
The Messenger
March 2015
Prime Timers Madi Gras luncheon at
the home of Linda & David Craig.
Holy Week Schedule
Holy Week begins Sunday, March 29th with
Palm Sunday ~ ending Sunday, April 5th as
we celebrate Easter.
Each Wednesday during Lent, beginning
with February 25th, we will share a
Lenten Luncheon, Noon Day Prayer & Devotional in the Parish Hall from 12:1012:50 p.m.
March 28th – Saturday ~ Dramatic Reading – Women on the Way –
6:30—7:45 p.m. Location to be announced
April 1st – Wednesday ~ Stations of the
Cross 6:30 p.m. led by Diana & Paul
April 2nd
Washing of
ping of the
for healthy
- Maundy Thursday ~ The
Feet, Holy Eucharist, StripAltar 6:30 p.m.
children will be provided.)
April 2nd – Maundy Thursday continues
with the Watch until 7:00 a.m. on Good
Friday, April 3rd.
The Watch – (Please sign up for a time to
pray and watch with Christ.)
April 3rd – Good Friday ~ Veneration of
the Cross; Seven Last Words of Christ,
Meditation 12 noon-3:00pm;
Holy Eucharist from The Reserved Sacrament - 6:30 p.m.
April 4th – Holy Saturday ~ (Holy Eucharist & Baptism on Request)
St. Matthew’s Banner Carrier, Matthew Craig,
at Diocesan Council
April 5th – Easter Eucharist 10:00 a.m.
followed by Parish Easter Picture,
Coffee Fellowship & Easter Egg Hunt
He Is Risen!
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St. Matthew’s continues to be good stewards of the earth. We will begin to recycle
our plastics here at the church. (We will not
collect from outside sources) However, we
encourage others to conserve and recycle at
their homes and/or businesses. There is a
marked can located on the porch of the Parish Hall to place #1 & #2 plastic containers
as they are emptied from parish use.
Children’s Stewardship Project:
We are collecting aluminum cans in the black “marked” trash can
located outside the Parish Hall. Proceeds from the sale
of the cans will go towards our children’s SS ministry
Our Becky Hewes Compassionate Fund is
used for food & needs to minister to parishioners
and their families that are welcoming home a
baby, recovering from a hospital stay, or grieving
the loss of a loved one. Linda Craig oversees the
use of these funds. If you would like to donate,
please be sure to write the name of the fund in the
Mother Patsy will be in the office the
following days in March;
4th, 11th, 18th, & 25th
Sundays; 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
Impromptu visits and appointments
are welcomed.
Please be mindful & Generous!
Contact Linda Craig if you have any questions
or for more details.
Henderson Interchurch Ministry
Episcopal Convocational Relief
Jan. 2015
Mrs. Kim Robinson, Sr. Warden
Mr. James Ross, Jr. Warden
Mrs. Glenna Broadaway Mrs. Alexa Duke
Mrs. Michelle King
Mrs. Alyssa Thornley
Anyone who desires to share suggestions or concerns
for ministry at St. Matthew’s, please speak to our
Priest-In-Charge, Mother Patsy+ or to our Senior
Warden, Kim Robinson.
Please feel free & know that you may present
prayer requests to any DOK member either at
church, by phone or by email.
Feb. As of 2/15/15
Rusk County Library
Boys & Girls Club, Rusk Co.
American Cancer Society
Good Friday Offering
Mite Boxes
Rusk Co. Diabetes Assoc.
UTO Spring Ingathering
Salvation Army of Henderson
Friends Helping Friends
We have been blessed by some of our parishioners’
friends with numerous hand made with love prayer
shawls. Please contact a DOK member, if you know
of someone that would benefit from the DOK prayer
shawl ministry.
DOK MEMBERS: Reverend Mother Patsy+,
Charlene Brewster, Glenna Broadaway,
Jan Brown, Marty Brown, Mary Jo Colombo, Camilla
Foppes, Carol Roberts & Roberta Vallantyne.
Dorothy Moore & Patty Ryan
Christian Women’s Job Corp
Meals on Wheels
Rusk Co. Animal Outreach
Red Mass
UTO Fall Ingathering
Emeritus Memory Care
Henderson Interchurch Ministry
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How I Became an Episcopalian
I was born and raised in Massachusetts. As an infant, I was baptized into the Roman Catholic
faith. We were not a church-going family though. Not until my father remarried when I was in
the 2nd grade. My step-mom started taking us to church. We didn’t go too long though, because
shortly after, her father, who was Jewish, passed away. Following his passing, our mom chose
to honor her father by converting us to the Jewish faith. We started going to Temple Emmanuel in Worcester. In the months before I turned 13 years old I began studying for my Bat
Mitzvah. During those months, my parents were divorced, but my father continued bringing
me to my studies. On my 13th birthday we celebrated my Bat Mitzvah. But after I reached that
milestone, we stopped going to Temple. For many years, I did not pursue religion. The Jewish
faith was quite interesting. There is so much history! And learning Hebrew was a monumental
task! (I can still read a few words, but I am not fluent) I never really felt welcome in the temple. It wasn’t something I felt in my heart.
In my twenties, I started to look into going to church again, but where? I was told about a
small church in the town where I lived, St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church. From the very beginning, I felt like I was welcome, part of the family! With every portion of the service, I felt in my
heart that this is where I was meant to be.
We continued at St. Thomas’ until we moved to Jacksonville, Florida. There, we attended Calvary Episcopal Church. Skylar was baptized at that church when she was 9 months old. When
she was 3, we moved again. And I didn’t return to church for many years. Fast forward to
2011, here we are in Henderson. I decide it’s time to go back to church. It’s been way too long.
We find our way to St. Matthew’s. Once again, almost instantly, we are welcomed into the family! I remember our first Sunday. It was right before we were planning to go on vacation for 2
weeks and I was telling everyone “We’ll be back. I promise! We’re going away for a couple
weeks but we’ll be back!” And we came back. And this is where we belong.
By Alyssa Thornley
Thank you, Alyssa Thornley
for sharing your story.
You can be next to tell your story!
Call Martha Paul Bennett at 903-657-3909 for an interview.
Prayers, Love & Sympathy
to Alexa Duke and Family in the
death of her aunt, Libby Hogue
and to
the family, friends and
church family of
The Rev. & Mrs. Israel Ahimbisibwe
and their 5 year old son, Jay.
Please note that the Easter Lily sign-up
is on the Parish hall bulletin board. Requested donation is $15 per plant.
A most meaningful experience is to
participate in a house blessing.
After gathering in prayer, all of us
go from room to room, reading
selections of Scripture or Psalms,
or both, offering prayers of intercession and sprinkling holy water
and/or anointing with oil.
If you would like to have your
home blessed please contact
Mother Patsy+ or Mary in the
church office.
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Please be sure to SAVE this page & mark the date(s) you are scheduled to serve on
your calendar.
Thank you for SECURING a replacement when you are unable to serve during your
scheduled time. If possible let the church office know of the changes.
On the Sunday you are scheduled to serve, please ARRIVE early enough so that you
are vested, candles lit, and in the Narthex no later than 9:45am.
THANK YOU so much for your service/ministry to St. Matthew’s and to our Lord!
March 1st—2nd Sunday in Lent
March 8th—3rd Sunday in Lent
Acolyte: Skylar Terrell
Chalice: James Ross
Altar Guild: Roberta Vallantyne &
Glenna Broadaway
Lector: Justin Robinson
Oblationers/Greeters: Kim & Justin Robinson
Vestry Person: James Ross
Coffee Hostess: OPEN
Acolyte: Skylar Terrell
Chalice: Tom Brown
Altar Guild: Deborah Kangerga & Carol Roberts
Lector: Tom Brown
Oblationers/Greeters: Michelle & Josh King
Vestry Person: Michelle King
Coffee Hostess: OPEN
March 15th—4th Sunday in Lent
March 22nd—5th Sunday in Lent
Acolytes: Skylar Terrell & Sophia Robinson
Chalice: Justin Robinson
Altar Guild: Marty Brown & Alyssa Thornley
Lectors: Alexa Duke & Skylar Terrell
Oblationers/Greeters: Alyssa & Johnny Thornley
Vestry Person: Alyssa Thornley
Coffee Hostess: OPEN
Acolyte: Skylar Terrell
Chalice: Tracy Allen
Altar Guild: Roberta Vallantyne &
Glenna Broadaway
Lector: Tracy Allen
Oblationers/Greeters: Roberta Vallantyne &
Glenna Broadway
Vestry Person: Glenna Broadway
Coffee Hostess: OPEN
March 29th—Palm Sunday
April 2nd—Maundy Thursday
Acolyte: Skylar Terrell
Chalice: Jim Kangerga
Altar Guild: Deborah Kangerga & Carol Roberts
Lector: Michelle King
Oblationers/Greeters: Kim & Justin Robinson
Vestry Person: James Ross
Coffee Hostess: OPEN
Acolyte: Skylar Terrell
Chalice: Alexa Duke
Lector: David Craig
Oblationers/Greeters: Linda & David Craig
Vestry Person: Alexa Duke
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Sunday Schedule:
9:50-10:30am SS for children
10am Holy Eucharist
11am Coffee Fellowship
March 2015
Patsy’s+ 9th
anniversary at
St. Matthew’s
Palm Sunday
St. Matthew’s
7:30pm AA
7:30pm AA
7:30pm AA
Messenger dead- 10:30am
7:30pm AA
Lenten Lunch &
4:30pm Angel
Lenten Lunch &
4:30pm Angel
12:10-m Lenten
Lunch & Devotional,
4:30pm Angel
Choir, 6:30pm Vestry Meeting
Lenten Lunch &
Devotional, 1pm
CofC, 4:30pm
Angel Choir
6:30pm Healing
Vestry 101
Workshop location TBA
6:30pm Women
on the Way
We need women to read a part in our
dramatic reading on Saturday March 28th
for Women on the Way. If you are interested
please contact Michelle King or Mother Patsy+.
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To my church family,
As most of you know, Aaden and Noah had a terribly rough
start to their lives. From the time they were conceived the
odds were against them, and through the glory of God we
have two fun, curious, smart, and handsome boys in our
midst today. While I believe the power of prayer is a huge
part of the reason that we get to enjoy our boys still today, I
am also a huge believer in the research done by March of
Dimes. Every year, since the boys were born, Josh and I
have tried to give back to the March of Dimes in some way.
The easiest and most fun way is by participating in the
March for Babies. I was thrilled when the Vestry agreed at
our retreat that we would start a team for our church family! I can’t wait to share this time with you all! There are
several way that you can participate.
Start a fundraising page and join us for the March on
April 25th. The March will be in Longview at the
Good Shepard Institute for Healthy Living. The
event begins at 9:00 am and is finished around
lunch time. It is a fun time with food, fellowships,
and door prizes. We always have a blast. (You
can also start a fundraising page without participating in the march.)
Donate to our team page. You can visit our team page
s_team_page.asp?seid=2306381 and make a secure donation there. All proceeds are used for
March of Dimes research.
Share our team page or your personal page on your
social media. Every little bit helps.
I am so excited to be teaming with St. Matthew’s to save
more babies like Aaden and Noah. Please let me know if I
can help you figure out which contribution is the best fit for
you. If you would like to read a more in depth account of
Aaden and Noah’s journey, you can visit
Congratulations to Josh King
for being nominated by TMEA
as outstanding band master!
Thank You
Dear Patsy Barham & St. Matthew’s Episcopal
I want to thank you very much for your kindness
to Gospel for Muslims Ministries. As we were
going through the gifts for 2014, we came across
your generous gift to this ministry. I am so grateful for your contribution to GFM to help Muslims follow Christ.
We are extremely grateful for your financial support of this ministry. We, of course, are most
grateful for your love, encouragement and
prayers for this work.
Please pray for us in 2015 for our efforts to lead
10,000 more Muslims to Christ who have never
heard the Gospel before and to train 200 more
church planting MBB (former Muslim) pastors
this year.
I wish you the best in 2015. May God bless your
Dr. Abraham Sarker
President and Founder, GFM Ministries
Thanks and Love to you all,
Michelle King
*No March Anniversaries on File*
Sophia Robinson 2nd
Sheryl Sears 10th
Dorian Brown 19th
Lynda Trent 19th
Alexa Duke 23rd
Mary Wade 30th
If we missed a birthday or anniversary,
please notify the parish office
so we may update our records.
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Charlene & David Brewster, Sheryl Brightwell, Tom Broadaway, Linda Craig, Elizabeth Dismukes,
Camilla Foppes, June Fuller, Carl Huckabay, Charlie Richardson, Heath Roberts, Sheryl Sears, Lynda
Trent, Roberta Vallantyne, Ann Woods
Bill, Cindy, Rick, Betty, Leah, Phillip, Courtney (Mother Patsy+) - Maggie (Marnie Barno) - Amanda
(the King’s) - Bayleigh - Christy Jo (Brewster’s daughter) - Erin Evans Akey (Lisa Melvin) - Rose Anderson (Dr. Walling) - Marnie Barno - Kenneth Ballard - Freddie Bates - Joanie Bates - Wanda Bennett
(Marnie Barno) - Maureen Bidwell (David Craig) - Freddie Bouillion (David Craig) - David Brown
(Mary Jo) - Richard Cain (David Craig) - Lori Carnes (Sheryl Brightwell) - Guella Casey (Sheyl Brightwell’s mom) - Jane Clark (Camilla) - Ray Cook (Mary Jo Colombo’s cousin) - AJ Daniels (Lin
Dickerson’s grandbaby) - Kalynn Davis ( Beth Turner’s niece) - Lin Dickerson - Diane & Jane Dill
(David Craig) - the Durbin family (Mary Jo) - Diana Fordham (Lisa Melvin) - Steve Fordham (Ruth
Fordham) - Burke Green - Bob Goot (Michaelle Green) - Pat High (Mother Patsy+) - Pam Holley
(Roberta) - Johnny Jackson (David Craig) - Helen James (Mary Jo Colombo) - Virginia Johnson (David
Craig) - Brynn Lewis (Michaelle Green) - the Lewis family (Camilla) – Debbie Martin - Betty Moore
(Glenna Broadaway’s mom) - Sherian Nations (Linda Craig) - Sara Nurenberg (David & Linda Craig’s
grand daughter) - Bertha Otis (Alexa) - Jane Partin (Tom Brown) - Ashley Payne (Michelle King) Tom Reed (Mary Jo’s son) - Mike Renfroe (Alexa Duke’s uncle) - Mary Robinson - Tom Rudd - Susan &
Ben Shiriak (Sheryl Sears’ sister & brother in-law) - Joe & Thelma Sorrells (Roberta) - Mary Street
(Camilla) - Jean Tate (Camilla) - Jimmy Trimble (David Craig) - Rodney Vallantyne (Roberta) - Nita
Wheeler ( Alexa) - Alex White (Camilla’s grandson) - David White (Camilla) - Joshua White (Camilla)
**To add a name to the prayer list, please call the Parish office at 903-657-3154. Please note
that prayers are offered for a period of 1 month for those on the list. After that, the name will
automatically be removed unless the office is notified that prayers are requested for an extended period of time
Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our
armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace;
strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset
them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus
Christ our Lord, Amen.
Joshua Alexander—Navy, USS Roosevelt
Donald Birchard—stateside
Christopher Crowe
Matthew Harris—Middle East
Daniel Parker—Middle East
C.J. Reynolds
Jayson Sears—Iraq
John Tieken, Jr.—California
Sean Armstrong—Air Force, Iraq
Bryan Burk—stateside, Hawaii
Eric Crump—stateside
Roy Hensley—stateside
Adam Powell—USS George Washington, Japan
Shawn Ryan—Korea
Jim Silva
Michael Whitehead—stateside
Please contact Camilla Foppes, 903-655-8492, with any current information.
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214 College St.
Henderson, TX 75654
Phone (903)657-3154
Fax (903)657-6291
[email protected]
The Rev. Patsy G. Barham, Priest-In-Charge
Home (936)564-2431 ~ cell (936)554-6034
[email protected]
March has the open plate charity of the Boys and Girls Club of Rusk County. This
non-profit organization is assisting the school youth
with a variety of services and programs for the development of children in a safe environment after school.
Located at 710 Robertson Road in Henderson, they operate the facility from 3:00p.m. -6:30p.m. Monday to
Friday. Services include life skills, arts, physical fitness, career exploration, and education. We have supported them with open-plate and the Outreach Ministry.
By taking care of the youth, we ensure a better future.
Many pictures are on the Facebook page and volunteers
are always needed. Thank you for all the donations for
the Rusk County Library and you may be pleased that
St. Matthew’s Church and members are actively working to help others each day. May God bless our church
and lead others to us.
Glenna Broadaway, Outreach Ministry
Camilla’s Music
We have sung the last Alleluias until Easter, had
ashes imposed on our foreheads, and some have decided what to do different for Lent. A priest we had
in Georgetown, Fr. Romily Timmons, suggested we
do something positive instead of ‘giving up’ something during this time, meaning doing a personal Bible Study, visiting the sick, helping someone in need,
maybe something extra we do not do
on an everyday basis. (Maybe sing out a little more
during worship?)
We make some changes to the music in our worship
during Lent. We…
- Do not sing any alleluias
- Sing the Kyrie instead of the Gloria
- Sing songs of reflection
All music is sung to the glory of God praising Him
for all He is and all He does. Let your heart sing His
love during this season.
Don’t forget the Lenten Lunches each Wednesday at
noon sponsored by the Daughters of the King.
Love ya,
Camilla Foppes
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