HERE - Forge World


HERE - Forge World
Xiphon Pattern Interceptor
BS Front Side Rear
Unit Composition
• 1 Xiphon pattern Interceptor
Unit Type
• Vehicle (Flyer)
• Two twin-linked lascannon
• Xiphon rotary missile launcher
• Armoured Ceramite
Special Rules
• Deep Strike
• Supersonic
• Agile
205 points
• The Xiphon may be equipped with any of the following upgrades:
-- Ground tracking auguries *.........................................................+10 points
-- Chaff launcher *................................................................................+5 points
-- Armoured cockpit *.........................................................................+5 points
* See Legiones Astartes Crusade Army List for details of these items of Flyer wargear.
A model with this special rule increases any cover saves granted by the Jink special rule by +1.
Xiphon Rotary Missile Launcher
This deadly weapons system is actually a more compact copy of a design more commonly
found on heavy void fighters, and incorporates sophisticated munitions with their own
cluster-charged warheads and internal tracking auguries, mounted on a rapid-firing rotary
magazine-fed launcher system. These weapons systems are murderously efficient in their
principal task of destroying enemy fighter craft, but are flexible enough to be readily
turned on armoured ground targets as well.
Xiphon rotary
missile launcher Range Str
Heavy 2, Cluster Warhead, Terminal Tracking
Cluster Warhead: If the weapon successfully scores a Penetrating hit on a target with an
Armour value, roll D3 times on the Vehicle Damage table and select the highest result to
Terminal Tracking: Successful Jink and Cover saves against this weapon must be rerolled.
Flyers and the Deep Strike Special Rule
As well as arriving via the usual Reserves method, some Flyers also have the ability to
deploy via Deep Strike, representing a vertical ‘dive’ onto the battlefield. If the Flyer in
question has the Hover type, the controlling player must declare before the Deep Strike
is attempted whether the Flyer is Zooming or being treated as a Fast Skimmer. If using
Hover mode, the rules for Deep Strike apply as standard. If using a Zooming Deep Strike,
Flyers deploying via Deep Strike count as making a Zoom move and having moved at
Cruising speed (18") on the turn they arrive, but are not moved any further in the turn
in which they are deployed. They cannot evade, go Flat Out, drop bombs or deploy
transported units on the turn in which they arrive. On subsequent turns, the Flyer is free
to operate as normal. This is a risky proposition for an aircraft and a test of a pilot’s skill,
and so the usual rules for Deep Strike mishaps apply even though the Flyer is notionally at
a higher altitude than is normally the case.
In a game played using the Age of Darkness expansion, a Xiphon pattern Interceptor is available for
use in a Space Marine Legion Crusade army as a Fast Attack choice.