

APPLICATION P11121) JAN. 1o. 1910.
' Patented June-16,1914.
/ // // //
Specification of Letters Patent.
Application ñled January 10, 1910.
To all whom it may concern.'
Be it lmown that I, GEORGE H. Giesen, a
citizen of the United States,~residing at
ltíontclair, in the county of Essex and State
of New-Jersey, have invented an Improve
Patented June 16, 1914_
Serial No.- 537,15*?.
In the drawing, Figure 1 is a central ver- `
tical section illustrating a centrifugal pump
constructed in accordance with my inven
Fig. 2 is a cross section on line œ, fr,
Fig. 1. Fig. 3‘is a cross section of the water
ment in Centrifugal Pumps, of which theI inlet pipe showing the discharge orifices so
constructed as to permit the water flowing
A ~
u y
Heretofore rotary pumps for handling air therethroughr to be -ejected baclrwardly rela--
following is a specification.>
as well as water, have been constructed in
divers ways. I am aware for example, that
rotary pumps have been made with an im
peller provided with series of alternate and
intermediate passages or buckets, in which
thel alternate passages deliver air and the
intermediate passages deliver water to chan- i
tively to the direction of rotation of the im-> `
peller. Fig. Il is a section similarl to Fig. 3,' 65
with the- exception that the discharge ori
tices are inclined in the opposite direction.
Fig. 5 is a partial cross section of the im
_peller wheel, showing the'passageways there
in diminishing uniformly from their inlet to
nels provided toreceive these discharges be their outlet points, and Fig. G is a partial
tween the periphery of the impeller andthe 'cross section showing a further modification
diffusion chamber in the casing of the pump.V >of the impeller wheel wherein the passage
Bumps of this general type have also been ways are of a uniform area throughouttheir
constructed in which the passages or buck
'entire length. x
Referring to the drawing, 10 indicates the
ets of the impeller are caused to alternately
pass over air and water» ports. Then too, pump casing which is mounted on a suitable
pumps have been so made that the impeller , base 11 and provided with a discharge outlet
is provided with an opening into the ,Water 12 preferably >located at the top of the ycas
passage thereof, the opening being placed be
ing. The casing is provided with the usual
for the admission of steam or air or a mix
tional area as the discharge outlet >12 is ap
tween the center and the rim of the impeller volute discharge chamber increasing in sec
proached, and one side of the casing is pref
erably open and provided with a face 13
is customary in the ordinary centrifugal against which a side plate 14 is secured byv
ture thereof, the water in this case being ad
mitted at the center' or aXis of the pump, as
Now in carrying out my invention, I pro
vide a pump withA an impeller having a
series' of vanes or blades providing channels
35 or passages which at their inner ends, are
bolts or any other suitable means.- In the
side plate 14, there is a water inlet 154 ter
minating in a closed end wall 16, adjacent to
which in the walls of the water inlet 15, .
there is a series of apertures or orifices in 90
open at all times to an air or vapor chamber
dicated at 17..
provided centrally of the impeller within the
18 designates an air or vapor inlet com
municating with a ,chamber 19 which sur
pump casing. I also provide means for
rejecting-jets of water through this air orl rounds -tlle inner end of the water inlet 15.
vapor chamber .into the channels or pas
' sages of the impeller so that there‘are alter
QO'Vdesignates the impeller member which
as illustrated, is provided with a hub Q1
nate slugs of water and air which by the cen `.in which a shaft 22 is keyed, the shaft 22 be- '
trifugal action of the impeller in the revolu-' ing journaled in a bearing 23 on the pump
tion thereof, are caused to pass through casing, the said shaft 22 passing through a
packing gland 24 secured in position by the
compressed and delivered with the `water screws 25 or other means in order to produce
into the diifusion chamber surrounding the an air-tight joint between the shaft and the
these passages, wherein of course the air is
impeller in the pump casing. Furthermore,
It will be understood that the pump cas
the blades or vanes of the impeller accord
ing to my invention, ' are preferably so ing may be open on both sides thereof and 10E
shaped as to restrict `the size or cross sec the bearing 23 may be connected with a plate
tional area of the channels or passages at similar to the plate 14 _and adapted to be con
the periphery ofthe impeller, Whereby'the nected tothe pump in a similar manner, and
resultant absolute velocity of the water dis also that any suitable means may be em
ployed for producing an air-tight joint be
charge is made as low as possible.
tween the .drive shaft and its bearing, and channels 3Q~into the *diffusion chamber 435
furthermore,„that the shaft andv its impeller communicating with~ the discharge outlet
._ may be driven f_fro‘m any suitable source- of `connection-:12.' Itvwill also be understood
that the pump hereinbefore described may
’Now‘one-sidefof the impeller V20- 'is open'has i be utilized >asa compressor or‘simply as a
indicated at~2'6"providing therein a chamber. steam condenser, Without departing from
same- diameter as-the=air or vapor the nature andl spirit of my invention. It
l' chamber' 19~‘and"'with which 'it' is in direct will also be obvious~ that'if desired, this
' of
y.comr'nunication.l --'Between' thejwalls 27, 28, pump may be utilized to act both as a tail
of vt'lie'impeller V2O, lthere are -‘spaced apart pump andair pump,- in which instance the
vanes-orblades indicated at 29." ¿; 'These blades ' tail water'of a jet condenser is handledby
preferably runfrom a pointatj,}the outside the pump‘and the blades or vanes of the im
limit- ofthe air-- l‘amber WithinÍthe impeller peller are so designed as to take care of the
to the 'periphei ' hereof andï'are curved larger volume of water at a lower velocity.
_baclîiwardly relative vto the direction __of rota `The pump may also be employed as a con
' j" tion lof the impeller in order to reduce the.
1` averagefviv-elocitjprof »the water as discharged
from the impeller. * These blades 29 lbetween>
. the' Walls-27, 28,- provide channels or pas~
denser and air pump by delivering the en
tire‘volume of exhaust steam to the-vapor
chamber and passages of the pump, and sup- '
plying sufficient ‘water to -condense the same,
-sages indicated at 30 and adjacent to .the in which case the number and arrangement
' peripheifydoff-thev impeller, the blades 29 on of water jets would be modified to meet the
corresponding- f'sfades thereof are preferably working con Íitions, and in some instances it
'thickened or-- Ámade heavier as indicated atv may be desirablev to so construct the vanes
31, whereby -the'passages or channels 30 are or blades that the channels or passages in the
25 gradually restricted in cross section ad'acent impeller are of uniform cross section through
to the peri-plreryof the impeller,",where y the out their entire length. , /
It may 'be pointed out in regard to the
average velocityof‘the water _ajs'discharged
Ífrom the impeller relatively 'to¿,_ the periph effect of contracting the outlet orilices of the
‘eral velocity‘of tlife impellerpis'f.increased so impeller that bending the >passages back
thatthe absolute velocity of the',water as dis Wardly decreases the angle" which the path
impeller is made as low as of the Waterinalres as it leaves the wheel
which assists to decrease the absolute veloc
' In suitable,_.positions, the walls 27, 28, of ity -of the w-ater leaving the impeller. Fur
-the .impeller _are preferably provided with thermore the passages of the impeller may
be laid out as evolutes of a circle concentric 100
35 ribsï32, one of vwhich is adapted to be re
ceived and rotatedin a groove
j therefor l_in' the adjacent lwall of'thefcasing
10,' and the other` to be received and revolved
in a4 similar groove or recess-„34 provided
40 therefor-in ,the ‘plate 14, so as' ‘to-'effect a
with the shaft, such passages being of equal
width at all points as illustrated: in Fig. G,
orr these passagesmay be laid out on such a.'
curve that they uniformly diminish in cross
section from- the inle't to the periphery of the 165
water seal between the impeller and these impeller as shown in Fig. 6. -,Furthermore .
‘ parts’of the pump.
t' Now in the operation of the pump,l water
the orifices through which the water is eject
ed from the Water chamber into the air y
chamber may be inclined either forward as
pheric pressureor a pressure slightly greater illustrated in Fig. 4 or-backward as shown
and the air or vapor is admitted at the inlet in Fig. 3 instead of being radially disposed
18, passing _thrdugh the sam'e into the cham as hereinbefore described. rlVhen the water
is supplied to .the water inletf15 at atmos
ber-19 and theadjacent chamber in the im‘ jets are directed backwardly relative to the
peller. The water within the inlet 15'is rotation of the pump, the water would en
ejected with >some considerable velocity ter the passages of the impeller with great
through the apertures 17 whichv are prefer» velocity relatively to the latter and if the
ably rectangular.v rllhe jets of water thus Water jets are directed forwardly the water
issuing _through'the apertures 17 "are »directed would. enter the passages of the impeller
through' >the vair or vapor chamber each with a'lower velocity relatively to the latter.
against- a fixed circumferentially restricted I wish it also understood that this pump
portion of the Zone surrounding the center may-be used as a reaction turbine producing
of the wheel at which the inner ends of the power from air or other gas under pressure,
channels or passages 30 open to said cham
vin lwhich case of course the water must be
ber, sojtha’t :within thesechannels or passages supplied to it at a greater pressure than that
' so
there are -alternate slugs of air and water of the gas. Obviously too the passugeways
-which by the centrifugal action caused by in the impeller of my improved pump as
the rotary movement of the impeller, are hereinbefore described, are preferably so
forced -to the, periphery thereof through shaped that the energy due to the vvelocity
these channels, the air being compressedand of the water relative‘to the wheel, as the
discharged with the Water from,Y the said water leaves the wheel, is utilized to the best `
1,099,921.. ,» .1.
advantage to help turn the wheel; that is to the lateral liquid discharge, while those in
say,~«the energy in the water, as it enters radial line therewith simultaneously take the
the impeller wheel, and that transferred to
it by giving it a high rotative velocity, is
' 5. A pump comprising a casing, -a cen
restored to the wheel when the water leaves tral liquid supplyl pipe~ with a closed end
the latter. My improved pumpv therefore having anxaperture ~v`for lateral discharge,
operates like a combined impulse and 'reac the extentof which circumferentially of the l.
tion _water turbine and in fact could be oper supply pipe is materially less than the cir
ated without applying external power to cumference of the supply pipe, an air cham
the shaft of the'impeller wheel, provided of ber around the >liquid supply, an annular
course thatthe water enters the pump under peripheral "discharge and a . revoluble im
peller around and spaced from said liquid
supply pipe and surrounding the air chamber
I. A pump comprising a casing», a central and within the annular peripheral discharge,
liquid supply"-having.-an aperture for lat said revoluble impeller having a series of
a sufficiently high head.
l claim „as ,my invention:
eral discharge, an air chamber around the channels therein, which open into the said.
liquid .supply and a revoluble impeller air chamber' and all of Vsaid parts being in a
around andv spaced `from the liquid supply common planefwhereby said channels take
and Ksurroundl'uig the air chamber and hav air when .the >entrances thereto are not in
ing a :series of channels therein opening into radial line with the lateral liquid discharge,
`said air chamber, whereby said channels take while those in radial line therewith simul
air when the entrances thereto are. n'ot in? taneously take the liquid.
radial line with the lateral vliquid discharge, l v‘6. A pump ëompríising a casing,- a central
while those in radial line therewithfsimul liquid supply pipe with a closed end having
taneously take the liquid.
a plurality lof :spaced apart apertures for lat
2. A pump comprising a casing,l a_ cen
eral discharge, the collective extent of which
tral liquid supply having an aperture for; circumferentially of the supply pipe vis less `-
lateral discharge, the extent of which aper- - than :the circumference of: the supplypipe,
ture circumferentially of the supply pipeA is an air chamber around the liquid supply„an
au materially less than the circumference of the annular peripheral discharge and a revolu~ .95
supply pipe, an air chamber around ' the ble- impeller .around vand spaced from said
liquid supply and a revoluble impeller -liquid suppl pipe rand surrounding the air >
around and spaced from said liquid supply _chamber an withiuthe annular peripheral
and surrounding the airA chamber and hav~ discharge, said revoluble impeller having- a
35 ing a series of channels therein opening into series of channels vtherein which open into 100
the said air chamber, whereby said channels the said air chamber, whereby said channels
take air when the ,entrances theretoare not take air when the entrances thereto'are not
in radial line with the lateral liquid dis in radial _line ‘with the lateral liquid dis
charge, while those in radial line therewith charge, while those in radial line therewith
simultaneously take the liquid.
40 simultaneously take _theliquid Y '
3. A pump comprising a casing, a 'central'
liquid supply having an aperture for lat
7. A >pump comprising a casing, a central
liquidv supply pipe with a closed end having
eral discharge, an air chamber around the at least two oppositely disposed apertures
liquid supply, an annular peripheral dis for lateral discharges, the collective extent
charge and arevoluble impeller around and of which circumferentially of the supply
spaced from said liquid supply and sur pipe is materially less than the circumfer»
rounding the air chamber and within the an» ence of the supply pipe, an air inlet and air
nular peripheral discharge and having a se
channels therein opening into-said'
air chamber and all of said parts being in a
common plane, whereby said channels take
revoluble impeller around and `spaced 'from
said liquid supply and surrounding said air
chamber and having a _series of channels
air when the» entrances thereto are not in ra
therein which open into the said air chamber, .
chamber around _the liquid supply and a
dial line with the lateral liquid discharge, whereby said channels take water when the
while those in radial line therewith simul» entrances thereto are not in radial line with
55 taneously take the liquid.
4. A pump comprising a casing, a central
the lateral liquid discharge, while those in>
radial line therewith simultaneously take
liquid supply pipe with a closed end and the liquid.
adjacent aperture for lateral discharge, an ‘ 8. A pump comprising a‘casing, a central
ai-'r chamber around the _liquid suppl-y and a liquid supply pipe with a closed end and
revoluble impeller around and spaced from adjacent aperture for lateral discharge, an
said liquid supply and surrounding the air air chamber around the liquid supply and a
chamber and having a series of channels revoluble impeller aroundl and l,spaced from
therein which open into said air chamber, said liquid supply and surrounding the air
whereby said 4channels take air when the en chamber and havin a series of channels
trances thereto are not in radial line with therein which open into _the said air cham
1,099,921 '
à .
ber and which channelsare restricted adja ber, ywhereby said channels take air when
the entrances thereto vare-` intermediate the
by said channels take air when the entrances apertures _of the centra-l liquid sup ly, while
thereto are not in radial line with the laterall those opposite said apertures _simultaneously
‘ cent to the periphery of the impeller, where
liquid discharge, whilev those in 'radial lineV take the liquid.
v12. A pump comprising .a casing, a cent-ral
therewith simultaneously take the liquid.
9J A pump> comprising a casing, a central liquid supply having an aperture for lateral
liquid supply vipe with a closed end having discharge, an air chamber around the `liquid
a plurality oi) spaced apart apertures for supply,and a revoluble impeller around and
lateral discharge, the> collective extent of spaced from the liquid >Supply and surround- .
' .which circumferentially of the supply pi e ing the air chamber and having a series of
is less than the circumference of the supp Ay channels therein, whose exit apertures are
pipe, an air ,chamber around the liquid sup- of less areathan their entrances, -so that the 60
ply, an annular peripheral discharge and a said channels are gradually restrictedl in
_revoluble impeller around and spaced from; ycross section', adjacent to the periphery of
».said liquid supply pipe and surrounding the the impeller, whereby the average velocity
air chamberand within the annular periph
of the water,- as discharged from the impeller
- eral discharge, said revoluble impeller hav-~ relatively to the~ impeller, is increased s0 that
'ing a »series of channels therein which open the absolute velocity of the water,l as dis
into said air chamber, and which channels charged from the impeller, is made as low as
‘ ,
are restricted adjacent to the periphery of possible. '
the impeller, whereby said channels take air
‘ 13. A pump comprising a casing, a central
when the entrances thereto are not in radial
liquid supply -pipe -with‘a- closed end having
those ' in radial line therewith- simultane
for lateral discharges," the collective extent
line with the lateral liquid discharge,- While at least two oppositely disposed apertures
of which circumferentially of the supply
10. Alpump comprising a‘casing, a central pipe is materially less than the circumfer-i
_ liquid supply having an aperture for lateral enceof the supply pipe, an air inlet and air
ously take the liquid;
discharge, an air chamber around the liquid chamber around the' liquid supply, and a
supply, and a revoluble impeller around and revoluble- impeller around and spaced from
spaced from the liquid supply'and surround said liquid supply and surrounding said air
ing the air chamberv and having a series of chamber and having a series of channels
e channels therein opening into said air cham therein, which open into the said air cham~
ber, whereby said lchannels take air when the bei', the entrance area of any one of the
entrances ‘thereto are intermediate the aper channelsof the'revoluble conveyer‘being less
tures of the central liquid supply, while than the area of either of the apertures of
those opposite said apertures simultaneously the supply pipe, whereby the liquid laterally
take the liquid.
_ 11. AA pump comprising a casing, a central
discharged is of such volume as to com
pletely fill each of said channels with a slug
liquid supply, having an aperture for lateral of liquid, as the same comes into position.
Signed by me‘this 3rd day of January
discharge, an air chamber around the liquid
supply, andA a revoluble impeller around and l1910.
spaced from lthe liquid supply and surround- .
ing the air chamber and having a series of
45 channels therein, which are curved back
wardly, relative to the direction of rotation
of the impeller and open into -said air cham
~ eno. H. GrBsoN.