Application - Construction Management


Application - Construction Management
Department of Construction Management
Undergraduate Application 2015
* DEADLINE: 4pm, April 1
>> Refer to the instruction sheet for details about how to complete and submit this application form.
Section A: Basic Information
Full Legal Name:
(Middle Initial)
UW Student Number
Decision letters will be mailed to this address:
Street Number or PO Box
Zip Code
Summer address (if applicable):
Street Number or PO Box
Zip Code
Telephone Number
Email Address (provide UW email if you have one)
Application Status:
Have you previously applied to the UW Construction Management program?
If Yes, when?
I am currently a UW-Seattle student. If you check this box, please answer the next two questions as well.
Are you applying as a Dual-Degree (Architecture & Construction Management) candidate?
Are you applying as an Early Admission candidate?
I am applying to UW-Seattle as a transfer student Important: Transfer students must complete a separate application to the University of
Washington. Please contact UW Admissions at 320 Schmitz Hall, 206-543-5150
Section B: Collegiate Transcripts
Institution Name
Location (City, State)
From (Mo/Yr)
To (Mo/Yr)
Check if being sent:
Section C: Resume
Verify: I have included my resume with my application.
Section D: Letters of Reference (minimum 3, maximum 6)
Instruction sheet provides advice about who to ask, tips, and complete formatting requirements.
How many letters of reference are included in your application packet? _____
Section E: Personal Statement
Instruction sheet suggests topics to write about, tips, and complete formatting requirements.
Verify: I have included my personal statement with my application.
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>> Refer to the instruction sheet for details about how to complete and submit this application form.
Section F: Prerequisite Coursework (Early Admission & Upper Division applicants)
Course You Completed
Prerequisite Courses (15 credits)
(Course Abbreviation & Number)
Qtr. /
General Physics I (PHYS 114&117, or PHYS 121)
Application of Calculus to Business & Economics
(MATH 112 or 124, or Q SCI 291)
Principles of Economics (ECON 200)
Section G: Additional Prerequisite Coursework (Upper Division Applicants only)
Prerequisite Courses
Math and the Natural World (24 credits)
Course(s) You Completed/Will Complete
(Course Abbreviation & Number)
Qtr. /
General Physics II (PHYS 115&118, or PHYS 122)
Introduction to Geological Sciences (ESS 101)
Introduction to Statistical Methods
(QMETH 201 preferred. Will also accept STAT 220, STAT 311,
STAT 390, PSYCH 315 , Q SCI 381, MATH 390, or IND E 315)
Other NW (5 credits)
Other NW (5 credits)
Language Skills (10 credits)
English Composition
Additional Composition or “W” courses
Visual, Literary, & Performing Arts (10 credits)
Introduction to Public Speaking (COM 220)
Other VLPA (5 credits)
Individuals and Societies (10 credits)
Other I&S (5 credits) - CM 250 recommended
Other I&S (5 credits) - ECON 201 recommended
Business and Management (15 credits)
Introduction to Law (MGMT 200)
Introduction to Financial Accounting (ACCTG 215)
Introduction to Managerial Accounting (ACCTG 225)
Construction Sciences (4 credits)
Introduction to Visualization & Computer Aided-Design
(ME 123)
Section H: Applicant Certification - Signature Required to Complete Application
In signing this form:
I acknowledge that statements I have made in this
application are complete and true.
I verify that the personal statement was written by me.
I understand that my application is incomplete without my
Submit this application to:
Full Legal Signature
UW Dept. of Construction Management
Undergraduate Admissions Committee
120 Architecture Hall, Box 351610
Seattle, WA 98195-1610
(206) 685-4438
Date Completed
If hand-delivered, this application must be received in 120 Architecture Hall
by 4:00pm on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. We will only accept mailed
applications after this date.
If mailed, the envelope must bear a postmark dated on or before April 1,
2015. We will not accept mailed applications that do not bear postmarks.
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