Rev. Joan C. Friesen Executive Minister


Rev. Joan C. Friesen Executive Minister
Rev. Joan C. Friesen
Executive Minister
[email protected]
April 20, 2015
Dear ABCGI Friends,
Our association of churches seeks to live into our vision of Churches helping churches to be the heart,
hands, and feet of Christ. I am thankful for the many ways we see God’s Spirit moving here among our
churches and for the partnership in ministry we share.
This past year was the year of Sunday snow storms as most of our churches were forced to cancel worship
the first Sunday of January and again on the first Sunday of March. We’re thankful that the storms did
not keep quality ministry from happening. Looking back to 2014, here are some of the highlights and
happenings in ABCGI.
Our Annual Gathering theme in May was We Are the Body and featured the Rev. Dr. A. Roy Medley,
General Secretary of ABC-USA, as our speaker. In addition to our first ever Challenge Conversations
(more about that below) during worship we welcomed three churches—Celebration Fellowship, Mt.
Pleasant Missionary, and New Era. Thank you to Indianapolis First Baptist and First Karen Baptist for
their wonderful co-hosting of us.
In August the ABCGI offices moved to the Indiana Interchurch Center at 42nd and Michigan next to
Christian Theological Seminary. Besides four other regional church offices, the building houses other
faith-based and non-profit groups. You are welcome to drop by!
Pastoral Transitions
Rev. Dr. Henry Hawkins retired from pastoring New Bethel Baptist at the end of March. We are
grateful for his years of ministry and the contributions to regional life by Henry and Phyllis. We wish
them well! Rev. Janet Hoover serves as interim pastor.
Church of the Master called Rev. Brenda Darmelio to be one of the pastors. Brenda is no stranger as
she was ordained at COM as the youth pastor, became Associate Pastor, and will now lead a team of parttime staff. They are still searching for one to two others to join her. Thanks to Rev. Jay Kennedy who
served as interim for the three years of transition.
Rev. Roberta White was called as pastor of Congregation of the Covenants. Roberta has been a
member of this house church since its early days but she is the church’s first called pastor.
Two churches added to their staffs this past year. Rev. Tim Stonecipher was called to be Associate
Pastor at First Baptist Church Lebanon and Hrang Cung Hnin joined the staff of Indiana Chin
Baptist Church.
At the end of the year Rev. Tom Bridges retired as Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church Greenwood.
We wish Tom and Pam well in their retirement. (Rev. Brian Peters became their interim pastor in
February 2015.)
Arlington Heights Baptist continues under the interim leadership of Rev. Dr. Mark Hetrick. Karen
Baptist Fellowship is also seeking a pastor.
Regional Ministries
The Missional Church Learning Experience or MCLE continues to be a highlight event each year. Our
fourth learning community in conjunction with ABC of Indiana & Kentucky was held in 2013-14 with
Arlington Heights Baptist and Church of the Master participating with church teams. Over 1/3 of ABCGI
congregations have gone through MCLE, learning how to engage anew with the neighborhood, over the
past three years.
ABCGI was blessed to receive a Palmer Grant of $25,000 for shared learning experiences for pastors.
This grant will help provide continuing education for our non-English language pastors, for specific
cohort learning experiences like the Nehemiah Leadership Network, and for selected Center for
Congregations workshops. Five of our Spanish-speaking pastors began the Congregational
Transformation Institute in Puerto Rico in November. They will make four trips to Puerto Rico over the
course of two years of training.
Let’s Talk about Money, a workshop with practical tools for effective communication, was held last
March and September. Too many of our congregations struggle with stewardship and funding ministries
and yet don’t know how to talk about money in ways that increase generosity. If your church is interested
in hosting the next “Let’s Talk” workshop, please contact the ABCGI office.
We are pleased to add Rev. Jaime Flores to the ABCGI staff as our Latino Ministries Strategist. Jaime
will provide support and services to our Spanish speaking pastors and leaders and seek the places and
pastors for additional ministries with the 120,000 Hispanics in our community. Jaime and his wife, Rev.
Andrea Flores moved to Indianapolis from Fort Wayne and are now pastoring our second new faith
community in the Spanish language.
As a part of the American Baptist Transformed by the Spirit initiative, we held what we are calling
“Challenge Conversations” on seven different topics at our Annual Gathering last May. The intent of
these conversations is to grapple with issues for which we currently don’t have answers but which are
critical to the future of our churches.
These conversations continued last fall as we held three sessions on the topic of “Violence in our
Community” hosted by Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church. Out of these conversations some
small experiments are taking place and we are gaining new understanding to the complexity of this
concern. If you’d like more information on what we discovered, please contact our office. These
conversations continue in 2015 and are the focus of the ABC Biennial Mission Summit that will be held
June 26-28, 2015, again in Overland Park, Kansas.
For those of you who would like additional information on our Region finances information follows this
report. It is a joy to journey with you.
Joan C. Friesen
Executive Minister
2014 ABCGI Financial Report
United Mission Giving from Churches
Thanks for your generosity!
Region Offering
Over and above gifts from churches and individuals
Annual Meeting
Honoraria & Miscellaneous Income
American Baptist Foundation Bequests
New Church Fund
Salaries, Travel, Benefits
Programs, Ministries, Regional Gatherings
Includes joint Mission Conference, MCLE, Annual Gathering, etc.
Professional Fees
Audit, Foundation Services, Insurance, Legal, Bank fees
Office rent and expenses
Rent, equipment, phone, internet, website, copies, postage
New Faith Communities Support
$227,554.59 $210,015.46
America for Christ Offering & AB Foundation Bequest Distributions
Edna Martin Christian Center
American Baptist Camping
Lynhurst Baptist Church Community Center
Renaissance Center, Mt. Zion Baptist
American Baptist Youth of Indiana/GI
Restoring Lives West
Total Gifts
Total Investment Income
Total Interest Income
Portion restricted for New Churches
Investment Income used for Operations
2015 ABCGI Ministry Resources
United Mission Giving
We count on tithes and gifts from member churches that support all of
American Baptist life, ministry, and mission, while modeling proportional
giving to their own church members
Region offering
Annual Meeting Income
Honoraria & Miscellaneous income
American Baptist Foundation Bequests
Investment Interest used for operations (anticipated)
New Church Fund
Anticipated Total
Salaries and Benefits
Executive Minister (full-time) concentrates in the following areas – 1)
being a pastor to pastors and providing clergy support and training, 2) Working
with region leadership to live out God’s vision and direction, 3) Creating a
broader network among ABCGI churches while offering innovative opportunities
for congregational vitality, 4) Resourcing mission and stewardship
The Office Administrator handles communication, financial accounting,
and day-to-day responsibilities of office management
The Church Leadership Strategist works with congregations to develop
leaders, discern vision, re-design church structure, and for spiritual formation
The Congregational Life Facilitator helps churches have honest,
intentional, and fruitful conversation about how they live together as the Body of
The Latino Ministries Strategist provides support, training and
encouragement to pastors and leaders of our Spanish-speaking congregations
The Grant Writer works with the Region and local churches in preparing
grants for submission
Travel and Staff Professional Expense
Includes Continuing Education, travel, professional memberships
Professional Expenses
Audit, Foundation Services, Insurance, Legal, Bank fees
Office rent and expenses
Rent, equipment, phone, internet, website, copies, postage, depreciation
Programs, Ministries, Regional Gatherings
Most if not all of our region activities are offered at low or no cost. Other
educational events and worship gatherings are funded by your mission gifts or for
a minimal fee. This resource allows us to be responsive to the needs of our
churches as we seek to add innovative and relevant opportunities.
New Faith Communities Support
Anticipated Total