Healing and Cleansing powers - St John the Baptist RC Church


Healing and Cleansing powers - St John the Baptist RC Church
St John the Baptist's, Perth
6.30pm (Saturday Vigil)
& on Sunday
9am, 11am, 6.30pm
at 10am, Tuesday 7pm
Niedziela 3pm
Pojednania 14.30pm
in St John’s
Priests: Rev. Dr.Tom Shields PhB STL PhD VE, St John’s Presbytery, 20 Melville Street, Perth, PH1 5PY (01738 622241) Youth Office (01738 635074)
Fr Bogdan Palka SDS 16 Melville Street Perth PH1 5PY (01738 564182)
Deacon: Len Moir
3rd Sunday of Lent
Year B
8th March 2015
Healing and Cleansing powers
“In the temple precincts He came upon people engaged in selling oxen, sheep and doves,
and others seated changing coins.” —John 2:14
oday we continue to read from
learning more about the
ministry of Jesus. Jesus
cured Simon’s mother-inlaw, and she immediately
began to serve Jesus and
his disciples. Jesus also
cured many others who
were brought to him,
healing their illnesses and
driving out demons. As
we will see throughout
Mark’s Gospel, Jesus did
not permit the demons to
speak because they knew
his identity and would
have revealed it to those
who were present.
On the morning after
this busy day, Jesus retreated in prayer, but was
pursued by Simon and
others who brought news
that many people were
looking for him. At this
point in Mark’s Gospel,
we begin to see a distinct
role for the inner circle of
Jesus’ disciples—they act
as intermediaries between
Jesus and the people. Jesus reports to his disciples
that they need to leave
Capernaum to preach in
other places.
Today’s Gospel completes a picture of Jesus’
ministry: preaching, curing the sick, driving out
demons, and then moving
on to continue this work
in another place. Mark’s
Gospel tells us that Jesus
did this throughout Galilee.
Jesus’ compassion and
healing of the sick is a
sign of the Kingdom of
God. The Church continues to extend Christ’s
healing presence to others in its ministry to the
sick. In the Sacrament of
the Anointing of the Sick,
to all
Teas after
the 11am
Mass on Sunday
10am Mass
on Tuesdays
Priests for
the Church prays for spiritual and physical healing,
forgiveness of sins, and
comfort for those who are
suffering from illness.
In today’s Gospel we
also notice the importance
of prayer in Jesus’ daily
life. Jesus rose early in the
morning, removed himself from the crowds, and
went to a deserted place to
For this Sunday’s liturgy
Responsorial Psalm
I will walk in the presence of the Lord
in the land of the living.
Gospel Acclamation
I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord,
whoever believes in me
will never die.
Diocese of Dunkeld - Scottish Charity No. SC001810
pray. When the disciples
found him, he told them
that it was time to move
on. We believe that in his
prayers Jesus found guidance and direction from
God. We also bring our
decision-making to God
in prayer, asking for his
guidance and direction in
our lives.
A Lenten sheet is now available.
Please note that the Stations
of the Cross on Good Friday
evening will be in Polish.
In addition to the Masses on
Easter Sunday already advertised, there will be Masses in
Polish at 7am and 12.15pm.
Please pray for the
repose of the souls of
Barry McNeela, John
Brennan, Serena Massa,
Lorna Bryce (Sinclair),
Joseph Collier, Maggie
Welsh, Josef Glusinski,
Anne Solskow, Margarita Wills, Lizzie Pearsonand Thomas Pearson
and and the souls of all
the faithful departed.
May their souls and
the souls of all the faithful departed rest in
peace. Amen.
“Gorliwosc o dom mój Mnie pozera…”
słyszeliśmy wezwanie Jezusa do nawrócenia. Kto
chce przebywac w towarzystwie Boga teraz i w
wieczności, musi przemieniac siebie i stawac
się coraz bardziej podobnym do Niego. Żeby
dojsc do Boga trzeba isc
za Jezusem. Prowadzi
tam tylko jedna droga:
droga przyjecia slowa
Bozego i wiary, oraz
zycia godnego Boga.
Dzisiejsza niedziela przypomina nam prawde, o
ktorej często nie chcemy
pamiętać, a mianowicie
żeby się nawrocic, trzeba
być gotowym wyrzec się
czegos, poswiecic się.
Trzeba być gotowym
poswiecic Bogu wszystko
wówczas, gdy On tego
zazada. Ta mysl zostala
wyrazona w dzisiejszych
czytaniach. W pierwszym
czytaniu widzimy Abrahama,
posłuszeństwo względem
Boga, gotowość ofiarowania wlasnego, jedynego
syna. Co za ofiara dla
tego ojca, zabic i spalic
wlasne dziecko, cala swoja nadzieje i przyszłość.
Wielka to dla nas nauka!
Drugie czytanie mowi
nam,jak bardzo nas Bog
umilowal i jak wiele
dla nas poswiecil. „On
nawet wlasnego Syna nie
oszczędził, ale Go za nas
wszystkich wydal” (Rz
8,32). Ewangelia z kolei
mowi nam o przemienieniu Jezusa. Trzem apostolom dane było zajrzec
na chwile do niewidzialnego
swiatla i piekna. Kiedy
to widzenie zniknęło im
sprzed oczu, Jezus im
zapowiada, ze będzie
musial cierpiec, umrzec
i zmartwychwstac, zanim wejdzie do chwaly, która przed chwila
ogladali. Bez wielkiej
ofiary nie ma wielkiej
chwaly. „Poboznosc bez
ducha ofiary to organizm bez kręgosłupa”
(Marmion). Dzisiaj zachodzi wielka obawa,
mogą zniszczyc sami
chrześcijanie, bo nie
sa już gotowi do ofiar
i wyrzeczenia, których
chrześcijańskie. Nie sa
już gotowi do do zycia wedlug ewangelii,
dokladnie i konsekwentnie. Pamietajmy ze droga
do szczesliwej
Zapraszamy do
Spowiedzi i
we Mszy sw.
W każdą niedzielę
Spowiedz sw. od godz.
2:15 PM. Zapraszamy do
regularnej spowiedzi św.
i do pelnego uczestnictwa w niedzielnej Mszy
św. o godz 3pm.
po polsku
W Parafii sw. Jozefa w
Dundee (u Ks. Leszka)
rozpocznie się przygotowanie do Sakramentu
Malzenstwa w sobote 28
Lutego br. Przygotowanie rozpocznie się Msza
sw. o godz 6:00 PM.
Zapisy na pierwszym
spotkaniu. Zapraszamy
wszystkie te pary, które
w tym roku planuja
zawrzec sakramentalny
związek małżeński
spowiedzi przy każdej
możliwej okazji i prosimy
o nie odkladanie tego waznego elementu naszego
przygotowania do swiat na
ostatnia chwile. W naszej
parafii jest możliwość
ze skorzystania z tego
Sakramentu w kazda
Niedziele przed Msza sw.
polska, w każdy Piątek
po zakończeniu Drogi
Krzyzowej, jak również
będzie możliwość w
Poniedziałek 23 Marca
od godz. 5pm oraz we
Wtorek 24 Marca od godz
5pm. W te dwa dni sa
zaproszeni kaplani z zewnatrz i będzie to już dla
nas ostatnia okazja żeby tu
w parafii skorzystac z tego
sakramentu. W Wielki
Czwartek, Piątek i Sobote
już spowiedzi nie będzie.
Serdecznie zapraszamy
do zaplanowania sobie
stosownego czasu.
Dodatkowa możliwość
przyjecia Sakramentu Pokuty po polsku w Parafii
sw. Jozefa w Dundee w
25 Marca, 26 Marca i
27 Marca od godz. 6pm.
Wielki Czwartek –
Pamiatka ustanowienia
Sakramentow Eucharystii
i Kaplanstwa Msza sw. o
godz. 7pm (Po angielsku,
przewodniczy Fr Bogdan).
Wielki Piątek – Pamiatka śmierci Pana Jezusa
na Krzyzu Ceremonie
wielkopiątkowe o godz.
3pm (Po polsku, przewodniczy Fr Bogdan). W
tym dniu, jako jedynym
w roku nie odprawia się
Mszy sw. lecz adorujemy
Pana Jezusa w grobie.
O godz. 7pm Droga Krzyzowa po polsku.
Wielka Sobota – Wigilia Paschalna Ceremonie Wigilii Paschalne - o
godz. 9pm (Po angielsku,
przewodniczy Fr Tom).
sprzątanie i dekorowanie
kościoła, swiecenie pokarmow w naszej parafii odbedzie się w godzinach
- o godz. 1pm
- o godz. 2pm
- o godz. 3pm
Parish website: www.stjohns-perth.org.uk
Wielki Post
w naszej
Zapraszam tez do uczestnictwa w Nabozenstwach Drogi Krzyzowej
które sa odprawiane w
każdy piątek o godz.
7PM. W ramach naszego przygotowania do
Swiat Wielkiej Nocy
śpiewamy tez Gorzkie
Zale i w ramach tego
nabożeństwa sluchamy
rozważań pasyjnych. Przypominam i zachęcam
do powstrzymania się
od potraw miesnych
w każdy piątek Wielkiego Postu a szczegól-
nie w Wielki Piątek. W
Wielki Piątek obowiazuje nas post zarówno jakościowy jak i
ilościowy. Po każdej
Drodze Krzyzowej wystawienie Najswietszego
Sakramentu i adoracja
do godz. 9:00PM. Droge
Krzyzowa 13 Marca
poprowadza członkowie
Choru doroslych.
Przezyjmy ten święty
czas Postu w scislej
łączności z Chrystusem
Borrow from our
extensive range
Msza sw. “Rezurekcyjna”
Msza sw. „Rezurekcyjna” po polsku o godz.
7am, oraz druga Msza
sw. po polsku o godz.
Po n i e d z i a ł e k
W drugi dzien Swiat
zapraszamy również do
uczestnictwa we Mszy
sw. Msza sw. po polsku o
godz. 7pm.
Discover us @StJohnRCPerth
i Msza sw.
W każdą niedzielę
spowiedz od godz.
regularnej spowiedzi
i do pelnego uczestnictwa w niedzielnej
Mszy św. o godz 3pm.
Many thanks for your Almsgiving
generosity; last week’s
The matched funding
income was Offertory awarded to the Scot£1,720.59, Papers £47.85,
tish Catholic InternaVotives £84.77, SCIAF
tional Aid Fund through
£17, and Hall Rent £60.
the UK Department for
International Development’s UK Aid Match
scheme means that your
Lenten Alms will be doubled this year - too good
a chance to miss!!
Sick and
Special collection
today for the Sick
and Retired Priests’
Fund. At the moment
we have three retired
the sick and retired
priests’ fund in the
past, we have been
able to help the diocese purchase Wellburn and help secure
its future.
Can you help secure
the future of retired
and sick priests in the
Lunch Club
Our Lunch Club continues on Mondays at 12
noon - all welcome.
Adoration and
Please note that Benediction is back to its
normal time, 6.30pm,
on Mondays until March
30th inclusive (Monday
of Holy Week) when we
shall take a break for the
Easter Holidays. Perhaps
we could rededicate ourselves to worship of the
Most Holy Eucharist.
At times there seems
only to be one person in
the church for long periods of time, especially
around the lunch hour
when one might have
thought that an invaluable opportunity for people to nip in for half an
hour or so to spend some
time with the Blessed
St Patrick
and St Joseph
From 12.30pm until 1 pm on Monday 9th
March S5 and 6 from
St John’s Academy
will celebrate their service of reconciliation in
the church. Those who
normally watch with
the Blessed Sacrament
please take note.
Pastoral Parish
A full meeting will be
This will be held on held on Tuesday 21st
Tuesday, 17th March April at 7.30pm.
in the Church Hall at
10.30am, after morning Mass. Donations of
Home Baking and for the Monasticism
Raffle will be gratefully
received. Everyone is of Old Age
Fr. Willy Slavin will
very welcome.
be talking at Garden Cottage Spirituality C e n Youth Mass
tre, Kilgraston, Bridge
The next Diocesan of Earn on Monday, 9th
Youth Mass takes place March at 7.30 – 9.30
this evening, Sunday 8th p.m. Suggested d o n a March, in St Andrew’s tion £12 (concession
Cathedral, Dundee.
£10) including tea/cofThe programme starts fee.
at 5.15pm with catechesis with Bishop Stephen;
Mass at 6pm; followed Gift Aid
by food and a social Envelopes
evening .
The Gift Aid EnveTransport is being or- lopes are now available
ganised and if you would for collection in the sacliketo attend please add risty. Thanks to all who
you name to the list at the Gift Aid. Please consider
back of the church.
gift aiding if you can.
Please note that your
Italian Classes name is on the envelope
Classes for those wish- - do not take another’s!
ing to learn or improve
their Italian - Saturdays Vocations Mass
The next Vocations
at 4.15pm, in St John’s
Mass is on Tuesday, 24th
Church Hall.
March in Lawside ConItalian Stations vent at 7pm.
Mass of ThanksgivStations of the Cross
for Priesthood and
in Italian continue every
for Priests
Saturday in Lent at 2pm
celebrated by Bishop
in St John’s.
Stephen Robson on Saturday, 21st March at
10am also in Lawside
The Italian Associa- Convent.
All invited to these
tion’s Pilgrimage to VenMasses
to pray for, foster
ice, Verona, Padua and
vocations to
Ravenna requires final
relinumbers by 14th March gious
please phone 622661 for
Open after all Sunday Masses
stock includes
Sunday Missals,
greetings cards, rosaries
and much more
Fast Day
Friday 13th March
Could your Family give up one meal
or one part of a meal eg. dessert,
and donate the money saved?
There are UCM areas in Scotland.
All the monies collected is shared among
each Diocese chosen Charity.
Dunkeld Diocese chosen Charity last year
was Progressive Supran Nuclear Palsy
A donation is also given to each
of the Scottish Student Priests
studying in Rome or at
Oscott College, Birmingham
There will be collections after each Mass
over the weekend of 14th / 15th March
Thank you for your Donations
If anyone would like to nominate
a specific Charity for this year’s donation,
please contact any member of
the Union of Catholic Mothers
RCIA meeting
Union of
RCIA meeting on
Thursday this week at
7pm, and continues each
week until Easter.
Next meeting Tuesday
17th March, Mass and Awards
The parish youth group
Stations of the Cross followed by Business Meet- are holding their Annual
Peacemaker Awards ing.
and are looking for your
nominations of people in
our community who have
Prayer Breakfast made a grreat contribuThere will be a prayer tion to the lives of othbreakfast in the Royal ers throughout the past
George Hotel on Friday year(s).
Envelopes are available
27th March 7am for 7.30
am. The guest speaker at the back of the church
will be Elaine Duncan. - please complete a nomiEmail castleview@uk2. nation slip and return it as
soon as possible.
net for a place.
The Easter Triduum
- the centre of the Church’s year
The celebrations of the Easter Triduum, Holy
Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil are the
most important celebrations of the Church’s year. It
is when we really focus on who we are. They are
also effectively the last celebrations in the life of the
parish church with any real ceremony. While each is
beautiful and important on its own, they really are
one celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus. On Holy Thursday we recall the Commandment
of Love, the Institution of the Eucharist and the Institution of the Ordained Priesthood. In the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday, we recall
his glorious death for us which gave us freedom. The
Easter Vigil is the most important Eucharist of the
Year, where we recall our story as the people of God
and renew our baptismal promises. None of these
services have been made obligatory but Catholics in
the past flocked to them, especially when they were
reformed in the 1970s.
It is true to say, I think, that the liturgies of Holy
Week are more prayerfully celebrated than perhaps
they once were. We understand them better and the
atmosphere at the celebrations is very special. However, I would also have to say that there has been
a trend in recent years for the number of those attending to go down, even on Good Friday, which
used to be a ‘standing room only’ affair. Sadly, many
Catholics now prefer to do what everyone else does
over these days: instead of a prayerful and committed dedication to these days, which was reflected in
the lifestyle of Catholics at this time as well as their
liturgical participation, they go out to restaurants and
clubs, even and especially on Good Friday, and do
not see the need to observe these most holy of days.
If we value our faith and our community, surely it is
worth a little effort on our part to participate whenever we can.
Thanks, Fr Tom
Nightfever is Eucharistic adoration to
which everyone is invited. It is run by
young people and is an event of outreach to passers by and the public.
This event will take place on Saturday
21st March in St Andrew’s Cathedral,
Nethergate, Dundee. Vigil Mass will be
at 5.30pm and exposition will be from
7pm until 11pm.
Priests will also be available for a chat
or confession.
Preparing for
the Sacred
St John Ogilvie
This Tuesday is the
Feast of St John Ogilvie
and this year is the 400th
Anniversary of his martyrdom.
Novena leaflets are
available. Please come
to Mass on that day if
you can either at 10am
or 7pm and pray for the
evangelisation of of our
Youth Project
You have been so generous in the past supporting youth events that we
thought we’d give you a
break for a few months
but we want to draw your
attention to two upcoming events that we would
ask you to support:
The first is on Saturday
25th April at 7pm for
7.30pm - the Peacemaker
Awards. This year we invite you to celebrate the
giving of peacemaker
awards by joining us for
dinner and sponsoring
the event.
The second is the Feast
of St William on Saturday 23rd May when the
Youth Project will host a
family day and evening
Details to follow on
both these events but
please reserve them and
decide to come along; it
costs around £15,000 a
year to run the youth project. We know that there
are many calls on your
time and money these
days but we also know
that those parishes who
support their youth flourish.
A day has been set aside for
parish people under the
banner of “Adult Formation”
in the Diocese on “Preparing for a worthy
celebration of the Easter Triduum”
Saturday, 7th March
Pastoral Centre, Dundee from 10am 3.30pm
For those interested email
[email protected] or
register at Diocesan Office 01382 225453
Fr Tom would urge all lay
ministers participating in the Triduum
to consider going
If you are going to the Triduum day
please let Fr Tom know NOW.
If you need transport there may be seats
in cars available - again please let Fr Tom
know. Finally, if you are going,
please bring a packed lunch.
Preparing to
receive the
There will be a meeting of all parents of children due to celebrate
their First Reconciliation and who are at non-denominational schools on
Tuesday, 3rd March at
On Saturday, 14th
March at 11am there will
be a meeting of parents
of children due to celebrate First Communion.
Daily Rosary
The Filipino community are hosting a daily
rosary crusade The location and times change depending on who is available to host on the day.
We welcome any communities/nationalities to
join us. Tea/coffee snack
If you are interested
interested to join please
contact Alice for time
and location at telephone
number - 07447093085.
Name_________________________ Hospital ___________________Ward _____
Please complete/ tear off and return with your collection - or hand to Fr Tom after Mass
Parish website: www.stjohns-perth.org.uk
Discover us @StJohnRCPerth