Dress with lingerie clamp


Dress with lingerie clamp
April 15, 1958
Filed March- :so. 1954
United States
Vl’aizented Apn
l?idesignates attention of» a‘. conventional brassiere which
isarra-ngedeontiguous to the inner surface of~ the dress:
or other articlelof- clothing 10,, and.- the present. inventiondireetedt to’ a clip- or clamp which is indicated.» gen
erally» by-the- numeral‘ 16. ,
The;- clip; 16‘ ‘may be fabricated: of- any‘ suitable - bendable
material, such" as? wire,- and the bendable wirepis indi»v
Ruth Shapiro anashiney, B-Buber,‘ 'Mnnireerna
cated "by: the‘ numeral;13» in-Figure 2. I A suitable cover’
ing 2- of-rfabric or othersoft» material’, may be, arranged
AipplicationiMarc'h s0;l19s4-,.sens11nrmi¢19;e6a '
scams. (em-=14);
011211161. outside, of the‘wire 13;‘
Thefclipt-l?vis'. shaped to?include a pair. of- side- by side
legs-17;, each ofawhich have? their lower: end terminating
in1-a3curwed=se_ctionf '18Ythatt‘de?nesr an: apertured ear,‘- the
ag rture; or opening heinggindica'tedaby-v the numeral 19,
This; invention‘ relates. ‘to: a: clamp’ an clip‘; and more 15
Figures liandqt-
Thezclig‘l?-ris adapted, to bev secured-to‘the inner. sur
face oh theedress:inanyisuitableimanner as, for example-,1
by; means of,threadsz20,-I 21. and 22.3 The threads» 20;
particularly to-aiclarn'p for holding. an.-v anu'cleiof clothing;
such; as: a‘ brassiere, in. place:
The object of the invention is‘:to~.provideia=;ciamp:which:
may extend?-through-theiopeningsi 1'9: and"7 into engage=
is - adapted‘ to r be secured;v as 5hy~ sewing-‘,1 to ,v' the insidet'of '
atwomams dress Jwhereby; aibras'sierecwilhnot 'protrudeeo‘ut:~ 20 merit withlthe body’ portion 1L of the, dress- 10 while
theqthreadsaizli embrace, or. extend: around the legs- 17
abovetthe, dress;v
andi-intoaengagenientf with; the: dress; ‘It will be- noted?
that-tv the ears. 18;‘are arranged angular-1y withv respect
Another object; of "the: inventiomis ttriprovidera,~ clip or:
clampewhi'cli' -is;adapted‘ to bets'ewed or a?ixedatqitheiin-i
to>the~legs~t17i andt-thisiangular arrangement results fromv
side on at dress 1 at or} near ' the: neck? on breas'trlineso?thes
dress whereby the clip can be arranged in'feng‘agem'ent' 25 constructing-,thercliprout of a- singlepiece of‘ materiah
Extending;downwardly~ from; each. of the cars 18 is a
with the'topro’f a brassiere so that theédresssand brassiere
curvetlrportionr23p and'each oftthecurved portions 23,
willrcling'jtogethervso 'thanth‘e -:brassier'e:will mot accidental;
terminates in a curved ?nger 24. Each, ?nger. '24 is
lyipopa'out ab'ovei- theidress:
shaped to ‘include anopehing 25; and thethreadsZZ
A still i: further'objectrof ‘the invention; is: to; provides/as
clip which; is especially 4 adapted stowibe usedawith' strapless:v 30 extend: through thevop‘eningsvzsv and, into engagement
witlr the :dress for} maintainingthe clip~161 secured’to-the
andv‘thacklessdressesem anytypéaof: lowsbosdmedidressess
dress ors other; article. of-tclothing.‘
whereby a brassiere or other: arTtic1e;of*li-ng5erie2 willéjnot'
accidentally protrude above the breast or neck line of
A still further, vobjectiof'the inventionz is to provide a 35
lingeriepclamp which is comfortable to use oruwear, and
wherein th’e'jdevice can/be'madeef'any suitablemafter'ial,
such‘, as covered "or uncovered" resilient. wire, rp‘las'tict or
other resilient‘ material; "s‘olid'springvmetal whichjmalybe
ctivei'edgor‘un‘eovered; or" any ‘other springy substance. . .
A further object ‘of'th'e ‘invention "is to‘ provideta lingerie
clamp ‘or clip‘ which‘ isextrernely 'simpleand inexpensive
f " ‘
Extendingjrqgn. the/top of each>of».~the-legs:_1_7 isia‘
curvediweb 26; Figure, 4,-and each ofthe-websZdterrni-J
nates in' a1downwardly§ extending arm 27. Thearms 27:
arearrangedyin superposed: relation withsrespectvto each
other: and.:the':armsr27~ are spacedifrom the legs'17 to
de?ne: a spacefor receiving-,thereim a' portion, of‘ the»
brassiere, 15; Figurehllap Thus; it will be seen that the webs?
40 26j8gbhlt avportion-otthe topaof, the brassiere, 15 whereby
thebrassiere'15 willgbepprevented from riding upor
poppingiup accidentally-above‘ the :neck' line 14, Figures-4;v
sincgethewebsl? areabutted tor engagedby: the top,
edgenof: the brassiere. The lower ends of the="arms>;27_
Other: "objects and“ advantages willjbez'apparentj during 45.
areyinterconnectedttogetherrbyragcurved lip 28-, and-it
In the‘ accompanyingdrawing‘s'; forming a pa‘r‘t'ofth‘is
application, and in which like numerals are used to
designate like parts throughout the same:
" will be seen from Figures 3 and 4 of the drawing-that
the lip 28 is spaced from the legs 17 a greater distance
than the arms 27 so that a ?aring or guiding mouth is
Figure l is a front elevational view of the lingerie 50 provided to facilitate the insertion of the brassiere 15
into the space between the arms and legs of the clip.
clip, constructed according to the present invention.
Referring to Figures 5, 6 and 7 of the drawing, there
Figure 2 is a rear elevational view of the lingerie clip,
is shown a modi?ed lingerie clamp or clip which may be
some of the parts being shown in section.
made of the same material as the clip 16 shown in Fig
Figure 3 is a side elevational view of the clip.
ures 1 through 4. The modi?ed clip of Figures 5 through
Figure 4 is a fragmentary view taken through a
woman’s dress and brassiere showing the clip of the
55 7 is indicated generally by the numeral 29 and includes
present invention in use.
Figure 5 is a front elevational view of a modi?ed
a pair of side by side parallel legs 30, each of which have
neck opening 12 adjacent its top, and the opening 12
interconnected together by a curved lip 35 and the lip
35 is spaced from the legs 30 a greater distance than
their lower end bent to provide a curved ?nger 31. The
?ngers 31 are provided with central openings 32. Threads
lingerie clip.
Figure 6 is a rear elevational view of the modi?ed 60 or the like may be extended through the openings 32 and
around the legs 30 in order to secure the clip to a dress
clip of Figure 5.
10 in the same manner as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 7 is a side elevational view of the clip of
Extending from the upper end of each of the legs 30
Figures 5 and 6.
is a curved Web 33, and each of the webs 33 terminates
Figure 8 is a front elevational view of another modi
in a downwardly extending arm 34. The arms 34 are
?ed lingerie clip.
65 spaced from the legs 30 whereby a portion of a brassiere,
Figure 9 is a side elevational view of the clip of Fig
such as the brassiere 15, may be received in this space.
ure 8.
The upper edge of the brassiere is adapted to engage or
Referring in detail to Figures 1 through 4 of the
abut the webs 33 so that the brassiere will be prevented
drawing, the numeral 10 designates a portion of a woman’s
dress, blouse or other article of clothing, and the dress 70 from protruding or popping out above the dress or neck
line of the wearer. The lower ends of the arms 34 are
10 includes a body portion 11 that is provided with a
de?nes a neck or breast line 14, Figure 4. The numeral
. .7
the arms 34 in order to provide a ?aring or guiding mouth
for facilitating the placement of the brassiere within the
space between the arms and legs of the clip.
Referring to Figures 8 and 9 of the drawing, there ‘is
shown another modi?ed clip which is indicatedigenerallyi
by the numeral 36. The clip 36 canrbe madeof any 1
suitable material [having the required degree‘of resiliency;
or rigidity and the clip 36 includes- a straight portion
de?ning a leg 37. The leg 37 -is adapted to beisecuredl
to the inner surface of the dress or article of clothing
in any suitable manner as, for example, by threads or‘
sewing. Extending from the upper end of the leg 37,
is a curved web 38 which is adaptedpto be engaged by
i‘ ‘ With the present invention, the dress 10 will ‘cling to
the brassiere 15 or the brassiere 15 will cling to the dress
10 so that the brassiere 15 will be prevented from popping
out above the dress. This device is especially useful
when women are wearing strapless or backless dresses
but can also be used with all types of low bosomed
dresses. The device is comfortable to wear and inex
pensive to manufacture. The device can be made of
covered or uncovered resilient wire, such as the wire 13,
or can be made of other springy material.
What is claimed is:
1. In combination, a dress including avbody portion
, having an opening de?ning a neck line adjacent its upper
the top edge of the brassiere being held in place, andv " ’ end, a brassiere arranged contiguous to the inner surface
projecting downwardly from the curved web 38 is anarm} 15 of said dress, a U-shaped clip, said clip being positioned
39. The arm 39’may include an inwardly bowed inter-.
mediate portion 40, Figure 9‘, whereby slight clamping
with the legs thereof pointing toward the bottom of said
dress, one of said legs being secured to the inner surface
action will be effected on the brassiere‘ to thereby retain‘ , , of said dressv near the neck line thereof with the top of
a portion of the brassiere between the arm and’ the leg * said U positioned below the neck line and the top' of said
of the clip. The lower end portion 41 of the arm 39 20 brassiere being positioned within the space formed by
?ares outwardly to de?ne a lip or‘, mouth for guiding the
said legs so that. said brassiere is prevented from pro~.
brassiere into the space between the arm and leg when
truding above the said neck line. .
the brassiere is being initially placed therein.
2. The combination recited in claim 1 in which the
From the foregoing, it is apparent that there has bee ' 5 other one of said legs of said U-shaped clip is formed
provided a lingerie clip or clamp which will hold-a bras 25 with a curved lipat its lower end, said curved lip extend
s'iere 15 in place whereby the brassiere will not accidental
ing outwardly away from the‘ leg of said u-shaped clip
ly protrude above the neck or breast line of the wearer’s
which is secured to the inner surface of said dress to
dress so that the brassiere will not show on the outside.
thereby provide a ?aring mouth at the lower end of said
Although the clip has been. speci?cally illustrated vfor use i U-shaped clip.
with a dress and brassiere, it is to be understood that it 30
3. The combination recited in claim 10 in which the
can be used with any two articles of clothing such as,
leg of said U-shaped clip which is secured to the inner
for example, a blouseand slip.
surface of said dress is provided with angular ears, said
In using the clip shown in ‘Figures 1 through 4, the
, ears extending upwardly away from said last named leg
‘ of said U-shaped clip toward the other leg of said
device is secured in place in any suitable manner as, for
example, by means of threads 20,21 and 22, and then‘ 35 U-shaped clip, said angular ears being positioned inter
the brassiere 15 is received between the arms and legs.
mediate the length of said clip.
Thus, the brassiere 15 will be prevented from moving up
References Cited in the ?le of this patent
accidentally above the neck or breast line 15. If desired,
the clip 29 shown in Figures ,5 through 7_ can be used
in lieu of the clip 16 and the legs 30 and curved sections‘ 40
Biedermann _________ __ Mar. 17,1891,
31 can be ‘secured to the inner surface‘ of the dress by
‘Le‘nhart ______________ _.. Oct. 5, 1897
threads or the like. Again the brassiere is adapted to
Martin ______________ __ Mar.>8, 1910
he received in the space between the arms 34 and legs
Kalvin ______________ .._ Aug. 10, 1937
30. The modi?cation shown in Figures 8 and 9_, and in;
Struthers ____________ .. Oct. 10, 1944
dicated by the numeral 36, represents another lingerie
Norton _____________ __ Sept. 30, 1947
clip wherein the leg 37 can be secured to the inner sur
Eisenberg ____________ .... July 19, 1949
face of the dress whereby a brassiere can be inserted'or
Seaquist ____________ __ Aug. 29, 1950
positioned between the arm 39 and leg 37 in‘ order to
Van Leuven __________ -_ Sept. 2, 1952
prevent the brassiere from accidentally popping up above
the neck line.
Laverty et a1. ________ __ Feb. 17, 1953