Washington County February Clover Update Newsletter


Washington County February Clover Update Newsletter
In This Issue
Congratulations ................................................................................... 2
One Act Play & Performing Arts Festival .......................................... 3
County Fair Food Stand Help ............................................................. 3
Ukrainian Egg Workshop .................................................................... 5
Mystery Dinner Extravaganza
February 14
Clothing Project Workshop................................................................. 5
STEM Corner ........................................................................................ 6
Animal Science Project Updates ........................................................ 7
Youth Teaching Youth Information .................................................. 10
Club Corners ...................................................................................... 10
Contact Us:
Washington County Extension
14949 62 Street North
Stillwater, MN 55082
Phone: 651-430-6800
Fax: 651-430-6811
Ann Church
4-H Program Coordinator
[email protected]
Emily Fulton-Fischer
4-H Program Coordinator
[email protected]
Amy Peterson
4-H Program Coordinator
[email protected]
Kathy Erf
4-H Support Staff
[email protected]
Lisa King
4-H Support Staff
[email protected]
State Information ............................................................................... 11
Calendar .............................................................................................. 13
Photo Pages ....................................................................................... 14
2015 Mystery Dinner Extravaganza!
Washington County 4-H requests your presence to help solve the greatest
crime of the century at the Masquerade Ball Murder Mystery 7th Annual
Clover Gala. Break out of your regular Valentine’s Day routine and join us
for an extraordinary evening of decadence and excitement. We are now
accepting reservations for the February 14 event. We will be hosting a
dinner at the Knights of Columbus Hall with a very entertaining and
mysterious twist! The evening will start with a limited Silent Auction and
Dessert lineup along with a wine pull followed by dinner and show. Just a
night to enjoy with your significant other or better yet with a group of
friends! This event is open to everyone. The cost is $50 a plate with your
choice of Stuffed Chicken Breast, Marinated Tenderloin Tips or Vegetarian
Pasta. Please RSVP by February 2. Checks can be made out and sent to:
Washington County 4-H, 14949 62nd Street North, Stillwater, MN 55082.
Please include your choice of meal. Anyone with questions should call the
county extension office at 651-430-6800. Ball gowns and masks are
© 2012, Regents of the University of Minnesota. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans
with Disabilities Act, this publication/material is available in alternative formats upon request. Direct requests to 651-480-7788.
651-430-6800 | www.4-H.umn.edu
Club Baskets
Make It With Wool Contest
Each club was asked to donate a themed basket
for this event, similar to what you have donated
in the past for our traditional Gala. Club
baskets are due to the office by February 1.
Please call the office with questions, or reach
out to Kathy Erf at [email protected]. Thank
you for all you do!
Washington County was well represented at the
Make It With Wool contest held in December in
Chaska. The junior winner was Andrea Dunrud
from the Forest Lake Rangers 4-H Club. The
adult winners from Washington County were
Jean Olson, and 1st runner up, Mary Ann
Thelen. Andrea will go on to Reno, Nevada at
the end of January. Best of luck, Andrea!
Thank you
Thank you to Emma Persoon and Sarah
Zellmer who shared their rabbits with those
attending the Stillwater DaVinci Festival held
in early January! The rabbits are always a
hit! Thanks for spending your afternoon
helping us promote 4-H!
Thank you to Brian Krafthefer for coaching the
First Tech Challenge team to their 1st place
finish! Many thanks to Jim Irvine for his help as
well. See more information under
First Tech Challenge Team Wins 1 Place
and Trip to STATE Championship!
The Washington County 4-H FIRST Tech
Challenge team, Quantum Leap, has made it to
the state competitions! The FTC challenge has
the goal of designing, funding, and building a
robot that will compete with other local winners
from around the state. The team is comprised
of Laura Irvine, Jake Hjort, Rachel Peterson, Joe
Voth, Mathew Peterson, Jackson LaMotte, and
Noah Peterson. Along with the robot, the team
has to put together an engineering notebook
describing the process and budget used, as well
as a log of the activities during their design
process. The state Championship will be held
February 20 – 21 in Prior Lake.
4-H Re-Enrollment – you will NOT
receive Animal ID information if
you are not enrolled and paid!
Enrollment for the new 4-H year is now open
and Minnesota 4-H families must go to
4HOnline to enroll/re-enroll both youth
members and adult volunteers. The process is
quick and easy; even families with multiple
youth should be done in ten minutes or less. Reenrolling ensures that critical communications
will be received, especially as it relates to
deadlines and project specific information.
Detailed information about online enrollment
and re-enrollment is available at:
www.extension.umn.edu/youth/mn4H/4honline/. Click on yellow box to re-enroll.
Youth, their parents and adult volunteers, as
part of enrolling or re-enrolling, will all be
agreeing to the Minnesota 4-H Code of Conduct,
which is available for review in its entirety,
along with other policy and authorization
statements at www.4-H.umn.edu/policy or by
contacting your local Extension office: www.4H.umn.edu/county
MEMBERSHIP dues are $45/member
including Cloverbuds. Members will
remain “pending” in the online system
until your dues are paid to your club
leader. Youth CANNOT participate in 4-H
events/activities until their dues are paid!
If you need financial assistant to pay your dues,
please complete the “Scholarship” form at:
651-430-6800 | www.4-H.umn.edu
n_updated_5-11.pdf and mail it to our office at:
Washington County 4-H
14949 62nd St. N.
Stillwater, MN 55082
Club Secretary Books will continue to be
due on the 4th Friday of September and
judged for Merit Club awards. The club’s
earning Merit status will be recognized in
the Clover Update.
How to Become a Screened Adult Volunteer
County Fair Food Stand Help
New (first time) 4-H Adult Volunteers must
complete the 4-H Volunteer Screening process
in order to serve as a volunteer (and for
enrollment to move from Pending to Active).
Instructions and forms are available at:
http://www.extension.umn.edu/youth/mn4h/volunteer/. 4-H Adult Volunteers, who were
previously screened, do not need to be
re-screened to enroll in 4HOnline.
Complete information and support resources
can be found online at www.4h.umn.edu/4honline.
We are looking for someone who would be
interested in running the Front of House for our
Food Stand in Hooley Hall this coming Fair
season. Please contact Emily Fulton-Fischer at
[email protected] or
Upcoming Events
One Act Play & Performing Arts Festival
Upcoming Program Changes
Next fall, the Annual Awards Night will not take
place. The decision to eliminate this Awards
Program is due to the lack of interest/numbers
attending. Because of this decision, the
following changes have been made.
Project Records will be due and judged at
the county fair. All 4-H members are
encouraged to complete Project Records as
it is an important step in the learning
process. You will find the Project Record
Forms on the county website. Awards for
top records will be awarded at the County
The new Executive Board will be installed at
their first meeting in September.
Key Awards recipients will be announced at
the County Fair Awards Program. The due
date for applying will be June 1.
Recognizing volunteer years of service will
take place at the county fair.
The “Friend of 4-H” will be announced at
the county fair.
The Washington County Performing Arts PDC
would like to announce our first stage event of
the year - the One Act Play & Performing Arts
Festival! This wonderful event will be held
Friday, February 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Stillwater
Jr. High School. Besides the always entertaining
One Act Plays, the audience will enjoy the
talents of individuals or groups showcasing
their abilities with singing, dancing, musical
instruments, monologue, clowning, etc. We
know there are many talented 4-H’ers in our
county, so please help us make this an awesome
event! We will present awards for the best One
Act Plays and Performing Arts exhibitions. The
Performing Arts winners will be invited to
perform on-stage at the county fair. The One
Act Play winner will be invited to perform at the
Share the Fun competition. We want many One
Act Plays to fill out our evening of
entertainment. Club leaders: please consider
finding a talented adult to lead your members
in a fun-filled play that guarantees bonding of
members and memories to last a lifetime. Also
keep in mind that participation in this festival
can be submitted in your Performing Arts
Project record and as part of your county fair
exhibit. There is no fee to participate in or
attend this event!! For more information
651-430-6800 | www.4-H.umn.edu
contact Avis Peters at [email protected]
or 651-430-8163) or Kim Bjerke at
[email protected] or 651-735-7878.
Registration forms and guidelines are posted on
the Washington County 4-H website.
One Act Play registration form #1 (intent to
participate) is due Friday, January 23.
Intent to Participate
One Act Play registration form #2 (cast list
and play information) is due Friday,
February 6.
Cast List & Play Info
Performing Arts Acts registration is due
Friday, February 6.
Performing Arts Registration Form
Performing Arts Update
The cast of the 2014 Arts-In show, Wild Things,
held their annual Reunion/Workshop on
Saturday, January 3. About 35 cast members
worked hard on brainstorming for the 2015
show, provided feedback to the committee on
how to improve the program, became creative in
the improv/acting games, devoured lots of
pizza and snacks, enjoyed a popular 4-Square
tournament, and ended the evening with a
Summer Resident Camp
We have partnered with Dakota County to offer
an amazing overnight camp experience this
summer! We could not be more excited about
the activities that will be offered and the
wonderful experiences we know your youth will
have. Camp fills up QUICKLY, and there are
only a certain number of spots available, so
make sure that you fill out the Resident Camp
Registration Form right away and get your
registration in to Dakota County. Please sign up
for the second offered session – June 24-26 as
that is when Washington County will be joining
the fun.
Food Revue is Almost Here!
Food Revue is Saturday, February 7 at Valley
Creek Mall in Woodbury. If you did not register,
but would like to learn more about what Food
Revue is all about, stop by the Valley Creek Mall
on February 7 anytime between 9:30 a.m. – 12
noon and check it out!
Shooting Sports/Wildlife
Summer Resident Camp Counselors – Note
the New Location!
Are you in the 10th grade or older? Do you want
to have a great summer and meet new friends?
Sign up to be a summer Camp Counselor!
Applications are on the website now and are due
March 9! Camp for Washington County 4-H’ers
will be held June 24-26 at Baker Near-Wilderness
Park in Maple Plain. Note this is a change from
past years.
The Camp Counselor Applications and are due
back to the Extension Office by March 9.
The overnight camp is in addition to our annual
day camps held at the county fairgrounds.
Shooting Sports Orientation was held on
January 14. All individuals in grades 3 and up
who want to participate in the Shooting
Sports/Wildlife Program who did not attend this
meeting will need to contact the office at 651430-6800 to register. The training areas are as
follows: BB gun, Pellet Rifle/Pistol, DNR Safety
Class, .22 Rifle, Shot Gun and Archery.
There is a $20 per person fee with a $40 dollar
family cap to help cover costs of the supplies.
All equipment is supplied except eye and
hearing protection. The winter training session
will be held at Hooley Hall from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
on the following Tuesday evenings: February 3
(first time shooters only), 10, 17, 24; March 3,
10, 17, and 24. DNR Firearm training will be
held April 7, 14, 21 (Gov’t Center), 28, May 5
651-430-6800 | www.4-H.umn.edu
and 12. All DNR Training will be held at Hooley
Hall except for April 21 which will be held at
the Gov’t Center. Wildlife training will be
offered throughout the year.
The goal will be to prepare 4-H members to
compete in the State Shoot, held September 1113, 2015 (this is a correction from the dates
given on the Shooting Sports registration
material). To accomplish this, we will offer 15
hours of training time on the firing line for each
area and 8 hours of Wildlife training. This is a
state requirement. For more details, contact
Tim Warmka at [email protected], 651-5019757 (evenings only).
Spring Project Pursuit – Join Us For a Day
of Project Learning!!
The Spring Project Pursuit is going to be a
wonderful time filled with ideas and activities
geared towards preparing you for the fast
approaching fair season. Don’t miss out on this
great opportunity to learn more about your
projects from professionals within our
community! Learn to bake a pie, knit, or build
your own starter garden. Join us for
professionals talking about fishing sports or
child and family project areas. Hands on
learning at its finest - all 4-H members are
invited to attend on Saturday, March 14 at
Hooley Hall on the fairgrounds. Project Pursuit
begins at 9 a.m. and will end at 12 Noon, pizza
will be provided! The cost is $5/child before
March 2, $10 after the deadline. Preregistration is needed for this event. You must
be enrolled in 4-H to attend this event. For
more information, please see the Project Pursuit
Registration Form. Please call the office with
any questions at 651-430-6800.
Ukrainian Egg Workshop
Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 21 for
the ever popular Ukrainian Egg Design
Workshop. For more information see the
Ukrainian Egg Workshop Registration Form.
Clothing Project Workshop
4-H members are invited to attend a sewing
workshop held on Saturday, February 28 at
Linwood Covenant Church in Wyoming, MN
from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Members will be sewing
Pillow Case dresses and shorts for young
children living in poverty. There will be adults
available to help beginner sewers learn how to
complete the projects.
A few items to bring:
snack items to share
sewing machines (there may be a few
donations of new or gently used pillow
cases are appreciated
If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Kathy at
[email protected] no later than
Friday, February 20. Many thanks to Mary
Dylkowski and Tammy Dunrud for their help in
coordinating this service learning project with
Linwood Church.
Pillow Case Dresses being enjoyed!!
Creative Arts Day – Saturday, April 11
Youth in 4th grade and up should mark their
calendars for Saturday, April 11 for Creative
Arts Day! Youth attending Creative Arts Day
rotate to different stations learning different
fine arts or crafts. This has always been a very
popular workshop. Lots of fun and learning all
packed into one busy morning. Watch for more
information to be posted on the website and
emailed to all families in late February.
651-430-6800 | www.4-H.umn.edu
Last month’s problem was a math problem that
looked at bacteria when they reproduce. Since
they do this by dividing in two if we start out
with an initial number of bacteria, we can
determine how many bacteria there are after a
certain time has passed. Thus starting with 1
bacterium and assuming that the division
process takes 10 minutes, we can find out how
many bacteria there would be after a certain
time. We would have 2 bacteria after 10
minutes, 4 after 20 minutes and 8 after 30
minutes. After 1 hour there would be 64 and
after 2 hours there would be 4096 bacteria; but
if we go another 2 hours there would be
16,777,216 bacteria – a huge increase. So how
do we find out these numbers? We can find out
how many there will be after a certain time by
multiplying the initial number by two for every
10 minutes. That is initially there is 1 and after
10 minutes there are 2 (2x1). After 20 minutes
there are 4 (2x2) and after 30 minutes there are
8 (2x4) … up to 4096 (2x2048)) after 2 hours.
This process of multiplication is also called a
power law – a relationship between the number
of bacteria and the number of 10 minute time
intervals. For those with more math interest,
this can be expressed as N = N (0) times 2 to the
power n, where n is the number of 10 minute
In the News: Loggerhead sea turtles travel long
ocean distances in search of jellyfish and other
food; but at nesting time, they always find their
way back to the very same beach where they
hatched. The moment they emerge from their
underground nests, the tiny turtles scramble
into the sea and begin an 8,000 mile voyage
across the open ocean and back home again.
Scientists are now beginning to realize how they
do this – the turtles recognize their home turf
using the Earth’s magnetic field, which varies
across the globe. The scientists formed a
hypothesis that if the turtles homed in on a
beaches’ unique magnetic signature, their
nesting locations should migrate in response to
subtle natural changes in the geomagnetic field.
Conducting tests over 19 years, scientists have
found that the nests of sea turtles in Florida
clustered more densely in places where the lines
of magnetism got closer together and spread
out where they drifted apart. Taking their cues
from the field, which is most intense at the
poles, these turtles keep themselves within a
circle of warm ocean current known as the
Atlantic gyre, which stretches from the eastern
U.S. to the coasts of Spain and Africa. It's
unlikely the turtles find their way using visual
cues since the open ocean offers few
landmarks. Temperature is also an unlikely
indicator since water temperatures vary due to
factors like the Gulf Stream within the Atlantic
To prove that the loggerhead turtles use
magnetic fields for navigation, the scientists
constructed a miniature ocean in a four-footwide fiberglass tank filled with seawater and
surrounded it by a miniature magnetic field
created by a carefully charged network of
copper coils. Then 79 newborn turtles were
dressed in tiny Velcro/Lycra bathing suits and
lowered them inside the tank with fishing line
attached to a harness on the bathing suits. The
fishing line was connected to a mechanical arm
that measured every small turn the turtle in the
tank made. By manipulating the tank's
magnetic field to mimic the magnetic angles
and intensities that the turtles would experience
at sea, the scientists found the turtles
immediately swam in a direction that would
have kept them inside the warm gyre current.
For example, when exposed to conditions like
those found off the coast of northern Spain, the
turtles turned in a southerly direction. When
subjected to magnetism like that at the
southern edge of the North Atlantic gyre
between Africa and South America, the turtles
headed northwest, a direction that would send
them homeward to the U.S. coast.
Upcoming STEM Events: The next STEM PDC
meeting will be held on February 23 at 7 p.m. in
the Government Center cafeteria. Please feel
free to stop by and join the discussion. Also,
651-430-6800 | www.4-H.umn.edu
remember that the FTC team has its state
competition February 20 – 21.
Science in Life: None of us really like shoveling
snow from a driveway or walk, but we can make
observations while doing this that can be really
Ambassador Update….from Megan
You can observe that when walking on snow,
there is very little noise when the temperatures
are warm (say above 30 degrees F). At these
temperatures the ice crystals are surrounded by
a thin film of liquid water that lubricates the
snow crystals so they can slide past one another
without breaking. The more water around the
crystals, the less likely they are to break.
However, when it is colder out (below 14
degrees F) the snow can crunch or squeak
because the crystals bond or weld together like
a matrix, and when walking, your boots will
break the ice crystals, making that squeaking, or
creaking, sound. Snow above approximately 14
degrees F contains enough liquid water for the
crystals to “flow” silently under your boot.
These crystal bonds are weak in fluffy snow and
strongest in cold, dense snow.
Another thing to look for while out in the snow
is a phenomenon called sublimation which is
the transition of snow directly into vapor
without melting. Since sublimation is an
endothermic process (that is, a process which
needs a source of energy) and occurs at
temperatures below water’s melting point, the
sun needs to supply this added energy or the
snow would not sublimate. This is why on
some cold days you see the snow depth
lessening even there is no water formed.
Question of the Month: While you are out
shoveling, skiing, or making snow angels, think
about the snowflake and its shape. Why does
the snow flake have a 6-fold symmetry (why are
the flakes 6-sided or why do the snow “stars”
have 6 points)?
The ambassadors worked hard and coordinated
a successful Project Pursuit early in December.
Our Ambies then continued to get to know one
another better by having a fun winter social
held at the Rademacher's home over Christmas
break. They're not slowing down either;
planning is currently in the process for the
Cloverbud Daycamp held in the spring, as well
as ongoing promotion committees.
Ambassadors will be selling concessions at the
One Act Play and Share the Fun in order to raise
funds to donate to Relay for Life, which the
group will be participating in this spring. As
always, new ambassadors are always welcome!
Come join the fun!
Dog Project
Welcome to mid-winter, the time of year when
we all start looking to spring and the
excitement it holds! Dog training is just around
the corner and is time to think about making
sure your dogs’ shots are up to date and getting
your health forms in order to sign up for the
Dog Project. I cannot stress enough the
importance of ensuring your dogs are up to
date, as you cannot start training without proof
of those shots. I am ready for another fun filled
year with obedience, rally, showmanship and
agility, are you?
We are looking to you to help us improve the
program, and welcome any and all feedback you
have for us to help keep our enrollment
numbers up. If you are interested in taking a
larger role in the dog project, please contact us
for information on how to join the PDC. For
more information, go to our web site at
http://www.washingtoncountydog.org. The Dog
PDC will be having a meeting soon; look to the
web site calendar for date and time.
651-430-6800 | www.4-H.umn.edu
Should you have any questions about the dog
program, how to get your family pet and youth
involved, please feel free to contact me, Karl
Reimer at 651-472-3522 or Emily Fulton-Fischer
at the office at 651-430-6805.
Lama Project
It’s lama time in Washington County! The first
4-H lama meeting will be held on Thursday,
February 26, from 7 – 9 p.m. at the Gov’t Center.
This will be an orientation meeting to determine
how many 4-H members will participate in the
project this year.
We are also in need a Project Bowl coach as
Lama teams will compete one time this year at
the State competition held April 11 in Sauk
Rapids. This is the first project bowl for Lama.
Any questions, call Dan Whittaker at 651-2955340 or email [email protected].
Livestock PDC
The Livestock PDC met on January 14. The
following was discussed:
Beef ID process and how we will tag and
verify market beef/dairy steers this year.
LQA&E will not be on-line as anticipated
this year, so we will hold our classroom
training sometime in June.
Upcoming changes to the fall and County
Fair Awards Programs.
Started a discussion on mentor families.
Ann discussed the Science of Ag activities
that are being considered for the coming
In April, we will continue to work on a
mission/goal statement.
All Animal Science Project members and
adults are welcome to be a part of the
Livestock PDC. The next PDC meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday, April 15.
Rabbit Project Members
Market Beef and Dairy Steer ID
Anyone interested in learning more about the
rabbit project or would like to practice their
rabbit agility skills is welcome to join us at
Hooley Hall located on the Washington County
Fairgrounds on February 14, April 18, June 20
and July 18 from 9 - 11 a.m. Please see the
Washington County Rabbit Project Meeting
Schedule for more details. These sessions are
organized and presented by Emma Persoon and
Sarah Zellmer.
All market beef and dairy steers typically need
to be identified by February 15. In 2015,
February15 falls on a Sunday; Presidents Day
falls on the 16, so ID’s will be due on Tuesday,
February 17, 2015.
Poultry Workshop
Are you new to the Poultry Project? Are you
curious about what the poultry project entails?
Come to an informational meeting on Tuesday,
February 3 at the Washington County
Government Center. The meeting time will be
6:30-8 p.m. We will talk about how you show
poultry at the county fair, the different classes
you can enter, the different kinds of poultry you
can show in 4-H, where and when to get your
birds, etc. We hope to see you there!
Therese Stoebner and Mickey Neher
In 2015, families will identify their Market Beef
and Dairy Steer animal online, which means that
by midnight on February 17, all data must be
entered online or the paper forms postmarked
or submitted to the County Extension Office by
February 17. Animals not entered online by the
February 17 deadline will not be eligible for
championship placing, livestock auction
participation, premiums, any placing above a
blue ribbon, or participation in any
shows/competitions beyond the county level.
Details on how to tag and verify market
beef/dairy steers were emailed to 4-H
members enrolled in the beef project. If you
are intending to exhibit Market Beef or Dairy
Steers and have not yet completed your
enrollment in the Beef project, please visit
651-430-6800 | www.4-H.umn.edu
http://mn.4honline.com to complete or update
your enrollment.
If you did not receive the information on how to
tag/identify your market beef/dairy steer,
please contact the 4-H office. You must be
enrolled in 4-H and an “active/paid” member to
receive information and have access to the
online system to enter your data.
activities within the project and socialize with
friends! Hear about Horse Bowl, Hippology,
and Horse Camp just to name a few! There will
be guest speakers, door prizes and
refreshments! Call Barbara at 763-234-2457 or
Gail at 651-336-5474 with questions. Watch
for more details to follow.
Horse Judging Team!
Project Bowl Teams
Come support Washington County Bowl Teams
as they compete at the Regional Contest being
held on Saturday, March 14 at Meadowview
Elementary school in Farmington.
Ak-Sar-Ben - National 4-H Livestock Show
AK-SAR-BEN is a National 4-H Livestock show
held the last weekend in September in Omaha,
Nebraska. 4-H members must be 10 years old
by January 1 to be eligible to participate. The
office has received information on the
identification process for various species. If
you are interested in getting more information
on this show, please email Ann with questions
at [email protected].
Horse PDC
The first Horse PDC meeting for 2015 will be
held on Monday, February 9 beginning at 7 p.m.
at the Stillwater Gov’t Center.
Horse Project Day
Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 7 for
the Horse Project Day being held at Hooley Hall
on the Washington County Fairgrounds. We
will meet from 9 a.m. – 12 Noon (check in is
8:45 a.m.) to provide 4-H members with all the
information and answers you will need to
navigate through the 2015 Horse Project year.
This is a great opportunity to connect with
other horse members, learn about various
We are excited to offer our 4-H members an
opportunity to be a part of a 4-H Horse Judging
Team. Andrea Rice has offered to coach
interested members.
Andrea started judging horses as a 4-H member
in Maryland when she was 9 years old. A coach
of Andrea’s turned judging around for her when
“she taught us before she coached us”. Andrea
went on to compete in the National FFA
Convention's Horse Judging contest, and the
Eastern National 4-H Horse Round-Up.
Recently, Andrea coached the Southern High
FFA chapter horse judging team in Harwood,
Maryland. She worked with kids of varying
ages, who had little to no prior horse judging
experience. In 2013 the team won the Maryland
State FFA horse judging contest which qualified
them to represent Maryland at the 2013
National FFA Convention's Horse Judging
competition. Their team traveled to several
other judging venues (including Texas A&M's
judging camp, POA Congress and the All
American Quarter Horse Congress) in order to
prepare for Nationals. The team placed 2nd at
Nationals and had the 2nd high and 6th high
individuals overall, as well as several other team
and individual awards.
Horse judging opens the door for many youth
to a collegiate setting they had never before
The bigger goal behind competitive horse
judging is this: someday youth will be adults
and they could find themselves in a position to
purchase a horse. They should be able to
651-430-6800 | www.4-H.umn.edu
assess the conformation of the horse as well as
the ability of that horse to perform.
short skit. One of these was about Santa being
sued for a faulty toy.
We are very fortunate to have Andrea! She will
be at Horse Project Day; come meet her and
learn more about this great opportunity!
Respectfully submitted,
Mackenzie Schmit
Hugo Horseshoes
YTY Update
Are you interested in a career as a teacher,
counselor, or coach? Would you like to gain
experience in public speaking and classroom
management while fine-tuning your leadership
skills? If so, join our Teen Teacher program
with Youth Teaching Youth! Our Teen Teacher
volunteer positions offer fabulous opportunities
to kick-off your future while building your
resume. Youth Teaching Youth Teen Teacher
positions are available to Washington County
teens in grades 9-12. Teen Teachers instruct in
pairs at elementary schools within your district.
Elementary students receive three one-hour
sessions that cover topics such as: Character
Building, Internet Safety, Bullying Prevention,
and Alcohol and Tobacco Decision Making. If
you would like to become a Teen Teacher or
would like information on how to get Youth
Teaching Youth in your School District, contact
the 4-H Youth Teaching Youth Program
Coordinator, Emily Fulton-Fischer, at 651-4306805 or [email protected]. You can find a
teen teacher application here: Teen Teacher
Club Corners
Homeschool Howlers
During the Homeschool Howler’s January
meeting, the question for roll call was what our
favorite color was. We had two families visiting.
After a short business meeting, during which
the bylaws were approved, and the basket
design for the Clover Gala agreed upon, 4-H’ers
had a chance to practice Rabbit Bowl questions.
After this, we played the Paper Bag Theater,
using five objects in a paper bag to create a
On December 16 we had our meeting at the Rice
Lake Center Public Works building. Greg Ian
gave us a great demonstration on shooting
sports and gun safety. We finished up the
meeting with a Christmas party. Also this
month we rang the bell for the Salvation Army
outside Festival Foods.
Respectfully submitted,
Katie Nelson
St. Croix Clovers
The Saint Croix Clover’s January 4-H meeting
was called to order on January 2 at 6:45 p.m.
Charlie Bristow gave his final report on his
golfing club and stated that the club earned
$3,151. Mrs. Tenpas spoke about project Linus,
something intended for the St. Croix Clovers to
do in the future. Project Linus provides a sense
of security and comfort to children in need by
providing blankets to them. A demonstration
on food review was made and 4-H members
were encouraged to participate in the project
area. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Anna Landsem
Valley Shamrocks
The Valley Shamrocks have been very busy
lately! Last month we volunteered at Sharing
and Caring Hands, made a basket for the annual
clover gala, and participated in winter round up!
This month we have been doing more
volunteering and have been thinking of some
local community service projects we could
participate in throughout the year!
Respectfully submitted,
Anna Blechinger
651-430-6800 | www.4-H.umn.edu
For The Most Current Information Check Out
Our County Website!
State Information
County websites have been updated. Check out
the Washington County Extension page at:
Dear 4-H families and volunteers,
Have You Changed Your Email or Your
Our primary source of communication is email.
All 4-H correspondence goes to the email
address that you have submitted when you
enrolled on-line. If you have entered your
child’s email when enrolling, all correspondence
will go to that email. Changes to your family
account can be made at any time just by logging
in. If you are unable to make changes online,
PLEASE inform the office by emailing [email protected] or calling 651-430-6800.
Meeting Cancellations
Washington County Extension staff will cancel
scheduled meetings or events when any of the
following occur:
Temperature of minus 30 degrees or
lower at the time of the meeting/event.
Snow accumulations exceed five
Area schools release students early or
close for the day because of inclement
Meetings may also be cancelled due to
wind, drifting snow, icy roads or a
predicted storm or weather advisory.
If you are unsure about a meeting,
there will be a recorded message on
either Ann’s phone – 651-430-6809 or
Emily’s phone – 651-430-6805 after
4:30 p.m. about the meeting’s status.
This month several hundred youth from across
the state will gather to participate in the annual
4-H Building Leadership and Understanding
(BLU) youth leadership conferences. Developed
and led by Minnesota 4-H State Ambassadors,
these fun and exciting two-day events are held
to help youth learn and practice valuable skills
that they will be able to take with them and use
throughout their lives. This year’s theme is
“Tune into You,” which will focus on selfacceptance and acceptance of others.
Research shows that giving youth opportunities
to put their voices into action, and providing
them with leadership opportunities and
experiences enables them to be producers of
their own positive development (Lerner, 2002;
Schneirla, 1957).
One of the H’s in 4-H stands for “Hands,” as in,
“I pledge my hands to larger service.” One of
4-H’s priorities is to help youth develop the
leadership skills they need to be of service. 4-H
BLU conferences help young people obtain and
use leadership and citizenship skills, and find
the leaders within themselves to make a
positive impact in their families, homes, schools
and communities.
Dorothy M. Freeman
Associate dean and state 4-H director
Second Annual 4-H Celebration of
Minnesota Agriculture
On February 21 at the Earle Brown Heritage
Center in Brooklyn Center, the Minnesota 4-H
Foundation will host the second annual 4-H
celebration of Minnesota agriculture beginning
at 5 p.m. Come celebrate the impact of
Minnesota 4-H and agriculture at this gathering
of our statewide friends and supporters! For
651-430-6800 | www.4-H.umn.edu
more information, and to RSVP, please call 612625-2180 or visit the event website at
Scholarships for College-Bound 4-H Youth
Are you entering college this fall? Did you
know that each year the Minnesota 4-H
Foundation awards over $20,000 in
scholarships to college-bound 4-H’ers?
Applications are due April 15, 2015. Visit
http://z.umn.edu/sga to learn more. Direct
questions to Erin Kelly-Collins
([email protected]/612-624-7667).
2015 SS&W Leader Certification Trainings
The Minnesota 4-H Shooting Sports & Wildlife
Program Development Committee invites you to
attend a 4-H Shooting Sports & Wildlife Leader
Certification! The committee recommends that
leaders attend the entire certification weekend
every five years. Now is your chance to attend!
The training is designed for adults and youth
(9th grade and older) that lead or would like to
lead training in shooting sports or wildlife.
Classes will be offered in the disciplines of
coordinator, archery, rifle/pistol, shotgun,
muzzle loading, and wildlife. This training
meets the 4-H project leaders’ requirements for
certification and recertification. Although there
is range time allocated in the schedule, the
majority of the training is classroom work to
become an effective instructor, not to practice
your own shooting skills.
April 25 – 26, 2015
UMN and Crookston Gun Club,
Crookston, Minnesota
SCALE Training Facility, Jordan,
Minnesota (new location)
Registration materials will be available
February 1 and posted to: www.4h.umn.edu/events/shooting-sportscertification/. Deadline to register is April 10,
2015. Disciplines fill quickly, so make sure
registration forms are sent in early! All
volunteers MUST have successfully completed
the background screening process through their
county extension office before participating in
the training.
Citizenship Washington Focus
Thousands of young people from across the
United States come to the National 4-H Youth
Conference Center every summer to participate
in CWF, a citizenship and leadership program
held in Washington, D.C. Through a series of
speakers, committee work, field trips and social
events, participants learn the importance of
citizenship and social responsibility and are
given the opportunity to explore, develop, and
refine skills needed to be an outstanding leader
on both a local and national level.
June 20 : a.m. required pre-conference
workshop then depart for Washington, D.C.
June 27: p.m. arrive Back in Minnesota
January 15: All pre-application materials
available online.
February 17: CWF full application materials
available online. With a postmark date
beginning February 17, all required
application materials and $700 down
payment due.
Check with your county 4-H program
coordinator if there are other requirements
for participation.
More information can be found at www.4h.umn.edu/events/citizenship-washingtonfocus/.
651-430-6800 | www.4-H.umn.edu
Have you re-enrolled?
Regional Project Bowl Registrations Due
Shooting Sports (Hooley Hall)
One Act Play Registration #2 Due
Performing Arts Registration Due
Food Revue
BLU (Elk River)
Horse PDC
Shooting Sports (Hooley Hall)
Masquerade Ball Murder Mystery Dinner
(Clover Gala)
Rabbit Project Meeting
Market Beef/Dairy Steer ID deadline
Shooting Sports (Hooley Hall)
One Act Play
FIRST Tech Challenge State Meet – Prior
Executive Board
Ambassador Meeting
STEM Meeting
Shooting Sports (Hooley Hall)
Lama Orientation Meeting
Sewing Workshop
Shooting Sports (Hooley Hall)
Horse Project Day
Horse PDC
Ambassador Meeting
STEM Meeting
Shooting Sports (Hooley Hall)
Shooting Sports DNR Training (Hooley
Creative Arts Day
Shooting Sports DNR (Hooley Hall)
Livestock PDC
Share the Fun
Rabbit Project Meeting
Shooting Sports DNR (Gov’t Center)
Cloverbud Day
Federation Meeting
STEM Meeting
Ambassador Meeting
Shooting Sports DNR (Hooley Hall)
Summer Dates!
May 15
Animal ID deadline (all except
May 15
June 8-11
June 10-13
July 18
June 18-19
June 20
June 22-23
June 24
June 24-26
Camp Counselor Applications due
Shooting Sports (Hooley Hall)
Regional Project Bowl
Project Pursuit
Shooting Sports (Hooley Hall)
Ukrainian Egg Workshop
Executive Board Meeting
July 6 – 9
July 12-15
July 22
July 28-Aug 2
market beef/dairy steers)
Deadline to re-enroll
Washington County Horse
Rabbit Project Meeting
SOAR Challenge (U of M)
Rabbit Project Meeting
Horse Tech Clinic (Pleasure &
Arts In Registration Due
Summer Overnight 4-H Camp
with Dakota County
Day Camps @ Fairgrounds
(tentative dates)
Arts In Encampment
Horse Schooling Show
Washington County Fair
651-430-6800 | www.4-H.umn.edu
Washington County 4-H Photo Pages
First Place!
First Tech Challenge
First Tech Challenge Team