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Heading 1 - CDR Associates
Lieschen Gargano Quilling, Program Associate, is a Facilitator, Mediator and Servant Leader
experienced in planning and project management. She thrives on improving organizational
effectiveness and promoting constructive multi-stakeholder collaborative processes. Ms. Gargano’s
multi-faceted experience with conflict management has created a library of skills for her to
successfully engage parties and facilitate collaborative decision making across diverse challenges. The
backbone of Ms. Gargano’s experience is in team management allowing her to integrate strong
communication and organizational skills in all facets of her work.
Select Project Examples
Public Involvement for the Pikes Peak Regional Council of Governments, CO Regional
Transportation Plan (2013– Ongoing)
Co-facilitating public involvement activities for this series of regional transportation plans. This
includes identifying and coordinating with a diverse group of stakeholders, including bicycle,
pedestrian and trails and open space advocates, special needs and social services representatives,
government services and advisory groups, businesses, neighborhood organizations and schools. Part
of a team planning and coordinating efforts to obtain refined input including designing and
facilitating a series of public meetings.
NPS Strategic Planning Facilitation on Leasing
National Park Service staff from WASO, regions, and specific park units participated in a three day
workshop facilitated by CDR Associates to develop a strategic plan for leasing. Ms. Gargano cofacilitated aiding attendees to work through disagreement and developed program goals, objectives
and tasks for a 3 year leasing plan. After extensive discussion and multiple reviews, a draft plan was
developed with immediate next steps and enforcement mechanisms. Ms. Gargano lead edit
discussions and aided in the writing of the final report and meeting summaries.
EPA Middle Rio Grande Urban Waters Partnership
The Middle Rio Grande Urban Waters Partnership is one of 18 in the U.S. funded by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to build community outreach and agency collaboration in
Middle Rio Grande federal projects. The Partnership hired CDR to facilitate three informational
meetings for the public regarding the public participation process for various federal projects under
the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). Many of these projects take place in
Environmental Justice or historically marginalized communities where there is a long history of
mistrust and lack of public involvement. Ms. Gargano helped facilitate discussions around the
participation process and barriers. Ms. Gargano also produced documents and summaries for each
of these meetings.
Saint Vrain, Left Hand and Four Mile Creek Watershed Master Plan processes (2014)
Ms. Gargano helped plan and organize materials, interviews, meetings and stakeholder input for the
development of three watershed master plans which are working with local government staff,
elected officials, community groups and watershed stakeholder groups along each of the three
creeks. These plans were conducted separately and coordinated across project teams and coalitions
simultaneously under tight timelines requiring the utmost adaptability. These Master Plans replaced
the old plans which were made obsolete after the September 2013 floods in Boulder County. The
results were joint visions addressing future disaster and regional needs around the watersheds.
Colorado Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration Quality
Improvement Council, CO (2013 – Ongoing)
Ms. Gargano co-facilitates meetings of the joint CDOT and FHWA Quality Improvement Council,
which ensures programs supported by the Federal Aid Highway Program (FAHP) are being
delivered effectively. She helps the group identify and prioritize risks and outline strategies for
overcoming them. She also plays a coordination role in ensure key activities are being completed and
tracked and that appropriate documentation is managed and kept up to date. Additionally Ms.
Gargano works with Council members to ensure they are educated in the use of SharePoint, the file
and data sharing system, to ensure all requested data is updated and stored appropriately.
City of Thornton Station Area Planning Process (2013 – 2014)
Ms. Gargano helped plan and organize materials, meetings and stakeholder input for the City of
Thornton which is working with local government staff, community groups and city stakeholder
groups around the proposed train station developments at 88th and 104th street. Stakeholder input is
being used to plan developments that maximize the benefit to the community by addressing both
current and future needs and concerns around growth, use, safety and more.
Guatemala – University of Denver Peace Program Assessment Research (2013)
Ms. Gargano translated, interviewed and took minutes for the DU Conflict Resolution Institute on a
research trip to Guatemala. Working with Spanish speaking staff from multiple institutions in
locations across the country, Ms. Gargano collected data to understand the progress and
effectiveness of post war peace efforts and organizations in Guatemala. This study will result in the
development of a report on best practices and evaluation techniques for Guatemala and beyond.
CDOT State Highway 7 Planning and Environmental Linkage Study (2012 – 2013)
Ms. Gargano helped plan and organize materials, meetings and stakeholder input for a Colorado
Department of Transportation study which is working with local government staff, elected officials,
community groups and corridor stakeholder groups along a 20-mile portion of a State Highway. The
study will use the data collected in the development of a joint vision to address future plans and
regional needs for analyzing and advancing multimodal capacity improvements.
Greece – Mediators Beyond Borders International (2012 – 2013)
Ms. Gargano aided in the development and execution of a series of trainings and dialogues focused
on the issue of immigration in Greece. The 2013 dialogues and trainings were attended by Greek
members of parliament, attorneys, mediators, police officers, immigrants, business leaders and
citizens from all walks of life. Ms. Gargano ran fundraising efforts, coordinated logistics for the
international team and communicated with partnering organizations and team members to
coordinate funding and long term planning and evaluation on ongoing efforts.
Select Education and Affiliations
University of Denver: Josef Korbel School of International Studies, M.A. in Conflict
Resolution, with an emphasis Environment and Public Policy, November, 2013
Boulder County Planning Commission Appointee