News Sheet - Berkhamsted Baptist Church


News Sheet - Berkhamsted Baptist Church
Berkhamsted Baptist Church
A Family following Jesus
Weekly News for
Sunday 3rd May 2015
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and
whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
2 Corinthians ch 9 v 6.
Welcome to our Family Worship, with communion, led by our minister, Stephen Ashby.
Please join us afterwards for tea and coffee in the lower hall.
Crèche facilities are available for 0-3 year olds every week.
This Week
Pre-school meets Tuesday to Thursday at 9:15am.
Tuesday 5th– 2.15pm, in the upper hall, starting with
tea and cake. Stephen will be leading a course looking
at Philip Yancey’s book ‘What’s So Amazing About
Grace?’ This is the book that our house groups are
looking at as part of our 375th anniversary year and the
course is for those who do not already attend a house
Wednesday 6th – 1:30 to 2:55pm, First Steps parent /
carer and toddler group in lower hall.
Wednesday 6th – 7:30pm, Men’s Evening: a relaxing
walk with refreshment. Meet at the church at 7:30pm.
For more details see Stephen.
Thursday 7th – 10:00am to noon, Open Church for
anyone who wants a quiet place to sit, pray, have a chat
or ask questions – with free tea and coffee served.
Friday 8th – 11:15am coffee, 12noon lunch, Open
Door Lunch Club. Meals must be booked in advance
with Gill Goss.
Friday 8th – 6:30pm, Connect Youth Group in the
upper hall. For more info please see Alun, Vicky or
Saturday 9th – 10:15am until 3:30pm, Church ‘Away
Day’. The theme is ‘Being church in the 21st century’;
speaker – Revd Colin Pye; location – WEC
International, ‘Bulstrode’, Oxford Road, Gerrards
Cross, SL9 8SZ.
Our house groups run weekly and fortnightly. You
are encouraged to attend one to share in mid-week
fellowship and learn more about Jesus through his
word. Please speak to Stephen Ashby if you wish to
join or try a group.
Next Sunday
Christian Aid Sunday – which will include an update
on the work of DENS by Martin Warner. The service
will be led by our Minister, Stephen Ashby. All are
invited and welcome to come and prepare for worship,
with silent or open prayer, in the office from 10:15am
Future Events
Christian Aid week is fast approaching: 10th-16th May
2015. It's not too late to volunteer to collect for this
year. On Saturday 16th May we have our stall on the
market outside Tesco. We need cakes and plants to sell
and buyers (of course). Collection can be arranged.
Also if you could help man the stall I would be pleased
to hear from you. Thanks. Margaret Pike
Tuesday 19th May – 7:30pm, Whitsun Prayer and
Praise Evening in the church sanctuary. An
opportunity to pray together as a church for our
Whitsunday celebrations and learn some new worship
songs. Do come along!
Saturday 16th May – 10:30am until 12noon, Preschool Sponsored Bounce and Fun Morning in the
lower hall. Coffee and home-made cakes will be
Minister: Stephen Ashby, tel: 01442 384099, e-mail: [email protected].
Church Secretary: Pat Ginger – tel: 01442 865817, e-mail: [email protected]
Treasurer: John Ball – tel: 01442 863250.
Visit our Church Website:
Items for inclusion on weekly news sheets need to be given by Thursday (at the latest) to either John Beeley,
tel: 01442 866304, e-mail: [email protected] or Stephen Ashby.
available. A chance to meet the Pre-school parents; all
are welcome to attend.
23rd & 24th May, Whitsunday Weekend Celebration.
On the Saturday the church will be open from 11am to
3pm, with tea and coffee being served. On the Sunday
John Hardwick will be our guest at our Whitsun AllAge Celebration.
Wednesday 27th May – 7:30pm, Church Members’
meeting in the lower hall.
Sunday 31st May; a visit by Matthew and Rachael
Harley from Wycliffe, who are both working in
Saturday 20th June - Central Baptist Association
Assembly at Milton Keynes. The day will include
worship and the speaker is the Revd Lynn Green,
General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain.
If you would like to know more please ask Stephen,
Ruth or Pat.
Items for the next news sheet to John Beeley by
Thursday 7th May, please.
For Your Prayers
•The people of Nepal following the earthquake
•Thanksgiving for 20 years of our church Lunch Club,
remembering all those who have enjoyed and those
who continue to enjoy fellowship and good food every
Friday. For the many volunteers who serve at Lunch
•The General Election; pray for integrity and justice for
•Church ‘Away Day’ on Saturday, that will we enjoy our
time together and be aware of God’s presence. Colin
Pye, as he leads the day
•Members and friends anxious about their own health
and that of their loved ones.
3 -9 May - A prayer for the General Election:
Lord, we give thanks for the privileges and
responsibilities of living in a democratic society. Give
us wisdom to play our part at election time, that
through the exercise of each vote, your Kingdom may
come closer. Protect us from the sins of despair and
cynicism, guard us against the idols of false utopias and
strengthen us to make politics a noble calling that
serves the common good of all. We ask this in the name
of Jesus Christ our Lord. From the Church of England
France - The sociologist Gérard Mermet writes: ‘The
French are suffering from an anxiety, from a chronic
frustration, from a fear, and from an insecurity that
neither the politicians nor the other leaders in society
know how to relieve.’ The emptiness of secularism and
hyper-modernity often leads both to disillusionment
and to a new interest in spirituality. Pray that the
believers in France will know how to present Jesus to
their compatriots.
Prayers for Nepal
•For all those affected by the earthquake, that they
would receive quick and effective help and that those
who mourn would be comforted.
•For our partners and mission personnel at this time as
they seek to respond practically, compassionately and
•For those responding to the destruction, that they
would have wisdom, energy and resilience.
•That all those affected would know the love of Christ
and would be encouraged by the present and
compassionate response of the local church.
Resurrected Lord,
We pray for all affected by the earthquake in Nepal:
for those grieving the loss of loved ones,
for those living in fear of aftershocks,
for those trapped awaiting rescue,
and for those who are searching.
Comfort, protect, rescue and strengthen.
We pray for all who are responding on the ground:
for partner agencies coordinating the response,
for those in need of shelter, clothing, food and water,
for those in remote rural areas whose plight is yet
unknown, and for those who are travelling to and
within Nepal. Direct, provide, connect and guide.
We pray for the world as it watches on:
for the media as they tell the full story,
for compassion to overcome despair,
for unity to overcome distance,
and for kindness to prevail.
Inspire, move, unite and reveal.
In your resurrection hope we pray, Amen
And Finally
Motto text 2015
“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him
who called us by his own glory and goodness.”
2 Peter 1 : 3 (NIV)
Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap
sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap
generously. Each of you should give what you have
decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under
compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God
is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all
times, having all that you need, you will abound in every
good work.
2 Corinthians 9 v 6- 8.
Minister: Stephen Ashby, tel: 01442 384099, e-mail: [email protected].
Church Secretary: Pat Ginger – tel: 01442 865817, e-mail: [email protected]
Treasurer: John Ball – tel: 01442 863250.
Visit our Church Website:
Items for inclusion on weekly news sheets need to be given by Thursday (at the latest) to either John Beeley,
tel: 01442 866304, e-mail: [email protected] or Stephen Ashby.