clicking here - Lake Farm Park Academy


clicking here - Lake Farm Park Academy
In this issue
 LFP Way Award Winners
 Nursery Review
 Please Help
 Breakfast and After
School Clubs
 5 Stars for the Kitchen
 Parent Council
 Our First Federation
Issue 6
February 2015
Planning Ahead for September 2015
We are now half way
through the school year and
we are starting to plan ahead
ready for the next school
year. September seems a long
way off whilst in the depth of
a cold and wet spell of
weather, but it will come
around quickly. Our current
Reception children will be
moving into Year 1 and
hopefully many of our
Nursery children will get a
place in our Reception
classes. We have had a large
number of applications to
LFPA for next year – this is
great as it shows the LFPA
word is spreading and our
reputation is growing. We
are confident that we will
have full Reception and
September. As part of our
forward planning, we are also
starting to recruit the
additional teachers and
support staff that we will
need for our Year 1 classes. I
will keep you updated about
purpose of the visit was to
review the quality of learning
in the Nursery. Visits like this
are very important to help us
ensure we are on the right
track in the first few years of
setting up our classes.
Please Help
This term, we are focusing on
further developing our
outside area. As the weather
improves (hopefully!) the
children will have more
opportunities to learn
outside. What goes on
outside is as important as
what is going on in the
classrooms, particularly in the
early years. We are investing
further money into
equipment for these areas,
but any additional resources
that families could donate to
us would be very welcome.
As long as they are in a fair
condition, we’d be happy to
receive items such as:
After half term, I will be
writing to you w ith
information about our next
Parents’ Evening, which will
be during the week beginning
16th March. This will be an
opportunity to discuss your
child’s progress and what the
next steps in their learning
are. However, our teachers
are always happy to discuss
how your child is getting on
and any concerns you may
have at any point, not just at
Parents’ Evening. Please do
speak to them if you would
like to arrange a meeting.
A reminder that next week is
half term (Monday 16th –
Friday 20th February). School
finishes at the normal time on
Friday (13th) – no early finish.
Have a lovely week.
Mr C Horsman
Head of School
News and Notices
LFP Way Award Winners
LFP Way Award Winners
I am pleased to announce the
following LFP Way Award
Learning Stars
Rachel and Sujeevan R1
Mudasert and Asha R2
Amira and Arman R3
Behaviour Stars
Aliyah and Rayyan R1
Violet and Augustin R2
Samah and Timrath R3
Congratulations to all of our
LFP Way Stars!
Nursery Review
Earlier in the term the
Nursery was visited by Janine
Fry, who is the Vice Principal
for Early Years at James
Elliman Academy (James
Elliman Academy, which is in
Slough, is another school in
The Park Federation). The
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I’m pleased to report that
Miss Fry was very
complimentary about the
Nursery. She was particularly
impressed by the learning
opportunities on offer to the
children and commented on
the exemplary behaviour of
the children and how engaged
they were with their
activities. Miss Fry also gave
us some useful pointers for
further improvements, which
we’ll be working hard to
implement. Well done to Mrs
Patel and her hard-working
 Building materials – bricks,
guttering, tubing, wooden
sleepers, planks of wood
 Tyres, old car steering
 Fabric, cushions, carpet
tiles, dressing up clothes
 Kitchen utensils – pots,
pans, wooden spoons etc.
(to use as musical
 Old phones, computer
 Plastic mats, rolls of
artificial turf
 Plant pots, gardening
equipment, seeds
So please have a search
through your cupboards or in
the shed for any items you
no longer use that you think
would be useful for the
school. We have also
contacted local businesses to
see if they can help. Thank
you in advance.
Lake Farm Park Academy Newsletter
Dates for Your Diary
 16th - 20th February
 Friday 6th March
Botwell Common Road
Phone: 020 8573 2622
E-mail: lfpaoffice@
Half Term - School Closed
‘How to Help’ meeting at 9:00am
(topic to be confirmed)
Parent Council Meeting at 6:00pm
 Tuesday 10th March
 Week Beginning 16th March
 17th March
Parents’ Evening
 30th March -10th April
Individual Photographs (more information to
follow after half term)
End of Spring Term. Finish at 2:15pm
(no Afternoon Nursery)
Spring Holiday - School Closed
 Monday 13th April
Start of Summer Term
 Monday 4th May
Bank Holiday - School Closed
 25th - 29th May
Half Term - School Closed
 Wednesday 22nd July
End of Summer Term
 Friday 27th March
Afternoon Tea
Every Tuesday from 2:00pm
We’re on the web
I look forward to
continuing to work
alongside all of our
families to establish Lake
Farm Park Academy as
the No.1 choice for our
Thank you for
your continued
Craig Horsman
Head of School
Lake Farm Park
Page 2
News and Notices
Breakfast and After
School Clubs
Both clubs are now available
for both Nursery and
Reception children, every
morning from 8:00am and
every evening until 5:30pm.
Children can go as little or
as often as required. Please
speak to the office if you
would like more information
or to book a place. We have
also clarified what charges
are applied at what times – a
price list is available from the
office (prices have not
changed). Please note the
charges we apply are to
cover the cost of our staff
and any additional resources
(e.g. food for snacks) – we
do not make profit from
these clubs.
5 Stars for the Kitchen
Lisa R icha rdson , our
Catering Manager, recently
had an inspection from the
Food Standards Agency.
They were very pleased with
what they saw and gave her
a rating of 5/5. Well done
Parent Council
Our next Parent Council
meeting is at 6:00pm on
Tuesday 10th March. This an
opportunity for parents to
have their say on issues that
are important to them and
to work with the school on
further improvements and
developments. All parents
are welcome. If you do have
things you wish to raise, our
Parent Governors are always
happy to put things forward
on your behalf.
Our First Federation
During the academic year,
we try to arrange crossfederation events where
pupils from all our six
academies take part in
various activities. LFPA will
be hosting its first federation
event in March, when
approximately 70 boys and
girls from the other
academies will be taking part
in a cross-country run in the
Country Park. Although our
children are too young to
take part this year, we’ll
make sure they have an
opportunity to watch the
race and cheer the runners
home. The event will take
place on Tuesday 3rd March.
Lake Farm Park Academy Newsletter