Mar 2004 - Tampa Bay Aquarium Society


Mar 2004 - Tampa Bay Aquarium Society
W W W. T B A S 1 . C O M
The Filter
Tampa, Florida
West Central Florida
St. Petersburg, Florida
A Fish Collector’s Delight
by Glenn Briggs
A Member of ANGFA
Pg. 2
Pg. 3
Several months ago, Neil Armstrong told me how
he was organising the collection and despatch
of several Victorian fish species to his
photographic mate Gunther Schmida. Gunther
was keen to re-photograph Nannoperca
Glenn Briggs
in action
Pg. 4
Bowl Show
Results of January
and February
Pg. 5
March Program
Tony Terceria...
one of the best
Killifish keepers and
picture takers
there is...
Tampa Bay Aquarium Society.
P.O. Box 27044
Tampa, Fl 33623
Eels were also always abundant in the local waterway.
Of course as soon as he had to catch some fish for
Neil, Kwai found the Pygmy Perch had all mysteriously
vanished! Anyway, Kwai did manage to catch 3 nice
Eels, ranging from 30 to 50cm, which he dutifully
passed on to Neil. Neil then told me of his lack of
Pygmy Perch, to which it was my turn to brag to him:
“Jen and I often go riding along the Warburton bike
trail each week, and I often accidentally catch a few
australis if we stop at Woori Yallock Creek to catch
glass shrimp for fish food.”
So a couple of days later Jen and I did our usual half
hour ride to the “Woori”, I had a small “pole-net” in
the back pack for the quick collection of a few perch.
australis (Sth Pygmy Perch) and Anguilla Well, after about 40 minutes, I had only one tiny
australis (Short finned Eel), so Neil offered to specimen about 20mm which fell back into the creek!
try and track down some nice specimens for him.
Not to be defeated, the next evening we drove back to
At the same time I was going to send up some the “Woori”, this time I was armed with a larger
Glossolepis maculosus to Gunther, also to be
photographed, so I suggested Neil pass on his
fish to me so that I could send them in the one
This innocent enough suggestion set off a series
of, at times, farcical events.
Several weeks elapsed and no fish were
forthcoming, so I was beginning to wonder if
Neil’s fish had come to a nasty end. As it turned
out Neil was getting the fish from another ANGFA
member Kwai Chang-kum. Kwai works at
Werribee Zoo, which has an extensive water
feature which is supplied from the nearby
Werribee River. On many previous occasions
Kwai had caught nice adult Pygmy Perch and
Southern Pygmy Perch, Nannoperca australis
Photo by R. H. Kuiter
favourite net. The creek was very low due to the
drought and looked “easy pickings”.
Well appearances can be deceiving! First of all I nearly
fell in while filling a bucket for the expected bountiful
Tampa Bay Aquarium Society..Since 1992
-2Al Knowles Photo
catch (of course this act brought great merriment to Jen and I
responded with a few well chosen but unprintable words!)
Then, on my 2nd or 3rd netting attempt I managed to snag the net
in a not very accessible spot, and then managed to break part of
the nets frame. By this stage Jen had decided this was obviously a
waste of time, so she went off collecting dry cowpats for our veggie
garden at home. I guess someone had to be doing something
Feeling decidedly peeved, I persisted with the now partly useless
net, but after another 30 minutes I did not collect a single fish, plus
I managed to totally stuff the already partly stuffed net. Oh well, at
least Jen got plenty of fertiliser.
Meanwhile at the Armstrong residence, the largest Eel had managed
to eat its 2 slightly smaller brethren, and then jumped out - no
doubt in search of its next meal.
Luckily Neil found it before it was too dried out and it soon
recovered back in its aquarium.
A week later the eel was delivered to my work and was put in an
aquarium with several large pieces of terracotta on the coverglass,
to ensure no Houdini escapist acts would occur. Sure enough, the
next day one of my co-workers was walking past the tank and
nearly jumped out of his skin when out of the corner of his eye, he
thought he was about to step on this leathery looking snake. It
was, of course, Neil’s Eel, and once again when placed back in its
aquarium, it demonstrated the amazing recuperative powers of this
Finally, another ANGFA member Phil Littlejohn came to the rescue
with several Pygmy Perch - I must admit that in the end I was glad
to be rid of Gunther’s fish.
And the last time I heard from Gunther the eel is still in its aquarium!
Shortfinned eel, Anguilla australis
Drawing by J. R. Richardson.
I am sorry Joe...Let me explain. Joe Emmons, TBAS president, did
everything he could to get the President's column to me this month.
As a matter of fact he was almost early and the copy of the presidents column sat on my hard drive for a week or more until the
moment hit me to put the March issue together. Well, I started to
work on the March issue and I started with Joe's column. I couldn't
load computer wouldn't load it????? Now computer will load a "peanut butter and jelly sandwich" if you talk to it
right! I tried this and that and everything and it wouldn't load! So
I contacted the guy who sent the column to me for Joe and asked
him to send it again, that there was a "read" problem and it might
have been in the e-mail process. The next day it came and I tried luck. I sent another note for him to talk with Joe and
see if they can save it in a different format. I guess he either didn't
get the e-mail or forgot........anyway I got a hold of Joe and he kindly
brought it down from Clearwater for me on Sunday afternoon to be
sure it got in this month's bulletin...........well, it didn't load!!!!! Beats
me Joe so we'll talk about it and now I am writing an article about not
getting an article.........;-).......that's computer talk for a laugh ....:-). A
"smiley" face turned to the left!
Well, Why the ANGFA push? I received an e-mail the other week
and it was from the editor of the ANGFA club offering an extra article
if we would print the article about thought was...
"Hummmmm".....he didn't even have to off the second article to get
me to print the first.....he must not have been an editor for long. I
probably would print things written on toilet paper if it had to do
with aquariums! Anyway.......thanks to the ANGFA group for the
articles and welcome to our part of the world and maybe if we are
lucky enough we will meet somewhere and share some fish. For
sure all of the Tampa folks should go to their web site and take a
look. It seems as they have something started down there.
Mike Jacobs
Tampa Bay Aquarium Society..Since 1992
departments. Rainbowfishes – Their
Care and Keeping in Captivity CD,
ANGFA posters, and Fishes of Sahul
back issues are currently available for
member purchase at attractive prices.
We stock books that cannot be found in
the usual bookshops including The
Waterbug Book by J. Gooderham & E.
When you think of Australian freshwater fish, do rainbowfish come
to mind? The Australian New Guinea Fishes Association (ANGFA)
was formed in 1982 as a group of hobbyists, scientists, adventurers
and conservationists from around the world dedicated to
freshwater fishes, plants and other aquatic life native to Australia
and New Guinea.
Yes, we love rainbowfish, but there’s much more to ANGFA.
Photo bysawfish
Whether blind cave gudgeons, nurseryfish,
or even
lungfish, we have members with first-hand experience. Our interests
extend to other forms of aquatic life such as amphibians, insects,
crustaceans and plants. Like other areas of the world, our aquatic
life is threatened by pollution, deforestation, development and
introduction of exotic species. Surveying and documentation of
diverse native habitats is a primary objective. Many species are
yet undiscovered.
ANGFA publishes Fishes of Sahul,* a high-quality journal,
produced and published by native fishkeepers for native
fishkeepers – four issues per year. Each issue contains 24 pages
of diverse, informative and interesting original articles backed up
by spectacular, full colour, glossy plates. Once a new member
receives their first couple journals, they often want a complete set
of back issues! A small sample of recent articles:
Gerald R. Allen
Gunther Schmida
Philip Littlejohn
Greg Howe
Jean Joss
Nick Romanowski
Neville Coleman
Peter Unmack
Dave Wilson
Original articles in our newsletter, ANGFA News, provide assistance
to hobbyists rearing and maintaining fish in captivity. Legislative
and conservation updates are presented. Regional group
summaries, book reviews and the ANGFA shop are regular
Tsyrlin, Field Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Australia by G.R.
Allen, S.H. Midgley & M. Allen and Freshwater Fishes of the Timika
Region New Guinea by G.R. Allen, K.G. Hortle & S.J. Renyaan.
We invite you to join our membership and enjoy the excellent
resources and excellent contacts that become available to you.
Membership is $40 (Australian currency) which includes all postage
and handling costs from Australia. Currency conversion is handled
automatically with our secure online credit card payment option available on our extensive website:
Alternative payment options are available. Contact our ANGFANorth America coordinator, for further information:
Kevin Hosmer, ANGFA-NA
626 Phillips Road
Blairsville, PA 15717
ph 724-459-4920 until 10 pm, EST
email: [email protected]
* Sahul refers to the single landmass that encompassed present
day Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania.
Tampa Bay Aquarium Society..Since 1992
Knowles Photo
Thoughts on AlWater
Board of
Joe Emmons
Mike LoBello
Patty Moncrief
Jon Papp
At Large:
Rick Cervantes
Thelma Frias
Robert Gruner
Mike Jacobs
Ludo Van De Bogaert
Brian Skidmore
Bowl Show:
Thelma Frias
Jim Greenwald
Mike LoBello
Reprinted from TBAS April 1993
By Vinny Kutty
Back in the 70’s and even in the early
limit. Many unexplained deaths can be
80’s, you often heard aquarists
attributed to nitrates.
debating the merits of water changes.
What is a good percentage to
There was a school of thought that
change? Well . . . this is still being
nitrogenous fish waster that was
debated, but the answer probably is
processed by the bacteria in filters
“more than water you are doing now”. I
would eventually be consumed by
change 50% of the water every week in
plants and “other organisms” in the
all of my tanks – this is about 250
aquaria therefore making water
gallons in all and I DO NOT use siphons
changes unnecessary. This is a false
and buckets! I use the Python water
concept considering that most people
changing system. I have no affiliations
don’t have enough plants in the tank
with this or any other product names
to use up the dissolved nitrogenous
mentioned herein but if it were not for
waste (DNW) and the supply of these
Python, many of my fish would be very
wastes always exceeded the demand
ill. Don’t forget that the Tampa Bay area
because of a high fish load. Anyway,
has chloramines added to disinfect the
our hobby seems to have matured
water – use products like Amquel with
somewhat in that you don’t hear
changes. I usually add it straight
Photo by Alanwater
people arguing whether or not to do
to the tank as the new water is being
water changes.
filled. Of course you cannot change 50%
Unfortunately, we’ve gone from of the water in a reef tank on a regular
arguing about it to suggesting 5%
basis without going broke and you
weekly (or 20% monthly) water
cannot do so in a tank with Tanganyikan
changes to beginners. Of course, this
cichlids – because these fish are
is a step in the right direction but over sometimes sensitive to large scale water
a period of a year or so, the nitrates
changes. Most other fish, however, can
(DNW) are going to skyrocket as if you tolerate 30 – 50% water changes quite
had never done water changes. There easily. I accidentally changed 70% of
will be a temporary reduction in DNW
the water at times and my fish don’t
but it will soon (day or two) rise up to seem to mind at all . . . as long as I do it
pre-water change concentrations.
gradually and the temperature and pH of
Why? Sludge in filters and gravel will
the water is the same as in the tank.
be assimilated by the bacteria and
With such large scale water changes,
convert to DNW. This process doesn’t
you won’t allow build up of DNW in the
seem to take long. So, the 5% change tank to reach grave concentrations.
in water serves mostly to replace trace
The key point in water changes is
elements used up by the fish and
the regularity. You absolutely must keep
it up on a weekly basis to keep DNW
Your fish will do much better if
low. If a few weeks are missed, you can
their water quality maintenance is
either increase the volume of the next
reliant on water changes rather than
water change or you can increase the
filtration. Unless you have a
frequency of water changes when you
denitrification system using anaerobic
DO have time.
bacteria, you are going to have a high
Most natural bodies of water
nitrate level in your tank. Nitrates are
experience 100% water changes many
only less toxic than ammonia and
times a day and doing 30 – 50% once a
nitrates – nitrates are NOT NONweek is the least we can do for our wet
TOXIC! They will make fish more
pets. Also, experienced hobbyists will tell
susceptible to diseases and you’ll have you that most “difficult” fish spawn soon
rampant, unsightly algae growth. Many after a large water change. This could
freshwater fish have a tolerance limit
be a trigger that stimulates rainy season
for nitrates and without water
or perhaps the fish are just so thrilled to
changes, your tank will soon reach this have some pollutants removed from their
milieu that they get into the mood.
Tampa Bay Aquarium Society..Since 1992
January Winners:
1) Livebearers:
February Winners:
1) Killifish Top
1. Bruce Lilyea
2. Thelma Frias
1. Hugh Moore
3. John Papp
2. Harry Specht
2) Egglayers:
3. Bruce Lilyea
1. Robert Gruner
2) Killifish Bottom
Monthly Bowl Show
1) Livebearers 2) Egglayers
1) Killies Top 2) Killies Bottom
3) Open
1)Old World Cichlids 2)New World Cichlids
2. John Papp
3. Jim Greenwald
1. Harry Specht
2. Jim Greenwald
Best of Show:
Bruce Lilyea
People's Choice:
Jim Greenwald
3. Joe Emmons
3) Open Class:
1. Jim Greenwald
2. Michelle DeCandia
3) Tank Decorations
1) Sucker Catfish 2)All Other Cats
3) Open
1) Livebearers Spawned & Raised
2) Egglayers Spawned & Raised
3) Open
1) Marine Fish 2) Invertebrates
1) Barbs & Rasboras
2) Danios, White Clouds & Rainbows
3. Jim Greenwald
3) Open
1) Bettas 2) Antabantids
Bowl Show Entry
Best of Show:
3) Fish Art
Harry Specht
1) Characins
2) Sharks, Loaches & Eels
People's Choice:
1) Native Florida Fish 2) Any Plants
3) Fish Shirt (must be worn)
Dad.....the bid's over there!!!
Bowl Show Entry
1) Goldfish 2) Koi
Monday.........March 8, 2004
7:00 - 7:30 Social
7:30 Meeting
Bring A Friend!!
Program: Tony Terceria "The Photo Man"
Bring your Cameras!!!!!!!
P.O. Box 27044 Tampa, Florida 33623
Tampa Bay Aquarium Society...