VT-FL-EOC-Civics Grade 7 Scope and Sequence


VT-FL-EOC-Civics Grade 7 Scope and Sequence
VT-FL-EOC-Civics Grade 7
Scope and Sequence
Topic Lesson Lesson Objectives
Origins and Purposes of Law and Government
The Influence of Enlightenment Ideas
Government Philosophies
Compare and contrast political philosophies and ideas about government
Explain philosophical concepts connected to the Enlightenment such as separation of powers and natural law
Identify major political philosophers and their concepts about government
Impacts on Colonists' Views
Governments in the Colonies
Analyze how early colonial documents influenced American ideals and values
Describe the importance of the Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights
Identify early colonial government systems and documents
Summarize the influence of the Mayflower Compact on the early colonies
English Policies and the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence
Analyze the reasons for colonists' grievances against British rule.
Describe the connection between the Declaration of Independence and earlier documents that influenced it.
Explain the purpose of the Declaration and the process used to draft and ratify it.
Ideas in the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence
Analyze the actions taken by the Declaration of Independence.
Examine early colonial events that led to the need for a declaration.
Identify the key principles contained in the Declaration of Independence.
Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
A Weak Confederation
Analyze the effects of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 on settlement.
Describe the provisions of the Articles of Confederation.
Explain the failure of the articles to provide an organized financial system, a stable economy, and military protection for the colonies.
The Preamble to the Constitution
The Preamble
Identify the six principles in the Preamble
Interpret the goals outlined in the Preamble
Investigate examples of how the goals of the Preamble are carried out in the United States today
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VT-FL-EOC-Civics Grade 7
Scope and Sequence
Topic Lesson Lesson Objectives
Constitutional Limits on Government Power
The Constitution
Describe the distribution of power between states and the federal government.
Explain how the Constitution creates a government structure that separates powers and establishes checks and balances.
Explain the process required to amend the Constitution.
Identify the democratic rights and powers given to the people by the Constitution.
The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists
Ratifying the Constitution
Differentiate the views of Federalists and Anti-Federalists
Explain why the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution
Summarize how the Constitution was ratified
The Rule of Law
Constitution Fundamentals
Compare elements of the US Constitution to those of other nations
Describe the principles found in the Constitution that make it unique
Identify the Constitution as the supreme law of the land
Sources of Law
Sources of American Law
Identify the influences other legal systems have had on the creation of American law
Summarize types of laws that impact the entire nation
Trace the origins and evolution of the law
Types of Law
Civil Law vs. Criminal Law
Differentiate civil law from criminal law
Distinguish civil and criminal cases by analyzing different examples
Examine types of crime committed in the United States
Identify civil issues that could end up in court
Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities of Citizens
Defining Citizenship
What Is a Citizen?
Distinguish the difference between legal and illegal aliens
Examine the process of naturalization
Explain what it means to be a citizen
Identify the criteria for American citizenship
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VT-FL-EOC-Civics Grade 7
Scope and Sequence
Topic Lesson Lesson Objectives
Obligations of Citizenship
Duties and Responsibilities
Describe the duties required of United States citizens
Differentiate citizen duties and responsibilities
Identify the consequences of refusing to uphold one's civic duties
Summarize the responsibilities of United States citizens
Rights in the Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights
Describe the legal protections given by the Bill of Rights to the accused and imprisoned.
Explain how the Bill of Rights protects additional rights and powers for states and individuals.
Identify the freedoms provided to all citizens by the Bill of Rights.
Rights in the Other Amendments
Amendments 11-27
Describe the purposes of Amendments 11 - 27
Explain amendments to the Constitution that extended civil rights and suffrage
Identify Amendments 11 - 27 that were added to the Constitution
Summarize adjustments made to the political system through amendments added to the Constitution
The Constitution and Individual Rights
Citizen Rights
Distinguish between a privilege and a right
Identify unalienable rights and give examples
Outline the limitations on citizen rights
Summarize the importance of the First Amendment
The Impact of Constitutional Rights
The Bill of Rights
Describe the purpose of each of the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights.
Explain how the Bill of Rights establishes civil liberties.
Constitutional Amendments and Minority Participation
Pursuing the Right to Vote
Analyze how allowing all citizens the right to vote has affected the United States
Describe laws passed that allowed all citizens the right to vote
Explain the women's rights movement that fought for the right to vote
Identify groups throughout American history that were not allowed to vote
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VT-FL-EOC-Civics Grade 7
Scope and Sequence
Topic Lesson Lesson Objectives
Landmark Supreme Court Cases
Supreme Court Decisions
Analyze the outcome of landmark cases and how they changed society
Describe landmark cases heard by the Supreme Court
Trace how cases make it to the Supreme Court
Government Policies and Political Processes
Current Political Parties: Major Parties
Major Political Parties
Compare and contrast the platforms of the Democrats and Republicans
Identify the two major political parties in the United States
Summarize different points of view of political parties on important contemporary issues
Current Political Parties: Other Parties
Other Political Parties
Describe the political platforms of the largest third parties
Evaluate the impact third parties have on national elections
Identify third parties found in the United States
Impact of the Media
Mass Media
Analyze the impact mass media has on elections
Describe the different types of mass media in the United States
Discuss the influence mass media has on shaping public policy and public opinion
Evaluate the effectiveness of government propaganda
Impact of the Individual
Getting Involved
Analyze the impact volunteers have on the political process
Describe the types of political campaign jobs open to volunteers
Identify how citizens can participate in the political process
Impact of Interest Groups
Interest Groups
Evaluate the positive and negative aspects of interest groups
Explain the role of interest groups and methods they use to influence government
Identify different types of interest groups
Summarize the limitations placed on interest groups
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VT-FL-EOC-Civics Grade 7
Scope and Sequence
Topic Lesson Lesson Objectives
Analyzing Media and Political Communication
Media and Citizenship
Describe the evolution of media and the changing influence it has had on citizenship
Evaluate the positive and negative effects of the media on citizenship
Identify forms of media that influence citizens today
Resolving Public Policy Problems
Problem Solving in Social Studies
Apply a problem-solving process to a problem.
Learn about the steps involved in a problem-solving process.
Examining Multiple Perspectives
Multiple Perspectives
Compare and contrast stated positions on an issue
Define perspective
Investigate situations in which there were multiple perspectives about the same event
Domestic Policy
Creating Public Policy
Define public policy.
Describe influences on the creation of public policy.
Identify the ways public policy is made.
Foreign Policy
United States Foreign Policies
Describe the purpose of foreign policy
Distinguish foreign policy from domestic policy
Trace the evolution of foreign policy conducted by the United States
International Organizations
International Organizations
Analyze the purpose of different world organizations.
Examine the function of different world organizations.
Identify different world organizations.
The US and International Conflict
United States Foreign Relations
Analyze the purpose and effectiveness of foreign aid
Describe the government's role in terms of foreign relations
Identify organizations created to promote positive foreign relations
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VT-FL-EOC-Civics Grade 7
Scope and Sequence
Topic Lesson Lesson Objectives
Organization and Function of Government
Comparing Forms of Government
Types of Governments
Describe the features of oligarchies and autocracies.
Explore the advantages and disadvantages of different types of democracy.
Identify the differences between federal, confederal, and unitary systems of government.
Comparing Systems of Government
Geographer's Perspective: Types of Government and Political Systems
Differentiate among the types of states, including unitary and federal systems
Identify and describe key forms of government
Structure and Function of Government
Structure of the Constitution
Analyze the system of checks and balances
Describe the structure of the Constitution
Explain separation of powers and the functions of each branch of government
Federal and State Powers
National vs. State Government
Analyze the benefits of a federalist system and supremacy clause
Describe the relationship between national and state governments
Differentiate delegated, concurrent, and reserved powers
Examine the elements of state constitutions
Identify the principles of the federal system
The Constitutional Amendment Process
Amending the Constitution
Describe how interpretation has led to changing the meaning of the Constitution
Explain the process of amending the Constitution
Identify methods used for interpreting the Constitution
The Legislative Branch
Organization of Congress
Describe the Senate and House of Representatives
Distinguish the different types of Congressional Committees
Identify congressional support services
Outline the structure of Congress
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VT-FL-EOC-Civics Grade 7
Scope and Sequence
Topic Lesson Lesson Objectives
The Executive Branch
The Presidency
Analyze the purpose of the State of the Union Address
Identify the qualifications needed to become president
Summarize the roles and responsibilities of the president
The Judicial Branch
The Judicial Branch
Describe the organization of the federal and state court systems.
Explain the basics of the legal process.
State Courts
State Court System
Describe the different processes of selecting state judges
Evaluate the outcome of a state court decision
Explain the structure of the state judicial court system
Identify different types of state courts and the responsibilities of each
Federal Courts
The Federal Courts
Describe the structure of the federal court system
Discuss how federal judges are selected
Summarize how jurisdiction is determined in the federal courts and its role within the system
The Supreme Court
The Supreme Court
Discuss the processes and procedures of the Supreme Court
Identify the members of the current Supreme Court
Outline the structure of the Supreme Court
Summarize how judicial review increased the powers of the Supreme Court
The Constitutions of the US and Florida
Florida Constitution
Compare and contrast the rights outlined in the Declaration of Rights in the Florida constitution to those in the Bill of Rights in the US Constitution.
Identify the structure of government established by the Florida constitution.
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VT-FL-EOC-Civics Grade 7
Scope and Sequence
Topic Lesson Lesson Objectives
Local, State, and Federal Government Obligations
Community Concerns
Describe how local governments try to combat issues facing their communities
Evaluate how governments work together to meet the needs of the people
Identify the major issues affecting communities today
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