Comparison of marital satisfaction and mental health among


Comparison of marital satisfaction and mental health among
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t. 9, #2, 2015
Comparison of marital satisfaction and mental health
among Couples with and without dowry
Sanjar Fakhri*, Parviz Sharifi Daramadi*, Ali Esmaeli**
*Departman of Human Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.
**Departman of Human Sciences, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.
***University of Allameh Tabatabaei, Tehran, Iran.
ABSTRACT. This study aims is to comparison with mental health and marital satisfaction
with or without dowry. Methods: This study was performed on 60 couples in Tehran that, 30
of whom were selected simply with dowry, and 30 of them without dowry, were considered as
accessible group. The instrument used in this study, is questionnaires about marital
satisfaction and mental health GHQ-2. Data analysis was performed using independent T.
The findings showed that, there is significant relationship with and without dowry, p<0/01
and marital satisfaction, there is a significant relationship between mental health and dowry
p<0/01. © 2015 Bull. Georg. Natl.Acad. Sci.
Key words: dowry, marital satisfaction and mental health.
A very ancient tradition in human relationships, is the man while married to woman define a dowry. He should
pay something of his property to his wife or father of his woman and he pay additional charge of marriage at all
costs his children and wife. We believe that dowry is a creative way to moderate male-female relationships and link
them to each other. (Morteza Motahari, 1997). Dowry is an Arabic word and its equivalent in Persian is as "cabin"
and it’s synonymous in Arabic are, Sedaq, reward. Gift dowry is a tax on the occasion of the marriage on husband
and must pay to acquire the woman. (Habibollah Taheri, 1996). Following verse of Sure Nisa is about dowry that
"give their women their dowry as a gift of love and if they forgive it to you it lawful and wholesome to eat. Give
your wife right and give them their dowries as a gift of GOD if they forgive their dowries to you can use it. (Amid
Zanjani 2003) .In addition to the mentioned legal documents, as well as criteria for dowry assignments rights of
spouses in civil law enacted in 1313 and 1314 laws to the NICU. Of his property to his wife or father has to pay an
additional charge during the marriage of his son's wife. As mentioned, the dowry should be taxes that could be the
calendar and dowry contract shall be determined by mutual consent. Dowry had been called and it is mandatory
payment means that whenever she want it man required to pay it. (Articles 1078 to 1082 of the Civil Code). The
1997 amendments to the Civil Code Section 1082 was added. Under this provision, if the dowry is a common way to
USD or USD, is specified, the claim by the wife, dowry inflation rate is based on Weber's central bank and it is
subject to a man. In addition, where a woman could ever want (if you have not the time for payment of dowry
Maajal (not specified time to pay) if her dowry doesn’t pay so she, she can avoid the duties of marriage, dowry
provided in present that the alimony It also belongs to her. (Article 1085 of the Civil Code). Marriage dowry and
mentioned it or not mentioned in the temporary or permanent withdrawal of accuracy is different. In the permanent
marriage, dowry, or lack of it, in the document did not specify the contract, does not affect the validity of the
conclusion arrived and it would be correct. However, intermittent or temporary marriage, not to mention the gift and
determination of marriage, nullity of marriage will be triggered. (Articles 1087 and 1095 of the Civil Code). In
addition to the basics of how to determine the legal documents and legal dowry, if the wife has to be a dowry
© 2015 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
demands, After the procedure, the verdict is final and irrevocable sentence, and non-payment of dowry by the
husband, at the request of the wife, even as full payment of dowry, he goes to the jail (Article 2 of the Law on the
execution of sentences for the financial year 1997). Now that we realize dowry in the couple relations, it is necessary
to study marital satisfaction and mental health, and in the case of each of these two concepts and then we
investigated its relation to couple. All couples, encounter in their relations with these problems. These problems can
be severe or mild, short term or long term, and may come from different sources some of these problems are easy to
solve, while the other, despite the efforts that they put time, cannot be solved. Couples need to have the ability to
overcome obstacles and disagreements and accept their differences. (Akram Khamse, 2009). Cognitive mental and
physical health affect the health of marital satisfaction. Given the relationship between marital satisfactions, marital
stability and, happy couples (healthy, happy) compared with unhappy couples (unhealthy, unhappy) show that:
1. More degree of desirable behavior and less degree of angry behavior.
2. Mutual negative behavior is less.
3. Problem solving and communication skills are better.
4. Unhappy couples, try to use the methods that are characterized by an abusive control, influence on each other,
rather than have a reciprocal relationship.
5. Unhappy couples show in the area of cognitive biases documents also ignore the positive behavior and even
increasing desirable behavior partner. Tight couples negative behavior reflects your partner knows his stable
characteristics and behavior of their partner's positive features and modes are considered temporary. The unhappy
couples, couples compared to gratify, negative events and negative effects are more stable.
6. Finally, unhappy couples rather than happy couples have unrealistic expectations. (Akram Khamse, 2009).
"Marriage" is as the most radically human relationship because the basic structure for establishing family
relationships and training the next generation provides (Larson and Heson, 1994). While this is a very important
aspect of marital satisfaction is one of the spouses in marriage experience (Gucci Tani et al., 2006) generally
speaking marital satisfaction for married people is one of the most important measures of life satisfaction (Salehi
Fadry, 2009). According to the definition of "marriage" is a condition in which the husband and wife in marriage are
happy with together and have feeling satisfaction (Sinha and Mkraji quoted by Mir Ahmad Karimi et al., 2003)
According to Spanyr (1976) said marital satisfaction is estimation of happiness in relation and the frequency of
conflicts experienced, as well as the future of marriage and trying to success. According to Hudson (1992, quoted
by Sanaei, 2000) perception of female or male of the severity of the problems relating to the range of problems,
reflecting their level of marital satisfaction. (Quoted by H. Turk et al., 2009).
In summary it can be said that mental health depends on the conditions of human existence and that is true in
every age and culturally.
Mental health of producers with the ability to love, to get rid of the dependency failed to tribal land, with its abilities
identity, to obtain facts on the inside and outside of us, bolstering the ability to understand the realities of the outside
world by wisdom becomes clear. (Erich Fromm, Translator A. Tabrizi, 2006). One of the essential concepts is in the
while discussing in the complex dating back as long as world of human existence is the concept of "health". Health,
quality of life is to define and measure the real problem that is almost impossible. Experts provides various
definitions of this concept and a common thread all maligned "responsibility and healthy lifestyle choice".
Psychological health as well as health concept has several definitions it sometimes is due to the results of some
studies are obtained. (Jalil Babapoor Khairuddin et al., 2003). Some authors believe that mental health is "a positive
perception of the events and conditions of life." This definition points out, of a mental source called "hereditary
Optimistic believes every situation so that the outcome will be positive results (Soytemno et al, 1993; quoted Bozne
r, Eistein Heart, 1997; quoted Babapoor Khairuddin Jalil et al., 2003).
Given the aforementioned purpose of this study is to determine the difference between mental health marital
satisfaction in couples with and without dowry, the following hypothesis is formulated:
There is a difference between marital satisfaction of couples with and without dowry.
There is a difference between mental health between couple with and without dowry.
Since this study is to describe and study what has been discussed, On the other hand there is a descriptive study that
aims to determine the relationship between the variable, after a description of the survey methodology correlation.
The population consisted of 60 couples (30 of them were with dowry and selected through a simple random sample
and the other 30 couples were selected through availability with no dowry, in the city of Tehran). After determining
the couples who qualified for the study were presented study to them and with their consent, the research was
Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci., vols. 9, no. 2, 2015
Comparison of marital satisfaction and mental health among Couples with and without dowry
conducted. In addition, the results for the selection will be available in Justice Marriage and divorce office, the other
training centers, libraries, and educational sites.
In this study, the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) and Enrich scales marital satisfaction questionnaire
(Enrich) is used.
General Health Questionnaire:
The questionnaire was made by Goldberg and Hiller 1979. Public health can be considered as a set of questions
and the lowest levels are made of co-morbid symptoms of mental disorder and thus can be mentally ill, as a general
category of those who consider themselves healthy distinguish. The purpose of this questionnaire is to achieve a
specific diagnostic hierarchy of mental illnesses, but its main purpose is to create a distinction between mental
illness and mental health. The questionnaire contains 28 questions that takes four subscales, each subscale seven
questions. Grading system takes questions from 0 to 3. Score from 0 to 21 is different in range of per person. Score
between (0 to 7) is signs of a serious condition. 7 to 14 show the situation on the eve of the disease and the response
between 14 to 21 indicate health. The sum total obtained of any one of four subscale scores. A person who receives
a total of four subscale score of 0 to 28 has in serious situation and for 28 to 56 shows respondent is on the eve of
the disease and a score of 56 to 84 to get a good health status.
Validity and reliability of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ)
To evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire, 75 students examined of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.
The reliability of the questionnaire survey with three methods, bisection and Cronbach's alpha were measured,
respectively, reliability coefficients were obtained 0/70, 0/93 and 0/90. Piety (2001). To study the validity of the
questionnaire, the correlation with the total score and subscales of the questionnaire used factor analysis. Correlation
coefficients between subscales of the questionnaire total score between 0/72 and 0/87 is satisfactory and varied. The
result of analysis shows the presence of depression, anxiety, social dysfunction and somatic symptoms in a
questionnaire that included a total of more than 50% of the total variance
- Marital satisfaction questionnaire:
For the study of marital satisfaction questionnaire, Enrich is selected. This questionnaire is a valid have been used as
research tool in research and clinical practice. Forouz and Olson used this questionnaire to assess marital satisfaction
and that the scale is sensitive to the changes that occur in the family.
Forouz and Olson (1989) using random sampling in the 5039 national survey showed that even with the use of the
questionnaire can be accurately 85-95% distinguished couples as happy and unhappy. The questionnaire consists of
4 subscales of 35 substances which may ultimately can be used as a research tool such consent, communication, and
conflict resolution should be used. Inventory consist of the five options (which in fact is a Likert-type attitude). The
questionnaire for each of the five options, "agree", "agree", "neither agree nor disagree," "disagree," "disagree
completely". For which they are awarded a grade from 1 to 5.
Reliability and validity of marriage (enrich)
David Olson and Amy Olson ENRICH couple questionnaire in 2000 was conducted on 25 501 married couples.
Alpha coefficients for the subscales of marital satisfaction questionnaire, communication, conflict resolution, and
distortion is as ideal as 0/86, 0/80, 0/84, 0/83 and test-retest reliability of the questionnaire for each subtest0/ 86 ,0/
81, 0/90, 0/92, respectively.
Marriage of two groups:
As can be seen from the following table in both groups (with and without dowry dowry) marital status is quite
similar. Most people in the group with and without dowry (50%) have the average level of marital satisfaction.
Mental health groups:
As can be seen from table 1, in both groups (with and without dowry) mental health status is quite similar. Most
people with dowry (16 or 53.33%) had moderate level of mental health, and most people in the group without dowry
(13 or 42.33%) are the average level of mental health.
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Table 1: ANOVA table for marital satisfaction and mental health score and subscales in patients with and without
Marital satisfaction
Mental health(total score)
Depression disorder
Physical disorder
Functional disordering
ANOVA table (table 1) show marital satisfaction and mental health score and subscales. Test results showed that the
correlation there is a significant negative correlation between marital satisfaction and mental health.
Table 2 :The correlation coefficient between the variables of marital satisfaction and mental health.
Mental health
Marital satisfaction
Marital satisfaction
Mental health
Pearson correlation
Sig Level
Pearson correlation
Sig Level
Table2 shows correlation between marital satisfaction and mental health of people with dowry and without dowry.
Due to the correlation coefficient of 0.249 and 0.001 there is a significant level of correlation between the two
variables. The difference between the marital satisfaction of people with dowry and dowry is shown in table 3.
Table 3: The difference between the marital satisfaction of people with dowry and dowry.
Marital satisfaction
With dowry
Without dowry
Sig Level
The table 3 shows comparison of the marital satisfaction score In two groups of patients with and without dowry.
People with dowry have 67.03 satisfaction and couple satisfaction without dowry is about of 80.20.The standard
deviation is calculated with dowry is 7.397 and without dowry is 5.567. According to the table above, we note that
the couple without dowry are more satisfied than those who have dowry and observed a significant level of. /001
Calculated come to the conclusion that this difference is significant.
Table 4: The difference between the mental health of people with dowry and without dowry.
Marital satisfaction
With dowry
Without dowry
1. 022
Sig Level
The table 4 shows comparison the mental health score in both groups with dowry and without dowry. Average
mental health of people with mental health without dowry is 60.37 and the average of people who have dowry is
55.33. The standard deviation is calculated for the group with dowry is 11.942 and for without dowry is
8.445.According to the table above, we note that people who have a dowry have more Mental health and with the
./001 Calculated come to the conclusion that this difference is significant.
Discussion Conclusion
What is gained from result of study, was two groups mental health and marital satisfaction .Based on the results
shows 36% of sample without dowry have mental health community, and 43% of them had moderate satisfaction
and a small percentage have been lower mental health.
On the other marital status groups so that 43% of people who had no dowry had moderate Marital satisfaction, 36%
have high satisfaction , people who had a dowry of 53% had medium level of marital satisfaction and 26% of them
Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci., vols. 9, no. 2, 2015
Comparison of marital satisfaction and mental health among Couples with and without dowry
had low marital satisfaction. These findings are consistent with the findings of other studies on the prevalence of
mental disorders was conducted in Iran and other countries such as Palahang et al Shams Alizadeh, Bolhary and
Shahmohammadi are different.The results showed that marital satisfaction are more among couple without dowry
are higher than couple with dowry. These results are consistent with the findings of previous research Anna
Alryksoon, John Valandar and Fered Baisini (2005), Talli Himany (2008), Ziegler (2010). There is significant
relationship between marital satisfaction and mental health. The conclusion reached showed there is significant
differences between people who are dowry and who without dowry. The results of this study concluded that Lily
Mikael (2012) and his colleagues show significant differences in marital satisfaction and mental health. What can be
concluded from this study is that marital satisfaction is not depend on a heavy dowry. The important thing is that the
dowry just influenced on beliefs, thoughts and emotions of couples. Affecting the marital satisfaction as the
dependent variable and the independent variables are numerous factors that may be associated with dowry as affect
mental health. Marital dissatisfaction occurs when the situation between couples in marital relations, they do not
coincide with their expectations and desires.
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