dylan Burrows
Sam and Linda Rodgers on the birth of their grandsons, Sam and Gus August
Those especially needing our prayers:
(Names will be listed for three weeks.)
Gordon Goering, Nita Musgrove, Karen Roberts’ mother and father, Mary Lee Cooksey’s sister, Donna Cannon’s friend, Susan Bynum’s cousin & Mary Esther
Bynum’s niece, Miguel Santiago’s friend, Pam Newell’s parents, Sally Sue Shipley’s family member, Shannon Cook’s cousin’s son, John Hurt’s father, Carol
Miner, Charlie Norwood’s father and sister, Jill Platt’s mother, Julie Williams, April Bristow’s mother, Kelley Gordon’s friend, Carole Nance’s great-nephew,
Ruth Powers, Shirley Chambers, David Jones’ mother, Gerald Schimcek’s nephew, Melody Kroll, Bob and Nancy Burger’s granddaughter, Rick Eklof, Harolyn
Ezell’s friend, Betty Hays, Tracy Shamblin’s friend, Jennifer Hurst’s cousin, Daniel Hoag’s mother, Jan Cade, Pat Hubbard, Eileen Norman’s cousin, Jonathan
Schair’s sister, Ralph Donnelly’s granddaughter, Angela Davidson, Melanie Calvert’s sister & family, Stacey Lawrence’s sister, Gayla Fussell’s friend, Hayley
Hangartner’s friend, Bill and Jennifer Sproull’s sister-in-law, Jacob Mercer’s wife, Audrey Garnett’s friend, Joann Zastoupil’s friend, Jeannie Reese and her
son, Gwen Rehder, Debbie Keller, Paul Braziller, Mark Johnston, Betty Shipman, Don Porth, Josh Schilling, Betty Stripling’s son-in-law, Tom Lowery, Evelyn
Belvin & family, Jason Lemons’ father, Linda Kugler, Dan Stowe, Wes Connally
February 18
Service times
6:30am Chapel
Meditation Dr. Clayton Oliphint
12 noon
Meditation Dr. Rebecca Bruff
6:30pm Sanctuary
Meditation Rev. Scot Bontrager
All services will include
imposition of ashes and special music
Child Care 4 years and younger
noon and 6:30pm