April2015_Newsletter - Deep South Orchid Society


April2015_Newsletter - Deep South Orchid Society
April 2015
April Meeting
Date: Monday The 13th
Place: The Savannah Mall
Community Room
Time: 7:00PM
Greenhouse Update
Our greenhouse at the Botanical Gardens continues to show stunning results. Don’t wait for the
May meeting to check things out. Jim Kiplinger
has dedicated many hours to making a showplace we can all be proud of. Thank goodness
he’s “retired” now.
The President’s Column
Hello All,
We are now in April and what a spring we have had.
At the March meeting Tom Wise was our guest
speaker. Tom’s presentation was the Bakers Dozen of
orchids that can be grown in our area.
We have scheduled the annual Society picnic. The
date will be 14 June at the Coastal Georgia Botanical
Gardens (CGBG). Our Society has a tremendous relationship with the CGBG.
The topic for this meeting will be preparing your orchids for the show. We will also discuss classification
for registering. Some outstanding orchids are not
judged because they have been misclassified. Remember the rule of thumb, when judging you can always
move forward, never back.
The greenhouse is doing well and there are quite a few
plants that are in bloom. A big thank you has to go to
Jim. Jim has dedicated the time needed to bring the
greenhouse to a professional level. Jim is making it
On a personal note, Dave and I never win anything
big, however that changed during the Jacksonville
Show. We won the cypress potting bench.
Continued on Page 2
In This Issue:
Orchids in the
The President’s Column
April Program Details
Orchid Calendar
Orchid Show Poster
Board of Directors Minutes
April Plant Sale
The Deep South Orchid Society Website — www.deepsouthorchid.org
April 2015 - Page 2
Deep South Orchid Society Newsletter
President’s Column continued from Page 1
This item is impressive. It is so impressive it is almost the size of my Fiesta.
The Jacksonville Society delivered it to my sister and now we have to get the
bench home. I do have a picture of it that my sister sent me.
See everyone on April 13th for our meeting.
Cheryl Holesovsky
New Location for May Meeting
It’s nice to have a change of pace and that’s what’s
in store for our May meeting. The meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 17th at 2:00PM. What’s different is that it will be at the Coastal Georgia Botanical
Gardens. So you will have a chance to go to a daytime meeting in the Gardens. While there, you can
checkout our greenhouse and see all of our beautiful
orchids. This is a not to be missed meeting and I
look forward to seeing everyone there.
April Meeting on
“Preparing your Orchids for the Show and Classification”
This is that exciting time when we all count off the days with rapid anticipation to the Annual Deep South Orchid Show. (If you don’t seem to have
that rapid anticipation, breath deeply and it will come.) What better time
to learn how to show your Orchids and where they are classified. It not
only gets your Orchids ready, it gets you to appreciate the effort everyone
who displays has to exert. So come learn a little!
P.S. Check out, in another part of this newsletter, the great sale happening
at the meeting.
The Deep South Orchid Society Website — www.deepsouthorchid.org
April 2015 - Page 3
Deep South Orchid Society Newsletter
Orchid Care
Courtesy of MyOrchidCare.com
Orchid Care Calendar
The cycle of orchid growth and bloom is fascinating to watch. Keeping in sync with these cycles by actively
fertilizing and repotting at the optimal times leads to greater success in orchid growing. Depending on where
you live, the cycle of orchid growth and bloom may be different than it is for us here in Washington, D.C. The
chart below shows what we will be doing and looking for in each season. (Ed. Note: I have only included
Spring and Summer) This chart is just a guideline, you may experience different cycles based upon your environment and orchid collection.
Please note that not every orchid requires repotting every year, though the repotting status of each orchid
should be checked. For example, in the Spring we will check our Brassovola to see if they need repotting. If
one was repotted last year, is healthy and not growing out of the pot, and the mix looks like it will last another
year then that plant will wait until next year to be repotted. We try not to go more than 2 years between repotting, far less for Phals, Paphs, Phrags and seedlings.
Repot Brassavola, Cymbidium, Dendrobium,
Epidendrum, Lycaste, Masdevalia, Odontoglossom, Oncidium, Paphs, Seedlings, Phrags & Psychopsis
Repot Phals & Cattleya as they go out of bloom,
finish repotting of Paphs by early summer. Also
repot late blooming epidendrums.
Look for blooms on: Cattleya, Epidendrum, Phalaenopsis, Vanda & late blooming Paphs
Look for blooms on: Catasetum, Doritis, Doritaenopsis, Encyclia, Miltonia, Stanhopea &
Increase strength of fertilization and check light
levels as they become stronger. Greenhouses and
sun porches may need shadecloth installed.
Continue fertilizing at twice the winter rate. Increase watering to compensate for moisture lost
during high temperatures.
Move orchids with high light needs outside for
the summer.
Look for new growth on Brassavola, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Epidendrum, Lycaste, Masdevalia, Odontoglossom, Oncidium, Paphs,
Phals, Phrags & Psychopsis - stake as necessary.
The Deep South Orchid Society Website — www.deepsouthorchid.org
Deep South Orchid Society Newsletter
The Deep South Orchid Society Website — www.deepsouthorchid.org
April 2015 - Page 4
April 2015 - Page 5
Deep South Orchid Society Newsletter
Board of Directors Minutes
March 30, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm at the Savannah Mall Hospitality Room. The following were in attendance:
Christina Negrea
Pat Keplinger
Bob Carson
David Jarell
Kim Owens
Jim Keplinger
Rosie Southard
Stanley Konter
Gail Mathews
The minutes were read and approved as submitted
Greenhouse Update
 We have lots of blooms on our plants
 Jim suggested that members who work the greenhouse should clean the pots of weeds and cut stems off orchids after the
bloom has died
 Jim has sprayed all the benches
 Mr. Winters from the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens has approved us to hold our meetings there and also to have our
show there next year
 A proposal was made to hold our meetings on a Sunday afternoon beginning at 2:00, it was voted upon, seconded and passed
 Sunday, May 17th at 2:00 will be our first meeting at the CGBG
 Stanley will put the information in the newsletter and Jim and Rosie will do a phone chain to remind everyone
 Mr. Winters would like the Society to give him a calendar of our dates for our meetings so he can put them on his calendar
 Rosie made a motion to have our picnic in June at the CGBG, the motion was seconded and passed
 Our picnic will be June 14th at the CGBG, more information to following next month
A motion was made to move the May meeting to Sunday afternoon beginning at 2:00, motion was seconded and passed
Show Update
 Gail has all the vendors lined up and the Societies
 Art will be judged by an artist this year, not a judge
 Greg Mosely volunteered to pick up all the supplies from storage for the show
 Cheryl and Sandy will do registration
 Cheryl is trying to get a printer, if not Bob volunteered his printer
 Our meeting room will more than likely be our Hospitality Room, Gail will know next week
 Barbie Lentz and Christina will do hospitality
 We need to contact Senior Services again to see if they would be interested in coming to our show
Saturday, David Jarell will be our “Orchid Doctor” at our Society table. We will also ask Greg Mosely if he would be interested
April 13th Meeting
 The topic will be “Preparing your orchids for the show and classification”
We would like to have a raffle and Christina will have hospitality
New Business
 Gail will call Hauserman’s Orchids to see if they would like to be our guest
speaker for May, if not we will ask Marble Branch Farms
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm
Next Board Meeting will be May 4th, 2015 at 6:30 pm
Respectfully submitted
Pat Keplinger
Recording Secretary
The Deep South Orchid Society Website — www.deepsouthorchid.org
April 2015 - Page 6
Deep South Orchid Society Newsletter
Picnic is Planned
Mark your calendars, save the date, practice up on your etiquette, get hungry our Annual Picnic has a date.
We will join together for all the
merriment at the Coastal Georgia
Botanical Gardens on June 14th.
More info will come next month,
but get ready.
Big Plant Sale at the April Meeting
Gail will be bringing Blc Sarah Palin Mericlone Seedlings. Please don’t be put off by the name, these are
really smart orchids. Gail is not sure which clone they will bring, but both are beautiful, so who cares.
Ready for the Real
Shocker, they are $3.00
each. If you don’t get to the
meeting, you won’t be able
to get one, or several.
Deep South Orchid Society Board of Directors
President : Cheryl Holesovsky
Vice Pres. : Christina Negrea
Treasurer: Bob Carson
Secretary: Pat Keplinger
Past President: Dee Van Meer
Newsletter Guy: Stanley Konter
Members at Large:
Rosie Southard
Charles Breitenbach
Greenhouse: Dave Holesovsky
Jim Keplinger
Website: Kim Owens
The Deep South Orchid Society Website — www.deepsouthorchid.org