open gardens 2015


open gardens 2015
FEBRUARY 15�� 2015- ISSUE 78
by Michael Moat
For the past 2 years, a small group of enthusiasts
has been developing an idea based on the UK’s
National Garden Scheme (The Yellow Book), a
project which encourages owners to open their
gardens to the public for a small fee, the proceeds
from which are donated to charitable causes.
From a small beginning with 4 gardens in 2013,
Open Gardens/Jardins Ouverts expanded substantially in 2014 to 28 gardens and, in
consequence, was able to send a cheque for
2,500€ to ‘A Chacun son Everest’, a French charity
which organises activities for children with cancer
or leukaemia.
The minimum commitment would be to open your
garden for at least 1 day this year and, although
the above dates are our focus, owners are free to
choose whichever day(s) they wish and these will
be advertised on our website. Additional funds are
also raised from the sale of plants and
refreshments but the provision of these is entirely
offer toilets but there will be a garden near you
that will offer facilities that you don’t and vice
‘I chose to let my visitors view the garden alone
with the option of finding me to ask questions,
but some did ask for a tour’.
‘Opening our garden helped us to see it through
different eyes:- Jobs we'd been putting off, areas
needing attention and safety issues – it was good
for us, very rewarding and we enjoyed every
minute. Remember your garden is not being
The emphasis for everyone, be they owners or
judged, just enjoyed and admired’.
visitors, is that this should be an enjoyable
If showing your garden doesn’t appeal, why not
enrol as a visitor? A year’s subscription costs only
We aren’t looking for immaculately manicured 10€ per person and entitles you to visit as many
lawns or pristine flower borders. Most gardens gardens as you wish throughout 2015. There are
have something to offer and our criteria is very few nicer ways to spend a Sunday than strolling
flexible; if there is sufficient interest to sustain a round beautiful gardens, looking at ornamental
visit of approximately 30 minutes, it is likely your ponds, woodland plants, carpets of daffodils,
garden will be included.
rhododendrons in full flower or even admiring a
To find out what the experience was like CN château set in its own grounds (Yes, we even have
contacted some of last year’s Open Garden Hosts, a couple of these on our books!)
Ian & Sheila Cole. I asked about all the things that There is much more detail on our website
would worry me (Toilets? Vandalism? Teas and (, including application
coffees? Too many visitors all once?). What Sheila forms for membership. Photos and information
had to say was very reassuring and inspiring:
on some of this year’s gardens are already on the
We already have 55 gardens
in over 9
departments for 2015 and hope that more
enthusiastic garden owners will join us. Recently
we received the wonderful news that the British
Ambassador is supporting our project, by opening
the Embassy Garden to visitors on Saturday 19��
September. Furthermore, a Paris-based landscape
designer has offered to be the co-ordinator for the
Ile- de- France.
‘All the visitors, without exception, were respectful
In 2014, all gardens opened for one weekend at - people who visit do so for pleasure not to cause
the end of June but this year, in order to ensure damage! We had over 40 visitors but they came
that visitors will be able to see a greater variety of along at intervals so we were never swamped or
plants, we will have 3 principle opening dates:
overwhelmed. Each Open Garden states in
Sunday 8�� March; 10�� May & 12th July.
advance the facilities available - I was unable to
website, giving an idea of the quality and variety
If you would like to get involved in any way, no
matter where you live, please get in touch with
Mick Moat by phone: 05 55 63 43 12
or email: [email protected]
This is probably the longest editorial I will ever
write – so bear with! Bear with! First of all, I would
like to start by saying that I hope all our readers
had a Merry Christmas and I wish everyone the
very best for 2015.
Unfortunately, I had neither a good Christmas nor
a Happy New Year. My lovely mother-in-law died
on the 1�� December after a terrible battle with
cancer, and her death was swiftly followed by my
(aged) father undergoing a quadruple heart bypass
(now in recovery, thank goodness).
For thousands of years (possibly since the Bronze
age) wars and conflict, deaths and acts of
terrorism have been conducted in the names of
various religions from Catholic to Protestantism,
from Sunni to Shi’a, from Christianity to Judaism.
And when disposable young men had been used
and killed, when many ordinary people had lost
their lives, when the fighting was finally over it, it
has always become clear that those behind the
attacks were simply seeking personal power,
whether that be political or land-conquest.
Religion is the excuse never the reason.
So distribution in December was challenging, and
the decision was made to restrict ‘drops’ to the
largest outlets such as supermarkets and bricos,
and my sincere apologies to any smaller stockists
who did not receive their usual bundle of
I hope that France will not allow the recent
atrocities to divide and conquer. Unity, tolerance
and understanding are mightier than the sword.
Vive la France , and all she stands for:
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité
Distribution and final editing would have been
Mandy Petherick.
impossible without the wonderful offers of help
and support I received from friends and
Cover © Open Gardens/Jardins Ouvert
acquaintances.............and also from wonderfully
warm-hearted Creuse people, some of whom were
complete strangers! The ‘thank you’ list would
take up an entire page were I to mention everyone
– so I am sending a huge hug of appreciation to
everyone who understood and supported us
through this darkest of periods, and if your offers
of help were not taken up it was simply that there
Taming your Social Media
was no time to organise the logistics.
Apologies for the lack of service during this period
- running a one-woman operation (with OH acting
as unpaid “slave”) from a corner of the kitchen is
normally fine until disaster strikes – then one
wishes one were back working in a corporate
environment with staff and deputy managers!
On the good news side, I am now an Ambassador
for the Limousin, and Limoges Airport now stocks
the Creuse News. Copies can always be found on
the “Welcome Limousin” desk (they keep top-up
stock behind the desk, so if you don’t see the
magazine then just ask for it).
However, If anyone could not obtain a copy of the
Christmas edition, please contact me by email
([email protected]) and I will do my utmost
to arrange to get one to you.
Samu (medical): 15
Police (Gendarmes): 17
Fire (Pompiers): 18
European Emergency Call: 112
Drugs/Alcohol Hotline: 113
Homeless Hotline: 115
Missing Child: 116
Child Abuse: 119
Public Service Helpline: 3939
France Telecom (English): 09 69 36 39 00
EDF International Customer Service:
05 62 16 49 08
CPAM (English): 08 11 36 36 46
Emergency dentist: 01 43 37 51 00
Finding the duty pharmacy for your area:
Battered women: 01 40 33 80 60
Lost/stolen French bank cards:
0892 70 57 05
Lost/stolen cheques/cheque books:
0892 68 32 08
UK Pensions (Newcastle):
0044 191 218 77 77
British Embassy, Paris: 01 44 51 31 00
Talking Clock: 3699
SOS Crisis Line (in English):
01 46 21 46 46 (1500h – 2300h)
Cancer Support Helpline (English):
06 06 47 18 60
Want to increase awareness
Not really understanding what social
media is all about?
Skype training will most
definitely help you.
Bespoke training with hints and tips
to tame your social media activity.
Take advantage 3 hours but pay for 2
with Alacim Associates Social Media.
Email: [email protected]
By email to: [email protected]
By phone: 05 53 62 93 79
By mobile: 06 35 90 85 21
Whilst in the UK, I heard the appalling news about
the Charlie Hebdo massacres, then watched the
terrible events of 7 – 9�� January unfold on British
TV. As a fellow publisher (albeit small), I would
like to express my heartfelt condolences to the
families and friends of those who lost their lives
during this period, and my immense admiration
and gratitude to the various French police forces
who exhibited such courage.
Unable to attend a vigil myself during this period,
I watched France with pride as millions of people
of all colours, creeds, nationalities and religions
unified in street vigils to display their deep
sadness, and their commitment to that most
precious commodity in democratic life, free
speech.Creuse News is a secular, apolitical
magazine, so I will keep my own opinions to a
minimum; all I know in my heart is that none of
this is really about religion.
Contact us by phone: 05 53 62 93 79 or 06 35 90 85 21
Creuse Views
Jacqueline writes from JJ’s Café Bar, Aigurande
(36140) – a great place to hang out - good
food, regular music nights and musical events,
or just pop in for a drink or a coffee and enjoy
the warm and welcoming atmosphere. For full
details of all special events going on at JJ’s see
our Events Listing on pg14.
Misty morning walk in Fleurat in December by Pat Littlewood.
You have an interesting article about chickens on
page 18 of November 15th edition of Creuse
News. I wonder whether you would be interested
in my view on the subject. This is my original
response to a question on a forum which is now
defunct and was in reply to a serious (believe it or
not!) Question ‘Do hens get depressed?’
I am quite familiar with this issue, as I was a
Poultry Counsellor in the UK. Do you know
anything of the hen’s psychological history? One
of the causes of trauma is being taken away from
the mother too soon after birth and this
frequently manifests itself by the hen being
withdrawn and can, in later life, result in
difficulties in making steady and trusting
relationships. The prevalence in the breakdown
of formal partnerships between such hens is in the
order of some 35-40% above the norm.
Hens in such relationships are often found to have
accompanying sexual difficulties and in such cases,
counselling can have a positive effect. This is
usually referred to as the ‘Freud Egg Syndrome’.
For further information, read ‘Sexual Deviancy and
Impotence in Cockerels’ S. Freud, available in
Penguin (and other languages).
A less common, but possibly more worrying,
side-effect is the (increasing) tendency towards
the Hen’s total rejection of societal norms. This
can lead to a total breakdown of moral and ethical
values and, in certain more extreme cases, results
in drug-taking and alcohol abuse (pickled eggs are
a well-known feature in the more northerly areas
of the UK). Some local councils have been forced
to introduce ASBOs following attacks on other
hens, giving rise to headlines in some of the more
populist red-tops of ‘Assault and Battery Hens’.
May I also suggest that you refer to a philosopher
who has written extensively on the subject - our
most prolific supporter, Heidegger, whose treatise
‘Eggsistentialism in the Hen House’ is now
recognised as the benchmark on the subject.
Heidegger subsequently attracted much interest
from Francis Bacon*, and their joint efforts are
now a popular sandwich course in many of our
I have just returned from the UK for a family
visit, and for once it wasn’t traumatic! All the
family are doing fine, the four generations of
us. Everything went spiffingly. London transport
was running well. I didn’t get stuck in any ticket
barriers with my suitcase, which has on past
journeys actually caused people to miss their
train (at one time security was summoned to
try and untangle me and an inflexible trolley
from the turnstile!). I cut down on the amount
of pockets that I could lose important things to
do with passports and parking - again, one time
resulting in holding up other travellers and
I didn’t interfere or comment on a couple of
parents lousy non-existent parenting skills while
their unruly children were running amuck on
a platform at Kings Cross Station (this time, I
just let nature take its course of ‘survival of the
fittest,’ – i.e if they live another six months
without being electrocuted after either falling
on the rails or being shoved onto them, all well
Unfortunately I no longer undertake counselling, and good.)
but I have no hesitation in recommending Morgan
Scott Peck, a well-known practitioner in this field,
whose work amongst the down & out chickens of
Cockfosters is legendary. Please don’t hesitate to
contact me if you need any further advice.
* Best known for his immortal quote ‘I think
therefore I ham’
Michael Moat
This time, the return to the UK shocked me
about the portion sizes of food. They were
enormous. (Am I unwell or is it a parallel
universe J Peacock speaking?) It was a life
changing revelation. I just can’t eat like that
anymore. I missed my four course menu du jour
at lunchtime with small and pleasurable and
manageable portion sizes. I missed bread to
mop up everything and I missed paying a
reasonable price instead of too much for a
decent glass of wine.
The life changing revelation is that I believe
hubby and myself are more French than English
in this respect. For us not to be able to eat the
huge portions of good food placed in front of
us is of notably world-wide scientific
significance and surely the basis for a cultural
and sociological study!
Blooming heck, I've scared myself now. Does
this mean I will never be able to finish a large
portion of chips in York? Or gobble an extra
large Cornish pasty down in one gulp in Camden
Town? I am afraid, very afraid! If there are
others out there who have been similarly
seriously unhinged by this revelation, please
let me know and we can start a Self Help society
called, ‘Help Yourself To Chip and Pasty GO
LARGE Group.’
Website: Facebook: Email: [email protected]
Interestingly, when we needed an illustration for
this piece we had to go all the way to Ontario,
Canada, thus making contact with Robin Kirby of
Devon Acres who added some more information
about this type of traditional farm vehicle:
‘What you refer to as a potato lifter we would refer
to as a potato digger. Interestingly in Canada a
similar machine for beets or for carrots is most
often referred to as a carrot lifter or beet lifter.’
by Christopher Wancke
with photo illustration provided by Devon Acres
Organic Farm, Brantford, Ontario, Canada (owners of
full copyright of picture)
I saw a wonderful scene the other day. Animal,
machine and man, combined to alleviate a
backbreaking task of a previous generation.
The occasion was St Fiel’s vibrant annual potato
fest. The sun shone. The band played. I stood and
watched as a pair of burly farm horses leaned into
the task of drawing a vintage potato lifter along a
row of, still buried, potatoes.
This implement, with its skeletal frame and
interconnecting gears and with its ‘jockey’ sitting
astride, presented a spade like blade to the soil
beneath it. The two wheels of the machine passed
rotary motion to another wheel whose axis lay in
line with the row of potatoes. This wheel, some
2ft in diameter and sporting 6 sets of metal forks
measuring almost 1ft in length around its
circumference, rotated as the horses pulled the
implement along. This fork bearing wheel spun
with astonishing enthusiasm as these tines flung
from the soil, potatoes that had been lifted by the
plough-like share that preceded it.
It was only with the steadying grip of their handler
that they leaned into their harnesses as one and
started to bring the crop out of the ground. 2 horse
power (2hp) is supposed to be 1.5kW.
Maybe that’s right, but these two fine beasts
looked like they were supplying a good deal more
than that.
It was a beautiful scene; fine horses, agricultural
engineering of times past; the skill of experienced
horsemen and the sight of pale new potatoes on
recently turned soil. But I am no romantic. I was
brought up on a farm in Northumberland. A potato
crop is hard work. A diesel tractor that roars into
life at the turn of a key even on the coldest of
mornings may elbow aside a rural idyll of times
gone by but I think that there few of us who would
choose to go back to the slog and sweat, the back
break and battle of putting horse to harness,
This is, surely a 2 horse power machine, a ‘deux harness to machine and machine to crop to put a
chevaux’, a ‘2CV’. These were big horses and on ‘King Edward’ on a plate at dinner time. Still, I
their first attempt to get moving, they staggered guess the manure would be good for the garden!
and faltered.
‘The potato digger/lifter described in the article is
called a spinner and is not so common in Canada.
The one we have has a large spade (and the
spinner version would have this too) that goes into
the soil underneath the spuds to lift them, and a
whole lot of soil, and this is pushed back, by the
forward motion of the machine, on to an
endless conveyor consisting of steel bars spaced
about an inch or so apart that carries taters and
soil up and then drops mostly the tatties out the
back with most of the soil having hopefully (and
usually) dropped to the ground on the way up.
There is a rotating elliptically shaped carrier
sprocket for the conveyor that bounces the
conveyor to get most of the soil to drop out.’
‘The publication Creuse News was a delight to read
and I will continue to read your really nice
‘I have learned a lot about a region of France about
which I knew nothing and surprisingly, also know
now why that strange little car, reminding me of
the Mini 1000 (whose rusting hulk still graces my
yard), was called the Citröen 2CV. I never would
have guessed.’ – Robin Kirby of Devon Acres
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by Sophie Arsac
Sophie Arsac offers French tuition (group lessons,
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0555 89 15 74
In this format, my phone number gives you much
indication about my location. However, as phone
technology advances (with new telephone service
providers, mobiles etc), the location of a phone
call is not an exact science anymore.
organisations like banks, insurance companies and
so on, the tariff is variable.
If you live in the Limousin area and if you don’t
have friends all around France, a phone number
starting with digits other than 05 could well be a
As an example, the numbers starting with 09 are commercial phone. But I am so grateful to all those
Internet numbers and you would not be able to cold callers because now I have rediscovered a
locate them.
quieter life!
Still using my own phone number (05 55 89 15 74), These days I rarely answer my phone and if people
I will try to explain its format: 05 then 55 then 89. are really motivated to talk to me, they can leave
The two last pairs (15 74) identify the subscriber. a message (or they can ring my competitors!).
Anyway, if one day I feel too lonely, I know what I
05 tells you from which part of France I’m calling.
have to do: I love the sound of my own voice.
France is divided in 4 quarters. Numbers from
Northwest France start with 02. It is 03 in the
Northeast, 04 in the Southeast (including Corsica)
and 05 in the Southwest, including overseas
departments. Numbers starting with 01 are dialed
from the Ile- de- France, the Parisian area, a small
zone located between the Northwest and the
I was shocked the other day when I listened to my
answering machine (mon répondeur). The
message was in French and then in English, it was
me talking to myself! I suddenly realised that two
hours beforehand I had lost my mobile and had
rung myself 4 times before I could locate it. ‘Next
time, ring your brain first as you seem to lose it
sometimes’, my daughter kindly said to me!
55 indicates that I am in the Limousin Region.
Listening to myself was an absolute pleasure: I was Either in the Creuse, the Haute-Vienne or the
talking slowly, was articulating, my name was very Corrèze where the numbers start with
understandable, I repeated my phone number 05 55, 05 87 or 05 19.
twice and more importantly, I gave my phone 89 indicates that I’m probably calling you from
number in the French way as the 10 digits must be Dun-Le-Palestel or nearby. If I was living in or
pronounced in pairs.
around La Souterraine, my number would
I have an internet line (une ligne internet) and a probably start with 05 55 63…
land-line (une ligne fixe) whose number is 05 55
89 15 74. Please don’t say that my number is ‘zero
triple five eight nine one five seven four’. It is
exactly: Zero five, fifty-five, eighty-nine, fifteen,
seventy-four, or in the indigenous dialect: Zéro
cinq, cinquante-cinq, quatre-vingt-neuf, quinze,
Sales & Fitting
The numbers starting with 06 or 07 are for mobiles
(les portables) and must read in pairs also. The
word portable can mean two things in French: it
is either a mobile (un téléphone portable) or a
laptop (un ordinateur portable).
Careful, the 08 numbers are generally
overcharged. Used by administrations or
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Dave Calladine
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Website: Facebook: Email: [email protected]
This was our first Christmas here as a family in the
heart of the Creuse, and although having two little
people made the festive season magical, with just
the four of us we really felt a sense of overindulgence by the time New Year hit us! As a family
we started to ponder on the privileges we enjoy
and how to counter balance this, so that our
children grow into rounded people who consider
the plight of others. I really felt the need to be
giving more than shiny wrapped presents.
It was on a beautiful winter evening round a huge
bonfire, celebrating the Winter Solstice at the
home of Ruth Cox of the Sous Bois Forest
Community (a special little project down in the
Haute Vienne – look them up on Facebook!), that
the idea of paying it forward and making a small
collection of unwanted clothes to give to a
homeless charity in Limoges was conceived,
especially as we knew that a 29 year old man in
Lyon had already died of hypothermia this year,
so the idea of a collection felt much needed!
brightly coloured gloves, hats and scarves (which
I secretly wanted to own myself). The Les Trois
Coins Ladies Social Group (Chabanais) drove 2 car
loads of donations directly to Limoges, Sarah Berry
offered her shop in La Croisille sur Briance as a
drop off point, as did the English Library in La
Souterraine. There was a collective feeling of
empowerment, and donations from the ex-pat
community came in thick and fast.
I made my own delivery (with my 9 month old
son!) on one of the first days of minus
temperatures, my car was full to the brim with
rucksacks and donations, and the Volunteer
workers were genuinely blown away by the
amount and quality of items provided. I felt a bit
like Santa – ‘Doing your bit’ certainly gives you a
warm after-glow!
On the way home my car decided to break down
on the A20 and, ironically, not a wool blanket left
in my vehicle! I was soon picked up by the
Gendarmerie tow-truck, but those 40 minutes in
We decided to use the template of the UK my cold car with minus temperatures outside
Rucksack Project to help run the collection, this made me realise how very hard it must be trying
was a concept started by Matthew White in to survive the cold winters on the streets.
Bristol. The idea is deceptively simple:- You
So my final reflection is that paying it forward
promote the event via social media, encourage
shouldn't be something we do once a year, we
people to get a rucksack and fill it full of useful
should always lend a hand to people who need it.
items, such as warm fleeces, gloves, hats, a flask,
Homelessness is a fact, living on the streets is a
clean underwear, a sleeping bag...whatever you
grim reality for some, and it is easier then you
think someone may need out there on the cold
think to end up this way. Life is tough and
streets.....then you give to someone in need!
sometimes you become down on your luck, when
So, the next day I innocently popped a post on this happens, you hope for some little human
Facebook about a collection for the Les Autres gesture of help, it can make a huge difference.
Association, a charity which supports the homeless
people of Limoges throughout the winter months
by patrolling the central part of the city every
Friday between October and May, and gathering
every Friday between 7 – 8pm on the Place de la
Republic to offer donated items.
Thank you again to all who donated, and to
everyone for achieving such smooth logistical self
organisation. If you would like more information
on the project or get some ideas about items to
donate then look at:
Remember, Les Autres: Meet every Friday 7 – 8pm
at Place De La Republic in Limoges Centre – so, if
you should find yourself in the area please take
along something to donate: a fleece, a pair of
socks, some good boots or even a tin of dog food
- all will be warmly received.
The response was immense and immediate! The
Crafters on CIFT (Crafters in France Together)
agreed to make the project their New Year
Charitable Cause and members speedily knitted
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If getting the best out of your wood burning
stove is still a bit of a mystery, then a stove pipe
thermometer can be an essential. If the stove
isn't hot enough, then there is a risk of creosote
and tar building up. If it burns too hot, then you
use more fuel than you need to. Burning in the
right temperature range gives the best fuel
economy and can prolong the life of your stove.
They attach instantly with a built in magnet, or
can be fixed with the screw provided.
Current price 14€ from Duncan Barber (ad on
page 8). Duncan can be contacted on:
[email protected]
This harness is fantastic. I have a Labrador
puppy - she used to pull heavily on the lead
causing me stress and back pain. Frankly, it got
to the point where I dreaded ‘walkies’.
I tried every just about every harness and
training technique in the book but to no avail,
then a dog trainer recommended the Gencon.
It is not cheap at £18.99 - I bought mine from
Amazon UK but advise you to shop around. The
Gencon is a washable, combined lead/collar
which controls the dog’s movement via the
nose (as with a horse).
One size fits all, and because you fit the harness
into place in a figure 8 shape, there are no
buckles. The Gencon does not ride up into the
eyes nor does it inhibit the dog from eating and
sniffing. Once the harness is place and the dog
has started walking it is just pure delight.
Only gentle control is needed, I walk my dog
now with one
finger on the
lead, and walks
are now a
pleasure for
both human
Paul Goldsmith
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Beech, ready to burn. Supplied in tidy, 35L sacks which stack well and
contain approx 20kg of firewood.
€5 a sack. All orders considered, large or small,
collect or delivered (delivery charge negotiable).
Ideal where cutting or storing wood is difficult,
perfect for gites, occasional use, or just to
save time and effort! Also suitable for pizza
ovens, bread ovens and barbecues.
Tel: 0674 664 526
Email: [email protected]
Sirets: 795 207 067 00013 & 802 189 217 00010
Individual/Group lessons, all levels SKYPE lessons via the
INTERNET also available
Lessons in La Souterraine and
Dun-Le-Palestel (23)
OTHER SERVICES: Accompanying and
interpreting (house purchase, arranging
new utilities, car registration, healthcare,
liaison with French administration etc…).
Sophie Arsac - 05 55 89 15 74
[email protected]
I am always looking for new students in
the English Library in La Souterraine!
SIRET 502 409 212 00011
Contact us by phone: 05 53 62 93 79 or 06 35 90 85 21
All creatures great and small
The local Creuse SPA
(based at 21 Clocher 23000
St Sulpice le Guérétois, near Gueret)
is looking for special people to
adopt two very special dogs
We all have preconceived ideas about the things
we don’t know. The SPA at Gueret homes about
70 dogs at a time. They are well cared for and
loved by staff and volunteers. Each dog is walked
each day and their enclosures are kept as clean
and comfortable as possible. In the evenings
when the SPA is closed, many of them are let out
and they can run around and play together in the
Caramelle is cross- sheepdog born in 2006. Passed grassy area inside the compound. In a nutshell, it
by many times so, we really do need to find a is probably a much better place than you imagine,
happy family for Caramelle.
and in a lot of cases, a much better life for the
Caramelle is calm, sweet, independent, intelligent dogs than they had before.
and obedient and she adores playing with a ball! if you are interested in helping the refuge, there
She doesn’t really get on with other dogs (but as are lots of things you can do. The volunteers are
she is getting older she might begin to be a little obviously mainly French, but some speak English
more tolerant - to be confirmed). At the SPA she and we now have three English volunteers who
gets along with another dog called Romain as both visit regularly, two who are walking dogs, and the
are freed at the same time at evenings! Just a other, spending time with nervous dogs needing
thought here – maybe someone would consider help with restoring their confidence in humanoffering a home to Caramelle and her SPA best kind.
Bristol is an Anglo dog, born in 2008. Found
running loose some years ago, he has been waiting
for his new family at the center for, what seems,
ages! No one seems to look at him……….. the poor
boy doesn’t attract much interest, which is such a
shame as Bristol is a very affectionate, lovely,
funny dog – he is dynamic and friendly and loves buddy?
to play. A comedian of a dog, who simply wants to If you would like to meet either of these dogs (or
be your best friend and playmate for life.
any others) with a view to adoption please contact
We think he used to be a hunting dog so Bristol the SPA de Creuse: [email protected] (you
would need a home with a well-fenced garden, but can email in English if you prefer) or why not go
he walks very well on the lead and adores walks. along and meet Bristol and Caramelle at our
centre: 21 Clocher 23000 ST Sulpice le Guérétois
Can help find Benjy a new home? Benjy is a blind dog and looking for a
forever home, he’s had a tough start - he was found tied up to a lampost in
Limoges. Benjy is chipped, vaccinated and castrated. Sadly he has damage to
his brain which has taken his sight but also stopped him developing and so he
will remain around 9 months old in his head for the rest of life.
If you’d like to know more about Benjy please email us at Creuse News
([email protected]) and we can put you in touch with his foster carer.
● Fosse septique installation with all necessary certification
● Mini digger hire with experienced operator
● All aspects of landscaping
● Wasteland turned into billiard-table lawns
● Driveways, patios and decking
● Dry stone walling
● Stone-facing
Please visit my website:
to see lots of testimonials
and examples of my work.
Email: [email protected]
To become a volunteer you will need a copy of
your Responsibilité Civile from your insurer, passport and pay a 15€ registration/annual fee.
The refuge is open every afternoon from 2pm to
5pm. Pop in and have a chat, or email:
[email protected] (in English or French)
Here are some quotes from our volunteers:
Iris – ‘I've been meaning to adopt a dog for some
time now having grown up with them. However,
my husband is reluctant to commit and therefore
I decided to volunteer for dog walking in the
nearest Rescue Centre. I have fallen in love with
most of the dogs I walk and a lot have already
been adopted.’
Heather – ‘I have found it extremely rewarding to
walk the dogs, and find the more I go the more I
enjoy it and bond with them. I actually miss it on
the occasions when I can't go.’
You can join Iris and Heather at the refuge and as
part of our network of volunteers around France
– and on Facebook at LAARF –
SPA Volunteer Network.
Please do consider offering your services – any
spare time you have will be so appreciated and
will make SUCH a difference to an SPA dog’s life.
A one hour show by a member of the
Young Magicians Club - full of close
up magic, sleight of hand, mindreading,
mentalism and psychology.
In English or French.
05 55 67 52 21
Email: [email protected]
Contact us by phone: 05 53 62
93 79
[email protected]
or 06 35 90 85 21
The Cook Nook
Jayne Taplin is a professional caterer living the Vendée - throughout the summer months she takes to the
road in her mobile catering van, providing delicious fare for parties, weddings, and other events.
Winter Warmers-comfort food to keep those chills away
When the rain is pouring or the wind is
blowing, when you return home chilled
through to the bones, there is nothing better
than something warm and comforting to
tuck into. And above all it is like having a
“cwtch” from the ones you love. For those
not Welsh, that’s like an affectionate hug.
Simmer for a further 10 minutes, taste and
season if necessary with salt, pepper and extra
chilli ….. then serve with an optional crunchy
topping of ….. bread crumbs, garlic, chilli, lemon
zest and parsley. Fry gently in a pan for 10 mins,
don’t let it burn, then store for up to 2 weeks in
the fridge. A great topping for pasta too!
Toad in the Hole
Manchas Matelas
(aka Tablecloth Stainer)
Bacon, Sausage
& Chestnut Soup
A warming and tasty soup, invented after scouring
the fridge and larder, when snow had fallen and
we were unable to get out of the village.
(Serves 4)
2 thick slices of smoked bacon (poitrine fumée)
cut into 1cm strips
1 large Toulouse sausage, skinned and formed
into small balls
1 medium onion, diced
2 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced
1 tbsp tomato purée
1 litre of vegetable stock
A few sprigs of fresh thyme
1 stick of celery, diced
200g vacuum packed chestnuts, roughly
1 tsp sweet paprika
Gently fry off the lardons for a few minutes, then
add the sausage balls until both are lightly
browned. Remove to a dish.
This is a dish that comes from Mexico, full of the
warmth and colours guaranteed to cheer anyone up
on a rainy day. It gets its name from the paprika
and tomatoes, and is rightly deserved.
(Serves 4)
8 sausages
1 large onion, thickly
Oil for frying
Batter Mix:
5 eggs
Plain Flour
Milk & Water
Salt & Vinegar
(Serves 4)
250g pork (shoulder if poss) cut into large cubes
2 chicken Legs
6 inch piece of chorizo (doux or fort) in a large dice
2 onions, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 red pepper, cubed
large tin (450g approx.) chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 litre chicken or veg stock
1 bay leaf
1 tbsp sweet paprika
1 tsp chili powder
Heat your oven to 200C / 400F / Gas Mark 6. In a
1 tsp smoked paprika (optional)
roasting tin, put in the sausages and onions and
1 apple, cubed
cook until just golden.
1 tsp oil, plus salt and pepper
Meanwhile make the batter by putting 5 eggs
into a cup. Empty into a bowl, followed by the
Heat the oil in a large pan and cook the chorizo
same measures of plain flour and a 50/50 mix of
to release the colour, oils and flavours. Then add
milk and water, 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp vinegar. Mix
onion, garlic and peppers until just cooked
before adding the pork pieces. Cook until meat is
When your sausages are ready pour the batter
sealed and lightly browned.
into the sizzling hot roasting tin and back into
Meanwhile roast or sautée the chicken legs ‘til
the oven for approx 45 minutes. When the
just cooked.
batter has risen and is golden brown, remove
and serve immediately.
Add tomato puree and the paprika to the pork
and cook for a few minutes, stirring so it does
Plate up with some creamy mash and your
not catch. Then add a bay leaf, chilli powder,
favourite veg, smothered in a rich onion gravy.
tinned tomatoes and stock.
Sautée the onions, thyme and celery until cooked,
adding the tomato puree and paprika for the final
minute, stirring and careful not to burn.
Add the stock and sliced potato. Simmer until the
potatoes just start to break up a bit, then pop in Simmer uncovered for 10 minutes.
the bacon, chestnuts and sausage balls to heat Add the chicken, removed from bone and into
through. Test for seasoning and serve, garnished large dice plus the apple pieces.
with some garlicky croutons and a touch of chilli.
No-one seems to know where the origin of the
name comes from but the most plausible was that it
resembled a couple of toads peering out of a gutter!
I have to say, it was fun explaining to my French
friend how to make ‘crapaud dans le trou’, which
is now a firm family favourite in her house, along
with English mustard.
From Creuse News xx
Contact us by phone: 05 53 62 93 79 or 06 35 90 85 21
Chocolate ‘n’ Orange
It’s time for a little indulgence. Deeply rich
with dark chocolate and a tart yet sweet sauce,
guaranteed to make you purrrrrrrr…
(Serves 8)
For the puddings:150 grams plain flour
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 teaspoon baking powder
100 grams caster sugar
1 tablespoon black treacle
150 ml sunflower oil
½ tsp salt
150 ml milk
2 eggs
2 clementines
Lamb and Barley Stew with suet-free dumplings
Nothing beats a warming winter stew, when the wind is howling outside the closed shutters.
I often cook this and similar dishes on top of my wood burner, simmering away and filling the room
with wonderful aromas.
(Serves 6)
600g or more of lamb neck or breast, any cheap
1 onion, a stick of celery, 2 carrots roughly
chopped, two bay leaves and about 10 black
I like to cook my lamb the day before so pop all
the above into a large casserole, cover with
water and simmer until the meat is cooked.
Allow to cool in the stock, ensuring the contents
are still covered by liquid. The next day remove
the layer of fat from the pot and drain off the
stock into a large stove top casserole. Pick the
meat from the bones, putting to the side, and
discard the rest.
To continue:2 sticks of celery, chopped into chunks
3 carrots, medium, chopped into 1 inch discs
1 large leek, sliced into 1 inch discs
100g of pearl barley
4 large potatoes, chopped into large chunks
1 litre of vegetable or lamb stock
Bring the reserved stock, from the lamb, to a
boil. Add the celery and the carrots and reduce
to a simmer for 10 minutes. Put the leeks and
barley into the pot for a further 10 minutes.
Then add the extra stock and the potatoes.
Simmer until the potatoes are just cooked, and
the stock has thickened a little. Test for
seasoning. Add some boiling water to make
sure there is enough liquid and gently stir the
lamb back into the stew and bring it up to the
Then add the suet free dumplings.
180g of flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 60g of
butter (chilled and grated), seasoning and two
handfuls of fresh breadcrumbs. Mix with a
knife, adding a little milk, until just combined
(not too wet) Make into balls and pop on stew
, replacing the lid, for approximately 20
minutes, on a gentle boil. When they have
swollen, remove the lid and put in a preheated
oven (about 200C / 400F / Gas Mark 6) for a
further 10-20 minutes, until golden and the
stew is thick and unctuous.
Put all the ingredients in a bowl, mixing until
combined. Don't worry if the mix seems very
wet. Peel and thickly slice a couple of
clementines (or similar) Butter and flour 8
molds or a muffin tin, placing a slice of fruit
on the bottom and then pouring in the cake
batter. Don't overfill your tins, about 2 thirds
is best, then pop in an oven of 160 degrees
for about 12-15 mins, until firm to the touch.
Remove and allow to cool a little, then turn
out. While the cakes are cooking, make your
75g caster sugar
50ml orange liqueur
100ml orange juice
50g butter
50ml crème entiere
For the sauce, heat a heavy based pan until
hot. Add the caster sugar and gently heat
until it has melted and formed a light goldenbrown caramel. Do not stir!
Add the orange liqueur and flambé by
carefully tipping the pan towards the flame
or lighting with cooks’ matches. Add the
orange juice and cook for 2-3 minutes, or
until it all comes together into a thin sauce.
(Don’t worry, if it at first, it resembles a large
boiled sweet in juice, it will gradually
Add the butter and cream but do not boil.
Swirl to mix and thicken. Remove from the
heat. Either serve your pudding immediately,
or cool and re-heat later, drizzled with a little
extra crème entiere.
Website: Facebook: Email: [email protected]
FUN & GAMES The Carnival in La Souterraine
musicians... and with the same energy and ‘joie
de vivre’. If you fancy joining in please contact me,
or just turn up on the day to join in the fun.
Contact me via email to: [email protected]
or by phone on: 0555 631068
Buy a reputable make and ensure the trademark
conforms. If you have a second home, a gite or
simply hate climbing up ladders to change
batteries then look for a recommended model that
lasts for ten years with no battery changes
by Ruth Kowalczyk, with photographS by
William Mathou (copyright holder)
Last year, for the first time in many years, La
Souterraine brought back the annual carnival. The
streets were alive with people - many of them local
children and their parents and many in costume –
and there was huge excitement. The carnival
procession started from the shopping area of Rue
Henri Pluyaud (near Aldi, Pomme Banane & the
Joue Club). Here there was free face-painting
available to all, a prize draw with the winning
‘feves’ hidden in doughnuts as well as food and
drink available. The procession made its way
across the railway bridge and up through the
centre of town ending at Place de Filderstadt,
where Mr. Carnival was set alight. In the square
there were other games for the children and food
and drink available.
In France there are 250,000 fire claims per year,
Back in October we ran a full article explaining and a house fire can get out of control in under 2
that, under the Loi 2010-238 (Loi Morange), smoke minutes!
alarms were to become mandatory in all private So, make sure you are
habitations from 8th March 2015. With that date equipped with the right alarms!
fast approaching we thought it apt to re-run a
shortened version of the article.
(The full feature can be read by going to our
website, clicking the tab
The organisers want, once again, to create a
marked ‘Back Issues’, then clicking on the
moment in which families get together and have
magazine entitled, ‘British Week Comes to
fun. They are hoping for sunshine, like last year,
Bourganeuf’ and scrolling down to Page 4.
and that it will be a great experience for everyone.
This year’s Carnival takes place on Sunday 8�� Each home should have at least one smoke alarm
March (the first Sunday in March, as last year). per level, and alarms must conform to approved
Face painting starts at the Play Club from 9am and standards and carry the mark: EN 14604 or NF
the Procession will begin at 2pm. Hopefully it will DAAF 292. Check with your insurance company
be bigger and better than last year, with the about their requirements for proof of installation
– most devices include a certificate within the
addition of majorettes, dancers, actors,
packaging when purchased. It is always the duty
of the house owner to supply and fit the smoke
alarm(s), even in long-term rental properties.
A new association will be formed from March 15th
for those in and around the Chambon-sur- Voueize
area. The idea is that all artists and artisans will
take it in turn to act as hosts to promote the work
of fellow association members.
This will involve offering a corner of your atelier
or shop, from time to time, to display (and sell)
the work of other members, and benefitting from
If you already have smoke alarms fitted in your the same opportunities yourself.
house, please check that they conform to the new A very good idea! Contact needs to be made in
standard, and consult your insurance company to French and details can be found on the website:
ask what proof they need, especially if you have (the website is currently
lost the original paperwork.
under construction but does contain all the
contact information needed)
Yohann Larousse
Financial consultant
& Legal document help
Are you paying too much
for your insurances?
Do you need help with professional
bodies and forms?
CAA is here to assist you with all your
financial, legal personal needs.
For friendly, independent advice, please
contact us.
CAA, PeP’s 23, ZI du Cheix,
23000 la Souterraine
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 05 55 89 87 73 Mob: 07 81 89 49 84
SAS CAA-804 799 906 RCS Guéret
Contact us by phone: 05 53 62 93 79 or 06 35 90 85 21
Regular reader, Iris Schiemann, has generously
offered to share her wonderful pictures of her cat
with Creuse News. Minion’s Adventures will be a
monthly feature from now on – picture and
caption, we hope the pictures will bring a smile to
your face !
Is an additional deposit charged which is fully
refundable providing the item is returned in
clean and undamaged condition)
High Chairs, Push Chairs, Travel Cots, Car Seats
(baby and child options)
Cot Mattresses and Cot Bedding
Changing mats and many other small items
As regular readers will know for many years Jean
Whitham hired out baby equipment and donated
the proceeds to the SPA Dog Rescue Centre at
Gueret. This provided a very useful service to
people in the Creuse, and also raised significant
Iris was out walking one morning in September
amounts for the charity.
2013 when she came across Minion, a tiny kitten,
sitting alone surrounded by the bodies of his dead When Jean ‘retired’ from the service at the end of Stair gates, Fire guards, Flat-folding high chairs
mother and siblings. Of course, Iris scooped him last year, Vanessa volunteered to take over Any other baby equipment items which are in
good condition and may be useful!
up and took him home and Minion has led a because the SPA charity is dear to her heart.
charmed and wonderful life ever since.
The Baby Equipment Hire Service is ideal for Vanessa sends this message to all CN readers:
anyone with small children or grandchildren ‘I look forward to meeting both old and new
coming to stay, but may also suit gite owners who ‘hirees’ of baby equipment, and thank Jean for all
have ad hoc guests with special baby equipment her help and advice during the changeover period.
requirements, or second home owners who have I only hope I can do as well as she did for the SPA
tiny visitors from time to time. Vanessa lives in the by way of fund raising!’
Bourganeuf area, but collection points can be
Please contact Vanessa by email:
arranged if not too far.
[email protected] or phone: 05 55 64 32 08 if
you would like to hire equipment or if you have
(Fees start from as little as 10€ per week. There an item to donate.
Minion has grown up into a handsome chap, with
a playful personality and a huge sense of humour,
he loves to play Hide ‘n Seek (Iris being the ‘hidee’)
and when he finds her he stands on his back legs
to make himself awesomely frightening (not!). He
is a climbing cat who likes to risk his lives exploring
Property Maintenance
every tree, roof and outbuilding in the local
hamlet, and who spent his very first Christmas IN
Fully qualified and Insured
the Christmas Tree! Minion is Iris’s companion,
Garden Services
constant source of amusement and the
Repairs and Installations
No job too small - reasonable prices
‘supervisor’ of the poultry and also of the feral
No job Too Small
Gite / Holiday Home - Caretaking cats who live in Iris’s barn. Minion has his own
Competitive Pricing
Facebook page, and has fans throughout the
Key Holding - Cleaning
world – so we hope CN readers will enjoy!
Realistic Time Scales
15 years’ Kitchen and Bathroom
Installation experience in UK.
References Available
Contact Tony 0555 675774 /
[email protected]
Contact Iain Ewer
Tel: 05 87 54 00 00
Email: [email protected]
Siret No 79154197200018
Siret: 539 371 005 00015
Over 25 years experience in graphic design
Logos, Business Cards, Flyers, Leaflets, Brochures ….
Email: [email protected]
06 06 48 50 31
Siret: 511 88 22 27 00 016
Website: Facebook: Email: [email protected]
What’s On?
Events in The Creuse
15th February –
31st March 2015
If you have an event coming up in your locality between 15th March- 30�� April 2015 & would like it
listed in the next edition please email: [email protected]. Deadline for submissions is 27�� of February.
One listing per business UNLESS you are one of our paying advertisers. Creuse News reserve the right to refuse a listing without explanation.
15 February – 3 March:
The Ahun Tourist Office offers a fascinating &
educational exhibition on the subject of ants.
Admission free. Open 9.30-12h/14h – 18h Mon –
Sat. More info by email to: [email protected]
or phone: 0555 62 55 93
15 Feb – 20 Dec:
A.Guillaumin Art Exhibition hosted at Hotel Lepinat
throughout 2015. Guillaumin played an important
role in the ‘Impressionist Revolution’ and was one of
the major participants in forming the Crozant School
of Art. Various opening times. Check this website for
15 February:
Comic French musical performed by local theatre
club. Go along and enjoy, ‘Les Zinzins de St Priest
La Plaine’ from 14h-18h in the Salle Polyvalente,
St Priest La Plaine (23240). Info on: 0555 61 96 33.
17 February:
Open every Tuesday throughout 2015 between
10.30H – 11.30H. Visit this tapestry workshop and
watch master artesans share their weaving secretes
and expertise. Tours start 10.30H from the Felletin
Tourist Office, Place Quinault, Felletin (23500) More
18 February:
Meet new friends at this regular venue (3��
Wednesday of every month) by popping along from
2pm to The Colimacon Tea Rooms in Benevent
l’abbaye. See our feature ‘Making Contact’ on page
19 for full details.
18 February:
Guided visits through the old town of Boussac
discovering historical buildings and hidden corners.
2€ per person. Tours take place 1430H-15.30H
every Wednesday. Reserve at Boussac Tourist
Office. for contact info.
22 February:
Tea Dance with live music by Gege Musette from
14.30h – 19.30h in the Salle des Fetes at Lavaveix
les Mines (23150). For more info phone:
0555 80 05 52
22 February:
Informal but educational 2 hr Wine & Food Tasting
session in JJ’s Cafe Bar, 39 Place du Champs de
Foire, Aigurande from 3pm. Free entry. You will
taste 4cl of 5 different wines, so everyone can
legally drive afterwards. Pre-book by phoning
Severine on: 0659 61 73 64 or emailing (English or
French) to: [email protected]
25 February:
Learn the art of limestone engraving under expert
guidance. Suitable for all the family (min age 5
years). Course held at the Atelier Famille,
Franseches (23480) between
14h and 17.30h. For more info email:
[email protected] or phone Nicole
Desgranges on 0555 66 98 88.
28 February:
Delightful evening of dance and food. Traditional
danses du Berry are followed by a buffet then
dancing to live music. 15h – 23.30h at the Salle
Apollo, rte d’aigurande, Dun le Palestel (23800).
For info and reservations phone: 06 78 78 19 80
1 March:
Musical concert with “Audrey et les Faces B”
featuring rhythm and blues and a swing repertoire.
Price 8€ and under 12’s go free. You can pre-order a
24€ meal. Reservations necessary via: 05 55 64 52
22. Place de la Mayade, Royere de Vassiviere
(23460). Info from:
3 March:
Craft with Jean Colbear near Bazalet. Jean has an
impressive craft pedigree, having been a bead-work
teacher for the Hobbycraft chain, and also a
20 February:
professional craft demonstrator. As well as bead
Please support this Lotto fundraiser organised by
working Jean teaches crochet, knitting, cross-stitch
the fifth formers of Jean Picart Le Doux College.
and porcelain painting during her mixed craft
Starts at 20h in the Salle Polyvalente de Bourganeuf.
classes. Venue for these regular ‘mixed-craft’
Drinks and food available.
classes is L'Age Pouret, 23160 Bazelat. For more
21 February:
information phone: 0555 63 60 81 or email:
Theatrical performance entitled, ‘When My Parents [email protected]
Were My Age’ performed by the young students of
4 March:
l’ecole Jean d’Arc. Curtain up at 20h at La Maison
The Salle Apollo in Dun Le Palestel (23800) presents
des Jeunes, rue Leo Lagrange, Evaux les Bains
two cinematic offerings today: Paddington at 15h
(23110). Info: [email protected]
(VF) and The Hobbit-Battle of the Five Armies
21 February:
2030H (VF) Route de Aigurande.
Fondue-frites evening with live entertainment by
Info: 05 55 39 14 90.
Chris Cortes. Starts 19h in the Salle des Fetes,
7 March:
St Quentin La Chabanne (23500). Reserve via phone:
One day Reiki Level 1 workshop 11-5pm (€120).
06 14 09 98 16 or email: [email protected].
You will learn the basics of reiki healing (a natural
21 February:
energy therapy that promotes holistic balance and
La Celle Dunoise Village Carnival starts at 16h. Join
healing). You will receive a certificate & manual.
in the procession, fun and games in this particularly Refreshments provided. Royere de Vassiviere
pretty location. More info from: 0555 89 22 61
(23460). For info and booking email:
[email protected] or phone: 05 55 64 41 05
22 February:
Exhibition of hobbyist collections at the Salle
Polyvalente (9h – 18h), Bosmoreau les Mines
(23400). Phone: 06 72 24 81 97 for info.
8 March:
‘Sing from the Heart’ One day group singing
workshop 14h – 16.30 (€20). You will learn good
vocal technique & cover a popular music repertoire.
All abilities welcome. Royere de Vassiviere (23460).
For more information and booking email:
[email protected] or phone:0555 644105
8 March:
La Souterraine Carnival – A full day of family fun
starting at The Play Club at 9am with face painting.
The procession starts at 2pm and goes from the rue
Henri Pluyaud. Please see our feature on pageX for
more details and contact information.
8 March:
Go along and watch the qualifying rounds of the
France Pony Club Show Jumping Competition.
Drinks and snacks available on site. 0900-1700H.
At the Centre Equistre, 2 rue Pierre Noel Carriere,
Felletin (23500) More info:
9 March:
Theatrical performances of The Little Match Girl
(“allumette”) at 10H and 1430H. Centre Culturel
Yves Furet, La Souteraine (23300) 0555 631006
11 March & 25�� March: The Biblioteque Municipale
celebrates St Patrick’s Day with an exhibition of
Celtic art by Le P’tit Atelier du Mecredi. 16H-1730H
5 rue Rousseau, Auzances (23700)
12 March:
Emmanuel Darley invites you to his Elvis Presley
tribute concert. 2030H-2230H at La Fabrique Espace
Fayolle, 6 Avenue Fayolle, Gueret (23000) Info:
13 March:
Musical Concert organised by the twin town of St
Sulpice and Torreano takes place at the Salle
Polyvalente, 9 Place Lavandieres, St Sulpice Le
Gueretois (23000) Info: 05 55 52 44 89.
14 March:
Traditional Irish Band, La Belardiere, performs in
free concert at Les Trefles in Fresselines Phone: 06
84 13 17 94 for further info (English).
14 March – 26 April:
Amateur French theatrical association, Les 3 Coups,
offer a three hour programme of songs, poems,
dance and sketches + a short play every Friday and
Saturday (20.30h) & Sundays (14.30h) for just 6€p/p
(4€ for children 8 – 12). Great value entertainment
at the Salle Espace Sports & Loisirs, Grand Bourg
(23240). More info: 0555 80 47 29
14 March:
Roll back the years to the 1980s and dance the
night away from 1930H at the Salle Polyvalente, St
Marc á Loubaud (23460). Price 18€ per adult. 9€
Child. Reserve your place on: 05 55 66 09 18.
14 March:
Participate in a friendly atmosphere and enjoy
fondu Creusois style 12-14h. At La Bergerie
Restaurant, 18 rue des Pradelles, La Celle Dunoise
(23800) Reservations: 05 55 89 67 16
Contact us by phone: 05 53 62 93 79 or 06 35 90 85 21
15 March:
13km nature hike starting 13.45h from Neoux
(23200). Phone 0555 83 88 45 for info.
15 March:
Sénéchal Cinema present the Mozart opera
“Don Giovanni” in two acts. 1730H-2045H.
Rue de Sénéchal, Gueret (23000)
16 March:
Spectacle de Danse live performance by the Nathelie
Pernette modern dance company. Performance
starts 19.30h at the Theatre Jean Lurcat, Aubusson
(23200). Info:
Renovating your
French Property?
New Build?
18 March:
Meet and chat with new friends at this regular
venue (3�� Wednesday of every month. Pop along
from 2pm to The Colimacon Tea Rooms in Benevent
l’abbaye. Everyone welcome. See our feature
‘Making Contact’ on page X for full details.
Dossiers prepared
Permis de construire
Declarations prealables
21 March:
Carnival style evening with karaoke, costumes,
music, dancing and a raffl. Free entry. Meals
available 11€ adults/children €5. 1930H-23-30H at
the Salles des Fetes, St Etienne de Fursac (23290).
More info: 05 55 63 45 15
21 March:
Spring Ball at The Salle des Fetes Crocq (232600)
Email for more info: [email protected]
21 March:
Accoustic Music Club @ JJ’s Cafe Bar in Aigurande
(36140). Free entry. Come along to play and sing,
or visit to listen & support live music. Meet our
lovely Creuse Muse in person!! Music Club is a
regular feature in this bar. Beef Rendeng meal
served 19.30h – pre-order by 20�� please. Info:
02 54 06 30 77 /email: [email protected].
21 March:
Bourganeuf Carnival with a gourmandaise theme.
Face painting, circus acts, live music and a carnival
procession. Starts 1330H from La Place du Champ
de Foire, Bourganeuf (23400)
21 March:
Free outdoor choral concert featuring the choir,
“Diapason de Montaigut en Combrailles” takes
place at 20H, Espace Tibord du Chalard, rue des
Fossés, Felletin (23500)
Contact Peter Latus
Tel/Fax 05 53 52 36 05
[email protected]
Siret 493 770 358 00015
Vous avez envie
d’améliorer votre anglais
commercial pour votre
travail? Voulez-vous
mieux parler anglais pour
enrichir vos expériences
ou pour aller en vacances?
Je vous propose une sélection de parcours ou vous pouvez apprendre depuis
chez vous, a votre rhythme, par internet avec les séances téléphoniques.
Choisissez de:
Parcours d’anglais commerical
Parcours d’anglais commercial avec les modules personnalisés
Parcours d’anglais suivant vos besoins
Reseignez-vous au
A bientôt!
21 March:
Live dance music and songs capturing the spirit
of Ireland performed by Irish Celtic. Fabulous
choreography and amazing dancing. 39€ per
person. Performances at 15H and 2030H.
More info:
24 March:
Theatrical performance of La Dame Aux Camélias.
2030H – 22H. At La Fabrique Espace Fayolle,
6 Avenue Fayolle, Gueret (23000) Info:
27 March:
André Manoukian and China Moses provide a
magical music evening with the songs of Cole
Porter, Sinatra, Peggy Lee and Etta James. 2030H.
Centre Culturel Yves Furet, La Souteraine (23300)
Info: 05 55 63 10 06
30 & 31 March:
Puppet Shows, with performances 10h andf 14.30h
on both days. Theatre de Marionnettes, Centre
Cultural Jean Lurcat, Aubusson (23200).
Info: 0555 83 09 09
Website: Facebook: Email: [email protected]
Able Plastering
and Painting
Plasterer with over 24 years’
Fast - Affordable - Available Everywhere
Rent or buy plus options for holiday home owners
Packages starting at €10.95 per month
Download speeds up to 22 Mbps
Choice of Tooway or SES Astra
DIY or professional installation
Access UK restricted sites such as BBC iPlayer
100% English speaking support
French Registered
All internal and external works covered
- Plastering (English and French
rendering, concreting
- Floor screeding, stud partitioning and
lime mortar pointing
Painting services also offered
Please call Steve
Plus FREE advice with no obligation.
05 55 62 12 39
SPS - working with expats since 2002 Email: [email protected]
TEL: 0033 567 07 02 04
able [email protected]
Siret: 527 906 614 00013
Siret: 753 084 284 00029
Your local nursery is open in Châtelus-Malvaleix!
53 rue de la Marche
Bare Rootstock Sale Feb 20-21-22
Over 8000 varieties of trees, shrubs, fruit trees, bog plants, bulbs, …
Landscaping architect. Atmosvert can guide you in the creation
of your personal garden concept from start to finish.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for any questions.
06 40 70 94 65 - 06 40 70 94 71 - 05 55 61 15 54
Email: [email protected]
Home Decoration &
Hand-made Gifts
We sell home interior decoration, locally hand-made gifts & chalk paint™ decorative
paint by Annie Sloan (ASCP). ASCP will help you restore & revive your furniture
without priming or sanding! Use on varnished, painted or bare wood & choose from
33 colours. We are trained by Annie to offer expert advice & workshops designed to
teach you to paint & mix colours with confidence. Please visit us as 19 pl. Charles de
Gaulle,87210, Le Dorat, we’d love to meet you to discuss your projects or contact
Jay at info@monchiccottage or 05 87 77 95 59,
Houses on Internet is a marketing
that allows private owners of French
property to sell their house without
using an estate agent. A method that
proven to be very successful.
How does it work?
1. We make a website for your property
in English, French and Dutch. The main
website is available in Russian too.
2. We connect that website to our main
site which gets over 130,000 visitors
from 40+ countries per month.
3. We advertise your property on
several international French-property
This way we reach 1.5 million people a
month worldwide.
What does it cost?
We ask a contribution to the advertising
cost up front and after the sale a fee of
2.5%, which is included in the selling
price. Houses on Internet operates
throughout France with a staff of 7
professionals and 89 local
photographers who visit our clients to
take photos and gather all information.
For more information, call us at
05 55 65 12 19
or visit our website
Plus Vite!
Moins Cher!
Contact us by phone: 05 53 62 93 79 or 06 35 90 85 21
Net News
Use Facebook as a conduit to encourage followers
to have a closer relationship with you and give
YOU control over your data, not just the social
media platform.
Micala Wilkins lives and works in France as
a Social Media Account Manager for a
number of clients in France and the UK and
provides social media training by Skype to
business owners who want to master social
If a regular newsletter is something you want to
start using, Mailchimp is highly recommended – It's easy to set up, easy to
use and provides you with all that you need to
produce a successful campaign. Even better is
that it is free if your database is 2000 or less.
Refrain from sending out news via Outlook, as this
platform does not comply with giving readers an
opt out option, whereas third party resources like
Mailchimp DO include an opt out/unsubscribe
Follow her on Twitter @MicalaWilkins and
Remember successful email marketing is based
Facebook at
on permission and trust.
The New Year provides a clean slate for
businesses. To take stock of what went well in
2014 and plan for what needs to be done for a
healthy 2015. So some business resolutions to
Well Facebook delivered its own New Year
resolution and that was to reduce even further the
exposure your posts get. In the last 18 months it
has gone from 16% to 2% and for some business
pages that will be even less. You might think it
could be pot luck. But FB is very clever and has
some clever algorithms that decide which posts
get seen by your fans. For example, if you post
content that is deemed to pushy or promotional
then your post has even less chance of being seen,
unless of course you pay for your post to be seen.
Which is the one of the main business goals for
Here are a few recommendations from readers :
This site aimed at adults who want to expand their
circle of friends or meet new people who enjoy
the same type of events (film, theatre, hiking,
eating out are just a few examples). At the
moment the site does not cover The Creuse but
does have a good membership in and around
Limoges for those of you in the West, and in
Montlucon for those in the East.
TSU is an online community, social media platform
– similar to Facebook but run by it’s members FOR
it’s members. As Facebook becomes more
intrusive, less private and more and more focussed
on advertising revenues.......… .maybe it is time to
change to something more intimate? I have just
What do you know about your fans? Other than joined this group myself and am very much finding
the fact that he/she likes your page? Not a lot. my way round so will report back!
Facebook knows a lot about your fan. They have
access to a whole lot more than you. That is FACEBOOK GROUP OF THE
because the data is owned by Facebook, and this
applies to all the other social media platforms that MONTH - ‘Returning to the Uk’
you may use.
By Sally Booth
Living the Dream in France has not always turned
out that way for some, and people return to the
UK for many reasons. For some people the Group
has become a lifeline as there are people who
have lost loved ones, cannot find work or have
financial troubles and are feeling quite emotional support is an integral
part of the group membership, and more often
than not there is a member available who can
offer advice and empathy.
We have produced various files explaining how to
re-register a vehicle, moving pets back,
recommendations for removal companies, lists of
websites for the selling of French property..... and
many more nuggets of useful information. There
are also members amongst us who can speak
fluent French and are more than happy to help
others to translate, write a letter or to make a
phone call for them.
Topics vary from day to day for instance one
which crops up a lot is the difficulty of selling a
property and the fact that the market in some
areas is not good............... but then at the other
end of the spectrum we have people who are
supporting each other to give up smoking!
If you would like to join our group our link
This is a Facebook group set up for families
(particularly mums) who want to buy, sell, swap
or give away and children's items from cloths, toys,
books, prams, car seats...anything that is mother
or child related and live in the Creuse.
Have a after Christmas clear out, Invite your
friends to join and feel free to post up any items
on the page. The more the merrier!
One of the smartest moves a business owner can
Three of us set up this Group (Katrina Roberts, Sue
make in 2015 is to create your own database, so
Williams and I) just four months ago, but we
that you have some control.
already have a membership of 124 people and
Here are a few benefits of sending out a regular continue to grow.
newsletter to your database
We set the group up because we realised there
were a lot of people on other, more general
- You an communicate when you want.
forums, asking questions about returning to live
- You can see how many people have opened
in UK, such as ‘What are the requirements for
your newsletter
taking pets back to Britain’ or ‘How do I de-register
- You can see what links they have clicked on
my vehicle in France and re-register it in the UK?’
- You can create opportunities for readers to
become paying customers
Hence, we decided there was a definite need for
- You can share your newsletters on social
a group where people planning or in the process
media platforms
of returning to the UK could get together and
By all means continue to use Facebook to post
good quality content.
At the same time regularly invite your fans to
sign up to your list.
share information, ideas and feelings.
We soon realised that “sharing feelings” was just
as important as the need for bureaucratic
Website: Facebook: Email: [email protected]
by Not Tom Good
As regular CN readers will know I am the placid
bloke who came to France to live the SelfSufficiency Dream in the style of John Seymour. I
like the odd pint, practical doingsies and don’t
mind getting my hands dirty. Unfortunately, my
wife (affectionately known as The Field Marshall)
is more of a Margot than a Barbara. I’ve told you
about our donkeys (Dec), the eggless poultry
(Nov), the dramatic ducks (Oct) and the goats
who thought they were human (Sept). Now I will
tell you about SHOPPING.
Does anyone else hate shopping? In particular,
food shopping? When I started my French
adventure I heartily hoped never to set foot in a
supermarket again. I thought we would be eating
home grown succulent meat, fresh-from-the-field
veg and baking our own bread. I also had designs
on The Field Marshall turning her hand to soap
making (she did it once and almost set the barn
afire), or making her own cheap cleaning products
(she is a bit OCD about cleaning and the bank
manager tends to complain). The ingredients for
the latter are still in a cupboard because The Field
Marshall says using vinegar to clean, ’Makes the
house smell like a ruddy Blackburn chippie,’ plus
she has a passion for buying expensive little sprays
and squishy things (the ones that go in the
washing machine), especially if they have exotic
names like, ‘Camomile and Coriander with extracts
of Cantaloupe’.
So.............basically, I am dragged out shopping
once per week. I hate it. I hate all the heaving,
lugging, packing, unpacking entailed, especially as
everything is done FOUR times!
Then it’s home, glorious home...... or not so
glorious. We live in a strangely multi-levelled
house - I think the architect was either a complete
sadist or some sort of keep fit maniac. So, all the
groceries have to be dragged from the car, hauled
up several sets of steps (whilst being accosted on
all sides by 5 dogs – my wife has never been able
to say no to a hard-luck dog story). And as I to and
fro, huffing and puffing, the dastardly dogs usually
manage to snatch a baguette, and a camembert
or two. They never steal the broken biscuits.
I can admit to enjoying the experience of
wandering vacantly around a store picking out
gorgeous cheeses and delicious wines. In fact,
some days, when the trolley is finally full I feel like
a caveman after a successful woolly mammoth
hunt...........but then the heaving begins – out of
the trolley and onto the conveyor belt (this is
assuming we have got that far – we are always the
couple in the long queue headed up by the person When it comes to unpacking TFM has a place for
who wants to pay in drachma small coinage or by everything, our kitchen is run on military lines - I
try to get away with speedily stashing stuff in
cheque (but with no ID).
random cupboards but always get collared and
Then there is the Conveyor Belt Race as Checkout
court marshalled. By time all is finished that’s four
Charlene jettisons your items down the chute like
hours of my life I’ll never get back.
an insane woman trying to smash the land-speed
I also super-hate those awful self-checkout
record for broken groceries.
machines (or whatever they are called), endemic
After wearily shoving everything back into the
in the UK, and fortunately still quite scarce here in
SAME trolley (including the shattered biscuits and
rural France. Am I the only person who watches a
the squashed bread) it’s off to the car to unpack
speck of dust fall from the ceiling only to have
the whole darned lot AGAIN. At this point The
some disembodied voice announce ‘Unscanned
Field Marshall gets bored and loiters to one side
item in the luggage bay.’ I mean, come on chaps,
examining her nail polish and muttering about
it’s one thing when the wife does a snip of nagging,
dire consequences for men who fail to put the
but quite another when a MACHINE picks up the
‘eggs on the top’ (remember, our own chickens
don’t lay eggs, they are over-fed couch potatoes.
Building Services
With well over 30 years' experience in the building
trade, Robert Hines is a fully-qualified and Frenchregistered artisan. He provides quality service to
clients across a broad spectrum of building works.
Roofing - New and Repairs
Masonry & Plastering
Dry Lining & Sand Blasting
and much, much more including
DIY or Full Scaffold
service available.
See our website or
phone for more details
05 55 89 69 46
[email protected]
Siret: 503 169 237 00016
no job too small
30 years experienced Joiner
Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms
Flooring & General 2nd Fix
& Finishing Joinery & Decking
Emergency Lock Services
05 55 64 35 11 (Home)
0787 385 888 (Mobile)
[email protected]
Contact us by phone: 05 53 62 93 79 or 06 35 90 85 21
Joint Pains
By Lesley King
At the time of writing it is a cold, grey, damp day.
Perfect for exacerbating the pain of arthritis, Ledum Palustre is a principle remedy for pains
rheumatism, and everything else ‘joint-ish’. caused by gout.
Homeopathy can be a godsend when pain is
involved as it can bring fast relief with no side
effects. Homeopathic remedies are chosen on the
basis of how symtoms are manifesting. We don’t
look at the diagnosis so much as the expression of
the problem
So, for example, if a patient presents with ‘
arthritis’, the name ‘arthritis’ is of little interest.
The homeopath will focus on what triggers the
symptoms, what brings comfort, and what
aggravates the condition. Homeopaths are
detectives, constantly narrowing things down until It’s a good remedy for
they can see a clear picture that points in the pains in small joints
such as fingers and
direction of the required remedy..
toes. But the remedy
Earlier this week my neighbour told me she was in that should be in
crisis with her joints. She explained that this everybody’s first aid
happens sometimes in the winter. She could kit is Arnica of course! It is second to none when
barely stand because of the inflammation in her it comes to helping the body self-heal wherever
feet and knees, which felt like someone was there is pain or physical trauma of any sort. After
stabbing her, then twisting the knife. She was an accident, a fall, broken bones, post-surgery or
taking the anti-inflammatories that her doctor had dentistry or anything similar Arnica should be your
prescribed but she wanted an alternative. After first choice.
asking her various questions I suggested Rhus Tox.
She stopped the anti-inflammatories and took a Homeopathic pharmacies provide 1st aid kits
few regular doses of Rhus that afternoon and containing the most needed remedies. Helios’s kits
evening. The next morning she woke with no pain ( come with a booklet enclosed
that helps you choose your remedy.
whatsoever and the pain has not returned.
Homeopathic remedies don’t cause side effects
and if the wrong choice is made there is no risk,
as the remedy simply does nothing. That makes it
a very safe option, and easy for people to try out.
The golden rules are
In the UK I ran many an informal one-day
workshop, teaching people about 1st aid
remedies. If you would be interested in attending
a workshop please contact me (contact details at
top of page).
● Suck remedies in a ‘clean’ mouth ie: at least
10-15 minutes away from taking any food
or drink etc.
● Take a few doses at regular intervals and if
the remedy doesn’t help within a day or
two (depending on the problem of course)
then look for a different remedy.
● Take a remedy for as long as it is benefitting
you and stop when your symptoms stop
● Store your remedy bottles a good metre
away from anything electromagnetic.
Keeping them in a cake tin is a good idea.
The principle indication for choosing Rhus Tox is
that joints feel stiff, are worse on waking or worse
for keeping still, and loosen up with continued
movement. Cold and damp often bring on Rhustype symptoms.
Bryonia is another excellent joint remedy. The
indications here are that joints feel much worse
for motion, much better for rest and may feel
better for pressure. There may be red, hot
Feel free to pop along and make new friends in
an informal atmosphere in the delightful
Colmacon Tea Rooms (opposite abbey doors –
the entrance is down a short flight of steps).
Coming meetings are from 2pm on 18th Feb and
18th March. Men and women most welcome to
stop by for a chat, a cake and a cup of coffee. If
you are a craftworker feel free to take along your
current handiwork, but an interest in crafts is by
no means obligatory! We hope to be there
ourselves on one of these dates & you can
always pick up the latest copy of CN from
The Colimacon too.
For info email:[email protected]
Tree Surgery & General Garden & House
Maintenance including Lawns, Hedges etc.
All types of tree work undertaken, all types of
garden services from rotavating and planting to
pruning and maintaining. All types of hedges and
lawns, including mowing and strimming services.
Services offered also include creative gardening,
landscaping and design, including patios and decking
and any small garden building works
to make anything from beams to planks,
to firewood, on your own doorstep.
Free estimates, no job too big or too small.
Fully insured for all tree and garden
maintenance work, references available.
Nick - 05 55 62 19 70 / 07 86 02 56 09
Moutier Malcard, 23220
[email protected]
Siret 52350309200018
Lesley King LCH MCH lives in Masleon, 87130,
and is a trained & qualified homeopath and
herbalist, involved in natural health since
1974, working in both the NHS & private
practice. Lesley produces a range of natural
products (, and
also offers homeopathic consultations in
person or by Skype @ Contact Lesley on:
05 55 57 53 77
Legal information /information légales
Creuse News is published by /
Creuse News est publié par: A Petherick
Address / siège:
Lieu Dit Paradinas, 24800 Saint Paul La Roche
Siret: 511 88 22 27 00 016 ISSN: 2100 - 2630
Printed by / imprimé par: Saxoprint EURL, 23 rue
Augustin Fresnel, 37170 Chambray les Tours
The Creuse News is free / Le journal Creuse News est
disponible gratuitement. Dépôt légal à parution.
All articles © 2015 Amanda Petherick
unless otherwise stated.
The opinions expressed in various articles in Creuse News
are not necessarily those of the Creuse News team.
Website: Facebook: Email: [email protected]
TU 4pm
SA m N 0a
PE 1
AT H OM E. ..
Our Henley kitchen looks strikingly contemporary with cutout handles, Sheldrake dining and Salt painted walls
Create your own design ideas at French Lily Cuisines et Intérieurs SARL - by appointment
Vervaux, 23240 Saint Priest La Plaine, 05 55 80 92 91 | [email protected] |
Please note we will be closed for Christmas from 22nd December to 5th January 2015
Charente – Bungalow with glorious views
+ 4 acres - 150,000 euros. Private Sale
(no agency fees)
Moving House - assorted goods For Sale: woodburner, washer & dryer, refrigerator /freezer,
range oven - all new or less than two years old.
Plus best quality, small electric kitchen appliances,
power tools, treadmill/walker, 2 riding mowers,
2 trailers, horse box, sundry equestrian items and
garden equipment.
For further details and photos email:
[email protected] [english]
Detached 3 double-bedroomed bungalow in
pleasant village location just 5km from Bénévent
l’Abbaye. Well maintained and decorated
property with large lounge, fitted kitchen (with
built-in oven and hob), new shower room with
power shower, separate WC, new electric heating
throughout + log burner in lounge. Gorgeous
conservatory overlooking large, immaculate and
well stocked garden, plus range of useful
outbuildings including shed, workshop and log
store. Brilliant price for this ready-to-move-into
family home. Just arrive, and unpack! Owner
selling as must return to UK. For more information
(and more pictures if required) please email the
owner at: [email protected]
Four year old quality built detached bungalow set
in 2 acres of private garden (with useful
outbuildings). There is an additional 2 acre
paddock for horses/smallholding. Situated close
to the small village of Exideuil on the River Vienne,
the property comprises: 3 double bedrooms,
bathroom (corner bath & separate shower),
separate WC, large quality fitted kitchen, open
plan dining/living room (with wood burner), utility
room and garage.
The pleasant veranda, summer kitchen and a large
terrace offer the delights of outdoor living and
wonderful views courtesy of the bungalow’s
elevated position.
Nearby towns include Chabanais & Confolens both
with annual festivals, markets, shops,
supermarkets and restaurants. 40 mins from
Limoges airport. No work to do - just settle in and
Contact by email to: [email protected]
Let us take all the hassle out of all
those trips to the déchatterie for you
or save you time and trouble when
you are moving house.
We offer a full house/barn clearance
service (average cost for contents
of a 2 bedroomed house 440€)
If you have items of interest or of use
to us, then we may be able to offer you
a substantial reduction in fees !!
05 55 63 65 81
Email: [email protected]
Siret: 51112776300015
Contact us by phone: 05 53 62 93 79 or 06 35 90 85 21