DUI Task Force 02-24-15 - Cascade County DUI Task Force


DUI Task Force 02-24-15 - Cascade County DUI Task Force
February 24, 2015
Call to Order
DUI Task Force president Barbara Bessette called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. at the Great Falls
Pre-Release Center, noting that a quorum was present to conduct business.
1. Roll Call
DUI Task Force Members
Cascade County Attorney designee: Ashley Wilkinson – Present
Cascade County Sheriff designee: Deputy Travis Grove – Present (3:48 pm)
City of Great Falls Chief of Police designee: Captain Tim Shanks– Excused Absence
Great Falls City Attorney designee: Cassidy Blomgren – Present
State of Montana Highway Patrol District II Chief designee: Trooper David Baggs – Present
Great Falls Victim-Witness Services designee: Savannah Hilton – Excused Absence
State of MT Adult Probation & Parole Regional Admin designee: Wayne Bye – Present
Montana Tavern Association Home Safe Program designee: Vince Kyle – Present
Gateway Recovery Center designee: Barbara Bessette - Present
Benefis Health Systems, Inc. Chemical Dependency Unit designee: J.T. Lute – Present
Great Falls Pre-Release Services, Inc. designee: Lisa Meyers – Present
Cascade County Commissioner: Jim Larson - Present
Great Falls Public Schools designee: Danielle Funseth – Present
Airmen Against Drunk Driving designee: Staff Sergeant Charles Marino-Franco – Present
Citizen Members: Jim Whitaker – Excused Absence; Corin Fisch – Present; Open Seat
Task Force Coordinator: Jerry Kelley - Present
Members of the Public in Attendance
Diana Agne, Prevention Specialist, Pondera County
Mark Hewitt, Substance Abuse Counselor, Malmstrom Air Force Base
2. Approval of Minutes from January 27, 2015
President Bessette pointed out that Commissioner Jim Larson was omitted from being listed as a
member of the public in attendance. Danielle Funseth motioned to approve the minutes from the
January 27, 2015 meeting with the addition of Commissioner Jim Larson as a member of the public in
attendance. Lisa Meyers seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
3. Public Information Committee
School Newspaper Ads: The committee did not receive any newspaper ad submissions, so Barbara
Bessette proposed extending the deadline. Danielle Funseth motioned to extend the deadline for the
newspaper ads to April 1, 2015. Vince Kyle seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
Website Contract: Task force members viewed and discussed the model of the website being built for
the Cascade County DUI Task Force. The group discussed ideas for personalizing the site as well as being
open to Shortgrass Web Development’s ideas as experts in the field.
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Minutes of DUI Task Force, February 24, 2015
Minutes by Brenda Demers
Radio PSA’s: Barbara Bessette spoke on the radio at the end of January focusing on the dangers of
drinking and driving. Those in attendance have not yet heard any of the DUI Task Force’s public service
announcements on the radio, so Jerry Kelley will enquire about the schedule.
Strategic Planning: President Bessette invited discussion regarding holding a special meeting to
formulate a three to five year plan specifying what the DUI Task Force wants to accomplish in the
community. Responses included: It would be difficult to come up with a strategic plan beyond the year
because things are constantly changing; the plan could be flexible; the plan could consist of
environmental strategies; it would be creating more work to do the same thing as our annual report to
the state does; it would be something for just the task force’s own planning and not for the state. The
task force agreed to form a strategic planning committee. Lisa Meyers, Barbara Bessette, Danielle
Funseth, and SSGT Charles Marino Franco volunteered to be on the committee.
4. Financial/Budget Performance Report and Requests for Payment/Purchases
Jerry Kelley reviewed the financial statements with task force members. Transactions in February were:
$425.00 for 17 gift certificates for Miracle Mile Towing volunteers (Dante’s donated four of the $25.00
gift certificates); $881.50 for the ID checking guides (the Tavern Association will reimburse the task force
for half the cost); $61.00 for the ad in the Tribune; $138.00 for mouthpieces for the sheriff’s
department; and $500 for a Montana Highway Patrol trooper to attend the vehicular homicide training.
There was a total of $6,406.00 received in reinstatement fees. The remaining balance is $47,446.21.
Spring Fling Hoop Thing: DU Task Force members reviewed the Agenda Action Report wherein Alliance
for Youth is requesting funding for their annual three on three basketball event. Last year the DUI Task
Force contributed $350.00. The group discussed the sponsorship options which varied from $350.00 to
$10,000. Ashley Wilkinson motioned to support the Spring Fling Hoop Thing by purchasing the Court
Sponsorship for $350.00. Trooper Baggs seconded. There being no further discussion or public
comment, the motion carried unanimously.
5. Report from the Task Force Coordinator
Donator Contact Panel: Jerry Kelley commented that the task force has a lot of very generous
contributors. Every year the DUI Task Force asks for donations for the Law Force Recognition Ceremony.
Last year there were twelve donors. Mr. Kelley suggested reaching out to more businesses because we
lost at least two of last year’s donors and this year we will be recognizing more people. Vince Kyle and
Corin Fisch volunteered to solicit new donors. Jerry Kelley will contact previous donors.
Letters to the Editor: Jerry Kelley reminded task force members that Letters to the Editor must be
submitted to the newspaper by the 12th of the month to be published the following month. Mr. Kelley
asked that letters be e-mailed to him no later than the 10th. Letters must include the writer’s name,
address, and phone number. The DUI Task Force minutes will include the list of months and the people
assigned to write letters. Ashley Wilkinson voiced concern that she and Cassidy Blomgren may be
perceived as being biased in their position as prosecutors if they wrote letters. Barbara Bessette
volunteered to take Cassidy Blomgren’s place in September and Lisa Meyers volunteered to take Ashley
Wilkinson’s place in October.
2019 Alcohol Education Summit: This is a free seminar in Bozeman May 20 and 21. Barbara Bessette is
planning to attend and other task force members can attend if they wish.
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Minutes of DUI Task Force, February 24, 2015
Minutes by Brenda Demers
KRTV Interview: Jerry Kelley was interviewed by Devonte McKenna for a 2.5 minute live television spot
on February 11. The only way to view the interview after the live showing is to purchase a DVD for
$25.00, so Jerry Kelley advised that he ordered one.
DUI Scholarships: Jerry Kelley e-mailed letters to the county high schools. Mr. Kelley has already
received one application. This agenda item will be discussed further at the next meeting.
PROMise Cards: Licini’s printed more cards. They have not charged in the past and they did not send a
bill this time so Jerry Kelley left a voice message inquiring if there is a charge. Mr. Kelley explained that
the PROMise cards are handed out with the prom tickets in addition to being given out with the rented
tuxedos from Kaufman’s and the Bride’s Shop. Danielle Funseth questioned whether the cards are
actually being given out with the tickets or just placed by the brochures. It was advised that the cards
should be given to the finance office at the schools where students obtain their tickets. The DUI Task
Force discussed giving the PROMise cards to other schools in the county in addition to Great Falls High
and CMR.
Law Enforcement Recognition: Jerry Kelley sent the letters out to the entities regarding the
requirements. Discussion ensued as to whether the vote last year was to include both a city and county
prosecutor or to just recognize one from the two offices. Because the requirements have already been
sent out, the task force agreed to wait and see if a nominee is submitted from both the city and the
county offices and if so to go ahead and recognize both. It was pointed out that these are two very
different offices. However, there are 14 prosecutors in the county attorney’s office and only 2 in the city
attorney’s office. Danielle Funseth motioned to eradicate the motion from the previous minutes and
give recognition to a prosecutor from both the county attorney’s office and the city attorney’s office.
Wayne Bye seconded. After a short discussion and no public comment, the motion carried
DUI Demographics: Jerry Kelley commented that at the last meeting the question was asked about DUI
demographics for age, sex, etc. Mr. Kelley found the Montana Department of Transportation’s Traffic
Safety Problem ID book dated 2009. The DOT advised that the last time the book was updated was 2011
and they are in the process of updating it now. The DUI Task Force agreed that this information will be
helpful with preparing the annual report and with strategic planning. Travis Grove advised that these
stats can be obtained from the DOT website.
Senate Bill 93: Jerry Kelley advised that the bill regarding restricted-use driving permits passed the
house and should be heard in full session.
House Bill 132: This bill passed the senate and should be heard in full session soon. It has to do with
disbursing money from counties that do not have a DUI Task Forces to those that do.
Senate Bill 202: This is for the option to donate to DUI prevention when registering a vehicle. Mr.
Kelley advised that the bill was tabled in appropriations and is likely dead.
6. DUI Stats
Travis Grove reviewed the stats with task force members stating that there were 30 DUI arrests in the
county in January. Out of those, 11 were tested, 5 refused, and 9 were referred for search warrants for
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Minutes of DUI Task Force, February 24, 2015
Minutes by Brenda Demers
drugs. The average BAC was .176 which was a little lower than last year. Deputy Grove added the
Tavern Association safe rides home and saves from Malmstrom to the report.
7. MAFB Save Stats from Airmen Against Drunk Driving
SSGT Charles Marino Franco reported they had 13 saves in January and no DUI arrests on the base.
SSGT Franco asked if a decision was made for the ad in the base’s Heads Up magazine. Mr. Kelley
responded that we are waiting for the new logo and the ad may include the DUI Dumb billboard art.
SSGT Franco reminded that the group discussed adding the DD Buddy app information to the ad.
8. KUDO Cards
No KUDO cards were awarded.
9. Round Robin
Ashley Wilkinson commented that they have a DUI trial Thursday that one of their newly hired
attorneys is prosecuting.
Jerry Kelley read a thank you note from Commissioner Weber to the task force. Mr. Kelley stated that
he did not receive a written request from the DD buddy folks, but he did speak to them and they will get
him something for next month.
Barbara Bessette is working with the Substance Abuse Prevention Alliance putting out a survey for 18 to
24 year olds regarding their use of drugs and alcohol. They are working with Great Falls High. Their goal
is to get 1,000 responses. The results of the survey can be used for grants, etc.
10. Public Comment
Diana Agne, Prevention Specialist for Pondera County, asked for a description of the PROMise cards.
Jerry Kelley explained that they are an informational card with a picture reminding students not to drink
and drive.
Jerry Kelley introduced Mark Hewitt, a substance abuse counselor at Malmstrom Air Force Base. He is
interested in becoming a citizen member of the Cascade County DUI Task Force. Mr. Hewitt was advised
where to obtain an application.
Motion to Adjourn
At 4:34 p.m. Ashley Wilkinson motioned to adjourn the meeting. There being no further discussion, J.T.
Lute seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The next meeting will be March 31 at 3:30 p.m.
Citizen Member Expiration Dates:
Letters to the Editor 2015:
April – Jim Whittaker
July – J.T. L ute
October – Lisa Meyers
January 2016 – Vince Kyle
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Jim Whitaker – May 28, 2015
Corin Fisch – August 12, 2016
February – Jerry Kelley
May – Barb Bessette
August – Corin Fisch
November – Travis Grove
Vacancy – July 24, 2015
March – Savannah Hilton
June – Lisa Meyers
September – Barbara Bessette
December – Charles Marino-Franco
Minutes of DUI Task Force, February 24, 2015
Minutes by Brenda Demers