Pub Night - Mottram Parish


Pub Night - Mottram Parish
Grand Table Top Sale
+ good as new clothes, shoes and
accessories + refreshments
Saturday 11th April, 10am-3pm
at the Magdalene Centre
Tables for Hire: £10
contact Margaret Taylor
0161 494 8071
Prayer Group
Tuesday 3rd March 8pm
at the home of
Betty Gadd (0161 368 5131)
Walking With The Walkers
Saturday 7th March10:30am
Romiley (easy)
with Bob & Sue
0161 368 2706
Saturday 21st March 10am
Chapel Milton (harder)
with Chris & Carol
0161 366 0931
Meet at Mottram church gates
– car share if needed.
Tuesday 31st March, 7.00pm
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 12th March
the Magdalene Centre, 7.30pm
in the Choir Vestry. All welcome
Trefoil Guild
Friday 6 March 8.00pm
The Harewood, Broadbottom
Want to share a taxi? Contact Tony
Kershaw, and he’ll put you in touch.
3rd Thursday of every month, 7.30pm
at Mottram Community Centre
open to anyone over 18yrs who is
sympathetic to the aims of Guiding.
19th March... Romania
with Andrew Knight
Tuesdays, 8.00pm at Mottram
Community Centre
3rd March – AGM
with hot cross buns
17th – Easter Folk
Brian Hallsworth
and- Underwater
much much
more 31st
see pages
4, 5 andLawrence
page 2
sponsored by Alf and Sue Wilkinson
Pub Night
to join our coffee/tea rota
after 10.30am worship
contact Bernice Pickford Hills
01457 763104
Saturday 28th March at 8.30pm
join in this global annual event
where hundreds of millions of people
switch off their lights for one hour to
show they care about our planet.
Mottram Parish Magazine
March 2015
Your contributions welcome - the deadline for the
April issue is Wednesday March 18th
f i n a n c e m at t e r s
two simple figures which will build
over the year into a picture of the
financial health of our church
January income: £13,530
January expenditure £10,430
Note: this income includes £7,930
Gift Aid refund for 2013!
Open Doors National Tour
Tuesday 10th March, 7.30 pm
St John’s Dukinfield, SK16 5HZ
celebrating 60 years of serving
persecuted Christians
second Monday of every month
7.45pm at Mottram Cricket Club
9th March ‘Breach of Promise’
(to marry) a talk by Denise Bates
Are you interested in learning a new
craft? Do you have skills in crafting
that you can share with others?
alternate Tuesdays, 1.00–3.00pm
March 3rd, 17th & 31st
at Mottram Community Centre
Don’t need to be an expert, our aim is
to have fun and a good natter whilst
sharing skills or learning new ones.
Mottram Parish Magazine
March 2015
This Easter
Mottram Parish Church presents...
Organ: George Parsons
The Cross and Resurrection in
the organ music of J.S. Bach
Saturday 4th April at 7pm
No tickets - donations welcome
Women’s World Day of Prayer
Friday 6th March 2015, 2pm
service in Mottram Church
an annual day of celebration bringing
together women of various races,
cultures, and traditions
* Photo Session *
Raising money for Mary’s Meals
Have your portrait taken - individuals,
couples, kids, family groups etc.
the Magdalene Centre
Sunday March 22nd
£10 for 4 prints, various sizes –
collect from Broadbottom Post Office
Contact Richard Mortimer
07871 101257 or morphmo@ to book your slot!
page 3
sponsored by the Flower Ladies and Holy Dusters
Palm Sunday 29th March
Holy Communion
Special Parish Communion Service for Palm Sunday
Holy Week
Sunday 29th, Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st March at St. Michael’s
8:00 - 8:45pm Reflective Evening Prayer... ‘Hearing from God’
A simple service with guided reflection to help us listen to God
speaking to us individually through the Bible
Wednesday 1st April at the Magdalene Centre
7:45 - 9:30pm Passover Meal for Adults
A traditional Jewish ‘Seder’ meal, with Peter & Julie Fraser
Thursday 2nd April at the Magdalene Centre
all day
Passover Meal - Day for Schools, with Peter & Julie Fraser
Five slots during the day for our primary schools. During the session,
the children will sit on the floor, middle-eastern style, taste the tastes,
hear the story and be led to the Last Supper
Maundy Thursday 2nd April at St. Michael’s
Traditional Maundy Thursday Holy Communion Service
with foot washing, remembering Jesus performing this act of service
for his disciples at the Last Supper.
Good Friday 3rd April at St. Michael’s
Hot Cross Buns and Meditations on the Cross
For all the church family. We’ll meet in church for hot cross
buns, then move down to the Memorial Garden for ‘Meditations on the
Cross’. Then back to church for a short worship session before lunch.
Simple lunch in Mottram School
Saturday 4th April at St. Michael’s
Bach, Beauty & Belief
An organ recital by George Parsons, playing music by Bach
and weaving the gospel story through the music and his comments.
Easter Sunday 5th April
Dawn Service
followed by bacon sandwiches at the vicarage
Holy Communion
Easter Day Communion
Easter Evensong
page 4
Mottram Parish Magazine
sponsored by GJS Wealth Management, 0161 303 8008
March 2015
The Magazine Editors Write
So, who do we think
you are?
We posed that question
in the January magazine.
We thought it would
be a good idea to look
at who you are – the readers of the
magazine – so that we could make sure
we make this particular communication
medium as relevant as possible to the
particular group of people that read it.
We were very pleased to get a good
response to the survey. About 10% of
you replied – many market research
companies would love to get that
many! Thank you!
• We knew part of the answer already,
from Adrian’s distribution database:
75% of
you live in
about 13% in
with the
remainder split equally between
Hattersley and Stalybridge.
• From your answers, we saw that
most of you are over 45 years of age,
including 75% over 65. This confirms
what we
– that the
may not be
younger people. We’re doing some
more work, to find out whether
that reflects a preference for digital
communications in those age groups,
Mottram Parish Magazine
March 2015
or whether it is
more to do with
the content of
the magazine.
Watch this
• Three quarters
of you have
the magazine
– a credit to our band of
• Half of you are regular attenders
at St. Michael’s, and we are very
pleased to be able to be part of the
church’s contact with the half who for
whatever reason cannot manage the
journey ‘up the brow’!
We value your opinions about the
content and quality of the magazine:
• It’s good to see that most of you read
most or all of the magazine. Some
do not read the CDN, whilst others
find it a useful link to what’s going on
in the wider church. Many read the
adverts only when they need to ‘get
someone in’, which is what we would
You have given us some useful
suggestions for topics which we might
cover in the magazine:
• articles about local people
• people celebrating special occasions
• village news
• items for sale
• other Christian groups
• more humour 
page 5
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