Land Criteria evidence diagram v1.1


Land Criteria evidence diagram v1.1
Land Criteria evidence diagram v1.1
NOTE: Self suppliers are
exempt and so are
suppliers that source 100%
Do you have a PEFC / FSC
Are 100% of your raw
materials sourced in the
UK? If so do you have a
felling licence and UK
forestry management
Then you just need to
provide a certificate
number (see the BSL
Land Criteria evidence
guidance for which ones
are valid) on the portal
and evidence to back this
up at audit. You also
need to comply with EU
Timber Regulations
(EUTR); see page 4 of the
BSL Evidence for Land
Criteria guidance.
Then you just need to
provide confirmation
that you have this (or an
exemption) on the portal
& evidence to back this
up at audit. You also
need to comply with EU
Timber Regulations
(EUTR; see page 4 of the
BSL Evidence for Land
Criteria guidance.
Check your certificate
type is listed on p6 for
UK (p20 for non-UK) in
the BSL Evidence for Land
Criteria guidance.
Check your felling licence
and management plan
are compliant in the BSL
Evidence for Land
Criteria guidance.
You will need to fill out a
Risk Based Regional
Assessment (RBRA)
If you source 100% of
your fuel from the UK,
please use the RBRA
template on the Confor
website to submit on the
portal. There is a link to
the template in the BSL
RBRA and mass balance
Please refer to the RBRA
and mass balance
guidance document for
more information. You
also need to comply with
EU Timber Regulations
(EUTR); see page 4 of the
BSL Evidence for Land
Criteria guidance.
Suppliers sourcing raw
materials of non-UK
origin will need to
provide a bespoke RBRA
in line with the RBRA and
mass balance guidance.
Note: The BSL Land Criteria Guidance documents take precedence over this diagram so ensure you read them prior to making claims on the BSL portal.