15-04_CultureWatch - Christian Coalition of Washington


15-04_CultureWatch - Christian Coalition of Washington
A monthly publication of the Christian Coalition of Washington
News Notes for May 2015
Under intense scrutiny for straightarming Israel and making concessions
with Iran, President Barack Obama is
receiving more criticism for appointing
an Iranian-born attorney as a top White
House adviser who has been called the
“architect” of the recent Iran nuke
Senior Advisor to the President
Valerie Jarrett, who was born in Shiraz, Iran, has orchestrated much of the
United States; nuclear “framework
agreement” with Iran, which is slated
for finalization in late June. The negotiations, which are reported to be setting up a nuclear Iran against Israel’s
warning, are reported by WND to be
heavily influenced by the allegedly
Iranian-leaning adviser.
According to the former deputy
undersecretary of defense for intelligence, retired Lt. Gen. William G.
“Jerry” Boykin, who served during the
George W. Bush administration, Jarrett’s key role in the negotiations all
but assures a future nuclear Iran.
Republican presidential candidate
Marco Rubio says he does not believe
sexual orientation is a choice for the
"enormous majority of people." The
Florida senator's comments came Sunday
on CBS's Face the Nation, where he said
that it should be up to states rather than
the Supreme Court to define marriage
and that he considers marriage to be between a man and a woman.
"I also don't believe that your sexual
preferences are a choice for the vast and
enormous majority of people. In fact, the
bottom line is, I believe that sexual preference is something people are born
with," Rubio said.
In an interview with Fusion published Wednesday, Rubio said he would
attend a same-sex wedding.
“If it’s somebody in my life that I
care for, of course I would,” he said.
“I’m not going to hurt them simply because I disagree with a choice they’ve
made or because I disagree with a decision they’ve made, or whatever it may
Yet a new wrinkle has surfaced in
the controversial nuclear deal being
formulated by the US and world powers
with Iran, as State Department representatives on Monday would not rule out
handing the Islamic regime up to $50
billion in a "signing bonus" for agreeing
to a deal. Reports have indicated that
the US would authorize a release of $30$50 billion in cash to Iran with the signing of a final deal ahead of a June 30
deadline, which comes in addition to
over $11 billion in assets that were unfrozen in the interim agreement signed
November 2013.
Asked about the reports on Monday,
State Department spokesperson Marie
Harf tried to avoid the topic before accusing reporters of being "spun up" on
the issue, according to Washington Free
Beacon. When directly asked if Iran
will receive $50 billion "on day one after
signing" a nuclear deal, Harf said she
would "look into it."
[Further], Iran has said it will not
allow "foreigners" to inspect its nuclear
sites, in violation of the framework
agreement details that it has accused the
US of "lying" about. Top Iranian officials have also declared they will start
using advanced IR-8 centrifuges that are
20-times as effective as standard ones as
soon as a deal is reached, meaning they
would be able to produce a nuclear arsenal in a rapid time frame.
--GOPUSA, OneNewsNow.com, 4/20/2015
--Newsmax.com, 4/19/2015
The latest announcement, says
Linda Harvey of Mission America, is
that little boys from kindergarten
through high school can join the Girl
Scouts, if the boy considers himself a
girl. "In other words, he calls the
shots," Harvey says of young males.
"He is the one that determines the
rights and privacy of authentic girls."
Regarding transgender youth, the
website for the Scouts states that if a
boy is recognized as living as a girl,
"then Girl Scouts is an organization
that can serve her in a setting that is
both emotionally and physically safe."
…What the Girl Scouts are advocating, says Harvey, is "anything that is
anti-Christian, and anything that would
dishonor girls."
Meanwhile, a pro-family rival
organization to the Girl Scouts, American Heritage Girls, is celebrating 20
years this year.
Six Americans raised by homosexual
parents sent a letter of support thanking
openly gay fashion legends Domenico
Dolce and Stefano Gabbana for their
recent remarks defending the traditional
Gay activists, spearheaded by singer
Elton John, have condemned the pair and
urged a boycott of their fashion line after
they told the Italian magazine Panorama
that they oppose gay “marriage” and
adoption, find in vitro fertilization unnatural, believe procreation “must be an act
of love,” and that “the only family is the
traditional one.”
The letter, published in Tempi…says
the six signatories—five women and one
man—"want to thank you for giving
voice to something that we learned by
experience: Every human being has a
mother and a father, and to cut either
from a child’s life is to rob the child of
dignity, humanity and equality."
--GOPUSA, 4/26/2015
--LifeSiteNews, 3/24/2015
--Arutz Sheva (Israel), 4/22/2015
Chinese Christians last year suffered
the harshest persecution in more than a
decade in..."response to the growth of
Christianity in China," according to a
report from the Christian human rights
group China Aid.
The report documented 572 cases of
persecution in 2014, involving 17,884
individuals, a 300 percent increase from
2013. Of those persecution victims, at
least 1,592 were church leaders… China
has been designated by the U.S. State
Department as one of nine "countries of
particular concern" for violations of
religious freedom...
--Newsmax.com, 4/26/2015
PMB 336, 3701 Pacific Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501 Phone: (360) 789-4059 Web: www.christiancoalition.us
April 2015 cont’d
Declaring President Obama and
other world leaders must no longer
tolerate the ongoing slaughter of Christians by ISIS, a prominent media figure
is calling for at least 1 million Americans to peacefully march on Washington, D.C., and demand action.
In a Facebook post, Fox News host
Greta Van Susteren recalled that many
in her parents’ generation said they
were unaware of the mass execution of
Jews during World War II. “What’s
MY generation’s excuse?” Van Susteren wrote regarding the execution of
Christians by ISIS. “We know! We
even have videos… How much more is
the world going to tolerate?”
[Van Susteren] fears that the executions happen “so often now that
people are not shocked and hence not
demanding our world leaders to join
together and do what it takes to end
this genocide.” [She] said the only
way to get the attention of world leaders is to make a big statement by massive numbers of people marching on
Washington and other nations’ capitals.
“It has worked before. I don’t
know what else to suggest. We need
our leaders to know our collective
priorities — and stopping this genocide
is one of them.”
Her Facebook post has received
more than 28,000 “likes.”
A lesbian teacher has boasted of using her classroom to instruct children as
young as kindergarten on being “gay.”
“And I started in kindergarten,” said Pam
Strong. “It was where I was teaching. So,
I was the most comfortable there.”
Her comments... [were noted] at a
conference held by the homosexual activist organization Jer’s Vision… The events
focused on Canada’s Bill 13, which gives
students authorization for homosexual
clubs in their schools, including Catholic
…Strong focused her workshop on
what she called the “power of conversation” for promoting LGBTQ issues in an
elementary classroom. She said she’s
used pro-homosexual literature, such as
“King and King.” …But mostly she just
uses conversations with students to promote her own lesbian lifestyle, the report
“Difficult conversations are a part of
what we do as teachers, right? And when
these conversations are properly supported by teachers within the safety of the
classroom, they provide a rich environment for our students as they unpack
these complex social issues and they
reflect on their own preconceptions,
rights, of gender, sexuality, love, all these
difference things,” [said Strong].
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin have rejected a request from former U.S. President Jimmy Carter to
meet with him during his upcoming
visit to Israel. [An] official said the
Foreign Ministry recommended the
snub because of Carter's "anti-Israel
stance" in recent years, in particular
during the war in Gaza last summer,
when Carter expressed strong criticism
of Israel and called for the U.S. State
Department to remove Hamas from its
list of terrorist organizations.
Ironically, Carter negotiated the
peace treaty between Israel and Egypt
during his single term in the White
House. But his 2006 book "Palestine:
Peace Not Apartheid" outraged Israelis
and sparked criticism from Jewish
leaders in the United States. In the
book Carter argued that Israel's continued control of Palestinian land has
been the primary obstacle to a comprehensive peace agreement in the Middle
--WND.com, 4/20/2016
For the first time in US history, a
judge has granted two chimpanzees a
petition – through human attorneys – to
defend their rights against unlawful
imprisonment, arguably bestowing the
status of “legal persons” on the primates. On Monday, Manhattan Supreme Court justice Barbara Jaffe
granted a writ of habeas corpus on
behalf of two non-human plaintiffs,
Hercules and Leo – chimpanzees used
for medical experiments at Stony
Brook University on Long Island.
The attorneys who brought the
petition forward, part of the Nonhuman
Rights Project, argue that under New
York law, “only a ‘legal person’ may
have an order to show cause and writ
of habeas corpus issued in his or her
behalf. The court has therefore implicitly determined that Hercules and Leo
are ‘persons.’”
--Guardian Web, 4/22/2015
--LifeSiteNews, 4/21/2015
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told Iowa radio talk-show host Jan
Mickelson that the Obama administration
had "an open hostility toward the Christian faith" — urging prospective military
recruits to enlist after President Barack
Obama leaves the White House…
"And I know that sounds like a bold
statement, Jan, but when you have a president whose administration orders its
chaplains to put their Bibles away, not to
pray in Jesus name, not to counsel people
on the issues of sexual morality; when
you have this attitude that is more about
promoting gay marriage and gay rights in
the military than it is about being able to
protect religious liberty for those people
of faith, it’s going to be hard to find people who are truly… people of faith...
"Why would they want to be in a
military that would be openly hostile and
not just simply bring some scorn to their
faith, but would punish them for it?"
Huckabee asked.
--Newsmax.com, 4/18/2015
--Newsmax.com, 4/26/2015
[L]ast month New Jersey Gov.
Chris Christie signed into law a bill
that bans local law-enforcement agencies from obtaining night scopes, military assault rifles, grenade launchers
and 14-ton Mine-Resistant AmbushProtected vehicles through a federal
program without local oversight.
…Now, according to the Tenth
Amendment Center, Montana’s governor has signed into law a bill that
“would heavily diminish the effect of
federal programs that militarize local
police.” The bill, HB330, bans state or
local law enforcement from receiving
significant classes of military equipment from the Pentagon’s “1033 Program.” It was approved 46-1 in the
state Senate and 79-20 in the House.
Democrat Gov. Steve Bullock signed
The…new law “will prohibit state
or local law enforcement agencies from
receiving drones that are armored,
weaponized, or both; aircraft that are
combat configured or combat coded;
grenades or similar explosives and
grenade launchers; silencers; and
‘militarized armored vehicles’ from
federal military surplus programs.”
--WND.com, 4/26/2015
PMB 336, 3701 Pacific Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501 Phone: (360) 789-4059 Web: www.ChristianCoalition.us