11.6 Patterns in Evolution


11.6 Patterns in Evolution
Patterns in Evolution
Evolution occurs in patterns.
• Evolution through natural selection is
not random.
• Species can shape each other over time.
• Species can become extinct.
• Speciation often occurs in patterns.
HI6 C 9 6 G 9 H
SB5.d Relate natural selection to
changes in organisms.
convergent evolution, p. 348
divergent evolution, p. 348
coevolution, p. 349
extinction, p. 350
punctuated equilibrium, p. 351
adaptive radiation, p. 351
Connect Even before the process of speciation is complete, individuals of an
emerging new species are under pressure to survive. Adaptive traits are preserved
in a population through natural selection. However, sudden changes in the
environment can end the existence of a species. The rise and fall of species
over time reveal clear evolutionary patterns.
Evolution through natural selection is
not random.
In science, the terms chance and random relate to how easily an outcome can
be predicted. Because mutations and genetic drift cannot be predicted, they
are called random events. These random events are sources of genetic diversity. However, natural selection, which acts on this diversity, is not random.
Individuals with traits that are better adapted for their environment have a
better chance of surviving and reproducing than do individuals without
these traits.
You have learned about directional, stabilizing, and disruptive selection. In
each of these modes of selection, the effects of natural selection add up over
many generations. In other words, natural selection pushes a population’s
traits in an advantageous direction. As you can see in FIGURE 11.14, alleles
associated with these traits add up in the
population’s gene pool.
Remember, however, that having
In this hypothetical population, green body color is favored by natural
selection. With each generation, alleles associated with green body
direction is not the same as having purpose
color increase in frequency. Over time, more and more individuals in
or intent. The environment controls the
the population will have the advantageous phenotype.
direction taken by natural selection. When
the environment changes, different traits
may become advantageous. The response
of species to environmental challenges and
opportunities is not random.
Generation 1
Generation 2
Generation 3
Chapter 11: The Evolution of Populations 347
Convergent Evolution
Different species often must adapt to similar environments. Evolution toward
similar characteristics in unrelated species is called convergent evolution.
Analogous structures, such as wings on birds and insects, are common
examples of convergent evolution. Another example is the tail fin of fish and
marine mammals, as shown in FIGURE 11.15. Sharks, which are fish, and dolphins, which are mammals, are separated by about 300 million years of
evolution. Separately, they have both evolved similar tail fins to propel themselves through the water. However, the tail fins of sharks and other fish are
vertical, while those of dolphins are horizontal.
Divergent Evolution
When closely related species evolve in different directions, they become
increasingly different through divergent evolution. The evolution of the
red fox and the kit fox is an example of this trend. Though closely related,
the two species have different appearances that have resulted from adapting
to different environments. The red fox lives in temperate regions, usually
in forests. Its dark reddish coat helps it to hide from predators. The sandycolored coat of the kit fox allows it to blend in with its desert surroundings.
Kit foxes also have large ears relative to their body size. This adaptation helps
them to keep cool in the desert heat.
Infer Are the shells of turtles and snails examples of convergent or divergent
evolution? Explain.
FIGURE 11.15 Convergent and Divergent Evolution
Natural selection is not random. It can have direction, and its effects are cumulative
through generations.
Dolphins, which are mammals, and sharks, which are fish, have
evolved similar tail fins, as each has adapted to similar
environmental conditions.
The kit fox and red fox evolved from a
common ancestor while adapting to
different environments.
Kit fox
Analyze How do convergent and divergent evolution
illustrate the directional nature of natural selection?
Unit 4: Evolution
Red fox
Species can shape each other over time.
Species interact with each other in many different ways. For example, they
may compete for the same food source or be involved in a predator-prey
relationship. Most of these interactions do not involve evolutionary changes.
However, sometimes the evolutionary paths of two species become connected.
Beneficial Relationships Through Coevolution
The bull-thorn acacia is a plant species with branches covered in hollow
thorns. Although the thorns protect the plant from being eaten by large
animals, small herbivores such as caterpillars can fit between them. To the
rescue comes Pseudomyrmex ferrugineus, a species of stinging ants. As shown
in FIGURE 11.16, these ants live inside the thorns and feed on the plant’s nectar.
The ants protect the plant by stinging animals that try to eat the leaves.
Although this relationship may seem to be a simple cooperation
between two species, it is much more than that. The acacia and the ants share
an evolutionary history. The hollow thorns and nectar-producing leaves of
the acacia and the stinging of the ants have evolved due to the relationship
between the two species. Close relatives of these species that are not involved
in this type of relationship do not have these traits. Such specialized relationships form through coevolution. Coevolution is the process in which two or
more species evolve in response to changes in each other.
FIGURE 11.16 The relationship
between this ant and the acacia
plant has developed through
coevolution. The ant lives inside
the hollow thorn and protects
the acacia by stinging any
potential predators.
Evolutionary Arms Races
Coevolution can also occur in competitive relationships. These interactions
can lead to evolutionary arms races, in which each species responds to pressure from the other through better adaptations over many generations.
For example, many plants produce defense chemicals to discourage
herbivores from eating them. Natural selection then favors herbivores that
can overcome the effects of the chemicals. After many generations, most
herbivores have some level of resistance and are again able to safely eat the
plant. Natural selection then favors plants that have evolved even more potent
chemicals. In another case, the thick shells and spines of murex snails are an
adaptive response to predation by crabs. In turn, crabs have evolved powerful
claws strong enough to crack the snails’ shells.
Predict What do you think will happen in future generations of crabs and snails?
The crab is the
natural predator
of the snail.
Natural selection favors
snails with thicker shells
and spines.
Through natural selection,
crabs evolve more powerful
claws that can pierce the
snails’ thick, spiny shells.
In response, natural selection favors snails with even
thicker shells and spines.
Chapter 11: The Evolution of Populations 349
Species can become extinct.
Just as birth and death are natural events in the life of an individual, the rise
and fall of species are natural processes of evolution. The elimination of a
species from Earth is called extinction. Extinction often occurs when a species
as a whole is unable to adapt to a change in its environment. Biologists divide
extinction events into two categories—background extinctions and mass
extinctions. Although they differ in degree, the effect of both is the same: the
permanent loss of species from Earth.
Background Extinctions
Extinctions that occur continuously but at a very low rate are called
background extinctions. They are part of the cycle of life on Earth. Background extinctions occur at roughly the same rate as speciation. Unlike
catastrophic mass extinctions, background extinction events usually affect
only one or a few species in a relatively small area, such as a rain forest or a
mountain range. They can be caused by local changes in the environment,
such as the introduction of a new predator species or a decrease in food
supply. From a human perspective, such extinctions seem to occur randomly
but at a fairly constant rate.
FIGURE 11.17 Native to Portugal
and Spain, the Iberian lynx is the
world’s most endangered feline.
The World Wildlife Federation
estimates that there may be fewer
than 200 individuals remaining in
the wild.
Mass Extinctions
Mass extinctions are much more rare than background extinctions. However,
as illustrated in FIGURE 11.18, they are much more intense. These events often
operate at the global level. Therefore, they destroy many species—even entire
orders or families. Mass extinctions are thought to occur suddenly in geologic
time, usually because of a catastrophic event such as an ice age or asteroid
impact. The fossil record confirms that there have been at least five mass
extinctions in the last 600 million years.
Compare and Contrast What are the differences and similarities between
background extinctions and mass extinctions?
When extinction rate
is plotted against time,
mass extinctions appear
as periodic peaks rising
above background
extinction levels.
Source: University of California, Berkeley
Unit 4: Evolution
Speciation often occurs in patterns.
Paleontologists have long noticed a repeating pattern in the history of life,
reflected in the fossil record. Bursts of evolutionary activity are followed
by long periods of stability. This pattern is described by the theory of
punctuated equilibrium, which states that episodes of speciation occur
suddenly in geologic time and are followed by long periods of little evolutionary change. Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould originally proposed this
theory in 1972. It was written as a revision of Darwin’s idea that new species
arise through gradual transformations of ancestral species.
The diversification of one ancestral
species into many descendent species
Adaptive radiation is the rapid
is called adaptive radiation. These
evolution of many diverse species
descendent species are usually adapted
from ancestral species.
to a wide range of environments. One
descendent species
example of adaptive radiation is the
radiation of mammals following the
mass extinction at the end of the
Cretaceous period 65 million
years ago.
Although mammals had evolved
ancestral species
for about 150 million years before the
end of the Cretaceous period, they barely resembled the mammals we know
today. The earliest mammals were tiny, usually insect eaters, and mostly
nocturnal. These characteristics allowed them to coexist with the dinosaurs.
The extinction of the dinosaurs left environments full of opportunities for
other types of animals. In the first 10 million years following the dinosaurs’
extinction, more than 4000 mammal species had evolved, including whales,
bats, rodents, and primates.
Ecology Early mammals were
able to coexist with dinosaurs
because mammals and dinosaurs
had different niches, or roles in
the ecosystem. You will learn
more about the concept of
niches in Chapter 14.
Synthesize The adaptive radiation of mammals followed the extinction of the
dinosaurs. How do these events support the theory of punctuated equilibrium?
1. Explain what it means to say that
natural selection is not random.
2. How does coevolution shape two
species over time?
3. What are some of the causes of
background and mass extinctions?
4. What pattern is described by
the theory of punctuated
5. Synthesize Defensive chemicals are
usually found in unripe fruit but not
in ripe fruit. In terms of coevolution,
why might this be?
6. Infer If analogous structures are
often examples of convergent
evolution, what types of structures
would likely be examples of
divergent evolution?
7. Human Biology Through
mutation, HIV can accumulate
resistance to drugs developed
for treatment. Describe the
relationship between HIV and
the humans who develop
these drugs in terms of an
evolutionary arms race.
Chapter 11: The Evolution of Populations 351