Weekly Bulletin - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church and St. Anne`s


Weekly Bulletin - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church and St. Anne`s
Women’s Guild
Guild luncheon for February and March
Birthdays will be on Thursday March 26 at
the LA Sports Grill in Blue Jay at 11:30 a.m. Please RSVP to Melanie Hopkins at
867-4699. All women of the parish are
St. Anne’s Spring Food Drive
During the months of March and April, the
St. Anne’s Parish Community will be
gathering non-perishable food items to
restock our Family Assistance Program
food pantry. We use this food to
supplement our monthly food distribution,
feed families in the community who
request assistance and provide food items
to local schools for children who come to
school hungry. Please bring items such as canned soups,
meats, vegetables, and fruit, pasta, rice,
granola bars, and cereal and place them on
the table at the back of the church. Your
support and generosity is appreciated!
Blessed are those who are generous,
because they feed the poor. ~ Proverbs
March Parish Council Meeting
The next Parish Council meeting is March
26 at 6:00 p.m.. All members of the parish
are welcome to attend!
Pope thanks women as dozens
gather in Vatican to share faith
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- On International
Women's Day, Pope Francis thanked
women, "who in thousands of ways,
witness to the Gospel and work in the
church." The pope's comments March 8
preceded a five-hour celebration in the
Vatican of the ways Christian women
minister to their sisters who are poor, sick,
excluded from education, victims of human
trafficking and exploitation. The
celebration, Voices of Faith, also included a
session in which participants -- a
theologian, a physician, a journalist and an
ambassador -- expressed their hopes and
dreams for fuller involvement of women in
church decision-making. Chantal Gotz,
executive director of the Fidel Gotz
Foundation and chief organizer of the
celebration, told Catholic News Service,
"It's not about arguing doctrine or wanting
something; it's highlighting the
contributions women already are making.
We are trying to change mindsets by
showing what women really do in the
church," she said. After reciting the Angelus
prayer at noon with tens of thousands of
people in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis
offered special greetings to the world's
women, particularly, "all those women who
everyday seek to build a society that is
more human and welcoming." International
Women's Day, a popular celebration in
Italy, is an occasion "to reaffirm the
importance and necessity of women's
presence," the pope said.
St. Anne in the Mountains
Catholic Church and
Retreat Center
P. O. Box 2400
30480 Fredalba Road
Running Springs, CA 92382
Phone/Fax (909) 867-2832
Rev. Michal Osuch, C.R.
Pastor - (909) 337-2333
Parish Registration: Please call parish
office. If you move or change your address,
please notify the Parish Office at
Mass Schedule: Saturday, 4:00 p.m.,
Confession at 3:30 before Mass.
For all Sacraments, Sacramental
preparation, and Religious Education,
please call Our Lady of the Lake at (909)
Church Website
Knights of Columbus
Contact: Les Payne (661) 902-3280
Family Assistance Program
Directors: Terri & Larry Mac Donald,
867-2893. Food Program, 3rd Thursday
from 4:00 − 5:30 p.m.
Visitors to the Sick
CeCe & Ron Hartt 867-4963
4th Sunday of Lent
March 15, 2015
Mission Statement
It is the desire of St. Anne Christian
Community always to be a reflection of the
beauty which surrounds us. In the true
spirit of the gospel, we will strive to
dedicate ourselves to the service of others.
May we never miss the opportunity to
extend a kindness -- remembering always
that what we do for another we do for Christ.
May we never knowingly contribute to the
suffering in the world -- but rather, always be
a positive force in each life we touch.
May we freely share our joys and sorrows
with one another, thus strengthening the
bonds of our friendships, and enriching our
May all our actions be aimed at bringing
others closer to God.
May the welcome we extend to visitors make
them truly aware of our love for them − for
there is no such thing as a stranger, but only
a friend we haven't met as yet.
Spiritually Speaking ...
Last week,
when Jesus
referred to the
destruction of
the temple, the account from today’s first
reading is what would have come to the
minds of his listeners. But, as Jesus was
speaking on a deeper level, so does today’s
first reading. In the first paragraph we hear
that Israel had, in effect, “fallen” already
through its infidelity to the covenant. Lest
we get too cozy,
this account
reminds us that
God, though just,
loving, and
merciful, is
capable of
punishing sin
when that sin is
unrepentant. But we are also reminded that
God, rich in mercy, anoints individuals to
be vessels of salvation as well (in Hebrew,
King Cyrus of Persia is called “messiah”).
In the Gospel reading, we hear of another
Messiah being “lifted up” for our salvation
in one of the bestknown passages from the
New Testament. As Lent concludes and we
enter Holy Week, we need to keep our gaze
steadfast upon the cross of Christ, the Son
of God who came into the world to raise us
who had fallen.
Treasures from our Tradition
With the dissipation of the
catechumenate’s energy since almost
everyone was born into the Church, Lent
began to be seen more as a preparation to
follow the Passion of Christ with devotion.
In the city of Rome, creative spirits settled
on “stational churches” as a way of
keeping the energy flowing. Everyone would
be directed to a certain “station” each day,
and the name of that church provided a
theme for the liturgy. So, for example, on
certain Saturdays in Lent, everything
centered on the church of St. Vitale. Now,
this poor fellow had been thrown into a
hole and covered in stones at his
martyrdom, so the readings recalled
Joseph thrown down the well by his
brothers, and the wicked servants killing
the son of the owner of the vineyard.
Gradually, travelers to Rome noted the
celebration and worked it into liturgical
schedules back home. Eventually,
calendars everywhere bore the curious
footnote on a Lenten Saturday: “Station S.
Vitale.” This served the priority of getting
ready to hear the Passion fairly well, but
was hardly satisfactory for Lent’s
baptismal character. Now, at last, our
liturgy is
to serve the
deepest level
of our
well. Lent,
once again, is
all about
to God for the gift of the Lord Jesus, who
came into this world not to condemn, but
to save.
Social Hour
We’re looking for volunteers to host social
hour after masses on 2nd or 4th Sunday of
each month. Please let Deanna Martin or
Vada Godwin know if you would like to host
social hour on one of these days or would
like to bring a dessert to share. Your help
in making parishioners and guests feel
welcome at St. Anne in the Mountains is
always appreciated. If you have any
questions or are interested in hosting
social hour, please contact either Deanna
(867-7768) or Vada (867-7533).
Lenten Reminders - Soup Suppers
Friday 6:00 p.m.Stations of the Cross,
followed by dinner of soup or meatless
dish, bread and salad.
Parish Support
March 7
Parish Collection
God’s Word Today
Such rich fare is offered to us this day from
the table of God’s word. The first reading
chronicles both the punishment and the
great mercy shown by God to the people
who “added infidelity to infidelity.” Saint
Paul calls this God one “who is rich in
mercy.” The greatest merciful act shown by
our God is beautifully proclaimed in
today’s Gospel: “For God so loved the world
that he gave his only Son.” As the word of
God is proclaimed today, let us be thankful
April 25
May 2
March 14
March 21
March 28
April 5
April 11
April 18
Please Pray For:
Kate Helfrich
Alice Reilly
Stella Witczak
Ann Williams
Jamie Spencer
Kathy Johnson
Sue Vasby
Loren Grannis
Carol Camp
Tina Winters
Bob Riggio
Justin Hodges Gloria DeMent
Kathy Hefner Alek Brown
Bev Dunivent Joan Lucas
Frank Brown Bruce Wood
Russ Womack Jane Black
Cindy Hogan
Ron Abel
Steve Millsap Ben Huerta
Jeff Frantz
Nick Rivas
Fr. Bob
Dan McDowell
Marge Babel
Pat Murphy
Harry Pray
Scott Sranke Preston Leslie
Larry Jennings
If you know of anyone who needs our prayers or
anyone whose name can be removed from our
prayer list please submit their name.
Schedule - Lectors, Ministers, Hosts and Ushers
Eucharistic Ministers
Social Hour Hosts
Terri and Diane
CeCe and Ron
Les and Sandy
Gene and Gwen
Terri and Diane
CeCe and Ron
Les and Sandy
Gene and Gwen
Larry and Ivan
Dave and Gene
Gene and Keith
Bob and Errol
Jerry and Larry
Ivan and Gene
Keith and Bob
Errol and Jerry