District Dispatch - Alta Vista Elementary


District Dispatch - Alta Vista Elementary
district | dispatch
Laramie County School District 1’s weekly update of events
May 29–June 5, 2015
school events
news releases
music events
future events
sports events
charity corner
district information
attached files
week at a glance
Alta Vista
Buffalo Ridge
Multiple Schools
Media: If you are interested in covering
these events, please contact the
LCSD1 Community Relations office,
771-2192, 771-2238 or 771-2239.
Buffalo Ridge
Buffalo Ridge
Last Day
of School
All media must check in at the main office
of any schools being covered,
show identification
and obtain a visitor’s badge.
district | dispatch
May 29–June 5, 2015
school events
»» At 2 p.m., Monday, June 1, in the commons
area, the school’s fourth-quarter platform
graduation will be held.
»» At 2 p.m., Monday, June 1, in the gym,
Accelerated Reader students will participate in
a celebration.
»» From 9:30–11:30 a.m., Tuesday, June 2, thirdthrough sixth-grade students will participate
in a field day. From 1:30–3 p.m., kindergarten
through second-grade students will
»» From 10 a.m.–2 p.m., Monday, June 1,
third-grade students will take a field trip to
Cheyenne Botanic Gardens, 710 S. Lions Park
»» At noon, Monday, June 1, in the classrooms,
first-grade students will hold an Author’s Tea
for families. Students will read to their parents.
»» At 2 p.m., Tuesday, June 2, in the gym, a
kindergarten promotion ceremony will be
»» At 2 p.m., Wednesday, June 3, in the gym, a
sixth-grade graduation will be held.
»» At 8 a.m., Thursday, June 4, students will
participate in field day activities. They will have
lunch and at 2 p.m., in the gym, students will
participate in an honor roll celebration.
»» From 9 a.m.–2 p.m., Wednesday, June 3, in
Lions Park, 600 S. Lions Park Drive, secondgrade students will participate in a nature walk
and a picnic.
»» At 10:15 a.m., Monday, June 1, in the gym,
primary grades will perform in a talent
show. Intermediate students will perform at
12:50 p.m.
»» At 2 p.m., Wednesday, June 3, in the gym, a
kindergarten graduation will be held.
»» From 10:10–11:10 a.m., Wednesday, June 3,
in the classrooms, third- and fourth-grade
students will participate in a “Book Buzz” event.
They will celebrate the great reading they’ve
done this year and share information about
the books with each other.
»» From 9:30 a.m.–2 p.m., Thursday, June 4,
kindergarten students will take a field trip to
Terry Bison Ranch, 51 I-25 Service Road.
»» At 1 p.m., Thursday, June 4, in the gym, a sixthgrade celebration will be held.
»» From 6 a.m.–2 p.m., Saturday, May 30, in the
gym, the Alta Vista Archery Club will hold a
garage sale. Proceeds will go to the club to
purchase new equipment. Please bring sale
donations to the gym from 4–6 p.m., Friday,
May 29 or 6–8 a.m., Saturday, May 30. For more
information, call Ben Valdez at 771-2310.
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»» At 2:45 p.m., Wednesday, June 3, in the gym, a
kindergarten celebration will be held.
»» At 9 a.m., Thursday, June 4, in the gym, the
school will hold an awards assembly for
»» At 2:30 p.m., Thursday, June 4, in Miller’s
multipurpose room, the school will hold an
honor assembly for students.
district | dispatch
May 29–June 5, 2015
»» At 9 a.m., Monday, June 1, primary students
will participate in a talent show. At 1 p.m.,
intermediate students will participate.
»» From 9 a.m.–noon, Tuesday, June 2, outside
the school, kindergarten students will
participate in an exploration day.
»» From 2:45–3:35 p.m., Tuesday, June 2, in
Antionette Moore's kindergarten classroom,
students will hold a writers’ celebration. From
2:30–3:30 p.m., in Shelley Woods’s classroom,
first-grade students will hold their writers’
»» At 10 a.m., Thursday, June 4, in the gym,
kindergarten through third-grade students
will participate in an end-of-the-year
assembly. At 1:30 p.m., fourth- through sixthgrade students will participate.
»» At 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 2, Secretary of State
Ed Murray will visit fifth-grade students and
discuss the “We the People” program.
»» From 2:30–3:15 p.m., Tuesday, June 2, in the
gym, fourth-grade students will perform in a
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»» At 1 p.m., Monday, June 1, in the gym, the
school will hold a talent show.
»» At 9 a.m., Tuesday, June 2, students will
participate in field day activities. At 1 p.m., in
the gym, they will attend an awards assembly.
»» All day, Wednesday, June 3, fourth-grade
students will take a field trip to Fort Laramie
National Historic Site for their history unit.
»» At 10 a.m., Thursday, June 4, in the gym, sixthgrade students will graduate. At 6 p.m., in the
gym, kindergarten students will graduate.
»» All day, Monday, June 1, sixth-grade students
will work with kindergarten through fifthgrade students who will participate in field day
»» On Wednesday, June 3, students will hold
talent show performances at 9:30 a.m.,
1:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
»» At 1 p.m., Thursday, June 4, in the gym, the
school will hold an awards assembly.
»» From 3–3:20 p.m., Wednesday, June 3, in the
gym, kindergarten students will participate in
a music program for families.
»» From 10:30 a.m.–1:15 p.m., Tuesday, June 2, in
Mylar Park, 727 Mylar Park Drive, kindergarten
students will hold an end-of-the-year picnic.
»» From 9–11:15 a.m., Thursday, June 4, students
will participate in field day activities.
»» At 9 a.m., Thursday, June 4, in the gym, the
school will hold an end-of-the-year assembly.
»» At 12:50 p.m., Thursday, June 4, in the gym,
kindergarten through third-grade students
will participate in a Shining Stars assembly.
»» At 12:10 p.m., Thursday, June 4, students will
participate in field day activities.
»» At 2:15 p.m., Thursday, June 4, in the gym,
students will participate in a talent show.
»» At 8:45 a.m., Friday, June 5, in the gym, fourththrough sixth-grade students will participate
in a Shining Stars assembly.
»» At 10 a.m., Wednesday, June 3, in the gym,
an awards assembly will be held. Along with
other recognition, two students will receive
the Daughters of the American Revolution
Citizenship Award.
district | dispatch
May 29–June 5, 2015
»» From 8:30 a.m.–2 p.m., Tuesday, June 2, fifthgrade students will stage a Revolutionary War
reenactment. It will be held at Camp Jack west
of Cheyenne, off Happy Jack Road.
district music
& sports events
LCSD1 student music schedules are online at
www.laramie1.org. Click on the “Our District” link,
then the “Calendar & Events” link. Or click here for a
direct link.
LCSD1 student sports schedules are online at
www.laramie1.org. Click on the “Our District” link,
then the “Calendar & Events” link. Or click here for a
direct link.
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Front Page
Last day of school
The last day of school at LCSD1 will be Friday,
June 5. Secondary students release at 11 a.m. and
elementary students release at 10 a.m.
district meetings
LCSD1 Board of Trustees
The LCSD1 Board of Trustees meeting scheduled on
Monday, June 1 has been canceled.
The LCSD1 Board of Trustees will hold a work
session at 5 p.m., Monday, June 15 in the Storey
Gym Boardroom. The regular meeting will be held at
6 p.m. The agenda for this meeting will be available
on the LCSD1 website at this link.
news releases
For Immediate Release
Contact: Carrie Wiley,
(631) 275-3806
• Triumph High will hold its graduation ceremony
Thursday, June 4 at 4 p.m., in the multipurpose
gym at Laramie County Community College.
Cheyenne ranked 47th best city
for US teachers
• Central High will hold its graduation ceremony
Friday, June 5, 4 p.m., at Frontier Park.
A new report released by the GoodCall research
team shows that Cheyenne was just ranked the
47th best place in the United States for teachers.
Rankings were based on data collected from the U.S.
Census Bureau, the National Center for Education
Statistics and Indeed.com.
• East High will hold its graduation ceremony
Saturday, June 6 at 10 a.m., at Okie Blanchard
• South High will hold its graduation ceremony
Saturday, June 6, 1 p.m. at South.
Cheyenne made the list due to high teacher pay,
along with strong educational values, a low cost of
living, and a solid job market for teachers. According
to GoodCall analysis, Cheyenne has an average
teacher salary of $59,210, paired with a low cost of
living index.
district | dispatch
Return to
Front Page
May 29–June 5, 2015
“Several factors, including high-stakes testing and
budget cuts, have made teaching more challenging
in recent years,” GoodCall senior analyst Paul
Southerland said. “We wanted to find cities that
still offer a great quality of life for teachers, and
Cheyenne is certainly one.”
The methodology for the report took into account
the average salary, number of teaching jobs,
teaching jobs per capita, high school graduation
rates, cost of living and amenities score for cities
nationwide. The full report can be found here:
GoodCall.com is a consumer-focused website
where people and information intersect. Founded
in February 2015, GoodCall was born from the idea
that in an increasingly complex online marketplace,
consumers deserve access to the information they
need to make educated financial decisions. From
scholarships to college rankings and beyond,
families visit GoodCall to find unbiased, unfiltered
information to help make the decisions that will
shape their future.
For more information, contact GoodCall public
relations manager Carey Wiley, (631) 275-3806.
For Immediate Release
Contact: Shannon Thompson-Emslie,
• June 10–July 16, Johnson Junior High
7:15–7:45 a.m., breakfast
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., lunch
• June 15–July 16, Baggs, Goins, Freedom,
Rossman and Sunrise elementaries
8–8:30 a.m., breakfast
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., lunch
• June 15–Aug. 7, Arp Elementary
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., lunch
• June 15–Aug. 7, Cheyenne Family YMCA
11:30 a.m.–noon, lunch
Meals will be provided to all children without charge
and are the same for all children regardless of race,
color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and
there will be no discrimination in the course of the
meal service. To file a complaint of discrimination,
write or call immediately to:
Director, Office of Adjudication
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
(866) 632-9992 or (800) 877-8339 (TTY) or (800)
845-6136 (Spanish)
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and
For more information, contact Shannon ThompsonEmslie at 771-2440.
Laramie County School
District 1 participates in
summer food program
Laramie County School District 1 is participating in
the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), which
provides free meals to children under 18. Meals will
be provided at the sites and times listed below:
district | dispatch
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Front Page
May 29–June 5, 2015
For Immediate Release
Contact: Sean Ambrose, LCSD1
Music Coordinator, 771-2104
For Immediate Release
Contact: Mark Quinlivan, Social
Studies Coordinator, 771-2170
Instrumental music
information night
LCSD1 social studies textbooks on
public review
District students and their parents will have an
opportunity to explore various musical instruments
and receive information on the elementary
instrumental program on Monday, June 1, from
6:30–8 p.m., in Storey Gymnasium.
Laramie County School District 1’s Social Studies
Department is conducting a secondary-level
textbook adoption during the 2014–15 school
year. The public and district stakeholders have an
opportunity to participate in the adoption process.
District music teachers will be on hand to answer
questions and demonstrate instruments, which are
available for fourth- through sixth-grade students.
The prospective Advanced Placement (AP) United
States History textbooks, “The American Pageant”
and “By the People” will be available for public
review and receipt of public comments weekdays
from 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m., through June 5, in the
Social Studies office, in Storey Gym, 2811 House
Ave., Room 150.
Secondary students will provide entertainment
throughout the evening and will also demonstrate
their instruments.
LCSD1 provides instrumental music instruction to
interested students during the regular school day,
on an elective basis. String instruments available for
study include the violin, viola, cello and bass. Band
instruments available include the flute, clarinet,
oboe, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone,
baritone and percussion.
Application forms for summer music lessons, open
to fourth grade through high school students, will
also be available. Lessons consist of two 30-minute
sessions a week from June 15–July 16. These are
open to all students, regardless of enrollment
during the year.
For more information on the district’s music
program, visit your child’s music teacher or contact
the music office at 771-2104.
At the Laramie County Library, 2200 Pioneer Ave.,
textbooks will also be on review Monday through
Thursday, 10 a.m.–9 p.m., Friday and Saturday,
10 a.m.–6 p.m. and Sunday, 1–5 p.m.
For more information about the materials contact
Social Studies Coordinator Mark Quinlivan,