Weekly News Sheet - Christ Church & St Marks, Watford


Weekly News Sheet - Christ Church & St Marks, Watford
Sunday 22nd February 2015
COLLECT FOR: The Sunday Next Before Lent
Almighty God, whose Son Jesus Christ fasted forty days in
the wilderness, and was tempted as we are, yet without sin:
give us grace to discipline ourselves in obedience to your
Spirit; and, as you know our weakness, so may we know
your power to save; through Jesus Christ your Son our
Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen
Welcome to our worship today. Our services are:
Morning Prayer at 9.30am @ St Mark’s & Parish
Communion at 11am @ Christ Church, when we
welcome Anne Lovegrove to Celebrate and Preach at our
Service. The final week of Wedding banns will continue to
be read for: Emma Larkman and Graham Moore.
Please pray that Emma and Graham have a lovely Wedding
Day and a long and healthy life together. Please stay for tea
& coffee after the service. Evening Worship is at
St. Mark’s @ 6.30pm.
Readings today: Genesis 9:8-17; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark
Weekday Morning Prayer – there will be NO Services
for the next two weeks
DAY w/c
23rd Feb
Lent Group: from Embrace
based on Bible Readings at
St Mark’s followed by lunch.
Morning Prayer @ Christ
Lent Group: from Embrace at
Christ Church followed by
light refreshments.
St Mark’s Prayer Meeting @
Hollytree House
Evensong at St Albans
Cathedral and the installation
of their First Canon Scientist
Professor David Wilkinson
(Principal of St John’s College,
Durham) – followed by a
lecture (more details in Parish
Info Sheet)
Art Club by Lift Off @ Christ
Choir Practice
Men’s Breakfast @ St Mark’s
NEXT SUNDAY: The Second Sunday of Lent
Parish Communion @ St Mark’s –
followed by Fairtrade Stall
Morning Prayer @ Christ Church
Afternoon Worship @ Hollytree House
Readings: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Mark 8:31-38
IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK please remember:
Those living in our parish especially in:
Chestnut Walk, Chilcott Road and Chiswell Court
Those who are unwell or who need prayer:
Jane Martin-Dye and her husband & 2 young girls, Dorothy (Dot)
Sawyer, Geoffrey Stevens, Rosie Pankhurst & her parents Lauren
& Tim, Janet Johnson, Heather Richards, Felicity Frith and her
daughter Pippa, Elspeth, David, Kristina, Charlie, Simon, Emma,
Oliver and Sue, Phyllis Nelson, Julie, Althea & Arthur McLean,
Nicola, Bishop Wilson & his family, Hughie, Ben Fidelia.
and among those we know who are frail, or who
have long-term illnesses: Edmond Nyathie (Elizabeth's
son), Barbara Petherbridge, Marion Ray, Kim Smith and Ryan,
Dennis Woodward, Marcus Wright, Douglas Whittaker
Herts Constabulary Concert:
Lesley and Keith would like to thank everyone who attended
and supported this event. A special thank you to those that
helped, in particular Ann Campbell and the choir for an
enjoyable evening. Total amount raised just on the sale table
and donations to the Kwa Mkono funds was £452 excluding
the entrance fee and raffle. So, a big thank you to one and
Annual Reports 2014 – Please could I ask once more for
those people that have not submitted their Annual Report to
do so by early next week as there is still a lot of work to be
done before the deadline of the 2nd March. Please contact:
Lynne on [email protected], if you require any help
with typing etc. Any questions, please refer to Val Bryce
01923 237597 or Lynne at the Parish Office. Thank You.
Next Parish Information Sheet – the publication of the
next Information Sheet will now be published on the 20th
March. Please ensure that all articles are either with Anne
Austin or Lynne (if typing required) by 13th March.
Women’s World Day of Prayer Service – Fri 6th
March at 2pm @ St Luke’s Church, Langley Way:
prepared by the women of the Bahamas and entitled: “Jesus
said unto them: Do you know what I have done to you?”
All welcome and followed by a nice cup of tea.
If you are aiming to come to a Lent Group, please sign the
list at the back of church. It will help us to know about how
many people are coming. If you forget, please just come to a
group anyway.
SAVE THE DATE: Annual Parochial Church Mtg
(the AGM): takes place on Sun 12th April @ 4pm @
St Mark’s. The meeting will begin with a short service to
celebrate good things which have happened through our
MAP (Mission Action Plan). The Annual Church Mtg will
follow after the tea & cake break.
VICAR: Rev Duncan Campbell Tel: 01923 674142,
Mob: 07806 602093 or [email protected].
Children’s & Families Outreach Worker: Claire Tel:
07486054580 or [email protected].
Parish Office: Lynne Mallows Tel: 01923 681972
(email: [email protected].). Mon (12-2pm),
Tues (Closed), Wed & Thurs (12-2pm), Fri (3-5pm).