Supporting Our Growing National Community


Supporting Our Growing National Community
Supporting Our Growing National Community
Please complete this section if you wish to contribute
funds to the Australian Christian Meditation Community
2015 National Appeal
In Australia the first Christian meditation group
opened in the 1970s and today we have over 500
groups. We, the ACMC, are the fastest growing
Community in the World Community for Christian
Meditation with growth in the following areas:
National Income comes mostly from book sales,
newsletter subscriptions and donations. Income is also
generated when we hold National events. The states
and territories assist as they can with contributions to
the insurance and the School Retreat.
National Expenses for 2015 are estimated to be
about $60,000. Our expenses change depending on
what is happening in a given year. In the last few years
our annual national expenses have been between
$40,000 to about $70,000.
The pie chart below shows the breakdown of where
the money goes in a typical year. Other____________________
Next year we will hold our first Meditatio Seminar in
Australia on The Environment and Meditation.
We endeavour to support all our groups and all
our areas of outreach with resources, spiritual
nourishment and financial assistance as required.
With the maturity and growth of our Community
comes the increased need for support.
In previous years the work of the Community in
Australia has been supported through the Newsletter
Appeal. Our expanding work and increased
costs mean that we need to change the focus of
our fundraising if we are to continue our work.
This brochure launches our inaugural annual
national appeal seeking funds to support our work
in Australia and inviting you, at the same time, to
subscribe to our Newsletter.
With your help we can continue to grow ensuring
that the gift of meditation continues to blossom in
The work of the International Community continues
to be supported through the Friends Appeal which
will be held in the second half of each year.
I would like to make a donation of:
Subscription to Newsletter
Estimated expenses for 2015
Please complete this section if you wish to subscribe to
the newsletter or if you wish to renew your subscription.
The annual subscription cost below is for 4 newsletters
for the 2015/2016 financial year.
School Retreat
National Events
I would like to receive my annual subscription to
the newsletter by post, cost $20.
Insurance Australia wide
Delegate Support
Meditation with Children
I would like to receive my annual subscription to
the newsletter by email, cost $10.
To be registered to receive notification by email that
the newsletter is online please email ‘subscribe’ to
[email protected] when you are completing
this form to ensure that we have your correct email
The Newsletter is our major expense at 28%. Resources
include the purchase of books and CDs; the National
School retreat is our way of supporting potential
leaders of the Community. National also contributes
towards expenses associated with teaching events,
the travel expenses of those representing Australia
overseas and for interstate visits when supporting
and bringing the essential teachings to our remote
and newer communities. Other expenses include
computer, internet,CDs and postage. Total donation/subscription
Please provide your contact details and your method
of payment on the back of this panel.
We hope that you will prayerfully reflect on
the request for assistance and join us in the
support of this important work for each of us and
for our world.
Privacy Policy: Your contact details will only be used
by the Australian Christian Meditation Community
(ACMC) for News and Events information by Newsletter
and State Coordinators.
Meditation with children and in schools
Outreach into prisons, hospitals and aged care
National retreats, workshops and conferences
Support for our National School retreat
Hosting our website and publishing our
Developing and distributing resources
The provision of speakers on meditation
Regional support in Indonesia and Malaysia in
recent years.
My details
Mission Statement of
The World Community for Christian Meditation
Title and full name_______________________
‘To communicate and nurture meditation
as passed on through the teaching of John
Main, in the Christian tradition, in the spirit of
serving the unity of all’
Address and postcode ___________________
My Method of payment
Meditation is the prayer for the world which
we have created.
There are three ways you can pay.
Laurence Freeman OSB
Cheque or money order: made payable to
‘ACMC’. Please return your payment with this
form to the address below
Credit card: Complete the details in this
section and return this form to the address
below. Please print clearly
Amount $____________
VISA Master
Card #_ ________________________________
Expiry date ____ / ____ Date_ ______________
EFT Direct Debit: National Australia Bank,
A/C name: Australian Christian Meditation
Community, BSB 083-166,
A/C No. 835586812,
Reference: your full name
Please return this form to the address below
There is a deep and urgent need in the world
today to recover true experience of spirit.
The Australian Christian Meditation Community
Postal Address: PO Box 246 Uralla NSW 2358
Email: [email protected]
Please return your completed form to:
ACMC, PO Box 246, Uralla NSW 2358
John Main OSB