“SON” TIMES - Yale Avenue Christian Church


“SON” TIMES - Yale Avenue Christian Church
FEBRUARY 18, 2015
Disciples of Christ
Crime can happen to anyone, both outside and inside your own home. Fortunately, there are simple measures that you can take to minimize your risk of
becoming a victim.
You are invited to hear from guest speaker Lori Fullbright, anchor and crime
reporter with Oklahoma's Own News on 6, on the latest crime trends and what
precautions you can take.
Thursday, March 5
Family Life Center of Yale Avenue Christian Church
11:00 a.m. - lunch, 12:00 noon - Lori's presentation
Please join us and bring a friend!
Our Lenten Journey
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall
humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face,
and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear
from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will
heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)
This year as we journey through Lent we
will share together in a weekly PrayerFest
Prayer Fest exists to call God’s people to prayer,
Invoke God’s Presence,
Break our hearts,
Heal our wounds and
Prepare for God’s stirring in our church.
February 18,
All are invited to attend each Thursday
evening at 5:30 p.m. in the sanctuary
7:00 p.m.
Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Closed from Noon to 1:00 p.m. for lunch); Friday - 9:00 a.m. - Noon
Play and Learn Preschool, Inc.
7:30am - 5:30 pm M-F Ages 6 Wks. To 5 Yrs. 918.747.2440
Affiliated with and a Ministry of Yale Avenue Christian Church
Richard’s Reflections
I carry 3X5 cards in my pocket wherever I go. This gives me something to write on when I have an epiphany or when I hear a word spoken
that should be recorded. Sometimes my notes are real interesting (if I can read them). At other times the thoughts on the card resist comprehension. Recently I went through a stack of my collected gems and reread a note that has been there for a couple of years. This is a
quotation attributed to Fredrick Buechner (author, teacher and minister). “Calling is where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep
Calling is what I have. I feel called to ministry, in fact called to the specific ministry of the Intentional Interim variety. But “calling” need not
be narrowly interpreted. I believe that Buechner is talking about your calling as much as he is about mine. You too have been called to
ministry. You have a mission. Your participation in ministry is by no means an accident. In fact, it is specifically ordained by God.
So what is your calling? Have you thought about it? If not, you need to.
Not only are you called specifically to a ministry, you have been “gifted” in a special way to be able to carry out your ministry successfully.
You have been armed to do the work of the church in meeting the world’s deep need!
Now here comes the rub. You are unique, your gift is unique, your calling is unique, so, if you’re not doing your ministry, it isn’t getting
The world is not short on need, it never has been. As followers of Christ we should never run short on gladness – it defines who we are as
followers of THE WAY - so what’s your calling?
God Bless you in your search,
Week of
Special Offering
The following is the 10% of all offerings given to Yale Avenue Christian Church. This is your Mission money and you
are a part of helping these agencies and YACC projects.
Recipient for 2014
Christian Church in Oklahoma
Disciples Mission Fund-USA
Jeff Osborne (United World Missions)
Phillips Theological Seminary
Camp Christian
Day Center for Homeless
Domestic Violence (DVIS)
Emergency Infant Svs.
John 3:16
Mental Health Assn. of Tulsa
Oasis, Inc.
Parent Child Center
Southside Meals on Wheels
Little Light House
Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry
YACC Discretionary Fund
Habitat For Humanity
Scholarship Fund Savings
Amount Given
TOTAL 46,261.00
Week 2
This Sunday
February 22nd
If you are interested in taking part in a Pastor’s Class please
contact the church office, Pastor Richard or Pastor Sei.
Memory Verse
1 John 1:7
”But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son
purifies us from all sin.”
The Yale Avenue “Son” Times is printed every Tuesday and published every Wednesday, and the deadline for submitting articles
to [email protected] is the previous Friday by noon. The next edition will come out on 2/25/15. Deadline for submission for this
issue is 2/20/15 at noon.
The Yale Avenue “Son” Times is emailed by 5:00pm every Tuesday and mailed via USPS every Wednesday morning
2 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times
February 18, 2015
Joys & Concerns
Week of February 15, 2014
Many within the YACC family are
prayed for daily. Please remember
these specific needs:
Health Issues:
Sue Lower continues to be in St. Francis Hospital.
Lora DeWitt was in St. Francis Hospital (South) last week.
Lloyd Hurd will be having a heart cath put in on 2/19.
Don & Bryan Petersen continue to struggle with health issues.
Wanda Rupe continues to recover from hip replacement and
expects to be back in worship very soon.
Janet Spencer broke her ankle last week.
Debbie West continues to be treated for an inflamed optic nerve
and ulcer in her right eye. She is beginning to get her sight back
but unfortunately will not regain all of her vision.
Mary Wallace’s sister-in-law, Colleen Randall, had a mastectomy on 2/4. Her lymph node results came back negative for
cancer and the margins around her removed tumor are “clear”!
Pastor Richard’s mother, Betty Newman, turned 93 on 2/16!
Others Lifted Up for Prayer:
Donna Hemphill lifts up her friends Jim & Danita Cantrell of
Claremore, OK and her niece, Lisa Dukes, in Orlando, FL.
Ongoing Prayer Needs:
Kimberly Bartholic; Wanda Bousquet; Tony & Dorothy Cardenas;
Sharon Chambers; Jeri Cochran; Jean Covey; Jay DeGeer; Lora
Dewitt’s daughter; Barbara Jean; Patricia Dobbins, Clarence & Hettie
Green’s daughter; Mary Griffin; Sue Goodner; Carolyn Goolsby, Ronda
Greer’s friend Mike; Katelyn Hanafin; Theta Hendricks’ friend, Nora
Clark; Tom Ivy; Michelle Kice; Gene & Sue Lower; Rob Massey; Kenya
missionary, Jeff Osborne and his wife, Lucy; Dennis and Rosemary
Moran’s daughter, Rebecca Sayer; Paul Todd (friend of Dennis & Rosemary Moran); Debbie West.
Rehabilitation Facilities/ Homebound:
“Dear Master, in whose life I see
All that I would, but fail to be;
Let Thy clear light for ever shine,
To shame and guide this life of mine.
Though what I dream and what I do
In my weak days are always two,
Help me, pressed by things undone,
O Thou, whose deeds and dreams were one!
John Hunter
Weekly Lectionary
The texts for February 22nd are:
Genesis 9:8-7
Psalm 25: 1-10
1 Peter 3:18-22
Mark 1:9-15
Church Humor
While driving in Pennsylvania, a
family caught up to an Amish
carriage. The owner of the carriage obviously had a sense of
humor, because attached to the
back of the carriage was a hand
printed sign... Energy efficient
vehicle. Runs on oats and grass.
Caution: Do not step in exhaust.
Lora Dewitt; Lillian Johnson; Arlene Kennedy; Lee Keeling, Gene &
Sue Lower.
We pray for our country & its leaders, all nations, and our military service men & women. We pray for our church & its ministries, staff, lay leaders, the Food Bank, and Play and Learn
Sunday Attendance on February 15, 2015
9:30 a.m. ................................................................... 119
6:00 p.m. IMF ............................................................. 96
WORSHIP TOTAL ...................................................... 215
Sunday School/Enrichment Opportunities .................. 47
6:00 p.m. Destination Children & Youth .................... 41
3 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times
At this time of loss my church family has truly been a blessing. For your many expressions of kindness and love - the
calls, cards, food, hugs and memories you’ve shared - my
family and I are most grateful. Thank you, Richard, for the
beautiful service, and to everyone else who helped and
attended. I love you all.
Sharon Chambers and family
February 18, 2015
Yale Avenue Christian Church
The Yale Avenue “Son” Times (USPS 456-450)
is published weekly, except the week of Christmas
by The Yale Avenue Christian Church of Tulsa,
Oklahoma, 3616 S. Yale Ave., Tulsa, OK 741355536.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “The Yale
Avenue Son Times,” 3616 S. Yale Ave., Tulsa, OK
74135-5536. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK.
(Disciples of Christ)
3616 S. Yale Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74135-5536
Phone: 918.747.1304
Fax: 918.747.7175
Website: yacc.org
Play and Learn Preschool: 918.747.2440
Mission Statement
The prayerful mission of Yale Avenue
Christian Church is Caring, Sharing and
Serving in the name of Jesus.
Regularly Scheduled Events
9:30am ............................................................... Worship Service
10:45am ......................................................................... Fellowship
11:00am ...................... Sunday School & Enrichment Opportunities
1:00pm .............................. AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room
6:00pm ............................ International Mission Fellowship Worship
6:00pm .................................................................Destination Youth
7:30am-5:30pm (Monday-Friday) ................Play & Learn Preschool
12:00noon (Mon-Sat) ........ AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room
6:00pm ............................................... Adoration Singers Rehearsal
1:00pm (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) ........................... YACC Stitch Group
7:00pm .............................. AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room
7:00am ................................................................... Men’s Breakfast
10:30am (2nd Wednesday) ............. NEATS Meeting and Luncheon
5:30pm ...................................................TLC Small Groups #4, 12
6:00pm .................................................... Praise Ringers Rehearsal
6:30pm ......................................................Ladies Group TLC Study
7:00pm .......................................................... TLC Small Group #2
7:00pm .. Al-Anon & Al-Ateen Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room
6:00pm ...................................................................Games & Sports
Sunday, February 22
9:30 a.m. Worship
Elders: Robin Sheets, Larry Hall, Joel Garringer
Deacons: Bill Sterling, Bobby Keef, Don Beil, Emma Nichols, Freda
Keef, Judy Beil
Communion Prep: Bill Sterling & Emma Nichols
Welcome Center: Freda Keef
Greeters: Bobby Keef
5:30pm .............................. AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room
Wed., Feb. 18
Sun., Feb. 22
7:00pm ...................................... Ash Wednesday Service
......................................................... First Sunday of Lent
.............. Week of Compassion Special Offering - week 2
Wed., Feb 25 ............................................................. JOY Group Event
Thur., Feb. 26 10:00am .......................................................... DW Bunco
5:30pm ............................................................ PrayerFest
Sat., Feb. 28 10:00am .............................................. DW Rachel Group
Sundays, March 1 and 8 .......................... Blanket Sunday Special Offering
4 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times
Ministers ................................. The People of Yale Avenue Christian Church
Transitional Senior Minister ............................................... Richard Newman
Pastor of Community Outreach.................................................. Sei Touthang
Interim Worship Pastor .................................................................. Ann Moyer
Administrative Pastor ................................................................. Cheryl Clark
Administrative Assistant ............................................................ Debbie West
Play and Learn Director ............................................................... Carla Story
Organist ................................................................................... Lizanne Keith
Childcare Attendant ............................................................... Bethany Seaton
Custodian .............................................................................................Khuppi
View Newsletter online at yacc.org.
February 18, 2014