Brochure - UCSF Radiology CME - University of California, San
Brochure - UCSF Radiology CME - University of California, San
IMAGING DOWN UNDER JUNE 15–19, 2015 THE FOUR SEASONS SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA 22 CME Credits / 21 SA Credits Optional Workshops in Virtual Colonoscopy 12 credits Prostate MR Imaging 3 credits HRCT of the Chest 3 credits RADIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICAL IMAGING UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO UCSF IMAGING DOWN UNDER JUNE 15–19, 2015 The purpose of this course is to improve and enhance interpretation of body imaging using CT and MR of the chest, abdomen and pelvis. Lectures will provide an updated review of evidence-based practice, including emerging technologies such as CT Colonography, MR imaging techniques and Breast MRI. Additional updates on reducing radiation dose and reimbursement guidelines will be included as relevant. Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to: 1. Improve their performance and interpretation of brain, breast, thoracic and abdominal imaging studies. 2. Recognize the uses and limitations of CT/MRI for various body applications and organ systems. 3. Recognize the appearance and pitfalls of tumors of the brain, lung, pancreas, prostate and kidneys. 4. Understand the techniques used to perform and interpret state-of-the-art CT Colonography, CT Urography, MR Prostate, Hi-Res CT of the Chest, Breast MRI / Biopsy and Neuroimaging. This course will offer 21 Self-Assessment credits: 4.5 in gastrointestinal, 4.5 in genitourinary, 3.0 in pulmonary, 4.5 in breast, and 4.5 in neuro. All SAMs are free with the registration fee (included at no additional charge). As of January 1, 2013, updated MOC Part 2 requirements: 75 CME credits every three years, at least 25 of which must be self-assessment activities (SA-CME, which includes SAMs). For more information: This course also offers Optional Workshops in the following areas: MRI of the Prostate (3 credits), Virtual Colonoscopy (12.25 credits) and HRCT of the Chest (3 credits). AM Abdominal / Chest lectures Abdominal lectures Virtual Colonoscopy (optional) Breast / Neuro / Chest lectures Breast / Neuro lectures PM Prostate MRI (optional) Virtual Colonoscopy (optional) Virtual Colonoscopy (optional) HRCT of the Chest (optional) (no program) photo courtesy of Destination NSW 6/15 Mon 6/16 Tue 6/17 Wed 6/18 Thr 6/19 Fri 2 UCSF Faculty Rizwan Aslam, MBChB, FRCR Course Co-Chair Associate Clinical Professor of Radiology Chief, CT Imaging Veterans Affairs Medical Center Ronald J. Zagoria, MD, FACR Course Co-Chair Professor of Radiology Chief, Abdominal Imaging Vice-Chair, Clinical Operations Brett M. Elicker, MD Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology Chief, Cardiac and Pulmonary Imaging Christopher P. Hess, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Radiology Chief, Neuroradiology Veterans Affairs Medical Center Bonnie N. Joe, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Radiology Chief, Women’s Imaging Mt. Zion Medical Center photo courtesy of Destination NSW Antonio C. Westphalen, MD, MAS Associate Professor of Radiology Judy Yee, MD, FACR Professor and Vice-Chair of Radiology Chief, Radiology Services Veterans Affairs Medical Center Enrollment Pre-registration is encouraged to ensure your space in this course. Pre-register by April 17, 2015 and save $75 on your enrollment fee. TUITION $1,400 for all medical professionals for the general morning lecture sessions; optional workshops for an additional fee. Registration discounts are available for qualifying attendees, please review the registration form on page 15. SYLLABUS An electronic syllabus and paper notebook will be provided onsite. Printable PDFs of presentations will be available online one week prior to the course, so attendees can print out and bring pertinent presentations with them. You must provide an email address with your registration to receive advance syllabus information. Paper copies of presentations will not be provided onsite. p y ON-SITE REGISTRATION Sunday, June 15, 2015 at 6:45 am / The Four Seasons Sydney, Australia 3 Course Program SA Lectures with Self-Assessment MONDAY, JUNE 15, 2015 6:45 am Registration and Continental Breakfast ______________________________________________________________________________________ 7:10 Welcome and Introductions Ronald J. Zagoria, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 7:15 Imaging of Renal Tumors Ronald J. Zagoria, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 8:00 Lung Cancer Screening: the Radiologist’s Key Role Brett M. Elicker, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 8:20 Insights into the Staging of Lung Cancer SA Brett M. Elicker, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 8:45 Peritoneal Masses SA ______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ __________________________ Antonio C. Westphalen, MD 9:30 Renal Tumor Ablation and___________________________ Imaging Follow-up SA Ronald J. Zagoria, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ 10:15 Recess ______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ ___________________________ 10:30 Gynecological MRI: What and Why? SA Antonio C. Westphalen, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 11:15 Pulmonary Embolism: Pearls and Pitfalls Brett M. Elicker, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11:35 Acute Aortic Syndromes: a Case-based Review SA Brett M. Elicker, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 12:00 pm Multiparametric Imaging of the Prostate Antonio C. Westphalen, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 12:45 Questions & Discussion ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1:00 Adjourn MON 2:00 Optional Prostate MRI Workshop, schedule on page 6 TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015 6:45 am Continental Breakfast ______________________________________________________________________________________ 7:15 CT/MRI of Liver Masses SA Antonio C. Westphalen, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 8:00 CT Urography: Techniques and Protocols Ronald J. Zagoria, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 8:45 Pancreatic Lesions: Imaging Update Rizwan Aslam, MB ChB ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 9:30 Practical Approach to Radiographic Contrast Issues Ronald J. Zagoria, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 9:50 The Enemy Within: Non-traumatic Ronald J. Zagoria, MD Abdominal Emergencies SA ______________________________________________________________________________________ 10:15 Recess ______________________________________________________________________________________ 10:30 Virtual Colonoscopy: Prerequisites SA Judy Yee, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 11:15 Virtual Colonoscopy: Technique and Protocols Rizwan Aslam, MB ChB ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 12:00 pm Virtual Colonoscopy: Interpretation and Pitfalls Judy Yee, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 12:45 Questions & Discussion ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1:00 Adjourn TUE 2:00 Optional Virtual Colonoscopy Workshop, schedule on page 7 Accreditation General Session The University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine (UCSF) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. UCSF designates this educational activity for a maximum of 22.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.™ Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. This educational activity meets the requirement under California State Assembly Bill 1195, continuing education and cultural and linguistic competency. 4 SA Lectures with Self-Assessment WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 2015 No formal course program. 7:00 am Optional Virtual Colonoscopy Workshop, schedule on page 7 THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2015 6:45 am Continental Breakfast ______________________________________________________________________________________ Christopher P. Hess, MD, PhD 7:15 Neuroanatomy 101 SA ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 8:00 Breast MRI: Artifacts and Pitfalls Bonnie N. Joe, MD, PhD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 8:45 CNS Infection Review Christopher P. Hess, MD, PhD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 9:30 Breast MRI Biopsy Bonnie N. Joe, MD, PhD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 10:15 Recess ______________________________________________________________________________________ 10:30 Hi-Res CT: Approach to Diagnosis – Part 1 SA Brett M. Elicker, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 11:15 Dementia and Neurodegeneration Christopher P. Hess, MD, PhD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 12:00 Hi Res CT: Approach to Diagnosis – 2 Brett M. Elicker, MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 12:45 pm Questions & Discussion ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1:00 Adjourn THR 2:00 Optional Hi-Res CT of the Chest Workshop, schedule on page 8 FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2015 6:45 am Continental Breakfast ______________________________________________________________________________________ 7:15 Breast MRI Indications and BI-RADS interpretation SA Bonnie N. Joe, MD, PhD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 8:00 Birthmarks and Vascular Anomalies SA Christopher P. Hess, MD, PhD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 8:20 Understanding the Brainstem: the Rule of 4’s Christopher P. Hess, MD, PhD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 8:45 Digital Mammography: an Organized Approach Bonnie N. Joe, MD, PhD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 9:30 Horses and Zebras: Great Neuro Cases Christopher P. Hess, MD, PhD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 9:50 Post-Operative Spine Christopher P. Hess, MD, PhD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 10:15 Recess ______________________________________________________________________________________ 10:30 Diagnostic Mammography: Problem-solving SA Bonnie N. Joe, MD, PhD ______________________________________________________________________________________ SA 11:15 Brain Tumor Imaging: Pearls & Pitfalls Christopher P. Hess, MD, PhD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 12:00 Multi-modality Screening for Breast Cancer Bonnie N. Joe, MD, PhD SA in an Era of Breast Density Legislation ______________________________________________________________________________________ 12:45 pm Questions & Discussion ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1:00 Adjourn FRI The total credits are inclusive of 11.0 in CT, 9.0 in MR, 2.25 in VC, and 4.5 in Breast Imaging. The Breast Imaging credits are inclusive 2.5 in Breast MRI, .5 in Breast US, 1.5 in digital-mammorgraphy, and 0.5 in Stereotactic Biopsy. RANZCR Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists This program has been accepted for RANZCR CPD points. Members may claim 22 points for attendance of the entire conference. For partial attendance, points may be claimed pro rata at 1 point per learning hour 5 Prostate MRI Workshop (Optional) Monday, 2-5 pm / Separate Registration requred, see page 15) This hands-on workshop will instruct audiences in the latest techniques for MR imaging of the prostate for cancer detection, tumor grading and staging. Following introductory lectures, participants will review “unknown” cases imaged with multiparametric MRI. Course materials will include a prostate MRI report template that includes crucial treatment planning factors for reporting. Optimal imaging sequences and their evaluation will be demonstrated. In addition, techniques for computer segmentation, prostate lesion risk stratification, and preparation for MRI-US fusion guided biopsy will be explained and practiced with illustrative cases that participants will work through. MONDAY, JUNE 15, 2015 2:00 pm Multiparametric Prostate MRI Dr. Westphalen Technique and Interpretation 2:30 Basis and Techniques for MR-US Fusion Dr. Zagoria Biopsies of Prostate 3:00 Prostate Biopsy: Gland Segmentation Dr. Westphalen and Lesion Targeting 3:30 Case Review: Interactive and Proctored MRI Drs. Westphalen and Zagoria 5:00 Adjourn Accreditation Prostate MRI Workshop The University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine (UCSF) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. UCSF designates this educational activity for a maximum of 3.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.™ Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Total credits are inclusive of 3.0 in MR. This educational activity meets the requirement under California State Assembly Bill 1195, continuing education and cultural and linguistic competency. This Workshop has been accepted for RANZCR CPD points. 6 Virtual Colonoscopy Workshop (Optional) Tuesday 2-5 pm, Wednesday 6 am – 7 pm) Limited to 20 persons Separate Registration requred, see page 15 This hands-on workshop is targeted for practicing radiologists who are performing or planning to perform Virtual Colonoscopy. The faculty will cover the fundamentals of VC, as well as recent technical advances. The attendees will learn how to perform, interpret and report virtual colonoscopy findings. This course will also enable attendees to develop strategies to recognize and avoid both common and uncommon pitfalls. American College of Radiology Practice Guidelines by the completion of this workshop, attendees will have been instructed to the standard required and fulfill the current recommendations as established by the ACR. Attendees will review 50 proven virtual colonoscopy cases as per ACR guidelines. TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015 2:00 pm 3:00 5:00 Workstation Orientation VC Cases: Normal Findings and Pitfalls Adjourn Drs. Yee and Aslam Drs. Yee and Aslam Drs. Yee and Aslam WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 2015 6:45 am 7:15 10:15 10:30 12:30 pm 1:30 3:30 3:45 6:00 pm Continental Breakfast VC Cases 1–15: Basic Recess VC Cases 16–25: Intermediate Recess VC Cases 26- 35: Advanced Recess VC Cases 36-50: Challenging Adjourn Accreditation Drs. Yee and Aslam Drs. Yee and Aslam Drs. Yee and Aslam Drs. Yee and Aslam Virtual Colonscopy Workshop The University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine (UCSF) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. UCSF designates this educational activity for a maximum of 12.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.™ Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Total credits are inclusive of 12.25 in CT Colonography. This educational activity meets the requirement under California State Assembly Bill 1195, continuing education and cultural and linguistic competency. This Workshop has been accepted for RANZCR CPD points. 7 High-Resolution CT Workshop (Optional) Thursday, 2-5 pm / Separate Registration requred, see page 15 This hands-on workshop will introduce attendees to both basic and complex topics in the imaging of diffuse lung disease, and to increase an attendee’s knowledge and proficiency when dealing with this complex and difficult topic. Following introductory presentations, attendees will analyze unknown cases. Emphasis will be placed on pattern recognition, differential diagnosis and the role of radiology in the context of the multi-disciplinary approach to diffuse lung disease. Topics that will be covered include: usual interstitial pneumonia and its mimics, pattern-based approach to diffuse nodular lung disease, small airways and vascular diseases, and rare diffuse lung diseases. THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2015 2:00 pm Usual Interstitial Pneumonia and its Mimics Dr. Elicker 2:30 Comprehensive Approach to Diffuse Nodular Dr. Elicker Lung Disease 3:00 Small Airways and Vascular Diseases Dr. Elicker 3:30 Asking the Right Questions: Dr. Elicker Radiologist as Clinician 4:00 Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation Dr. Elicker 4:30 Rare Diffuse Lung Diseases Dr. Elicker 5:00 Adjourn HRCT of the Lung Workshop The University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine (UCSF) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. UCSF designates this educational activity for a maximum of 3.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.™ Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Total credits are inclusive of 3.0 in CT. This educational activity meets the requirement under California State Assembly Bill 1195, continuing education and cultural and linguistic competency. This Workshop has been accepted for RANZCR CPD points. 8 photos on this page courtesy of Destination NSW Accreditation photos on this page courtesy of Destination NSW LAX Didgeridoo SYD 9 Skyline with Royal Botanical Gardens The City of Sydney Sydney is the most populous city in Australia and one of the most multicultural cities in the word. Originally established as a British penal colony in the 1770s, Sydney has become a favorite tourist destination due to its diverse heritage, cultural richness, and inviting beaches & parks. Australia’s dramatic geographical topography and its unique animal species have made it a “mustsee” for world-travelers. The blend of native Aboriginal, tropical Pacific and British cultures have combined to give “Sidneysiders” a clever, laid-back and friendly disposition. Koalas photos on this page courtesy of Destination NSW Bondi Beach 10 Kanagaroo City Highlights A boat tour around Sydney Harbour is the best way to get a feel for the layout and size of the city, as well as an opportunity to consider other highlights you may want to tour. The Taronga Zoo in Sydney Harbour is home for over 350 species, including koalas, kangaroos, wombats and other native creatures. The Sea Life Aquarium takes advantage of Sydney’s harbour location and is home to over 650 species of fish and aquatic life from the surrounding waters, and includes sharks, rays and coral reef habitats. Aquarium Hyde Park is a popular central destination, and also houses the Hyde Park Barracks Museum and the Chinese Garden of Friendship. The Queen Victoria Building, built in 1898, takes up an entire city block and has over 180 boutiques, shoppes and eateries. Whale Watching Season begins with the May migration, so June is an ideal time to take a whale watching tour or just keep a look-out. Sydney beaches offer a variety of watersports, including snorkeling, kayaking, and surf schools. Bondi is one of Sydney’s most popular beachs and is connected to the Coogee coastal walk. Manly Beach includes a ferry ride and offers a vist to the Sea Life Sanctuary. Queen Victoria Centre Indigenous Culture is highlighted through museums, galleries and dance, as well as through the Aboriginal Heritage Tour; museums such as the Australian Museum, the Maritime Museum and the Museum of Sydney chronicle the colonization of the past 250 years. There are a variety of galleries and museums to cater to a range of interests and tastes -- as well as plays, concerts, dance and other artistic offerings. photos on this page courtesy of Destination NSW photos on this page courtesy of Destination NSW Sydney’s Royal Botanical Gardens are an oasis of 30 hectares in the heart of the city near the Opera House and Harbour. Aboriginal Dancers Government House 11 Harbour with Royal Botanical Gardens Four Seasons Sydney Outstanding Luxury Hotel Award World’s Best Hotels Australia’s Leading Conference Hotel Hotel Club Travel & Leisure World Travel Awards hotel photos couresty of the Four Seasons Sydney The Four Seasons is centrally located on Sydney Harbour between the Harbour Bridge, Opera House, Queen Victoria Building and Sea Life Aquarium. This makes it an ideal home-base as many popular sites are nearby. The Hotel maintains the high standards of service, detail and quality that make The Four Seasons a preferred venue for the discriminating traveler. The Aeon Spa offers a full line of treatments, and the fitness centre is accessible 24/7. After a day of excursions you may relax by taking advantage of the swimming pool, steam room and sauna. Hyde Park 12 photos on this page courtesy of Destination NSW Pei Modern, the recently opened in-house bistro restaurant is a sister location of the internationally recognized Pei Modern Melbourne that won The Age Best New Restaurant Award 2013. Based on locally sourced and quality produce, the restaurant delivers wood-fired and wool-grilled specialties, great wines and warm, friendly service. photo co rtes of Destination NSW 2014 2013 2012 Accommodations Book Online: Using Promo Code: 0615UCSF Room Rate: AUD$ 295 Run of House Deluxe Reservation deadline: May 14, 2015 The conference roomrates are offered from June 12–21 (depending on availability). US Toll-Free: 800–819–5053 Email: [email protected] Tel: +612–9250–3100 / Fax: +612–9251–2851 199 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia Room rate includes in-room internet. 24-hour access to the Health Club and complimentary overnight shoeshine When making your accommodation decisions, please take into consideration that staying at the host hotel helps UCSF meet its contractual obligations and keeps registration fees reasonable. The Four Seasons Sydney has reserved a limited block of rooms at special room rates for this conference. Email or call the hotel and mention that you are attending the UCSF Radiology course to receive the discounted rates. A credit card number is required to confirm your reservation, and a non-refundable one-night deposit will be charged. Rates are inclusive the Federal Goods & Services Tax (GST). Roll-away bed charge of $70 per night. Check-in is 3:00 pm, check-out is 12:00 noon. Late check-outs will be charged 50% of the nightly roomrate. Reservations cancelled at least 7 days prior to scheduled arrival will forfeit the one-night deposit; cancellations made less than 7 days will be charged for the full reservation. photo courtesy of Destination NSW photos on this page courtesy of Destination NSW hotel photos couresty of the Four Seasons Sydney Conference rates for reservation requests made after the above deadline cannot be guaranteed and will be extended on a space and rate-available basis only. 13 Air Travel UCSF Radiology has fare discounts with Delta and United Airlines for radiology course attendees to Sydney. To ensure the lowest fares, please book directly with the airline website using the discount codes below: Airline Website Code Phone Delta NMKAB 800–328–1111 United ZSN9112526 800–426–1122 ($25 fee via phone) Sydney Airport code = SYD; photo courtesy of Destination NSW Manly Beach Travel Information & Tips PASSPORTS AND VISAS: All non-Australian/NZ citizens require a passport. An ETA 601 visa (Electronic Travel Authority) is required for USA and Canadian citizens, this replaces the visa stamped in one’s passport. CURRENCY: The currency is the Australian Dollar (AUD). As of September 2014, $1 USD equalled approximately $1.10 AUD. ATMs throughout Sydney accept Visa, Amex and Mastercard, as well as other major credit/debit cards.You will likely receive better rates if you wait to exchange money in Australia. SAFETY AND HEALTH: No innoculations or additional health precautions are required. 14 WEATHER: the temperature in June is usually around 18C (65F) during the day, and 10C (50F) in the evening. TIME ZONE: Sydney is 14 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight time and 17 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight time. TIPPING: tipping for waitstaff and taxidrivers is generally not expected (as service wages are higher than in North America). You may want to tip an additional 10% for superior service. Waitstaff usually pool extra tips. PUBLIC TRANSIT: Visit the website above for information on bus, train, ferry, light-rail and multi-use tickets. 15 Online at Fax this form to 415−502−1795 Mail this form to UCSF Office of CME, PO Box 45368, SF, CA 94145–0368 Phone using Visa, Amex or MC, 415−476−5808, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm (Pacific time) Last Degree Area code Check, payable to UC Regents. American Express day No After 4/17/15 6/19 Fri Standard Registration $1,500 VC Registration with General Session Full Registration (VC Workhsop only) $ 225 Standard Registration Thursday 6/18 from 2:00 – 5:00 pm / 3 credits HRCT of the Chest Workshop (Optional, separate registration required) $2,000 Tue 6/16 2–5 pm & Wed 6/17 7:15 am – 6 pm / 12.25 credits Virtual Colonoscopy Workshop (Optional, separate registration required) $ 225 Monday 6/15 from 2:00 – 5:00 pm / 3 credits Prostate MRI Workshop (Optional, separate registration required) (no discounts, cancellation policy applies) 6/18 Thr $300 per 6/16 Tue 6/15 Mon Daily Fee: $ 905 $ 980 Platinum Status 30% disc 3+ UCSF Rad pd courses 2014 cal yr ________________________________________________________________ $1,045 $1,120 Gold Status 20% discount 2 UCSF Rad pd courses 2014 cal yr ________________________________________________________________ $1,185 $1,260 Silver Status 10% discount 1 UCSF Rad pd course 2014 cal yr ________________________________________________________________ Cancellation A refund of the enrollment fee, less $75, will be made upon receipt of a written request only (fax or email) by Friday, May 29, 2015. No refunds will be made after this date. Payment may be made by credit card or by check or money order drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. currency. We regret that we cannot accept checks drawn on foreign banks. Enrollment confirmation will be mailed to you within two weeks of receipt of the application. In the unlikely event that the program is cancelled, UCSF Radiology will refund the registration fee in full, but cannot be responsible for any hotel or travel costs. Loyalty Discount applies only to live courses attended REGISTRATION $1,325 $1,400 Standard Registration No UCSF Rad pd course 2014 cal yr ________________________________________________________________ By 4/17/15 GENERAL SESSION (RAD15 034) Mon/Tue/Thr/Fri from 7:15 am to 1:00 pm / 22 credits UCSF IMAGING DOWN UNDER Exp. Date _________________ Signature __________________________________ Card No. _________________________________________________________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT Visa Mastercard month Month/Day of Birth for record verification: _______ / _______ / X X Would you like to receive general UCSF Radiology CME email notices? Yes You must provide an email address with your registration to receive advance syllabus information. Paper copies will not be provided on site. E-mail ___________________________________________________________________ Area code Tel _________________________ Fax _________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ First Name ____________________________________________________________________ REGISTRANT INFORMATION (PLEASE PRINT) 1. 2. 3. 4. Four easy ways to register: photo courtesy of Destination NSW 16 ADDRESS CHANGES: To facilitate change-of-address, please return the full mailing panel and do not cross out the original address. Thank you. Cover photo courtesy of Destination NSW Nov 9–13 Breast and Women’s Imaging Palm Springs, CA ______________________________________________________________ Dec 6–11 Imaging Warm-up in Costa Rica Playa Herradura, CR Sep 17–19 Virtual Colonoscopy Workshop San Francisco, CA ______________________________________________________________ Nov 1–6 Imaging Update on the Valley Isle Maui, HI ______________________________________________________________ Aug 24–28 UCSF Radiology Clinical Highlights San Francisco, CA ______________________________________________________________ Sep 14–18 Interventional Radiology Review San Francisco, CA ______________________________________________________________ Jun 15–19 Imaging Down Under Sydney, Australia ______________________________________________________________ Aug 5–9 Musculoskeletal MRI & Workshop San Diego, CA ______________________________________________________________ May 17-22 Imaging on the California Coast Santa Barbara, CA ______________________________________________________________ May 28–30 Virtual Colonoscopy Workshop San Francisco, CA ______________________________________________________________ Feb 26–28 Virtual Colonoscopy Workshop San Francisco, CA ______________________________________________________________ Mar 13–15 Breast Imaging Update San Francisco, CA ______________________________________________________________ Feb 8–13 Neuro & Musculoskeletal Imaging Kona, HI ______________________________________________________________ Feb 22–27 UCSF Radiology Annual Review San Fancisco, CA ______________________________________________________________ Jan 25–27 Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Imaging Palm Springs, CA ______________________________________________________________ Jan 28–30 Abdominal & Pelvic Imaging Palm Springs, CA ______________________________________________________________ Jan 11–16 2015 Breast Imaging & Emerging Technologies Kona, HI ______________________________________________________________ Jan 18–23 Body Imaging Update Kona, HI ______________________________________________________________ UPCOMING CME CONFERENCES View, print brochures, and register online: Program dates, topics, and locations are subject to change prior to brochure publication. DATED MATERIAL PLEASE POST Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Univ. of California This course is self-supporting and receives no state funding. UCSF IMAGING DOWN UNDER JUNE 15–19, 2015 / Sydney, Australia Radiology Continuing Education 3333 California Street, Suite 375 San Francisco, CA 94143-0629 RAD15 034
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