Delayed Start/Final Bell 9:45 Derby Do`s


Delayed Start/Final Bell 9:45 Derby Do`s
Week at a Glance
Monday, (4-27)
4:00 pm Girls’ Soccer vs Covington
Tuesday, (4-28)
4:30 pm Track and Field vs Berkshire (Seaholm)
4:00 pm Boys’ Tennis vs Berkshire
Wednesday, (4-29)
Delayed Start/Final Bell 9:45
4:00 pm Girls’ Soccer vs West Hills
Thursday, (4-30)
Friday, (5-1)
9:20 am Principal’s Coffee followed by the PTA Meeting/Everyone
Important Location Change
The PTA Meeting will be at Panera Bread in downtown Birmingham
Derby Do’s
For the safety of our children, each visitor must be buzzed in individually. Please do not allow
others in with you.
When dropping off students please remember not to park in the front loop at drop off and
pick up times. Also during drop off and pick up, please keep traffic moving so as to ease the
traffic buildup.
Please call the school as early as possible to report absences or tardies. In order to
reduce classroom interruptions, please send notes to the main office for early dismissal.
Lockers MUST be locked at all times. The school is not responsible for personal items.
Do encourage your students to use the office telephone to contact you. Messages can also
be taken in the office for the students. Texting is not allowed during the school day. Thank you
for your assistance with this issue.
Continue to encourage your student(s) to dress in accordance with the dress code in order
to maintain an environment focused on learning and growth every day.
Get involved! We love having parent volunteers in the building during the day and at
events…you are an integral part of the academic and social growth and development of our
students! Come in and experience the great things that happen at Derby every day Contact
Derby PTA for details on how you can get involved.
Due to a full student capacity on several buses, please check with the office before planning
on your student either riding with another student or inviting someone on your student’s bus.
All exempted absences (EE) for doctor appointments must be accompanied by a note
from the physician or authorized medical personnel.
Students are allowed to carry an inhaler or epi-pen on them if there is a physician’s
note on file in the office. All other medications must be kept in the office with
appropriate authorization. Please call the main office for further information.
Connect with us at Derby!
As a Reminder
We are in full swing of the M-Step testing. The testing window for Derby
students will be: 8th grade April 14th – April 29th; 7th grade April 30th – May 18th 7th;
6th grade May 19th - June 5th. It is extremely important for all students to attend
school during our testing window. If possible, please refrain from scheduling
doctor appointments during the school day.
It is essential for all students to be well rested and to eat a nutritious breakfast prior to
testing so they will perform at their optimal level. All students must bring a novel into
their testing lab, which they can borrow from our Media Center. Please remind your
child that electronics will not be permitted into the testing labs.
Below is a link detailing the M-Step test, which can also be found on our homepage.
Dress Code
With the warm weather approaching, it is a great time to review some mandatory dress
code guidelines.
Straps must be at least two finger widths
Shorts/skirts and dresses must be at least fingertip length with the arms fully
No bare midriffs
Thank you for your cooperation in addressing this issue with your students!
Derby 8th Grade Celebration
Please Join Us in Honoring Our Students!
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Ceremony in Derby Gymnasium*
Student and Parent Reception
8th Grade Student-Only Dance
Special Occasion Attire
School dress code applies. Please, no jeans.
*Two guests per student please.
Registration forms are available in the Main Office.
Derby Middle School will be performing Alice in Wonderland JR
this year!
A great show for ALL ages! Please come to support your friends, family and
community on April 30th 6:00 pm, May 1st 7:00 pm & May 2nd 7:00 pm
Tickets may be purchased during the lunch hours (11:08am – 12:47pm) at Derby
beginning April 27th. Ticket prices are $10 for adults and $6 for students.
They will also be available in the lobby one hour before on performance nights.
Performances will take place in the gymnasium. See you there!
Congratulations to the following students for
their participation with the Birmingham Education Foundation's
Expedition 2015. The theme for the expedition was "Designing a
Better World," and several Derby 7th graders did just that. These students did an
independent research project by learning how natural products that don't harm the
environment can be substituted for convenience products that harm the environment. For
example, students came up with safe alternatives for all-purpose cleaners, floor polish, facial
scrubs, stain removers, etc. These students did an exceptional job presenting their research and
we are all very proud of these Derby Dragons:
Makani Pearcy
Brooke Fowle
Jaylen Simelane
Alexa Crowe
Thu-Ann Tran
Hailey Cohen
Kate Kiefer
Paige Tait
Leah Kim
Kayla Gray
Grace Shenefelt
Davis Kurepa-Peers
Jenna Burdick
Sara Burg
Ben Jarrett
Prudence Kanter
Jenna Warren
Marti Lombarte-Soler
Naomi Richardson
Luke Allen
Jacob Moslimani
As part of the 8th graduation celebration, we will be taking a black and white Head Shot
of your son/daughter in the Derby courtyard. These portraits are included in the price
of your celebration ticket and will be displayed in the hallway at 8th Grade Celebration.
Following the celebration you can take it home. Please have your child camera ready
on the scheduled date below.
We will have two parent volunteer photographers at school that week during lunch/rec
time to take the pictures.
Students will be photographed with their A2 class - see Photography
schedule below:
Monday April 27th Mr. Tuomi & Mr. Butchko, Ms. Phillips
Tuesday April 28th Mr. Perrone & Ms. Jarvis
Wednesday April 29th Ms. Pavlock & Mr. Zangkas
Thursday April 30th Mr. Auten, Mrs. Wind, Mr. Thayer & Ms Hawkins
Friday May 1st Marcuson & Makeup Day
Any questions please contact Tammy Hanna at [email protected]
Please join Derby Middle School on April 26th at Somerset
Mall. We have created a team for the Walk 4 Autism. We would love to have students and
parents come out to walk as well. The registration fee is $10.00. It would be so fun to have
a strong Derby showing! Below is the link to register. Please share with your friends and family
:) Derby’s team is named Derby’s Puzzle Pack.
SAVE THE DATE For a Very Special Occasion April 26th 3:00 PM - 4:30
PM at Troy Gymnastics, 1600 W. Maple, we are doing a fundraiser in honor of Jonathan
McKee. Jonathan was a lover of the outdoors and spent two (2) summers at Camp
Michindoh and one week with his Harlan 5th Grade Class. It had a huge impact on him
and we'd like to make this possible for many more kids. Proceeds will go to a climbing
wall with his bronzed hand-print on it and a scholarship fund for the camp for kids in
need. A special portion earmarked for Harlan children. Please come and have a fun
afternoon and help some kids in honor of Jonathan. $15 at the door. Must have waiver
signed. Ages 0-23. Will be supervised. If you cannot make the event and want to
donate, here is the link to gofundme: p21ims
(Click the previous link to support Jonathan McKee Memorial by Karen Swisher McKee)
Jonathan McKee was a lover of the outdoors and being free. We are raising money in
his honor to support a camp where we have wonderful memories of him.
Everyone is invited. Please Share!
Parents: Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 28, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
for CHOICES Youth Dialogue Day 2015. This all area high schools, student-driven event will be held at the
First Presbyterian Church in Birmingham and feature the Honorable Judge Diane D’Agostini, from
48th District Court, who will bring live court cases to demonstrate the real-life consequences which come from
decisions to use alcohol and/or drugs. Attendees will also hear a young man who is in recovery and from our
community, speak about his journey. Students, parents and other interested community members are
encouraged to attend. There is no charge to attend this event, although donations will be accepted. RSVP to:
Leanne at [email protected]. Visit for more info.
Youth Mental Health First Aid USA Trainings for adults assisting youth.
Saturday, May 16, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Taught by certified instructors, you will learn to recognize the signs
and symptoms of anxiety, depression, substance abuse disorders and psychosis in youth ages 12-18. You will
also learn what to do until appropriate professionals and other help can begin. To register, contact Leanne
at [email protected] or call 248-203-4615. We need 20-30 participants to hold this training. There is
no cost to attend. For more information visit for more info. All trainings held at BPS
Education and Administration Building, 31301 Evergreen, Beverly Hills.
Visit for more info about keeping our youth safe & substance free.