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Volume 9 - 24 March, 2015
Dear Parents & Students
This year, in Loreto Schools across Australia not only are we celebrating the theme of ‘Verity” but we are also
remembering with thanks the life of remarkable Mother Gonzaga Barry IBVM, the founder of Loreto Schools in Australia,
as 2015 is the 100th anniversary of her death.
I take this opportunity to share with you this extract taken from the Loreto Australia website
“Mary Barry (1834-1915) was educated at Loreto Gorey and Rathfarnham,
Ireland. In 1875, at the request of the Bishop of Ballarat, she led the first
group of Loreto Sisters to Australia.
“Leave after you something on which others may build.”
Mary Gonzaga Barry
(24/7/1834 – 4/03/1915)
Mary Barry was born into a large, well-to-do family in Wexford. As a child she witnessed some of the horror of the Great
Famine of the 1840s and never forgot it. She was educated at Loreto Gorey and Rathfarnham, joining the Institute herself
at the age of 19, and taking the name of the young Jesuit saint, Aloysius Gonzaga. She held various leadership positions
over the next twenty years and in 1875, at the invitation of the Bishop of Ballarat, led the first group of Loreto Sisters to
the Australian colonies.
Gonzaga was small, plump, profoundly deaf and increasingly dependent on the use of an ear trumpet and yet during her
40 years in the colonies she became one of the most significant figures in Australian Catholic education, particularly for
women. Ireland was in her soul and yet she identified with her adopted country.
A woman of extraordinary energy and faith, she embraced educational initiatives from kindergarten to tertiary level and
founded teacher training colleges in Ballarat and Melbourne. In the last 20 years of her life she took a leading role among
Mary Ward women worldwide in the cause of union.
Gonzaga died at Mary’s Mount, Ballarat, on 4th March 1915 and is buried there in the small garden cemetery.
Gonzaga Barry urged pupils of Loreto schools to “leave after you something on which others may build.” She lived these
words herself. In her 40 years in the Australian colonies she founded ten girls’ boarding schools, ten day schools, six
primary schools, three kindergartens and two teacher training colleges as well as taking over the running of at least eight
parish schools.
Volume 9 - 24 March, 2015
Page 2
Gonzaga had a profound influence, not only on Catholic education but in the emerging world of a migrant-based society
where Catholics were increasingly entering the professions. Loreto women were urged not to live a “butterfly existence” but
contribute as wives and mothers, in the workplace and through charitable and cultural endeavours.
Gonzaga became a powerful figure in the wider Institute, forging close bonds with Mary Ward women internationally
through her extraordinary travels and extensive correspondence.”
Mother Gonzaga Barry was a prolific writer and there are many wonderful quotes of hers that inspire and motivate. Over
the coming months I look forward to sharing more of these with you in the Newsletter. But for now, in the lead up to
exams, I offer this quote which I am sure parents will also enjoy. To her students she once wrote:
“The motivation of giving satisfaction to your parents is one that ought to be very powerful with you, if you will
only reflect on the many sacrifices they have made for your advancement. In one respect it is a matter of strict
justice that you should do your very best and avail yourself of every opportunity to improve.”
This week we bid farewell to Ms Catherine Shipton, Loreto’s Community Relations and Development Manager. We
offer her every blessing in her new role at Brisbane Catholic Education and we thank her sincerely for the wonderful
and significant contribution she has made at Loreto during her time with us. Especially we offer heartfelt thanks from
the Loreto Past Pupils’ Association and the Parents and Friends’ Association. In the words of Mother Gonzaga Barry,
Catherine has indeed left behind her something on which others who follow can now build.
To Mrs Leonie McCulkin and her family on the recent passing of her father-in-law. May he rest now in loving and
eternal peace. Amen.
Yours sincerely
Cheryl Hamilton
The Loreto community also expresses its sincere condolences to Mrs
Cheryl Hamilton on the recent passing of her grandmother, Gwen, at the
wonderful age of 95.
Page 3
Volume 9 - 24 March, 2015
Wednesday 25 March
School Council Meeting - 5.45pm
Year 11 and 12 Exams
CaSSSA Tri 1 Sport - Round 5
Debating Round 2 - Year 9 and 11
Date Claimer
Family Forum with PROJECT ROCKIT
Date: Monday 11 May
Thursday 26 March
Year 11 and 12 Exams
Lytton District Hockey
Venue: Mary Ward Centre
An empowering approach to dealing with cyberbullying
and developing safe, positive cyber citizens.
Friday 27 March
6.00 - 7.30pm
Parents of girls in Years 7, 8 and 9 especially are
encouraged to attend - and bring your daughters!
Year 9 - 12 Exam Block
Saturday 28 March
Water Polo - Finals
Tennis - Round 7
Lions Youth of the Year District Competition
Monday 30 March
Year 9 - 12 Exam Block
Tuesday 31 March
Year 9 - 12 Exam Block
Wednesday 1 April
CaSSSA Tri1 Sport - Round 6
Interhouse Cross Country - Period 1 - 3
END OF TERM ONE (School will finish at 3.20pm)
Thursday 2 April
Holy Thursday
Date Claimer
Year 8 Mother/Daughter High Tea
Friday 3 April
Good Friday
Date: Sunday 3 May
Monday 20 April
Venue and Time to be confirmed
Term 2 Commences
Year 8 Mums and daughters are invited to join us for a
Mother/Daughter High Tea. Please watch this space!
More details to follow in future newsletters.
Tuesday 21 April
German Exchange Students Arrive
Leanne O’Grady Woods, Year 8 Parent Rep
Wednesday 22 April
German Day
Year 9 & 10 Drama Excursion
CaSSSA Tri 1 Sport - Round 7
Debating Round 2 - Year 10 & 12
Volume 9 - 24 March, 2015
Page 4
Blazer Costs
The College has been advised by Rainier Design Group (the manufacturers of the College blazer) that due to rising costs in
China and the fall of the Australian dollar the cost of the blazer will be increased. The price will increase by 10% which will
be applied to any blazers ordered after 1 April 2015. Once we have been advised of the new prices, details will be circulated
to parents.
Noel Williams Business Manager
Parent /Student/Homeroom Teacher Interviews
On Tuesday 5 May we will be conducting interviews for each student and her parent/s with one of her Homeroom
teachers. The purpose of this interview is to reflect on the student’s progress and to make positive and practical plans for
the future. The interviews will have a slightly different focus depending on the student’s Year Level, eg Year 7’s and 8’s will
reflect on the process of settling into secondary school and Year 11’s on their adjustment to senior schooling. The Year 10
interviews will begin to focus on the development of each student’s Senior Education Training Plan. Letters, Interim Reports
and instructions for booking interview times on-line via Parent Lounge will be posted to each family on Wednesday 8 April.
Please email Mrs Robyn McKeon [email protected] or telephone the school office after Monday 20 April if this
material does not arrive.
Interviews will be conducted between 1.30 pm and 6.30 pm and will be for approximately 15 minutes. Classes will conclude
at 12.35 pm. Students may go home or be supervised at school until 3.20pm. This interview is in addition to the Parent/
Student/Subject Teacher interviews held in July when parents have the opportunity to talk with each of their daughter’s
teachers about her progress in particular subjects. We hope this interview opportunity will enhance communication between
families and the College and our ability to provide the very best for your daughters academically and pastorally.
Helen Carty Deputy Principal – Pastoral Care
School Immunisation Program 2015
This year, Brisbane City Council will be offering free Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Chickenpox vaccinations to all
students in Year 8. Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis (Whooping Cough) vaccinations will be offered to all students in both
Year 8 and Year 10.
If your child has missed a school vaccination from this year or last year you can have these vaccination’s caught up at one of
Council’s free immunisation clinics. To locate Council’s free immunisation clinics please go to http:// or call
3403 8888. To download a School Immunisation Program consent form please visit
school-based-vaccination-program or call 13 Health on 13 43 25 84.
If you would like to request your child’s immunisation history with Council, please send your request with your child’s full
name and date of birth to [email protected]
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Volume 9 - 24 March, 2015
Homework Expectations in Year 7
Many parents are reporting to me that their daughters have settled in well and that they are managing to keep up with
their homework with little or no fuss. Others are wondering why their daughter has no homework (when indeed they do).
Some have reported to me that the amount of homework their daughter is completing seems onerous. It is a real life
Goldilocks story! Too much, none at all, or just right? Please read below for some advice when assisting your daughter
with her homework.
The Parent Handbook advises that Year 7 students should expect to do 1 - 1.5 hours x 6 times each week.
If students complete six lessons each day then one would assume that they could receive ten minutes of
homework in each subject. This will vary from day to day. Sometimes there is no homework in a particular
subject. Sometimes there will be slightly more than ten minutes expected in a particular subject.
At least one hour can be expected to be allocated to specific subject tasks. Other tasks such as packing a school
bag / sports gear, printing assignments, revision, organising cooking ingredients could make up the remaining
thirty minutes.
As parents you can support your daughter with her homework by:
Ensuring that she has a quiet, well lit space to complete her work
Checking her diary to see the level of work expected by each teacher.
Encouraging her to use her weekly planner to identify times in the week which can be dedicated to homework.
(Your daughter has received a digital copy of this which can be altered as necessary.)
Encouraging her to take small breaks where necessary and to REWARD herself for completed tasks. (A reward
could be going outside to meet a neighbour, taking the dog for a walk, watching her favourite TV show, having a
rest, reading a book or exercising etc.)
If you feel that your daughter is spending too much time on her homework there are many strategies you could employ
to provide assistance:
Make a checklist at the beginning of the homework session. Decide how long should be given to each task.
Ask her to prioritise the work in terms of when it is due.
Ask her to time how long each piece of homework is actually taking. This can be a way to keep her focus on the
Ensure that she is not distracted by electronic devices. Remove the phone from her possession at this time.
Check that your daughter has a clear understanding of the homework instructions to ensure that she is not
attempting more work than is required, or work that is more complex than prescribed by the teacher.
Do not assume that if your daughter is on her computer that she is completing homework. Most homework for
Year 7 does not require the use of the computer. Languages, Maths (for Hotmaths) and IT could be exceptions
to this rule.
If a computer is required then this should be monitored. Check to see if she absolutely needs to be connected to
the internet. Year 7s can be easily distracted by youtube and other websites.
Turn off the wi-fi if necessary.
As a last resort, if an excessive amount of time is being spent on homework, you should ask your daughter to STOP
after the recommended time is up. Please make a note in her diary of what was achieved and the time spent on the
task. By doing this a teacher will be aware that a genuine attempt has been made to finish the work but that the time
expectations were not realistic for your daughter.
Anna Nielson - Year 7 Coordinator
Junior Drama Club
A reminder that Junior Drama Club will not be held on Monday, 30 March as the Seniors are studying for their
exams. Drama Club will resume in Term 2. All girls are encouraged to memorise their lines over the holidays and
continue to develop their individual characterisation.
Lissa Gyte - Curriculum Leader Performing Arts
Volume 9 - 24 March, 2015
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Music Extension
Last Wednesday night, 18 March, the first Music Extension Recital for the year was held in the Mary Ward Centre. The
students performed challenging repertoire showcasing their musical skills within their chosen discipline. Congratulations to
all musicians - your performances were outstanding and the support you showed each other demonstrated the passion you
share for Music and your appreciation for each other’s talents. Special thanks to Mrs Anna Neilson, Mr Ben Langford and
Ms Deana Dodds for preparing their students and ensuring the audience experienced a wonderful evening.
Lissa Gyte - Curriculum Leader Performing Arts
Year 8 / 12 Activities
In the past few weeks, Year 8 and Year 12 students have shared some time together. They enjoyed a trivia Quiz organised
by the members of the Links Council in a PD lesson. Much laughter was shared as well as a few sweet treats. Last
Thursday, both year levels attended the CaSSSA swimming carnival at Chandler where they cheered our swim team. As
part of the entertainment of the day, schools prepared some dance moves to popular songs which were then performed
during the breaks in the events. The Year 12s had taught the Year 8s these moves earlier in the week and this proved to be
a highlight of the day. Our Loreto ‘dance’ was the best! Despite the hot, noisy conditions, the girls had an enjoyable day
with each other and in the company of their ‘sisters’. It has been great to share some time together with our big/little sisters.
Jan Kearney – Year 8 Coordinator
Page 7
Volume 9 - 24 March, 2015
Music News
Autumn Concert Programs
As previously advertised, the Music Department will be running three Autumn Concerts at the start of next term. Each concert
will only have 6-8 ensembles so they will be short and enjoyable opportunities to hear your daughters perform the music they
have worked hard to learn so far this year. Arrival time for all concerts is 6pm; there will be some light snacks, tea and coffee
provided for parents while students get organised, as well as a licensed bar to purchase beer, wine and soft drinks prior to the
music beginning. All concerts are expected to finish by 8:30 pm (some much earlier!). The groups performing at each
concert and supplying supper are listed below, as well as the expected performance order for each event (please note the
change of order for Concert Three).
Please note that for each group to successfully perform their prepared programs it is highly important that all members are
present. Attendance at these concerts for all ensemble members is therefore a compulsory part of their involvement in the
music program. If there are exceptional circumstances which will not allow your daughter to attend, then it is vital that you as
the parent communicate this to the Director of Music in writing as soon as possible. Clashes with family and other non-school
events can often be resolved by careful programing of the concert order, but only if sufficient notice is given.
Autumn Concert One - Friday 24 April (Mary Ward Centre): Big Band, Chorale; Exit Stage Left; Sorelle; Percussion
Ensemble 2; Junior Choir; Percussion Ensemble 1; Senior Choir (Senior Choir members please each bring a very small
donation of savoury snacks for parents on arrival).
Autumn Concert Two - Monday 27 April (Cruci): Improvised Jazz Ensemble; Flute Ensemble One; Saxophone Ensemble;
Clarinet Ensemble Two; Flute Ensemble Two; Clarinet Ensemble One; Chamber Strings (Clarinet Ensembles 1 & 2 please
each bring a very small donation of savoury snacks for parents on arrival).
Autumn Concert Three – Friday 8 May (Mary Ward Centre): Symphony Orchestra; Concert Band One; Concert Band Two;
String Ensemble; Guitar Ensemble Two; Guitar Ensemble One (Guitar Ensembles 1 & 2 please each bring a very small
donation of savoury snacks for parents on arrival).
Rehearsals during exam block
With exam block starting tomorrow, it is important for all music students and parents to carefully check the Rehearsal
Schedule attached to this newsletter, as a number of rehearsals will be cancelled to assist students appropriately prepare for
their assessment. This schedule has been carefully organised to make sure it does not interfere with exams so where
rehearsals are being run, it is highly important that all students do attend.
Entry Deadline Extended
As we have moved totally online for the first time this year, some students may have missed last Friday’s entry deadline for
the Loreto Music Festival. But don’t worry, we have extended the entry cut-off date up until tomorrow (Wednesday 25 March)
at midnight. Heats don’t start until May so you have plenty of time to pick a piece and prepare, but you must get your entry in
this week! You can access entry forms via the Student Cafe. Simply go to My Resources, Class Resources, Music, Year
Level, Loreto Music Festival and download the “Entry Form and Rules” document for all rules, conditions of entry, and links to
the online entry forms.
Grill’d, Camp Hill
Do you want a great excuse to eat at Grill’d Camp Hill? Do you even need an excuse? For the month of April, the Loreto
Music Support Group will be participating in the Grill’d Camp Hill “Local Matters” campaign. Your job is easy (and delicious!)
– just buy a burger and put your token in the Loreto Music Support Group jar and you could help us win a $300
donation. That’s enough money to support a full music tuition scholarship for one school term. How could you not be
Donations Please
The annual Loreto Trivia Night is fast approaching! Run by the Music Support Group as both a social evening and fundraiser,
the Trivia Night is one of the groups three main opportunities each year to raise the money necessary to continue to support
the Beginner Ensembles Program. We are now looking for donations that could be used as prizes for the Trivia Night. Any
small items that can be grouped to make prize boxes for tables of 8-10 people would be ideal and could be left at either the
main College Office or the Music Office. Boxes of chocolate, $1 & $2 Scratchies, Movie / iTunes / Playstore gift cards or
similar items are all fantastic ideas that would be most welcome!
Lunchtime Music Recital
Last Friday we were treated to a great lunchtime student concert. It was a real treat to hear such a range of instruments and
ages, all playing beautifully. Well done to all girls who performed and thanks to those students and staff who came along to
support this event. If you are looking for more performance opportunities, then make sure you have entered the Loreto Music
Festival in Term Two!
Volume 9 - 24 March, 2015
Page 8
Women’s Forum
On Wednesday 6 May Loreto singers have been invited to participate in a Combined Girls’ School Choir performance for the
Brisbane Women’s Forum event “Good Women”. The event features some fantastic guest speakers (including journalist
Kathleen Noonan, liver transplant surgeon and author Dr Kellee Slater, and ABC Heywire award winner Prudence Melom).
The choir was run very successfully last year and should be a lot of fun for girls who wish to be involved. Please email or
see Mr Langford asap if you are interested.
To Ellen Stamatiou who recently completed her Grade 7 Piano for Leisure AMEB exam, receiving an “Honours” grade.
Cancellation of enrolment in Private Tuition
The final date for cancellation of Term Two lessons was last Friday 20 March. If you intend to withdraw from lessons for
Term Two, please let the Music Office immediately.
Music Tour
The online payment system is now opened for final tour payments, which are due to be completed by next Friday 27 March.
You will find the link on the front page of the school website – look under “Quicklinks” for “Make a Payment”, select “Student
Trips and Activities” and next, then choose “Mt Gambier Music Tour – Balance” from the drop down menu.
Ben Langford - Coordinator of Music
Ensemble Rehearsals during Exams
Could all music students please check the following list carefully so that you know which rehearsals are cancelled due to
exams. Please be aware that all students are expected to attend all listed rehearsals
Week 9 (March 23-27)
Week 10 (Mar 30-Apr 3)
Percussion Ensemble One
Normal Rehearsal
No Rehearsal
Concert Band Two
Normal Rehearsal
No Rehearsal
Symphony Orchestra
Normal Rehearsal
No Rehearsal
Flute Ensemble One
Normal Rehearsal
No Rehearsal
Guitar Ensemble Two
Normal Rehearsal
No Rehearsal
Saxophone Ensemble
Normal Rehearsal
No Rehearsal
Normal Rehearsal
No Rehearsal
Improvised Jazz Ensemble
Normal Rehearsal
No Rehearsal
Senior Choir
Normal Rehearsal
No Rehearsal
Flute Ensemble Two
Normal Rehearsal
Normal Rehearsal
Clarinet Ensemble Two
Normal Rehearsal (Year 11/12 excused)
Normal Rehearsal
String Ensemble
Normal Rehearsal (Year 11/12 excused)
Normal Rehearsal
Percussion Ensemble Two
Normal Rehearsal
Normal Rehearsal
Chamber Strings
No Rehearsal
Holy Thursday
Clarinet Ensemble One
Normal Rehearsal (Year 11/12 excused)
Holy Thursday
Exit Stage Left
Normal Rehearsal (Year 11/12 excused)
Holy Thursday
No Rehearsal
Holy Thursday
Beginner String Ensemble
Normal Rehearsal
Holy Thursday
Concert Band One
No Rehearsal
Holy Thursday
Junior Choir
Normal Rehearsal
Holy Thursday
Guitar Ensemble One
No Rehearsal
Good Friday
Beginner Brass Ensemble
Normal Rehearsal
Good Friday
Big Band
No Rehearsal
Good Friday
Page 9
Volume 9 - 24 March, 2015
Mooting Competition
The Bond University Faculty of Law’s annual Mooting Competition for 2015 is
approaching and Loreto College is entering a highly enthusiastic team of Year 12
Legal Studies students. Mooting involves analysing legal issues which are then
applied to factual situations and argued before a judge. The competition is
designed to challenge students to think on their feet and consider complex legal
arguments in order to solve legal problems. This year’s team is comprised of
Sarah O’Shea and Lauren Hocking as Co-Counsel, Krystal Hatzipapas as
Instructing Solicitor and Maria Manicaros. Mr Matthew Preston and Ms Chris
Rynne will be coaching the girls as they prepare for the Moot. The girls will be
competing on 1 May 2015 at the Federal Court in Brisbane and we wish them
every success in this exciting challenge.
Matthew Preston - Business Curriculum Leader
Public Speaking News
Rostrum Voice of Youth
Registration for Rostrum Voice of Youth is now closed. We have 12 students who are beginning their exciting journey. They
Year 7: Harriet Thelander; Sofia Gray; Charlotte Culshaw
Year 8: Bridgette Dabinett; Presley Woods
Year 9: Emma Lynham; Kaitlyn Carey; Vicky Lopez Vaquero
Year 10: Jemima Ede; Ruby Daly
Year 10: Sophia Dabinett
Year 11: Amelia Abdelrazek
The girls now begin writing speeches and rehearsing them.
English Speaking Union
English Speaking Union (ESU) Senior registrations (for Years 11 and 12) are now open. If any girl is interested in joining,
please visit the website and then see me for details. The topic is: Whose language shapes our world? Confirmation time of
meetings will continue to appear in daily notices. Rosemary O’Neill - Public Speaking Coordinator
Sports Department
The Inter-house Cross Country will be held on Wednesday
1 APRIL. All students are expected to participate in the
Inter-house Cross Country. The Inter-house Cross Country
will be held at Whites Hill Reserve, Boundary St,
COORPAROO. The students will be transported by bus to
the venue directly after homeroom and returned at
approximately 11.45am. A map of the course will be
displayed on every Home Room noticeboard. Every student
is encourage to complete this course whether it is by
running or walking. It will be a 3 kilometre course on the
ovals and in the bushland. The House Captains and
Representatives are looking forward to having their teams
come together and compete in a very spirited manner. If a
student is unable to complete the course a note must be
given to Mrs Stevens at the Sports Office explaining the
reason for your daughter’s non-participation. Students are to wear their school sports uniform and cap to school and bring a
shirt in their house colour to compete in. All students need to wear lace up running shoes. It is recommended that all
students bring a water bottle. If there is rain forecast for Wednesday morning all students please bring along your books for
Day 7 in case the event is called off in the morning.
Volume 9 - 24 March, 2015
Page 10
Schedule for the Cross Country Carnival
Recorders Briefing/Arrive and Seated/
Warm up for 12 years
12 years (Warm up for 13 years)
13 years (Warm up for 14 years)
14 years (Warm up for 15 years)
15 years (Warm up for 16 years)
16 years (Warm up for 17 years)
17 years
Morning Tea/Cleaning up
Students start moving to buses
Arrive at school – Assembly
To Mikayla Papantoniou (Year 12) and Mikaela Di Savia (Year 11) who have been selected for the Composite District
team to play at the Metropolitan East Football trials. Well done to Mikaela Di Savia (Year 11) who was selected in the
Metropolitan East Under 19 Football team.
Congratulations to Jessica Galpin (Year 10) who successfully made the U18 Metropolitan East Basketball team.
Jessica will be playing in Brisbane on 15 May at the Hibiscus Sports Complex.
To Madison Cooley (Year 9) who is one of 20 girls selected for the Netball Academy for Brisbane East in the 14 - 16
year age group.
Cross Country Training Squad
The Cross Country Squad will be selected from the Inter-House Cross Country carnival. A meeting will be arranged directly
after the carnival to provide information booklets including school holiday training at Whites Hill. All students must return
their permission slips first week back of Term 2 in regards to attendance at meets.
There is training this week on Monday 30 March. There is no training on Tuesday 31 March 2015
Loreto Water Polo
A huge congratulations to the five teams that competed in the semi-finals on Saturday. There were many exciting matches.
The U14's C team played BGGS. It was a nail-biting game with Loreto girls displaying an outstanding performance in their line
of defence. It was a draw until the last quarter when Loreto scored a goal, finishing 6 - 5. Excellent effort to our U16's who
played the Warriors and won in a penalty shootout. These teams are playing in the finals next Saturday at the Valley pool.
Loreto Warriors v All Hallows BLUE
3 – 11 Loss
Loreto Warriors v All Hallows
3 – 7 Loss
Loreto Warriors v BGGS
6 – 5 Win
U16 C
Loreto Warriors v BGGS
Loreto Warriors v Warriors
5 – 7 Loss
10 -11 (Won in a penalty
We wish the U14’s and U16’s every success in the final on Saturday 28 March
at the Valley Pool, 432 Wickham St, FORTITUDE VALLEY. The times are as
Loreto Warriors C
Valley Pool 2
U 16C’s
Loreto Warriors C
Valley Pool 2
Meg Stevens - Director of Sport
Page 11
Volume 9 - 24 March, 2015
Loreto Tennis
This Week’s Draw: Round 7 - 28 March
Open A
Open A Res
Senior C/D
V Brigidine at Brisbane Girls Grammar, Gregory Terrace, Spring Hill
Inter A/B
V Lourdes Hill at Morningside Tennis Centre, Morningside
Inter C/D
V Brigidine at Brisbane Girls Grammar, Gregory Terrace, Spring Hill
Inter E/F (1)
V All Hallows’ 2 at Churchie Tennis Centre, East Brisbane
Inter E/F (2)
V Stuartholme 1 at Brisbane Girls Grammar, Gregory Terrace, Spring Hill
Junior A/B
V Lourdes Hill 2 at Qld Tennis Centre, Tennyson (Away)
Junior C/D
V Mt St Michael’s at Qld Tennis Centre, Tennyson (Home)
Junior E
Junior F/G
V All Hallows’ at Qld Tennis Centre, Tennyson (Home)
Results: Round 6 - Saturday 21 March
Open A
V All Hallows’ lost 30-38
Open A Reserve
V Stuartholme lost 19-46
Senior C/D
V Our Lady’s lost 9-36
Inter A/B
V San Sisto won 35-9
Inter C/D
V San Sisto draw 22– 22
Inter E/F (1)
V Loreto (2) won 33-11
Inter E/F (2)
V Loreto (1) lost 11-33
Junior A/B
V Mt St Michael’s 2 won 31-23
Junior C/D
V Brigidine won 31-15
Junior E
V Lourdes Hill lost 21-30
Junior F/G
V St Rita’s 2 lost 28-30
Tennis Training
There will be no tennis training in the last week of term, except for the Junior Teams on Tuesday 31 March 2015. Tennis training will begin the first Monday back of Term 2, 20 April 2015. The semi-final are on the second week back of term, 2 May 2015.
Meg Tennis - Tennis Coordinator
Girls are reminded that if they are not able to attend the game or training a note explaining this from their parents is required to
be given to the sports office.
Ian Wright - AFL Coordinator
This Week’s Draw: Round 5 - 25 March
Seniors vs Our Lady’s College, Field 4
Junior A vs Brisbane Christian College, Field 7
Junior B vs Brigidine College, Field 8
Round 3 Results: Round 4 - 18 March
Seniors 8.7 (55) vs LHC 2.2 (14)
Junior A 0.0 (0) vs LHC 10.4 (64)
Junior B - BYE
Volume 9 - 24 March, 2015
Page 12
CaSSSA Volleyball
This Week’s Draw: Round 5 - 25 March
Open A- LHC
Open B-OLC
Open C - AHS
Inter A - AHS
Inter B-LHC
Inter C-LHC
Inter D—SRC
Inter E -SRC
HOME: Loreto College, Mary Ward Centre
AWAY: Our Lady’s College, Chester Rd, ANNERLEY
HOME: Eagles Sports Complex, MANSFIELD
HOME: Eagles Sports Complex, MANSFIELD
HOME/AWAY: Lourdes Hill College, HAWTHORNE
HOME/AWAY: Lourdes Hill College, HAWTHORNE
HOME: Loreto College outside court
AWAY: St Rita’s College, Enderley Rd, CLAYFIELD
Mr Swanson
Mrs Gold
Mrs Gore
Mrs Gore
Mr Donnelly
Mr Donnelly
Mrs Goldney
Miss Badke
Results: Round 4 - 18 March
A tough week for many teams!
LOR 3 def STU 0
25-10, 25-12, 15-8
MSM 2 def LOR 1
17-25, 25-19, 15-10
STU 2 def LOR 1
19-25, 25-22, 15-10
LOR 2 def BRI 1
25-20, 25-21, 13-15
SSC 2 def LOR 1
25-13, 21-25, 15-14
LOR 2 def MMC 1
LOR 2 def AHS
25-22, 25-24, 15-4
SJF 2 def LOR 1
25-22, 25-23, 15-5
Girls are reminded that if they are travelling away from Loreto, they are to change into their playing uniform at lunchtime and
report to the MWC at 3.05pm when the sports bell rings. If parents intend to collect their daughter from the ‘away’ or home
‘Mansfield’ venues, a note must be given to Mrs Gore by morning tea on match day. All buses aim to return to Loreto
between 5.30-5.45pm, traffic dependent! We wish all teams the best of luck.
Spectators are most welcome, we’d love to see you there
Remaining Training for Term 1:
Tuesday 24 March, 6.30-8.00am
Thursday 26 March, 6.30-8.00am
Tuesday 24 March, 6.30-8.00am
Thursday 26 March, 6.30-8.00am
Please Note: There IS a game on Wednesday 1 April. Details will appear in next week’s newsletter. If you have any further
questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kirsty Gore – Volleyball Coordinator
CaSSSA Touch Football
All teams continue to improve each week and some wonderful results were recorded last week. Well done!
Please note: That there is NO training next Monday March 30. The final game for Term 1 is on Wednesday April 1, the last
day of the term. Training resumes on the first day of Term 2, Monday April 20 at Annerley Junior Football Club.
Therese Begley - Touch Football Coordinator
Page 13
Volume 9 - 24 March, 2015
This Week’s Draw: Round 5 - 25 March
(H) V LHC1
(NOTE: Game must conclude by 5.15pm)
Norths Hockey
Norths Hockey
Norths Rugby
Kedron AFL
(A )
Away Game
Home Game
Results Round 4: 18 March
A (8A)
B (8B)
C (7A)
E (7B)
(A) V LHC2
(A) V LHC2
Norths Hockey
Norths Hockey
Norths Rugby
Kedron AFL
Monday 30 March - Friday 3 April
Monday 30 March:
Tuesday 31 March:
Wednesday 1 April:
Thursday 2April:
Friday 3 April:
WIN 4-2
DRAW 1-1
WIN 6-0
WIN 8-2
Monday 30 March - Friday 3 April
Monday 30 March: Margaret Kuzmanovski, Leanne Harriss,
Loretta Lazzaretti, Siobhan Stafford, Anne Schenk
Tuesday 31 March: Catherine Davies, Anne Pattison,
Maureen Robb, Tina Ogilvie
Wednesday 1 April: Eloise Borrett, Vivienne Lloyd, Danielle
Ganim, Margie Ebbage
Thursday 2 April: Holy Thursday
Friday 3 April: Good Friday
Tuckshop Special - $4.00
Monday 30 March:
Sue Nunn, Marialisa Felesina, Miewa Sowry
Tuesday 31 March:
Cristina Watson, Rebel McLeod
Wednesday 1 April:
Suzanne McLellan, Kristine St Ledger
Thursday 2 April:
Holy Thursday
Friday 3 April:
Good Friday
Meatlovers Pizza
Chicken Subs
No lunch Special
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Worldwide Marriage Encounter for Married Couples: 15 May – 17 May 2015
Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston (QLD)
For bookings/details contact: Maria and David Murphy, Ph (07) 3342 1456
[email protected]
Information website:
Volume 4
9 - August
24 March,
14 **
P&F Dance
Felicity Sincerity VERITY Jus ce Freedom Volume
Page 15 4 - August 23, 2011
Volume 9 - 24 March 2015 Page **
Year 12 Retreat Toowoomba
St Vincent de Paul - Cold Rock Fundrais-
Felicity Sincerity VERITY Jus ce Freedom FREE ADMISSION!
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Celebrating and sharing stories of
MC: Kelly Higgins-Devine (ABC radio and author)
Joan Hendricks (Acknowledgement of Country)
Dr Kellee Slater
(Liver transplant surgeon and author and winner of 2014 Courier Mail Qld Peoples Choice
Literary Award for her book ‘How to do a Liver Transplant)
Professor Shannon Spriggs
(Research Fellow with the Violence Research and Prevention Program at Griffith University)
Prudence Melom
(Refugee and winner of 2013 ABC Heywire award)
Kathleen Noonan
Astrid Jorgensen
Combined Girls' School Choir
86 Hawthorne Road
Wednesday 6 May 2015 at 7:00pm
$20.00 at door or
Carol: 0408 735 720
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Brisbane Women’s Forum
Circles of Life Qld is a Not-for-profit organisation giving back to the community