“Leading the Digital Leap” 2015 NH CTO Clinic


“Leading the Digital Leap” 2015 NH CTO Clinic
“Leading the Digital Leap”
2015 NH CTO Clinic
May 8, 2015 – Church Landing at the Inn at Mills Falls, Meredith, NH
Tentative Agenda:
8:00 - 8:45
Registration / Continental Breakfast / Exhibits
8:45 - 9:00
Introduction: About the NH CTO Council / CoSN Top 5
9:00 - 10:15
Keynote: Superintendent Mark Edwards, Mooresville Graded School District
Mark Edwards, Ed.D., is considered a pioneer of 1:1 computing in public schools. He currently serves
as superintendent of the Mooresville Graded School District (MGSD) in Mooresville, NC, and was
named 2013 National Superintendent of the Year by the American Association of School
Administrators. Previously, Dr. Edwards was superintendent of the Danville and Henrico, VA school
districts. He was named 2013 North Carolina Superintendent of the Year, 2003 Harold W. McGraw
Prize in Education recipient, 2001 Virginia Superintendent of the Year, and 2002 eSchool News
Magazine’s Tech Savvy Superintendent. He has also served as the Dean of the University of Northern
Alabama's College of Education. He is the author of Every Child, Every Day: A Digital Conversion
Model for Student Achievement.
10:15 – 10:45
10:45 – 11:30
Smart Education Networks by Design:
Advances in technology make it possible for
students to experience personalized learning
anytime and anywhere, but only if our school
systems have well-designed networks that
support the increased demands of rapidly
evolving technologies. Learn about best practices
in network design, wireless design, bandwidth,
and device management, as well as continual
investment in infrastructure.
Protecting Privacy in Connected Learning:
Educators and policymakers are increasingly
realizing the potential in using student data to
make informed decisions, and "freemium" cloud
services to provide great content. This
Drummond Woodsum discussion will consider
the challenge of balancing the benefits of
technology advances with the need to protect
student privacy and data.
11:45 - 12:15
Tier 1 Sponsor Sessions
12:20 - 1:20
Lunch / IT Leadership Trends from the 2015 Horizon Report
1:30 - 2:15
2:15 – 2:45
2:45 – 3:30
3:45 – 4:45
5:00 - 6:00
Leadership for Mobile Learning:
Mobile learning has the power to change how we teach
and learn and to provide the platform for an
individualized education. Our panel will discuss mobile
learning and moving our districts forward with effective
implementation strategies. Digital transformation is
becoming a reality in many districts, while others are
just beginning their journey. We will examine various
models, best practices, barriers, and the technological
infrastructure required to make mobile devices
meaningful in the hands of our students and teachers.
We will also introduce the CoSN LML initiative, which
provides resources that are on-point and relevant to
district leaders in the “new normal” of constant change.
Smart District Management Empowering the 21st Century District
District offices should be a model of
efficient use of technology tools. Join us
for a discussion of how technology and
business leaders are helping their districts
to reduce costs and improve efficiency
with paperless initiatives, office
automation, digital school board packets,
collaborative budgeting, business
intelligence, and electronic workflows.
Smart IT - Is your IT Program on Track? How Do You
Technology leaders are constantly working to
strategically plan and manage IT investments. Discuss
tools and resources that focus on sustainable
computing, total cost of ownership, value of
investment, and budget management. CoSN's SmartIT
resource will help guide you through the process of
planning and managing a budget and your department
with special focuses on: demonstrating a return on
investment (ROI); saving money through sustainable
practices; connecting and aligning financial leadership;
KPIs; and tips for the coming school year.
Unlocking Human Capability - Roles of
Tech Integrators & IT Staff:
Join a panel of NH Tech Integrators,
Library Media Specialists and Technology
Leaders as they discuss the role of
Technology Integrator in their district, and
their overlap with other staff, such as
desktop support technicians. Should
Technology Integrators teach pull-out
classes? Should they provide a limited
amount of desktop support to teachers?
Should they be responsible for managing
devices such as tablets? What are the
frustrations they experience?
Keynote: CITO Lenny Schad, Houston ISD
Lenny Schad has been in the technology field for 25 years. During that time, his career has taken him
into many business sectors where he has established a very successful leadership and management
track record. His business sector experience includes hospitality, government, oil & gas, investment
banking, and education. Highlights of his career include managing and leading technology
departments for the 1991 Economic Summit of Industrialized Nations and the 1992 Republican
National Convention, as well as creating and managing technology departments for joint ventures
and global organizations. He is a recognized leader whose innovative management style has created
highly effective Information Technology departments. For the past 11 years, Mr. Schad has worked in
the K-12 Education space and is currently CITO for the nation’s 7th largest school district, Houston
ISD. Mr. Schad’s first book, “Bring Your Own Learning: Transform Instruction with any Device” was
published this year.
Cocktail Hour – Comedy