May 2015 - Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel


May 2015 - Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel
May 2015
12 Iyar through 13 Sivan
Honor CABI’s Teachers and Graduating Students;
Celebrate Lag B’Omer with a Walk Through the Jewish Year
Wednesday, May 6, from 5:30-7:30, CABI will have a lot to celebrate! Come enjoy a congregational dinner and honor our
fabulous teachers and our accomplished high school seniors. A vegetarian meal will be provided, and we will be dedicating our beautiful new grounds and celebrating Lag B’Omer.
It is a joy to be able to gather together as a community in our beautiful new outdoor
space. Many of you remember the congregation before it moved to Latah Street, and others have joined us along the way as we settled into our new location. There may be things
you remember fondly, but the goat heads that used to populate our grounds will certainly
not be missed by anyone. They are a distant memory now, as our beautiful new landscaping plan has become a reality. The CABI grounds now provide a walk through the Jewish
year, beginning with apple trees and bees for Rosh Hashanah, a reflection area for Yom
Kippur, and taking us through various other features which one day will include a fire pit
for Lag B’Omer.
CABI’s 2015 High School
Graduates :
Ben Chan-Waxman
Andrea Falk
Jonah Feldman
Ethan Levitch
Sam Peterson
Naomi Shapiro
Noah Tashbook
Lou Weisman
Lag B’Omer marks the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer, the seven week period between Passover and Shavuot. Although the Omer is typically a time of sadness and reflection, the 33rd day is celebrated as a joyous holiday in remembrance of renowned Torah scholar Rabbi Shimon bar
Yochai. A customary Lag B’Omer celebration involves the outdoors and bonfires, and the CABI celebration will embrace
that tradition with our landscaping dedication and a small bonfire of our own.
Deli Days
Join us for an evening filled with nachas – for our teachers, our students, our new landscaping, and this happy holiday.
RSVP by May 1 to [email protected] or 343-6601, ext. 3.
Amy Duque
ave June 17-19 to help out at Deli Days, CABI’s signature community event in conjunction with the
Idaho Jewish Festival. Deli Days event chairs Shellie and Eric Falk have a solid staff of volunteer
chairs to help move along this year’s event. If you haven’t already volunteered we will be calling
you to help out. Be ready to say yes! Volunteers from ages five and up are welcome and needed.
On page 5 you will find out who is chairing what committee , what some of them have to report, some changes this year and where we might be needing some additional help BEFORE Deli Days.
C o n g r e g a t i o n Ah a v a t h B e t h I s r a e l , 1 1 N o r t h L a t a h , B o i s e , I D 8 3 7 0 6
(208) 343-6601 www.cabi
Boise Jews in the News
Andy Byron Releases new CD
Scott Garson Named Red Auerbach
Coach of the Year
Longtime CABI member
Andy Bryon is set to
release his new CD on
Friday May 8 at the
Sapphire Room at the
Riverside Hotel. It’s
been 7 year’s since his
last CD was released.
Mazel Tov.
College of Idaho head men’s basketball coach Scott Garson recived the 2015 Red Auerbach
College Coach of the Year Award.
The Red Auerbach Award is given
annually to the nation’s top Jewish
college coach, as voted on by the
members of the Jewish Coaches association.
In his second season as head coach of the Yotes,
Garson guided C of I to a 30-6 record and undefeated
season at home.
On May 13 Leslie
Drake and
Lisa Uhlmann will be honored by the
Wassmuth Center for
Human Rights for
being the visionary
founders of the Idaho
Anne Frank Human
Rights Memorial.
Dr. Frederica
Chair of Judaic Studies at the College of
Idaho hosted Israeli
Deputy Consul Eyal
Naor for a talk that
about 100 people
CABI Teen News
Our CABI teen group, now CABIT, went to our first NFTY event as an official board! It was spring kallah, where we spent
time meeting even more Jewish teens in our northwest community. We were able to see old friends and also learn a lot
about different social action projects, like saving food by composting and recycling. Some of the members of our teen
group led a Beit Midrash teaching session to 3 different groups of Northwest teens. During this, we discussed and presented our experiences with LGBTQ awareness and action. Our teaching session was a big success, and a great
introduction for our teen group to NFTY.
We are all so glad that we are able to be a part of something so big, and we encourage all Jewish teens in Boise
and in our CABI community to come and experience this
with us. We are also very excited to be organizing a Junior
NFTY event, where we invite all 6-8th grade and b’nai mitzvah students to come and be introduced to this great opportunity to be involved with NFTY Northwest. There will be
6-8th grade leadership opportunities as well.
At Shabbat on the Lake the teen group at CABI will be
leading Shabbat morning services and will facilitate
art projects and other activities during the day.
Sarah Chasin
Jewish Journeys Education Program 2014/2015
Tot Shabbat
Friday, May 1st
P’nai Shabbat Family Friendly
Saturday Mornings,
10:00 – 12:00
Tot Shabbat is a child friendly service geared toward kids ages
0-8 and their favorite adults.
The Shabbat service runs from 6:00-6:30 pm, followed by a
lovingly prepared vegetarian dinner from 6:30-7:15 pm.
If you are staying for dinner, an RSVP is requested. Children 2
& under eat free.
For children 3 & up, and adults, dinner is $5 each, which you
can pay at the door.
May 2 – Our Final P’nai Shabbat of the year is a
Social Action Shabbat Off-Site Activity. All ages are
welcome! We will meet at the Idaho Foodbank at
10:00 and lend a hand to those in need.
For questions or to RSVP, contact Becky Groves:
[email protected] or 343-6601 ext.2.
Adult Learning Opportunities
Talmud Study (in English)—12:00pm Tuesdays—May 5, 12, 19 and 26
For beginners and veterans alike. We will discuss passages that touch on contemporary concerns, and learn more
about the Talmud and why it continues to be the central text of our tradition. Bring a brown-bag lunch to these weekly
A Shared Journey through the Prayer Book at CABI Café on Saturday mornings
For this informal Shabbat morning session, we’ll gather thirty minutes before services, enjoy the new CABI
Café, and learn more about the siddur and how it can be experienced in so many different ways.
We will work our way through the Friday night and Saturday morning service, looking at different tunes,
readings, and styles of congregational leadership in Tefillah (Jewish worship). Members are encouraged
to come with questions and to share their own experiences of synagogue services.
May Havdalah and Movie Series—May 16
Last Movie & Havdallah until after Deli days! To end our successful season, the movie maven will be showing “A Woman
Called Golda” starring Ingrid Bergman and Leonard Nimoy. Winner of 3 Emmy’s and 1 Golden Globe, this movie follows
the life of Golda Meir from her immigration from Russia to her rise as Israel’s first, and only,
female Prime Minister.
May 16 - nosh at 7:30 JST(Jewish Standard time), movie starts at 8pm
Havdallah will be after the movie
What to bring: Movie snacks to share, blanket, comfy chair if you prefer
Movie questions?
Questions: Contact Rebecca Kun 333-0868
May Worship Schedule
Friday, May 1—6:00 pm
Tot Shabbat
Friday, May 1—7:30 pm
Shabbat Evening Service
Friday, May 22—7:30 pm
Shabbat Evening Service
Saturday, May 2—9:30 am
Shabbat Morning Service and Torah Study
Portion Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Leviticus 16:1-20:27
Wednesday, May 6—5:30 pm
Lag Ba’Omer Celebration
Saturday, May 23—9:30 am
Shabbat Morning Service and Torah Study
Portion Bemidbar: Numbers 1:1-4:20
Friday, May 29—7:30 pm
Shabbat Evening Service
Saturday, May 30—9:30 am
Friday, May 8—7:30 pm
Shabbat Evening Service
Shabbat Morning Service and Torah Study
Portion Naso: Numbers 4:21-7:89
Saturday, May 9—9:30 am
Shabbat Morning Service and Torah Study
Portion Emor: Leviticus 21:1-24:23
Coming in June
June 13: Rachael Metzgar Bat Mitzvah
Friday, May 15—5:30 pm
Early Bird Shabbat and Shabbat Unplugged
Kabbalat Shabbat Celebration, Music and Short Service
June 18-19 Deli Days and Idaho Jewish Festival
June 27: Sawyer McCloskey Bar Mitzvah
Saturday, May 16—9:30 am
Shabbat Morning Service and Torah Study
Portion Behar-Bechukotai: Leviticus 25:1-27:34
May Birthdays
Naomi Shapiro
May 1
Arlen Donald
May 2
Hillary Beale
May 3
David Lee
May 4
Ellen Suchar
May 5
Jacob Wiener
May 5
Stan Zuckerman
May 5
Florence Moorhead-Rosenberg May 6
Joel Voloshen
May 6
Steven Wiener
May 6
Rachel Davis
May 7
Lorian Gans
May 7
Barbara Vanderpool
May 7
Zoe Nora Davis
May 8
Elias Warren
May 9
Mark Hill
May 13
Sharon Ledesma
May 14
Dennis Lopez
May 14
Carmen Pemsler
May 14
Julie German
May 15
Heather Marcus
May 16
Adam Thompson
Virginia Gillerman
Douglas Metzgar
Brad Wolf
Daniel Uhlmann
Joe Berenter
Rachel Kaufman
Max Ryan
Karin Falk
Lisa Uhlmann
Sarah Friedman
Grace Oppenheimer
Katie Schneider
Jonah Feldman
Myrna Herman
Skip Oppenheimer
David Thompson
David Schneider
Irina Vasilyeva
Aviv Kinberg
Sabrina Edge-Kierpiec
May 18
May 20
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 23
May 24
May 25
May 25
May 26
May 26
May 26
May 27
May 27
May 27
May 28
May 29
May 29
May 30
May 31
Idaho Jewish Festival / Deli Days Information
Baked Goods
Marya Bruning—Baked Goods Recruiter, 331-7998, [email protected].
Pat Beale—336-5215, [email protected]
With our wonderful landscape and grounds improvements at CABI, we lost over 50% of our on-site parking
used for Deli Days. As any business owners knows;
your customers need a place to park for easy and quick
access. It would be a shame to lose a portion of our
customers, and the positive experience the Jewish Festival and Deli Days creates, because people cannot find a
place to park that's close. Those folks on their lunch
break may well 'skip it all together' if they feel parking is
a hassle.
BAKE AT CABI—Join Abby McLean and her crew of experienced and friendly bakers for baking nights in the CABI
kitchen. May dates are May 12 and 19 starting at 5:30.
MATZAH ROCA—Join Bea Kopp in the CABI kitchen on
Sunday, May 17, from 11am to 1pm for a hands-on matzah
roca cooking demonstration. RSVP to Marya.
BAKE AT HOME—Bake (and freeze) at your own pace,
Drop off your baked goods Wednesday June 17.
Therefore, all CABI members and volunteers are
asked to park on W. Alpine or other surface streets in
the area. Do not park in the private lot directly across
Latah from the entrance to CABI.. DO NOT PARK AT
CABI unless; you need a handicapped space and don't
have someone to drop you off, you are delivering orders,
or you have been given specific permission by Shellie or
REMINDERS—For purposes of food safety, we cannot accept cheesecakes, strudel or kugels that were baked at
home. These goods must be baked and stored only in the
CABI kitchen.
Music & Entertainment—Oliver Thompson, 541-2314971, [email protected].
We all want Deli Days and the Jewish Festival to be a
success. Saving the parking for our visitors is the best
way you can help assure we meet our financial goal and
deliver a fun positive public experience for all our visitors.
Oliver has a full line up of local talent for Deli Days from the
Moody Jews, to Tambalka, Blaze & Kelly to the Fleet Street
KJlezmer Band. The music will include Jewish composers
in jazz, pop, rock, big band, folk, and Yiddish. Watch the
June Chai Lights for the full schedule.
DD Chairs– Shellie Falk, 971-4355,
[email protected], Eric Falk, 971-4356,
[email protected].
Cashier—Jeannette Bowman, 345-6882, j
[email protected].
Raffle—Arleen Winkler, 321-4600,
[email protected]
Gift Shop—Beth Wolf, 720-272-9603,
[email protected]
Meat Slicing—Shira Kronenberg, 890-3692, [email protected]
General Maintenance—John Barnet, 345-6882,
[email protected]
Kitchen—Amy Duque, 847-644-5481,
[email protected]
Publicity—Jodi Peterson, 949-3285,
[email protected]
Baked Goods During Deli Days—Betsy Russell, 3315641, [email protected]
Soda Shack—Beth Harbison/Teens
Open Chair Positions
Order Takers/Runners: Sign up adults and CABI youngsters for taking orders and running orders to the kitchen.
It’s a great introduction to volunteering at CABI.
Deliveries/To Go Orders: Representing about 15% of
our business is the deliveries and to go orders. Brad Wolf
will train whomever takes this over.
Abby’s baking crew baked
challahs during a mass
baking session.
Over 3 dozen cheesecakes have been made
Join Abby on May 12 or
19th or Bea on May 17 for
Deli Days baking.
Film Series!
“In Between Remembering and
Join us Tuesday evening from 7 to 9 on May 5th for
CABI’s final movie of our first Social Justice Film Series,
organized by the Social Action Committee, in conjunction with CABI’s Green Faith initiative. Gain a new perspective on the plight of refugees, explore the journey
to their safety, and hear their resettlement stories. A
short discussion will follow the film.
CABI Provides Tutoring
Sunday April 23rd was our first tutoring session with the
neighboring Somali Bantu children and young adults at
their family center in their apartments on Alpine. This is a
project of CABI's Social Action Committee in conjunction
with the Green Faith accreditation program. Eight tutors
spent part of their Sunday afternoon getting to know these
young, eager learners and planning a structure for future
sessions. Anyone willing and able to join this mitzvah may
contact Tom Rogers at
[email protected].
Note: we may be adding 3 additional films showing May
12, 19 and 26. Watch the weekly e-blast for information.
May 5th: Rain in a Dry Land,
Anne Makepeace, 82 minutes
An official Selection of the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival 2006, the film chronicles two
years in the lives of two Somali Bantu families who
leave Kakuma refugee camp for Springfield, Massachusetts and Atlanta, Georgia.
School Supplies still needed. Please drop off paper, pencils, crayons, staplers, staples, clips etc. at the CABI office.
Any questions email Thomas Rogers at
[email protected].
Library News
An Interfaith Gathering
t is in the early stages, but there is a change afoot in the
Joel and Sylvia Stone Library. Terry McKay and Freddie
Fisherman have been trying to bring our library back into
larger use, and some small progress has been made.
"Ours is a surprisingly rich collection and we hope if we can
make it more accessible to our members they will find the
treasures it holds," Terry says.
Stories of Our Faith
Thursday June 4, 7pm
Cathedral of the Rockies
717 N 11th St, Boise, ID 83702
“Please note different location*
We have had a mix of several different cataloging systems
in use over the past few years and the result is a bit confusing. Freddie and Terry went to CAJE conference in L.A.
last summer and we saw the Blumenthal Library at Sinai
Temple. It uses yet another system called Elazar. It is, in
effect, the Jewey Dewey, if you grew up with the Dewey
Decimal system. Instead of the very narrow band Dewey
has for Jewish books or the equally narrow band in the Library of Congress system, Elazar is all ours. From 001
(Bibles) to 900 (Jewish general interest) the classification
scheme is all Jewish. This means going through each
book, finding the correct Elazar number, making a new label, removing the old numbers, entering the book in the
computer, and re-shelving it. This is time consuming but
we really think it will open up a world of Jewish knowledge
for CABI readers. Recently Isabel Ringer put the children's
library into better use by setting it up in the social hall,
where the children are more commonly found.
Come share in an hour of stories from throughout
the interfaith community.
Light refreshments following.
Contact Lelelewa at 384-1017 or [email protected]
Sponsored by Hearing our Future.
If you are interested in working in the library contact Freddie or Terry at [email protected]
Do You Have Old Yiddish Books Laying Around?
The National Yiddish Book Center in Amherst Massachusetts was founded in 1980 to rescue Yiddish books- the primary
tangible legacy of 1,000 years of Jewish life in Eastern Europe- before they were lost forever, discarded by younger generations who could not read the language of their parents and grandparents.
Books collected by the Yiddish Book Center are not simply warehoused, but are put back into circulation, bringing this
rich literature to new readers, including a growing number of young people interested in Yiddish language and culture.
To date, the Yiddish Book Center has rescued more than one million books, many of them donated by individuals. Do
you- or your friends, your neighbors, your relatives- have old Yiddish books in your attic or basement that you'd like to
share with the world by giving them to the Center?
Dan Ronfeld has volunteered to pack and ship all donations. If you have one or two books that you can bring to the synagogue, just leave them up front for Dan. If you have more than a few or need some help with them, just contact him
and he'll come to you and collect them. His telephone number is 208/869-8666 and his email is [email protected]
Donations to the Yiddish Book Center are tax deductible.
Congressman Mike Simpson to Speak May 5
The issue of Iran has been the crisis issue in the US/Israel relationship for the past months.
With a framework agreement now announced, focus is returning to the Congress. As the
Congress considers whether to fight for its right to approve or act on any agreement with
Iran, the pressure from all sides is mounting. At the same time the Palestinians continue
their "internationalization" of the conflict, seeking to take their case before the security council and bringing charges
against Israel in front of the International Criminal Court,. In Gaza, Hamas is rebuilding its arms and terror tunnel structure, while Hezbollah has rearmed and has tens of thousands of missiles pointed at Israel. Meanwhile chaos is developing on every one of Israel's borders. This is a critical time for the US/Israel relationship.
Congressman Simpson has agreed to attend this special reception to discuss these critical issues. Simpson serves on
the appropriations committee, and may be playing a role as the issue of economic sanctions unfold. It is important that
our community attend and show support for the US/Israel relationship.
The reception will be held on May 5 at 7pm at the home of Skip and Esther Oppenheimer, 1009 E Warm Springs Ave.
Please RSVP to Lisa Uhlmann at [email protected]
CABI members and members
from the Boise Community light
candles at the Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony held at
the Idaho State Capitol on
Tuesday April 21.
Q3 Financial Report Ending March 30, 2015
Total Income
Total Expense
Mar-15 YTD 2015
If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
Building Fund
Jeannette Bowman & John Barnet– Congratulations to Renée Kline and Tom Rogers for CABI Garden Award
Peter & Karan Kahlke
Youth Enrichment Fund
Milya Mikhaleva in memory of Josef and Shlomo, her father and brother
Molly O’Shea
Missy & Ben Russell in appreciation for their PJ Library Membership
Unrestricted Contributions
Pat & Hillary Beale in memory of Lenora Bealeand in thanks to Marc Snyder for all his hard work
Rabbi Dan Fink & Janet Kaufman
PJ Horton-Goch
Marc Snyder for the sale of chametz
June Chai Lights Deadline is Wednesday May 20
Email submissions to [email protected]
Betsy Russell led the final Rosh Chodesh celebration for
5775. The Omer was counted and the new month of Iyar
was celebrated with tasty alternative s’mores.
Maria Stern, left, was happy
to watch her husband Barry
Stern, garden coordinator
Renée Kline and neighbor
Larry mark plots for this
year’s garden.
Tom Rogers, above, was in Washington, DC to receive the Commission on Social Action of Reform
Judaism’s J. Fain Social Action
Award for the CABI Garden. Mazel
Tov Tom.
vi (husband) and Sima (wife) Bruchim hosted a "mimouna" open house--a traditional Moroccan Jewish celebration held the day after Passover. It marks the start of spring and the return to eating chametz. Traditionally, on the afternoon of the last day of Passover, Muslim neighbors would bring gifts of
flour, honey, milk, butter and green beans to the homes of their Jewish neighbors which would be used to prepare post-Passover chametz dishes to be eaten later in the evening. Avi and Sima are shown in front of the table of delicious treats. Haya Kinberg is shown anointing Charles Hanna with mint leaves and yogurt, for a blessed year. A new and
fun tradition for the CABI community!
Who’s Who at CABI
Dan Fink, [email protected]
Synagogue Director
Nina Spiro, [email protected]
Office Administrator
Kat Dellamater, [email protected]
Co Director of Education & Family Shabbat Services
Becky Groves, [email protected]
Co Director of Education & Teen Advisor
Beth Harbison, [email protected] & [email protected]
PJ Library Manager
Joanna Jost, [email protected]
Shabbat Facilitator
Jonah Feldman & Shmuel Kahlke
John Barnet
Vice President & Membership
Arleen Winkler
Matt Chasan
Tamara Shapiro
At Large Members
Jonathon Fishman, Governance
Paul Frank, Fundraising Liaison
Terry McKay, Social Action Committee
Shellie Falk
Hananya Kronenberg
Marty Geffon
Youth Representative Carly Hanna & Rachel Kaufman
Volunteer Committees
Adult Education—Leigh Evans
CABI Community Garden—Tom Rogers & Renée Kline
Cemetery Committee—Jack Bonawitz & Paul Frank
Chai Lights Editor—Nancy Feldman
Chai Lights Folding—Bea Kopp
Challah Baking –Abby McLean
Chevra Kadisha—Freddie Fisherman
Chicken Soup Group—Pettra Pollack
Choir—Vern Lenz
Deli Days— Shellie & Eric Falk
Facilities—Marc Snyder
Finance Committee—Andrea Leeds
Friendship Feast—Ruth Schneider
Gift Shop — Arleen Winkler, Beth Wolf
Idaho Jewish Festival—Oliver Thompson
Jewish Assistance Fund of Idaho—Andy Chasan
Kitchen—Louise Birnbaum
Library—Terry McKay
Membership Chair—Arleen Winkler
Onegs—Debbie Holmes
Ritual Chair—Arlen Donald
Rosh Chodesh—Betsy Russell
Social Action—Tom Rogers
Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel
11 N. Latah Street
Boise, ID 83706
Email Chai Lights submissions to: [email protected]
Passover Across the Treasure Valley
Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel,
11 North Latah, Boise, ID 83706
(208) 343-6601
BOISE ID 83709
Return Service Requested
Shabbat on the Lake Insert. Register today!
Shabbat on the Lake Features Songleader in Residence
Teen Seder 5775
Ben Pagliaro will join our congregational retreat May 22-24, bringing his music
and songleading to our Shabbat celebrations and campfires at Camp Ida
Haven. He is a songleader at Congregation Beth Emeth and a music teacher
at Albert Einstein Academy, both in Wilmington, Delaware, where his elementary age students refer to him as “Mr. Pags.”
Ben has also been a songleader at Eisner Camp in Massachusetts, and this
summer will be songleading NFTY in Israel. He graduates this month with a
Music Theory degree from the University of Delaware. Ben’s visit is part of the
Shir Transformation
project supported by
grants from The
Covenant Foundation and the Groves