Current Beacon - Bethel Presbyterian Church


Current Beacon - Bethel Presbyterian Church
Vol. 187 Issue 7
Bethel Presbyterian Church:
A Beacon of Christ’s love
Reflecting the Love and Truth of
Christ to Transform lives.
A Community of Christ Followers
making disciples by:
WORSHIPING the living God
TEACHING the truth of Scripture
CARING for others
SERVING with the compassion of
Worship Schedule
Sunday Worship
9 am & 11 am
Sunday School
10 am
Sunday Evening Bethel Youth
5:30 pm
July 1, 2015
I always thank my God for YOU…
(I Corinthians 1:4)
Yesterday (June 21) I received three very special telephone calls. Each of our
children called me and told me how much they loved me and appreciated me
being their father.
How did that make me feel? GREAT…no amount of
money, shirts, ties, or other “Father’s Day paraphernalia” could match the gift of
“saying thanks.”
So today I want YOU to know how much I appreciate you and how I grateful I
am that you are part of our Bethel family. I probably don’t tell you often enough
how thankful I am for you, your faith, and the ways in which you make a
difference through serving. I’m so fortunate to get to be a part of your life.
Thank YOU.
Have you noticed how frequently in the New Testament letters which God
inspired Paul to write that he takes time at the first of his letters and the last of
his letters to recognize the special people who have meant so much to him?
Check out the theological masterpiece of Romans and tucked at the very end
of this incomparable letter is acknowledgement of some special people.
Romans 16 is full of men and women who are leaders and who have made
significant contributions to Paul’s life in the Lord.
Summer is a good time to “kick back” and to enjoy some time with your family
in the shadow of a mountain or the sunshine of a beach or even on the familiar
waters of Lake Norman! But while you are with those you love, please let them
know how special they are to you. If you can’t be with them, then write a note
or make a call and express your gratitude. While you are at it, take inventory of
the people at Bethel who have blessed you and let them know how special
they are.
When you express thankfulness to others, you not only bring joy to them but a
deep sense of gratitude embraces you!
Church Office Hours
Monday -Thursday 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
It may seem early but I vote for THANKSGIVING to begin right now. Don’t wait
till November to enjoy “Thanksgiving.” Let it begin today.
Bethel Weekday Preschool
And by the way…when you are in town, come into the sanctuary of Bethel with
your family of faith and express your thanksgiving to the Lord from whom all
blessings flow.
Monday - Friday
Love in Christ Jesus,
Upcoming Worship Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Music News
You Can Have the Best Seat
in the House!!!
July 19 VBS 9:00am and 11:00am
(All VBS attendees invited)
Aug. 9 Regular service at Bethel 9:00am
At The Point 11:00am
(All Bethel worshippers welcome!)
No Sunday School
New Opportunities
For Impact and Service
A new Chancel Choir season will begin on Wed. August
5th at 7:00pm. The Chancel Choir sings routinely at the
11:00am worship service. This choir is comprised of
ages 13 through 78 and is truly a representation of the
community of faith at Bethel Church. Auditions are not
required. If interested, please contact any choir member
or Leesa Gray , Dir. of Music/ Worship at [email protected].
Love Christmas music? Rehearsals for the Chancel
Choir Christmas Cantata will begin on Wed. Sept. 9th at
7:00pm in the choir room. This is always a lot of fun as
well as hard work. If this fits your bill, mark your
calendar now and plan to be there. Rehearsals will
continue on subsequent Weds. through December 13,
2015. Practice CD’s will be available. Questions?
Contact any choir member or Leesa Gray, Dir. of Music/
Worship at [email protected].
Want to take your worship experience to a whole new
level? The Bethel Worship Team invites interested
persons to join them on their journey of faith. The Team
is responsible for leading worship at the 9:00am worship
service on Sundays and special events. Vocalists,
instrumentalists, liturgical dancers, and media
technicians are all part of this Team. Auditions, weekly
rehearsals and small group time are required.
Questions? Contact any team member or Leesa Gray,
Dir. of Music/Worship at [email protected].
Are you a young artist, old artist or somewhere in
between? Due to advancements in media, we know
have ways for artists to share their gifts and talents in
worship. Sound enticing? Want to know more? Artists
can participate as their schedule allows. Sound
intriguing? Contact Ken Dresser, Bethel Media Team or
Leesa Gray, Dir. of Music/Worship at [email protected].
Does that sound too good to be true? I often tell church
goers at Bethel that the choir has the best seat in the
house. Here are a few things seen from the choir loft
recently: an Elder serving communion to a child, a
Deacon helping visitors find seats, old friends greeting
one another, new friends greeting one another, a child
conducting the hymns, a service dog “in training”,
children with their heads bowed in prayer, a worshipper
coming forward to join the church, people with radiant
faces, people with sorrowful faces, two friends sharing a
hymnal, a parent guiding a child through the responsive
reading, and best of all, a community gathered for
You know that old phrase, “You get out of something
exactly what you put into it.” That is never more true
than in worship! So, regardless of where you sit: sing
joyfully, pray earnestly, listen carefully, read
enthusiastically, and worship fervently!
The Chancel Choir for the 11:00 worship service has
empty seats that need filled this summer. Please
consider joining them in the loft on Sunday mornings
during the month of July. This is a short term
commitment with a long term effect. Questions? contact
any choir member or Leesa Gray, Dir. of Music/Worship
at [email protected].
A Note From the VBS Music Team
VBS is just around the corner and the VBS Music Team
is busy making preparations. The Music Team looks
forward to sharing some great songs with all of our
elementary age students and their friends. The Music
Team and The Bethel Media Team will join forces this
year to raise the bar on reaching our young people for
Christ. Now is a great time to start listening to the Base
Camp Sing & Play Music CD. These are the songs from
the CD that the children will be learning:
My God is Powerful
Power Shuffle
I Sing the Mighty Power of God
One Thing Remains
My God is So Great
So get ready to sing and have fun! VBS is almost here!
See you in July!!!
A Word From Our Staff
Share Your Worries
I have been attending Bethel for 20 years, the majority
of them anonymously. I would go as far as to say that if
asked, many of you would say that I have been here 58 years. I take the blame for that. I did not engage, that
was MY choice. We all make decisions and I am not
proud of many of them, however it is a part of the road
that got me here. I will tell you, I loved you long before I
served you! Now in my role here, I am privileged to
witness many behind the scene activities.
Recently, I attended and participated in the Hope and
Healing Service. Facing a real life challenge, one of our
members, asked to be a part of it. (If you did not attend,
there is value in spending some time watching it in the
archives on the website.) Spoiler Alert—He gave us a
challenge to “Share your burdens with your faith
family.” Fast forward a few weeks and we have a
member in crisis and she gave me permission to share
details via email to the Bethel community (“Sharing the
Having previously served, Jane did not become a part
of the Haiti Mission Team until the afternoon before
departure due to another member having to back out
for medical reasons. Unbeknownst to her, one of her
sons would sustain a life-threatening traumatic injury on
the day after the team left for Port Au Prince. I was
called at 3pm on Sunday and immediately began
following our predetermined emergency contact
protocol. Through God’s Grace, someone else had
reached Bill before I could and by the time I made
contact, (6 hours later) he was already aware and had
arranged Jane’s flight out the next day. Monday
morning I forwarded the email that the Haiti team had
composed. I am amazed at the “Body of Christ” that is
being lived out at Bethel. Have you seen it? Multiple
offers of airport pick up, emails, calls, texts, the list
goes on. I received an email at 3:37pm from one of our
members who was waiting at CMC for Jane to arrive (at
6pm) to support her.
We have another member who shared with the
congregation details of her upcoming surgery (“Sharing
the Burden”). Many of you have stepped up to help with
various needs, cleaning, installing safety bars in the
shower, groceries, errands, the list goes on.
How can we as Christ-followers inspire and replicate
this in the secular world? Is that what we are called to
do? Ponder that…
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will
fulfill the law of Christ.—Galatians 6:2
From The Director of Youth &
Family Ministry
Hello Bethel Family! Hope everyone is enjoying their
summer. Summer time is the perfect time for picnics,
days on the lake, grill outs and family vacations. I have
great summer memories throughout the years, but just
want to remind us all that it's not a time to slack
We need God all the time and summer memories can
be filled with God moments! That's what we offer in our
youth program at Bethel the opportunity to have "God
moments"! We take one to two mission trips every
summer, attend spiritual camps/retreats, fellowship,
grow closer to God and participate in local mission
This past Tuesday was a wonderful day of our youth
serving at Rowan Helping Ministries in Salisbury.
Fifteen of us toured the facilities, served in different
areas, and worked in the food pantry filling grocery
carts for people that needed assistance with food, and
wheeled it out to their cars. It was such a blessing!
When we fill our summers up with opportunities like
this we are building in us a foundation. We are making
disciples here at Bethel and one of those ways is
through service. I was blessed to hear one of our
middle schoolers tell me and then one of their parents
that they had a amazing time, and that it was an
awesome experience!
Let's continue to pray for, encourage and support our
youth this summer and beyond. What a opportunity we
all have to help them along their journey, and aid them
in better discerning God's call on their lives!
A big thank you to the individuals, Sunday School
classes, Mission committee, groups and to Foundation
for the donations for the High School Belize Trip in
July! Lives will be changed, people will be blessed and
God will be glorified!
It's a honor to serve you and with you at Bethel!
Romans 12:1- "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view
of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices,
holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of
Blessings and Love,
Christian Education News
Operation Kid to Kid
I don’t think it surprises anyone that VBS is my very
favorite thing to do here at Bethel. I love telling kids
about Jesus (I know that shocks you!) and I love doing it
in fun ways even more (now that’s really surprising,
right?). But at VBS we not only get to have fun, we also
get to help others in meaningful ways.
Each year at VBS we collect supplies for Barium Springs
Home for Children. Barium Springs receives support
from the community in many ways, but our VBS is the
only program that gathers supplies like paper towels,
toilet paper, laundry detergent, etc.
Having these
supplies on hand allows Barium Springs to direct their
financial resources toward other pressing needs. If you
will not be participating in VBS but would still like to
contribute to the supply collection, please contact
[email protected] for a list of what we will be
VBS also allows us to go beyond regional needs and
contribute to a world wide effort to spread the love of
Jesus through Operation Kid to Kid.
This year our
target is Thailand. Our mission is to place a copy of the
New Testament, written in kid friendly Thai-language, to
as many children as possible.
Here in America we take reading God’s Word for
granted. We can pick a Bible up at any bookstore or
download one to our Smartphone. But just imagine
trying to understand what you were reading if you didn’t
understand the language the Bible was written in, or
trying to learn about Jesus if you couldn’t get a Bible at
all. That’s no stretch of the imagination in a country like
Thailand, where children’s Bibles are very rare and
sorely needed. With 95% of the population following
Buddhism, the need is overwhelming!
As our Everest campers register for VBS they will be
given an elephant bank to use in collecting coins and
spare change to help purchase Bibles for the children
living in Thailand. A sample Bible can be found on our
Everest VBS table outside the Family Life Center. As the
campers return their filled banks we will tally our offering
totals and see how many Bibles we will be able to
purchase. With each Bible costing a mere $4, we know
that the children of Bethel Presbyterian Church are
going to play a significant role in changing the world for
Jesus. We would like to invite you to join that effort as
well. All donations should be made out to Bethel
Presbyterian Church and marked for ‘Operation Kid to
It won’t be long now until our Everest ascent begins.
We’ll have a lot of fun learning, and a lot of fun serving.
I hope you’ll join us for the great adventure that awaits.
Everest VBS Schedule
Friday, July 17th: 5:30-8:15 pm
(check in begins at 5:05)
Wear a Crazy Hat Day!
Saturday, July 18th: 3:30-6:00 pm
(climbing crews begin gathering at
Crazy Hair Day!
Sunday, July 19th:
Climbing Crews sing at 9:00 and
11:00 am worship services
Everest Bible Expedition Sunday
School from 10:00-10:45 am
Rising K-5th grade: Base Camp (Gym)
Preschool Climbers: Preschool Peak
Classroom (Preschool Building)
Adults: Activity Center (near church
All are welcome!
Sunday Regular Session: 3:306:00 pm
(crews begin gathering at 3:15)
Mis-Match Day!
Listen for announcements about
Water Play and don’t forget your
bathing suit!
Monday, July 20th: 6:30-8:00 pm
All preschool crews will gather in the
Choir Room and all elementary crews
in the Fellowship Hall beginning at
6:00 pm.
Summit Celebration and Slide Show at
6:30 pm in the Sanctuary, Ice Cream
Extravaganza follows at Base Camp
Opportunities to Grow Your Faith
Did you know that Bethel has its very own Rightnow Media channel library? It contains a few select videos that have
been reviewed and recommended by some of our Bethel faithful. Jack Hall has recommended Kerry Shook’s Love
at Last Sight which is focused on improving relationships within the family. Marcus Lee has recommended Tim
Kimmel’s Basic Training for a Few Good Men. It explores the adult male’s leadership role within the family and would
be particularly helpful for men with children. Marcus also recommends Greg Surratt’s I See a Church which
discusses the components of a great church. It identifies disciplines that make for a strong/sustained church, such
as the importance of prayer, sharing each other’s personal stories, studying the word together, and loving people
where they are. Tracy Rock believes that We Need YOUR Story would be useful for women’s groups seeking to
begin or deepen any community they are seeking to develop. Finally, Vern Dodd endorses Kyle Idelman’s H2O
which is a contemporary look at how Jesus alone can quench our soul’s thirst.
Check out these items in the Bethel Library…..
This is just the start. Our team of evaluators has now grown to twelve. Our first theme was “community” and we are
moving into others such as “marriage”. Feel free to send other theme ideas to me. Also, if you need help finding
content for your personal interests let me know and we can assist you in discovering videos that may be helpful. You
might say, what if I don’t have access? Glad you asked. To request access or for more information please contact
Mark Moss at [email protected].
A Note from Your Library Team:
The library team continues to add books and materials to Bethel’s library. Please stop in when you have a moment!
Pastor Bill has recommended Jan Pollock Michel’s Teach Us to Want (Longing, Ambition, and the Life of Faith). The review mentions that this book received the 2015 Christianity Today Book of the Year. God calls us
into a new reality in which we seek first his Kingdom and righteousness. Please direct questions and comments to
[email protected] or 704/892-5530. Recommendations are welcome.
A house without books is like a room without windows. -Horace Mann
New Beth Moore Study Coming Soon
There will be a Beth Moore Bible Study on John-Beloved Disciple starting on Sept 8 (9:30-12:00(9:30-9:45 social
time) and ends Nov. 17. This is an 11 week study. This is a typical Beth Moore and we are blessed to be able to offer
it. The cost is $16.00 and may be paid on the first day of class. You do not have to be a Bethel member to join
us. Deadline for advance registration and have your book at the first class is August 14, but you can even show up
the first day should you decide after the deadline. For those of you who have already signed up you need not do
anything. To sign-up call Camille Gibson (704) 895-5701). Please leave your phone # and your E-mail. Please speak
clearly because sometimes the numbers are garbled. Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you.
Seminary Classes
Have you ever wanted to take seminary classes but unsure of time constraints and cost? Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary is offering a layman program called Bible Journey at a reduced cost and with a flexible location and
time for those in the Lake Norman area. An Old Testament class series will begin in September, with both credit and
noncredit options. If you are interest in joining us for this Bible Journey or have any questions please contact Darla
Beam [email protected] or 704-662-4323.
Bethel Men’s Retreat 2015
Bethel Youth Mission Day—Rowan Helping Ministries
Bethel Youth NC Waterfall Trip
New Bethel Members
Mike, Steva, Reese & Morgan Sazama
20426 Middletown Rd
Cornelius, NC 28031-6498
[email protected]
[email protected]
(704) 917-9740 Mike cell
(704) 770-8997 Steva cell
Bennie, Jennifer , Jacob and Tyler Stevens
129 Willowbrook Dr
Mooresville, NC 28115
(704) 620-7262 Bennie cell
[email protected]
What Will Be Your Legacy?
In recent weeks, we have heard from the pulpit, the need to leave a positive legacy. Vivian Blackmon was recently
awarded the Lifetime Membership Award by the Bethel Presbyterian Women. She has spurned other members of
her family on to Christian service by her example. The following poem was written about Vivian by her niece.
These eyes have seen something unassuming.
An understatement.
An open door. Bare feet flying over stepping stones. The embrace
of a warm mudroom. Wha’ ‘cha cookin’, Maw Maw? A porch
swing. A humble dock. Friends and neighbors grab a seat.
Stay a while.
A muse. Hydrangea clusters floating in water. A fresh clipped rose
stout in reverence. How do you like that, Maw, Maw?
A heartache, a heart full. Inspired to be a better man.
A lifeline. Words when no words come. A bridge to life while life
drifts from reach. A tiny hand anchored in safety through the
night. It’s going to be alright child.
A refuge. Broken hearts, broken homes, foster care for castaways.
There’s harbor in her presence. Healing in her home.
Second chances are second nature.
A harvester. A pot too big...we’ll drag it. A blackberry bush.
Scupperdine honeyed vines. Beans snapped. Corn shucked.
Can it. Cook it. This will last all winter. God is good.
A full belly. Nibbles, plates full, a feast. Nourishing abundance.
Sunday dinner. What army is hungry today?
By her hands we are fed. God is great.
A garden. A magnificent sprawling tree of life. Strength of 3 form
her trunk. Grace of 6 in her branches. Splendor of 14 in her
blossoms. The small sweet fruit of 6 bear seeds of their own.
An orchard to nourish the ones to come.
A sergeant. A factory, a kitchen, a home. Managed and
meticulous. A tug on the bootstraps. A kick in the butt.
God helps those who help themselves. Amen.
A playmate. Old man Tommy, Ozzie Ozzie Owl and dollies 3
woven mischievously into yarns to unravel across lifetimes. Let
me tell you a story. When I was a little girl I had this little ol’ doll.
Imagination is the currency of childhood.
An artist. Brushes pulled through water, dabbed in acrylic, swirled
in oil. Pen to paper. A curving bottom at bath time. A bobbing
boat and a rocky shore.
Fluid grace, sturdy resilience, committed to canvas.
An endurer. Taken for granted. Disrespected. Overworked and
underpaid. Patience tested. What have you got in my closet?
Rock Porch is calling. Lord give my strength.
A woman loved. A sanctuary needed. A prayer answered. So
unapologetically something’ special. So uniquely Vivian.
Unequivocally, Maw Maw.
-With love, C-
Mission—Sharing Our Gifts From God
Save the Date!
Bethel’s Annual BBQ, Bake Sale
and Silent Auction
We are collecting items for the auction which is part of
the Bethel BBQ on September 24, 2015. There is a
Thursday, September 24th, 2015
tremendous amount of work that goes on for months
Proceeds go to
before getting all the items collected, logged and
Barium Springs Home for Children
displayed for the big day.
Once again our mission this year is Barium Springs
Home for Children. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every
family at Bethel could get 1 item donated or give the
committee the name of a person or business you might
know we could ask for an item. Think about your circle
of family, friends, co-workers, business acquaintances,
services you use.
These are suggestions: Ask them to donate an item
(like new) they may have in their home or garage they
are not using anymore. A gift card to any restaurant,
store, movie tickets, homemade items, tickets for
sports or theatre, a vacation home, children’s items,
sports items or golf, Christmas or seasonal items,
outdoor items, spa, fashion, jewelry, and services, like
car wash, oil change, cleaning, pet, and photography.
We thank all of the church members who have helped
us in the past years with wonderful items and hope to
hear from more of you this year. For the auction to be
successful, we have to have items and bidders.
Jackie Almond and DeeDee Jordan are co-chairing the
committee this year.
Thank you Bethel!...From the Dove’s Nest
To the Bethel Presbyterian Family,
You can reach Jackie at
[email protected]
[email protected].
Thank you so much for including our ministry in your
We hope to hear from you with an item or a referral for
summer gift-in-kind drive. What a blessing it has been to
us to contact. Deadline for items to be donated is
see your church really pour into our community. I can’t
Friday, September 4th.
tell you what your support means to our residents either.
Thank you and Blessings!
Looking forward to partnering with you again in the
Many Blessings,
Riley Beetner and the Dove’s Nest Family
Upcoming Events and Important Announcements
Important Dates for Your Calendar
Right now…get your calendar and mark, Sunday,
August 9.
Our 11:00am worship service for that
Sunday will be at Fellowship Point in Mooresville. We
will gather at 11 a.m. for worship and then enjoy a picnic
together followed by an afternoon of swimming, games,
sitting under the shade trees, and whatever else you
may desire with your Bethel family.
Let’s make a day of it and share faith, friendship, food,
and fun with each other. We’ll provide directions for you
and have a carpools available at Bethel. So plan on
Sunday, August 9th, and GET TO THE POINT!
Bethel Weekday Preschool Openings
We still have openings for the 3 & 4 year old preschool
class starting this Fall. Contact Ginny McCann for more
information. [email protected] or 704-896-1303
Bethel Presbyterian Women
For information on the circles or to learn how to get
involved with Presbyterian Women (PW), please feel
free to contact any of the circle leaders below or
Lindsey Adams, Moderator, at (704) 578-3060.
Circle Meeting Times and Circle Chairwomen
Circle #1: First Tuesday - 10:00am - Activity Center
Florence Flowers -704-892-8999
Peggy Washam -704-892-8404
Circle #2: First Wednesday - 10:00am - Activity Center
Sandra Rutledge -704-987-0481
Lynda Ranson - 704-875-6635
Men’s Hike—(Virginia Highlands section of the
Appalachian Trail)—September 11-13, 2015
For more information contact Peter Quinn ([email protected])
Couples Retreat—(Highland Lake Inn,
Hendersonville, NC)—April 8-10, 2016
For more information contact Barbara Dresser
([email protected])
Ramblers News
What a wonderful day God gave the Ramblers for our
June 10th picnic! Pastor Bill delivered the church staff in
our new bus. Heath and some of our senior high youth
mingled with senior citizens. Many thanks to all 65
brothers and sisters who blessed us with your
presence. A special thanks to Florence, Jimmy, Joe,
Linda, Norman, Margaret, Gail, Bill and Billy for setting
up, cooking, and cleaning up. God bless you each and
every one.
Bud Belk soloist with St. James Men’s Chorus will be
our guest on Wednesday July 8th. We will have a
covered dish luncheon. So bring your favorite food and
a dessert if you wish. Please invite a friend or neighbor
and join us for great Christian fellowship. If you have
any questions about the Ramblers or their next
gathering please contact Tom Knox at 704-892-1487 or
Florence Flowers at 704-892-8999.
The Bethel Presbyterian Women would like to thank
you the $492.60 in donations for Father’s Day. We
appreciate your continued support.
Circle #3: First Tuesday - 2:00pm - Activity Center
Jeanne Pease - 704-895-4292
Vivian Blackmon - 704-892-0165
Circle #4: Third Thursday - 3:00pm - Parlor
Camille Gibson - 704-408-6984
Tommye Miller - 831-261-3138
Circle #5: Second Monday - 7:00pm - Activity Center
Debbie Webb - 704-896-9986
Anne Price - 704-892-8657
Circle # 6: Second Monday - 7:00pm - Parlor
Joni Coble - 704-948-9592
Susan Kittle - 704-775-2680
Bethel's Finances at a Glance
May 2015
May 2015 Year-To-Date giving is 9% greater than
through the same period of 2014. Spending
within all committees, is below budget Y-T-D.
Thank You Bethel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Birthdays
Dear Bethel Church family,
Words can not express our appreciation during this sad
time in the loss of Homer. Your prayers, support, the food
and your kindness are appreciated more than we can
May God bless your service to Him,
The Orren Family
Happy July Birthdays!!
Kevin Cooper
Jerry Kendall, Gail Knox, Lance Rowe
Nancy Kerecman
Dear Bethel Family,
Thank you for your welcoming spirit, your support, your
prayers, and your friendship. Thank you, Pastor Bill for
all those inspiring "Amen" sermons which were my food
for the week. Thank you to our deacons, elders, and
greeters who were always there for our support. Bethel
will always be in my heart.
God bless you and love to all,
Sue Duncan
Mike Horne, Mike Hunter, Ila Nofziger
Travis Beam
Rod Hager, DeeDee Jordan
Sam Beam, Carmen Mutch, Lisa Ward
The outpouring of well wishes, beautiful cards and notes
and lovely bouquets over-whelmed me while I adjusted to
the new knee. Thank you as well for those that took the
time to visit. The assistance of Beth Moss was
indispensable in helping us make decisions. The love and
care displayed by Bethel is cherished.
Meredith Jennings
13 James Banks
Dear Bethel,
I would like to thank everyone for their prayers,
especially, and for their cards, visits and treats following
my hysterectomy. Praise God there was no cancer! Vern
and I both feel so blessed to be a part of such a caring
church family.
Love and Blessings,
Kristy Dodd
Once again, you dear friends of Bethel have been here
for us with your cards, E-mails, phone calls, visits and
prayers through Bud's illness. We are SO thankful to be
associated with such a loving church as Bethel, who
have been right with us through so many issues with so
much support in so many ways-never failing. Thank you
all so very much and may God bless each one of you.
Sharing our love with you,
Bud and Ila Nofziger
12 Alex Goodman, Joe Washam, Andrew Whittington,
Henry Whittington
14 Maureen Kelly
15 Diane Basinger, Susan Weir
16 Hardy McConnell
17 Bill Adams, Vivian Blackmon, Sam Fuller, Joe
Howard, Susan Kittle, Walter Rowe, John
18 Jared Goodrum, Richard Knight, Brock Williamson
19 Luke Robbins
20 Dot Sykes
21 Mary Margaret Overcash, Kenneth Pearce, Marcia
22 Steva Sazama
23 Jaimee Carter, Ashley Scott, Kate Stables
24 Jackie Carr, Beth Moss, Laura Wilmer
25 Wes Glover, Anthony Moss
26 Gayle Knox, Nancy Rash
27 Heath Burchett
In Sympathy
Bill Champion in the loss of his mother.
28 Tina Ariail, Parker Ariail, Deborah Hogan
29 Lisa Hunter
30 Kelly Dowdy, Courtney Flowe, Mal Murray, Sean
Niner, Sue Williams
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receiving future Beacon newsletters by email instead of in your mailbox! Not getting Prayer Concern emails? Had a
change of address, phone number or email? Give Lisa a call at 704-892-0546 or at [email protected] to update your
records and start receiving information again!
YMCA Sponsored OWLS
Senior Yoga1:30pm on Mondays
Senior Exercise 1:30pm
Tuesdays and Thursday
In the Family Life Center
Sunday Schedule
9:00 a.m.
Worship Service
10:00 am
Sunday School
11:00 am
Worship Service
5:30 pm
Bethel Youth
6:00pm Three Thirds
6:30pm LN Lakers B-ball
Sunday Schedule
10:00am Summer SS
5:00pm Three Thirds
5:30pm Alcoholics
No Bethel Youth
Church Office Closed
in Observance of
Independence Day
9:00am Kinder Camp
7:30am Bethel Youth
Mission Day
9:00am Kinder Camp
6:00pm Health Team
6:45pm VBS Crew
Leader Training
7:00pm BWP Board
9:00am Kinder Camp
12:00pm Ramblers
6:45pm VBS Youth &
Adult Volunteer
9:00am Kinder Camp
5:45pm Finance Comm.
6:00pm Fellowship
Comm. Meeting
6:00pm Missions Comm.
6:30pm Christian Ed.
Comm. Meeting
7:00pm Personnel
Comm. Meeting
9:00am Kinder
Bethel Youth
Group Belize
Mission Trip
Bethel Youth Group
Belize Mission Trip
Sunday Schedule
10:00am Summer SS
5:00pm 3/3 Rehearsal
5:30pm Alcoholics
No Bethel Youth
Bethel Youth Group
Belize Mission Trip
5:30 Bethel B-ball
5:45pm Bethel
Foundation Comm.
Bethel Youth Group
Belize Mission Trip
6:00pm Witness
Comm. Meeting
Comm. Meeting
6:30pm Stewardship
Comm. Meeting
7:00pm Planning
Comm. Meeting
7:00pm Property
Comm. Meeting
7:00pm Worship
Comm. Meeting
Bethel Youth Group
Belize Mission Trip
10:00am Card Ministry
Bethel Youth Group
Belize Mission Trip
12pm-8pm VBS
Bethel Youth
Group Belize
Mission Trip
Bethel Youth
Group Belize
Mission Trip
3:30pm6:00pm VBS
Sunday Schedule
10:00am Summer SS
3:30pm-6:00pm VBS
No Bethel Youth
3:00pm Alzheimer’s
Support & Loved One
6:30pm-8:00pm VBS
5:30pm Bethel
10:00am Card Ministry
6:30pm LN Lakers B-ball
Sunday Schedule
10:00am Summer SS
5:00pm Three Thirds
5:30pm Alcoholics
5:30pm Bethel Youth
9:00am Kinder Camp
9:00am Kinder Camp
9:00am Kinder Camp
9:00am Kinder Camp
6:30pm LN Lakers B-ball
5:30am Bethel
Youth Group—
Middle School
Great Escape
9:00am Kinder
Return Service Requested
19920 Bethel Church Road
Cornelius, NC 28031
Mailing Label
We are all ministers in the name of Jesus Christ.
Bill Cain, Senior Pastor
Jan Boswell, Director of Christian Education
Heath Burchett, Director of Youth and Family Ministry
Leesa Gray, Music Director
Teresa Hewitt, Organist
Beth Moss, Dir. Of Congregational Care/Parish Nurse
Lisa Weber, Administrative Assistant
Beth Bynum, Receptionist
Debbie Falls, Bookkeeper
Bobby Waugh, Facilities Manager
Mal Murray, Treasurer
Lindsey Adams, Presbyterian Women Moderator
Ginny McCann*, Weekday Preschool Director
J. Ed “Didi” Wayland, Pastor Emeritus
Mark Moss, Assistant Pastor for Adult Ed & Life Groups
Session (Elders)
Diaconate (Deacons)
Don Carnahan
Marcus Lee
Ken Dresser
Dale Overcash
Peter Quinn
Lindsey Adams
Myra Kelly
Dennis Bengtson
Amy Niner
Holly Davis
Sam Fuller
Mary Margaret Overcash
Tommy Almond
Vickie Childers
Mark Moss
Brenda Rhodes
Robin Surane
Jerry Gaylord
Jane Oglesby
Kim Goodrum
Sharon Orr
Jim Harrill
Ronnie Rash
Harriette Newman Betsy Shores
Marcia Weatherington
Rod Hager
Amy Hutchinson
Colin Kelly
Michael Knox
Hardison (Hardy)
Johnny Beaver
Judy Caldwell
Fred Comer
Susan Cook
Kristy Dodd
Beverly Epperson
Jeff Kittle
Sheila Roddy St.Hill
Ryan Whittington
*Bethel Weekday Preschool: 704-896-3103
CONTACT US: 704.892.0546
Fax: 704.892.7715
Bethel Presbyterian Church Publication Information -- The Beacon Newsletter is published monthly. BEACON information may
be submitted to the church office no later than the 3rd Wednesday of the month. BULLETIN information may be submitted to the
church office no later than any Wednesday. All items for the Beacon or Bulletin must be in writing. You may drop items by the
church office, fax (704-892-7715), mail, submit items on disk or email them to [email protected]. All items are subject to editing
for readability and/or space.