Welcome Sunday 15th February Sunday 22nd February


Welcome Sunday 15th February Sunday 22nd February
We are committed to enabling people to
Grow Up in Jesus and Reach Out for Jesus
Sunday 15th February
Prayer for the morning service: in the prayer room
Morning Communion Service: “Whose side are you
on?” (Joshua 5:1-15) - Keith Dearden from Union
Hall Evangelical Church
Sunday 22nd February
Prayer for the morning service: in the prayer room
Morning Service: “What is Church?” (Acts 2:42-47)
– John Hall
There will be a Fair4All stall in Ridgway Hall after the service.
Coffee, Cake & Prayer
Part-way through the morning services all children and youth (from preschool up to and including year 12) will be going out to their own groups.
Visiting youngsters are welcome to join them – please ask the stewards
where the groups meet. There is also a crèche for younger children and
Tea & Coffee will be served after the morning services in Ridgway Hall.
If you are a newcomer to LBC we give you a special warm welcome.
There is more information about the church and our various activities
overleaf and on the back page.
For more information, or to receive this newsletter by email,
please contact the church office on 01925 752805
or email [email protected]
If you are a newcomer to LBC
we give09.00
you a– special
15.00 warm welcome. There is
15.00 activities overleaf and on
more information about the
church and
our –various
13.00 – 15.00
Things you may like to know.....
The church office is open for reduced
hours over half term. If you need to
speak to someone urgently please
call George.
If you have a request for the prayer
chain please contact Bibi Evans.
If you have recently moved into the
area and would like to find out more
about us please fill in one of
our Welcome Cards then hand it to
a steward before you leave.
Sunday morning sermons are
available on CD shortly after each
service and are also available on the
church website.
Our offering goes towards the costs of
the church in our various ministries &
mission, both locally and overseas. If
you are a visitor please don’t feel
under any pressure to give.
If Communion is part of this service,
all those who love Jesus and want to
follow Him are invited to share this
meal. If you do not wish to take part,
please remain in your seat. Please
note that the bread is gluten free.
If you have a particular need or
concern and would like someone to
pray with you, please ask one of the
prayer team after the service; they will
all be wearing name badges
For details of our Small Groups which
meet in people’s homes during the
week for Bible study & prayer, please
contact the church office: all are
welcome to attend these.
More information about our activities
and other local events is displayed in
the foyer. Please help yourself to any
leaflets or ask one of the stewards if
you would like any more information.
If you require meal support please
contact Emma Openshaw.
If you would like a visit this week
please contact Jane Savage.
Dr Howard Morgan is speaking at the
Warrington House of Prayer
(Erwood Street, WA2 7NW)
on Monday 16th February at 7pm.
Please see the main notice board for
further information about the teaching
programme this term.
There will be a leadership election
at the church meeting on
Thursday 19th March.
A nomination form is on the main
notice board in the foyer. Nominations
will close after the evening service on
Sunday 8th March.
An evening to discover more about the
story of Oasis from Victoria Armstrong at
7.30pm on Saturday 7th March at The
Message Trust in Sharston, Manchester.
If you would like to attend please
contact Angela Crowe, Nicky Barr or
Pat Gaster.
on Tuesday 3rd March
Speaker: Rodger Spurling.
Supper will be available from 7.45pm;
talk at 8.30pm. All ladies are invited –
bring a friend with you if you can.
We are pleased to let you know that
we have heard that some of our
shoeboxes were delivered to children in
Belarus (where a total of 181,409 were
sent) & others to children in Swaziland
(where a total of 40,341 were sent).
Energize are fundraising for 'Water of
Life', a scheme run by Compassion to
provide families around the world with
a high tech water filter system that gets
rid of all disease & bad bacteria in the
water they collect. We are starting our
fundraising after the morning service on
Sunday 1st March with a cake sale - so
bring some change & your sweet tooth!
All of the church family, yes everyone, is
invited to join us on Saturday 16th May
at Whitley Village Hall.
There will be activities & teaching
aimed at every age (especially you!!).
More details coming soon.
Fun, fun, fun & learning, learning,
learning – NOT TO BE MISSED – it just
wouldn’t be the same without you!
The Alpha Course is continuing on
Friday mornings at the Sanctuary Cafe.
Helpers are needed in the crèche for
the following dates:
 27th February (1 more helper),
 20th March (3 more helpers).
If you can help please contact
Rosie Shire.
Rod & Janice Slater would like to thank
everyone for their great support for the
Genesis charity calendar. So far over
£2,000 has been raised & money is still
coming in. This figure is over and
above the cost of printing which was
entirely borne by our sponsors to whom
we are immensely grateful.
The latest news & prayer letters from:
 Anne Barker
 Darren Staunton
There will be a thanksgiving celebration
on Saturday 9th May at 12pm at the
Stenson Fields Christian Fellowship,
Derby. We will be praising God for the
Ministry, especially the countless
number who have trusted the Lord as
Saviour over the 56 years since we
started. Lunch will be provided.
COMING UP (All activities are held at LBC unless noted otherwise)
Monday 16th February
06.45 Prayers for Blessing
19.30 Leaders’ Prayer Meeting at 27 Pelham Road, Thelwall
Tuesday 17th February
19.30 Men’s Social Evening at the Bridgewater Club, Lymm
Thursday 19th February
13.30 Prayer Meeting for Future Ministry
20.00 Church Prayer Meeting
Saturday 21st February
08.00 Prayer Meeting
Sunday 22nd February
See front page of newsletter
Monday 23rd February
06.45 Prayers for Blessing
10.00 Watercolour Workshops
18.30 Cru Club for Years 3-6
Thursday 26th February
10.00 Toddler Group
Saturday 28th February
08.00 Prayer Meeting
Sunday 1st March
10.00 Prayer for the morning service (in the prayer room)
10.30 All Age Service – Youth Takeover
Energize will be having a cake sale to fundraise for ‘Water for Life’ after
the morning service
18.15 Revolve for Years 10-11 at 27 Pelham Road, Thelwall
18.15 Revolve for Years 12-13 at 3 Crosslands Mews, Lymm
18.30 Evening Communion Service – Being honest with God (Psalm 139) led by
Will Johnston