Newsletter Feb 2015.indd


Newsletter Feb 2015.indd
Vol. 35 No. 2
The International Publication of IGBO
February 2015
Disclaimer: Inclusion in the pages of this newsletter, either in text or photographs, is not a reflection of any indivudual’s sexual orientation.
Jacksonville shows IGBO some true southern hospitality
Did you get Some South in Your Mouth?
At this year’s Mid-Year tournament, the Jacksonville crew pulled
out all the stops to ensure you experienced true Southern Hospitality.
From the endless Hospitality Suite
to the Karaoke at the Women’s/New
Bowler social, the good times rolled
on. James Fuller and the gang even
reenacted the famous “Dirty Dancing” dance scene, lift and all.
The very generous 252 bowlers
from three countries helped make
this a very lucrative tournament.
The tournament prize fund will be
just over $33,000 and across the two
years hundreds of pounds of food
and in excess of $8,000 has been
donated to our charities. Most of the
donations have gone to NFAN, the
Northeast Florida AIDS Network.
NFAN works with folks in our local
community that are living with
HIV/AIDS. A cause that is near and
dear to our entire community.
The last two years have been full
of very hard work, but it has been
a true labor of love for the Jacksonville crew. We encourage other
Tournament Directors of small
tournaments to consider running
an Annual or Mid-Year Tournament. The economic impact on
your city is well worth the work. We
made this a Southern Region event.
Without the help of all the tournaments and leagues in our region,
our fundraising goals would never
have been met. Dixie in Atlanta and
COPIT in Fort Myers were both kind
enough to allow us to run brackets
at their tournaments. FLIRT, SIT,
GAGME, HIC, and ORBIT all did
their share of work, selling raffle
tickets benefitting the Mid-Year and
we owe them a huge “THANK YOU”
for all their hard work.
Often the question is asked “What
has IGBO done for me”. My answer
is “IGBO gave me all of you” and I
am very Thankful for that. I hope
the next time you ask that question,
you will have a similar answer.
2014 Hack Awards to Frable and Silliman
Congratulations to Steve Frable and Rob Silliman, the 2014
Hack Award winners.
Click here to read more about Steve
Click here to read more about Rob.
November greeting from President McDaniel
Trends and Observations
Greetings IGBO Bowlers,
As most of our membership are
preparing for what has been
predicted to be a winter of
epic proportions (which
is exactly why I choose to
live in Florida), our fall/
winter leagues are in full
swing, and our Annual
Renewal process has drawn
to a close. Each year at this
time I find myself anxious
to learn the outcome of
our renewals – have our numbers
increased this year, or did the declinein-membership trend continue for
another year? Unfortunately, it appears
that the trend continues.
After the initial renewal period
(tournaments not renewing late),
we’re down 16 leagues and 7
tournaments. Additionally, the
number of league bowlers has dipped
below 10,000 for the first time that I
can remember – although I’m old,
and my memory isn’t what it used to
be. Now what were we talking about?
Oh yes, trends and observations. So
as uninspiring as these figures may
be, I’ve made a few observations
in my own leagues and through
conversations with reps from around
the Organization that are rather
1. There may be fewer teams in a
league, but the number of younger
bowlers is on the increase.
2. Short season leagues (12-15
weeks) tend to be more consistent
in the number of teams season to
season than their 32+ week league
3. Many leagues are expanding the
number of teams by
‘acquisition’ – smaller
non-IGBO leagues
bowling in the same
house on the same
night are merging into
IGBO leagues.
As an Organization,
we’ve been talking
for a long time about
the need to attract
younger bowlers into our leagues
and tournaments. In one of my own
leagues, the Monday Mixed Classic
league – once one of the largest
leagues in IGBO (and Tampa),
boasting over 40-teams of 5-bowlers,
we’re down to less than 18-teams of 4
this year, but over a third of the league
members are under the age of 30!
And these bowlers are bringing their
I’ve also noticed an increase in the
number of IGBO member leagues that
are changing to a short-season format:
running between 12 to 15 weeks in
length, and completely reforming
with each session or ‘season’. It
appears that the overall number of
teams in these leagues stays more
consistent year-after-year, even when
the membership of the league changes
considerably from season to season.
Some teams always seem to return
to the same ‘season’ each year, while
others have just a few members who
return and partner with different and/
or new bowlers each session. It’s
possible that a short-season approach
might be a viable option for the longstanding IGBO leagues that continue
to see a drop in returning teams each
Finally, many leagues are reporting
an increase of bowlers/teams because
they’re taking over the bowling center!
Since it’s not just IGBO leagues that
are reducing in participation, many
centers have leagues bowling on the
same nights as IGBO leagues that
are in the same boat. Several IGBO
reps have told me that their league
numbers increased when other leagues
in the center folded and they picked
up the teams/bowlers. For example,
the Hung Over Monday league in
Jacksonville practically doubled in
size when the two other leagues in
the center folded and many of the
members joined the ‘FUN’ IGBO
league! Now that league has pretty
much overtaken the center and has
little or no room to expand!
So how are things going in your
IGBO member league this season?
Are there exciting and innovating
ideas that you’re doing to make your
league more fun and attractive to new
members? I encourage you to share
your ideas on our Facebook page, or
with your Regional Director.
As always, good luck and good
In Unity, Fellowship and
Rob McDaniel, IGBO President
January greeting from President McDaniel
There’s just something about
hanging lights and wreaths on the
house in 80+ degree temps that takes
away from the holiday spirit just a
bit, but I sincerely hope that wherever
you are, you’re getting ready to enjoy
a wonderful holiday
If you didn’t have
the fortune to be
among those of us
who participated
in the 2014 MidYear Tournament
in Jacksonville last
month, you missed
out on one heck of a
time. Tim Locke and
the entire Jacksonville
committee are to
be commended on
what will go down in
the archives as one of the smoothest
running events in recent IGBO history.
Aside from a few complaints about
shift availability and announcements
at the bowling center, there were
no protests, and scores and checks
were posted and delivered ahead of
schedule! From the near 24-hour
hospitality suite to the family style
banquet, Tim and the crew fulfilled
their promise of showing their guests
tons of Southern Hospitality and
putting some South in your Mouth!
Another highlight of the event
was the awarding of the 2014 Tom
Hack Service Award. This year, the
Regional Directors selected two
recipients – Steve Frable and Rob
Silliman, both of whom I’ve had the
pleasure of knowing and working
with for many years. Both of these
men have dedicated countless hours
to this organization over many
years, serving on and with the board
on various projects and multiple
committees. Both also experienced
times when they questioned their
continued involvement with IGBO,
but chose to follow their passion and
remain steadfast in their commitment
– truly representing the unity and
fellowship on which this organization
was built. I hope you will join me in
congratulating Rob and Steve on this
accomplishment and recognition!
If you’re like me, the holiday season
provides an opportunity to enjoy times
with friends and family, but also to
reflect on the past year and set goals
for the future. 2014 definitely had its
ups and downs, trials and tribulations.
We lost many good friends over
the past year – some tragically and
unexpected, but all leaving us with
the everlasting memories of how
they touched our lives with their very
existence. We saw participation in our
Annual and Mid-Year tournaments
decrease, but we added to our numbers
with new tournament,
league and associate
members. We saw
committees struggle
with member
commitment, yet
we saw those same
committees rally to
greatness – pulling off
amazingly successful
events. Whatever 2014
was to you, I hope it
leaves you hopeful
for what 2015 has in
Here’s to a cool Yule
and a fabulous First!
Rob McDaniel, IGBO President
Inside this edition:
Jacksonville / Hack award winners 1
President McDaniel 2
Editor Note / Treasurer tidbits
Board of IGBO6
IGBO Committees7
Region 7 - Spotlight
Region 5 - Spotlight
Region 10 - Spotlight
Welcome new regional directors
IGBO annual 2015 – Omaha ad
Committee spotlights 23
Fellowship process24
IGBO high rollers 25
Jacksonville results/Ms IGBABE 26
Where’s your next tournament? 27
STORM ad28
IGBO, an international gay bowling organzation, provides educational services, communication avenues,
and social opportuties to promote the sport of bowling and to enrich the lives of individuals through leagues and
tourtournments worldwide.
They go together like strikes and spares:
Get your ball today!
a winning combination!
Order by contacting your regional director
Wecome to the new year! I hope that
everyone had a joyous holiday and
prosperous new year to date.
When this year’s
online newsletter
launched in October, the intended
publication schedule was bi-monthly,
with editions to
follow in November
and January. However, no content
was submitted to me in time for the
November issue’s deadline, except by
President McDaniel. We expected to
receive news updates from the MidAtlantic Region and the Rocky Mountain Region, but neither regional
director submitted content.
The January issue is late due to my
personal health issues, which I apologize for. So we’re hoping to pick back
up the bi-monthly schedule in March.
Remember that this is your newsletter and I am always looking for good
human interest stories about individuals from the various regions. As
always I am eager for your feedback
and open to your suggestions on what
you would like to read. After all, this is
your newsletter!
Mark MacBain, Vice President and
IGBO Times Editor
Tidbits from our treasure
During the Jacksonville IGBO
Mid-year 2014 conferences and
tournament, the audit committee
reviewed the financial books and
records for the past 6 months. I
am pleased to report that the
auditors found the books to be in
great shape, documentation was in
order, and the financial statements
present information about the
strength of the organization.
Thank you Jim Tsugawa and Kent
Petty for your hard
work. Over this next
6 months I want to
work toward making
more of the financial
records digital and to
incorporate budget
amounts in the
financial statements.
As a reminder to all
the IGBO member
tournaments, part
of the IGBO tournament dues
include $.50 per participating
bowler in your tournament to be
remitted within 30 days of the
tournament’s conclusion. The Part
II dues should be forwarded to the
treasurer at the address below. This
can be done at the same time you
submit your scores to TAD.
If you need to be reimbursed
for expenses incurred as part of
committee work or other activities
within the IGBO organization,
please complete an expense
reimbursement form that can
be found on the IGBO website,
and submit to the treasurer for
reimbursement. Approval from
the committee chair must be
included on the form as well as
any documentation to support the
expense. I usually prepare check
reimbursements once a week.
If you ever have any financial
questions or need
clarification on
any rules regarding
the financial part
of IGBO, please
feel free to contact
me below. I hope
you will all have a
wonderful holiday
season and a very
happy new year in
Terri Paulk
IGBO Treasurer
[email protected]
Board of IGBO
Board PositionNameEmail
PresidentRob [email protected]
Vice PresidentMark MacBain [email protected]
Secretary Bill [email protected]
TreasurerTerri [email protected]
North American
Region #5 Director
Ken Scaddan
[email protected]
Pacific Northwest
Regio #6 Director #6
James McLain
[email protected]
Northeast Region #7
DirectorPaul [email protected]
Southern Region #8
Interim DirectorScott [email protected]
Region #9 DirectorJudy [email protected]
South Plains Region
#10 DirectorJoey [email protected]
Upper Mississippi Valley
Region #11 Director
Curtis Martin
[email protected]
Mid-Atlantic Region #12
Interim DirectorDonny [email protected]
Rocky Moutain Region #13
Greg Frey [email protected]
IGBO Committees
[email protected]
Toby Pineau*
Rob Silliman
[email protected]
Jim Tsugawa*
Donny Tang
Sharon Stump
Kent Petty
William Spivey
Jerry Lovell
Bid Standards
[email protected]
Steve Frable*
Mike Letendre
Jamie Morrow
William Spivey
Tim Tkacik
Ron Suttora
Sharon Stump
[email protected]
Mike Letendre*
Jim Tsugawa
Steve Mathis
Skip George
Claude Sloan
Greg Edenfield
Rob Silliman
Ronnie Grist
Deaf & Disabled
Larry Pike*
Jeremy Glasser*
Michael Vigil
Federation of
Gay Games
[email protected]
Michael Ferguson*
Michael Witt - Delegate
Toby Pineau - Delegate
Kim Shephard
Greg Edenfield*
Jeremy Glasser
[email protected]
Skip George*
Earl Haney
Mike Ferguson
Mel Krist
Toby Pineau
Hal Bergin
Ronnie Grist
Todd Denmark
Jerry Sesco
Jerry Lovell
Fund Raising
[email protected]
Bryan Hoff*
Jose Aguilar*
Terri Paulk
Judy Thompson
Todd Denmark
Richard Aronson
Joseph Puckett
James Fuller
Kevin Wheeler
Sponsorship &
Rob Silliman*
Curtis Martin
Alex Gregory
Rob McDaniel
Ken Hoffman
Danny Schrafel
[email protected]
Rich Villanueva*
Jamie Morrow
Joseph Puckett
Tim Keller
Kim Shephard
Claude Sloan
Fernando Pacheco
Brandon Richard
Brian McCollum
Donny Tang
James Fuller
[email protected]
Mark MacBain - Editor
Sharon Stump*
Judy Thompson
Mark Kerr
Brian McCollum
Danny Schrafel
[email protected]
Brian McCollum*
Ken Scaddan
Curtis Martin
Rob Silliman
Jamie Morrow
Kim Shephard
Tournament Average
[email protected]
Steve Mathis*
Steffen Nye
Fernando Pacheco
Kim Shephard
Rob Silliman
* committee chair
Regional Spotlight:
Greetings from the Northeast Region
I hope that everyone has had a
Happy, Healthy and Safe start to
As we in the Northeast brace for another
winter of cold and
snow, let’s hope it will
not deter you from
joining us at one of
our upcoming tournaments. We will gather
for a Wicked time in
Connecticut for Sweetheart Invitational on
February 13- 15. We
will celebrate Spring’s return at
Gotham Open, April 10- 12 in New
Jersey, and “Get Leied” in Rochester,
NY at GREAT, May 1-3. We will be in
Philadelphia to commemorate our
Nation’s founding for Liberty Bell
Invitational, July 3-5. The Northeast
Region is proud and happy to be
host for IGBO MidYear 2015 Conference and Tournament in Pittsburgh,
November 11- 16.
This year marks my 28th year
bowling in an IGBO league. While I
enjoy many friendships with people from the United States, Canada
and Australia I have made through
bowling in tournaments across North
America, I believe the heart of IGBO
is it’s league members. I especially
like to hear the stories of the unsung
bowlers. We all congratulate Tim
Yaeger for bowling yet another 300
game(how many is it now?), but I
prefer the stories of bowlers like Lidia
Kubicar-Kunz, who has a 160 average, who gets rewarded with a piece
of chocolate whenever she beats her
teammate Thom Hutchinson’s, a 195 average bowler,
scratch score. These motivational tools are fun.
I also like to hear the
stories of IGBO leagues
giving back to their local communities. GREAT
started as a project from my
league, Rochester Historical
Bowling Society 28 years
ago. Through the existance
of this event, we have been able to
raise over $250,000 for our local
AIDS organizations. RHBS continues
to give back to the community with a
recent book exchange that profitted a
women’s shelter, and food and toiletries donations to local food pantry.
Here’s another story of a league,
Gutter Boys from Northampton, Massachuesetts from Donald Beach.
At the beginning of the 2009-2010
bowling season, the Gutter Boys
Bowling League decided to become
a league that gave back somehow
to its community. They started with
a trifold project. Part one was to
collect food for the local pantry at
Thanksgiving, Part two was to collect clothing for the local homeless
shelter and part three was to raise
money and awareness of the needs of
people with AIDS in their community
and to give the money to AIDS Care/
Hampshire County (and they did this
by selling small red ribbon pins they
cut themselves and paper red ribbons
the lanes allowed them to sell in the
lounge). They were a small league
of only 12 teams of 4 people each
and they did what they could and
succeeded in their trifold project but
thought they could do more help if
they honed in on one project alone
and at the beginning of the 20102011 bowling season they chose AIDS
Care/Hampshire County to be the
recipient of their one project.
That project they decided would be
a Bowl-a-thon. This would prove to
be a bit of a challenge for them as
they had dropped to 10 teams of 4
and 2 teams were short one bowler
and the Bowl-a-thon would be shortly into their season on October 23,
2010. They worked hard and in about
7 weeks had put it together, held the
event, complete with basket raffles
and a lot of support from other New
England League Bowlers and successfully raise a little over $700.00
for AIDS Care/Hampshire County.
On October 15, 2011 they held their
2nd annual Bowl-a-thon along with
a small art auction with local New
England Bowling artists donating
Please see region 7 on page 10
“Region 7” ... from page 9
their artwork and along with their
basket raffles again raised just over
$850.00 for AIDS Care/Hampshire
County for their 2011-2012 season
Their 2012-2013 season brought
a dilemma. They held their third
annual Bowl-a-thon on October 20,
2012 and raised $1420.00 for AIDS
Care/Hampshire County which had
during their summer changed their
name to A Positive Place. A Positive
Place was grateful for all that the
league had done in the last 3 years
but had asked if they could
change the bowl-a-thon to
a different time of year as
their own annual fundraiser was always in November
and they thought that it
might be too much asking the community to help
2 months in a row. The
league still wanting to be of
helped saw the dilemma A
Positive Place was speaking
of and decided now they
had a dilemma. Do they
wait until the spring of 2014 to hold
what would be their 4 bowl-a-thon
(and lose the ability to claim it as
their 4th Annual) or do they speed
up and work hard and host another
Bowl-a-thon in the spring of 2013
and be able to call it their 4th Annual
Bowl-a-thon. It would be a lot to ask
of the league and their friends but
they didn’t want to lose the momentum of being able to use the word
Annual in their advertisements and
invites so they all pulled together
and worked hard and put on the 4th
Annual Bow l-a-thon on March 23,
2013 just 5 months after their 3rd
one and raised $1200.00 to give to A
Positive Place.
For the 2013-2014 season they saw
the price of the lanes go up for the
2nd time in 2 Bowl-a-thons, so they
decided to see what they could do
to raise funds from outside sources
(businesses as well as individuals)
to try and absorb some of the lane
cost so they could keep their cost per
participant at $20 each. By this time
the league was down to 9 teams of 4
still with two teams short a bowler,
but the league worked hard, raised
enough to pay for the lanes and give
A Positive place some “Bowl-a-thon
Scholarships” (allowing those being
helped by the organization a chance
to bowl when they couldn’t afford
to and with some dignity as they
appeared to be like any other participant so no one else knew they were
clients of A Positive Place). With
the hard work they did in collecting
what they called their “Strike Sponsors” and “Spare Sponsors” paying
the total cost for the lanes, they held
their 5th Annual Bowl-a-thon on
March 8, 2014 and were able to give
every dollar they raised from the
participants to A Positive Place and
at their year end Awards Party invited
the Director and Assistant Director
to the party and awarded them with
a check for $1778 from the money
from the participants as well as their
basket raffles.
This year they are holding their
6th Annual Bowl-a-thon for A Positive Place on Saturday March 7, 2015.
This year they find themselves even
smaller and just a league of 10
3-man teams and again the lanes
have raised the cost of the lanes for
the 3 hours, but they refused to be deterred and
once again are working
hard to get out and get
more “Strike Sponsors”
and “Spare Sponsors”
and are hoping again
this year to give every
dollar from participants
to A Positive Place. If
you want to help, come
and bowl, buy a Strike
or Spare Sponsorship or
donate a basket, gift card,
or other items to their ba sket raffles,
though they say it is hard to beat
their special Homemade Chocolate
Baskets that have taken in the most
raffle tickets every year so far. They
hope to see you there and Thank all
of you who have helped make their
annual fundraiser a success each
I hope everyone has a wonderful
2015 filled with high scores! I look
forward to seeing you at an IGBO
event near you soon!
Regional Spotlight:
Greetings from the North American Heartland
As most of you are probably aware,
Painesville Ohio (1993-1995).During
IGBO was started in 1980 with
Bill Harrisons’ time, restructuring
Toronto being one of the first of 6
was again underway and in 1994 we
cities attending. on August 29. But,
became the North America Heartland
did you know we weren’t always
Region and have stayed with that
known as North American
name for 20 years.
Heartland? As IGBO was
Next to take over the
growing and regions were
reins of this region was
being developed we were
Steve Rosenberg from
first known as the Midwest
Lexington Kentucky
Region, from 1986 to 1987,
(1995-1999). Since
with Dick Uyvari from
that time we have
Chicago being our first
had 4 other Regional
Regional Director.
Directors, John Eyster
As restructuring
from Columbus Ohio
continued we became
for 2 years, Doug Goff
known as the Great Lakes
from Indianapolis for 3 years, Rich
Region from 1988 until 1994. During
Kramer for an unprecedented 7 years.
that time our Regional Director was
Then there is me since 2011. Thank
Michael O’Brien from Columbus Ohio you to all who have served as regional
(1987-1989); Don Blasi from Louisville director.
Kentucky (1989-1990); Bob Cox from
At one time we had Tennessee in
Toledo Ohio and Bill Harrison from
our region but in the restructuring of
2011 we lost them to the Mid Atlantic
Region. We also had Lexington
Kentucky who hosted IGBO MidYear
Through the years we have had
tournaments in our region come and
go. LINT (London Invitational No-tap
Tournament), which was a fun 2 day
tournament. DO-IT, from Dayton Ohio,
hosted a tournament every other year
with CINTIT. Both are greatly missed.
Please support our tournaments so we
don’t lose any more.
Tournaments in our region
MapleLeaf Classic
Our first tournament in the region, Maple Leaf Classic
in Toronto, joined IGBO in 1982. They hosted their
first IGBO Annual in 1991, going on to host IGBO
MidYear in 1997 and recently showing us a great time
as they hosted us for IGBO Annual in 2011. The yearly
annual tournament, usually held in August is presently
on hiatus, but if we all made some noise and begged
them, I’m sure that we can go back to Toronto in 2015
or 16. What do you think? Can we convince them to
come back?
Bluegrass Classic
The following year, 1983, saw two tournaments join
the region. The First is Bluegrass Classic in Louisville
Kentucky. Within 2 years of joining IGBO they bid,
won, and hosted IGBO Annual 1985. 30 years have
gone by and I for one think it’s time for them to host
Please see “NAH” on page 12
“NAH” ... from page 11
another. Think we can convince them? Their annual
tournament is held in February. Great hosts and always
a good time but be warned the area is known for freak
snow storms, but well worth the trip.
Motown Invitational Classic
people helping to create wonderful memories!
Columbus Ohio Midwest Invitational
Classic (MAJIC)
COMIC also joined in 1984, our tournament family is
growing. Starting out as the MAJIC tournament for 10
The next tournament to join our growing family
years some members of the committee wanted to go
is the Motown Invitational Classic out of Detroit
Michigan. Starting out as a joint venture with Windsor every other year, others wanted to keep it as an annul.
Hence COMIC was born. Twice the COMIC committee
Ontario they were originally known as DWIFT, Detroit
decided to host an IGBO Annual first in 2001 and the
Windsor International Freedom Tournament. They
again for IGBO’s 30 anniversary in 2010. When asked
would eventually become what we know today as
about hosting another Annual, their replies have so far
MIC. Although they have not hosted an IGBO Annual
not been publishable. They have been doing COMIC
tournament, they have hosted 2 IGBO MidYear
for 20 years now, total of 30 years in all. They have
tournaments, the first in 1992 and the second in
boasting rights as the largest tournament in our region
2006. Their annual tournament is held during the
with over 300 bowlers. Held at the end of April it is
American Columbus Day or Canadian Thanksgiving
always nice to get away as the weather is getting nicer
Day weekend. Well known for cash payouts at the
tournament and open bar at the banquet. The weather and reconnecting with old friends and making new
for the weekend is usually a hit or miss proposition,
sometimes sunny and warm, sometimes cold and rainy.
Yet whatever the weather you can always count on a
warm welcome and great time.
Cleveland Gay/Lesbian Invitational
Fellowship Tourament
Cincinnati Tri-State Invitational
Next to join our family was CINTIT from Cincinnati
Ohio in 1984. This tournament was another one that 2
years after joining hosted a major IGBO event, MidYear
in 1986 following that just 5 short years later with
an IGBO Annual in 1989. Starting out as an annual
event, they eventually went to biannual trading off
with Dayton Ohio (we miss you DOIT). Presently they
are considering going back to every year. Not a huge
tournament but it’s always like going home. Wonderful
GIFT, in Cleveland Ohio, joined IGBO in 1988 and 10
years later hosted IGBO Annual 1998. The tournament
is held on the second weekend in June. Lowest entry
fee in IGBO and lowest hotel price in IGBO help to
sell it out over the past 4 years. But that’s not the only
reason. Fun and frivolity are always on the menu
and are served up in many different surprising ways.
They are also well known for their boat cruise on the
Saturday night, with sights along Lake Erie, dancing
and drinking with over 700 of your closest friends.
Please see “NAH” on page 13
“NAH” ... from page 12
The Greater Indianapolis Fourth of
July Classic and Scratch Masters
1995 was the years that saw TGIF being welcomed
into the fold. Almost 20 years into hosting tournaments
they have yet to host an IGBO Annual or IGBO
MidYear, but with the help of everyone, I’m sure we
can convince them to step up and try it. Their Annual
tournament is held over the fourth of July weekend.
The weather is usually warm if not downright hot
sometimes. Every year at registration they hold a
canned food drive which does very well. From the
friendly and relaxed atmosphere to the ever packed
hospitality suite to the over abundance of Jell-O shots
you can be guaranteed to enjoy time with old friends
and make new ones.
Winter Express Trio Tournament
Our latest tournament to join IGBO is WETT, out
of Ann Arbor Michigan, joined us in 2011. Now in
their 17th year, WETT is a one day 3 game no-tap
tournament. We have had lots of fun at this one. In
case you are unaware, and I’m sure none of you are,
a no-tap game is when you get nine pins on your first
ball and it counts as a strike. My team mate is now
known as Agent 99. Yes that’s right a score of 99 at a
no-tap tournament. We have also had a natural 300
bowled at this tournament. Usually WETT had been
held on the first weekend in February, but it seemed
even if the day started out full of sunshine by the time
we were finished a winter storm had cropped up with at
least 6 inches of snow. Starting in 2015 it was moved to
the 3rd Saturday in March in hopes the weather would
be a wee bit nicer.
Lyn Dwyer wins
2014 Spirit of Ron Delano Fellowship Award
There are some people that
have demonstrated the wonderful
qualities of friendship; have been
tireless activists with local LGBT
organizations, and others, led the
fight in the streets against HIV.
Ron Delano (Ronnie to his
friends) was one such person, being
very active in the LGBT sports
community including bowling and
softball. He was also a member
CLASSIC (MIC) committee for
many years, from inspiring and
motivating others to help raise
funds to promoting and building a
greater awareness for MIC. Ronnie
also performed in numerous shows
and benefits throughout the years.
As someone who was always willing
to “roll up his sleeves” to help
out, it is fitting that MIC chose his
name to honor his spirit and those
that embody these qualities. Ron
passed away from AIDS related
complications on July 30, 2004 at
the age of 40.
Each year, the Motown Invitational
Classic Tournament in Detroit is
proud to recognize an individual or
individuals that generously give of
their time, energy and resources in
support of worthwhile causes in the
Some of the past winners are Bob
Rose, Randy Albright, Yolanda
Odom, Bob Bretz, Andy Kramar,
Gigi’s Bar, Earl Hainey, Rick
Henning, Mike Odom, and Bruce
Van Dyke.
Lyn Dwyer, this years’ recipient
has for many years supported the
Motown Invitational Classic in
almost every capacity and in our
local GLBT bowling leagues. She
Please see “NAH” on page 14
Please see “NAH” on page 13
has helped to raise funds for local
nonprofit organizations and has
had a lengthy career dedicated to
our nation’s armed forces. As this
years’ co-director Bill Havican
stated – “community service,
personal integrity and love of
country” are not strange meanings
for Lyn.
As a member of the MIC
committee since the early ‘90s,
she has always stood ready to lend
a hand for MIC, which includes
organizing, promoting and
performing in many, many shows
and fundraisers through the years.
A true leader, and past co-director
for 3 years, she has earned the
confidence and respect of past and
current MIC committee members
alike. Having bowled and served as
a past president for many leagues
over a span of 20 years that include
Metro Tuesday, Wednesday Pride,
and Metro Friday Night. Lyn
has held various positions and
responsibilities in support of LGBT
bowling, including IGBO and MIC.
Lyn’s record for supporting the local
LGBT bowling community speaks
for itself.
She has also given the time,
talent and resources to help
many nonprofit organizations
and charities such as The St. Jude
Project, American Cancer Society,
WAGGS and AIDS Project.
Finally, she has proudly served her
country in the U.S Air Force Reserve
for 22 years attaining the rank of
Master Sergeant. This included
tours of duty in Iraq and Honduras
as well as being activated during
Desert Storm and Operation Noble
Eagle, protecting the USA in the
post-9/11 era before her retirement.
Thank you Lyn. North American
Heartland salutes you!
MAR 21, 2015
JUNE 13 – 15
OCTOBER 9 - 11
FEB 20 - 22, 2016
JULY 3 – 5
APRIL 24-26
Regional Spotlight:
Greetings from the South Plains
Howdy From the South Plains
Director I am very proud to be part of
It is hard to believe the year 2014
this region.
has already come and
gone. With the good
Our bowlers have traveled all
times and the bad, we all
year to other cities and states
have moved forward into
enjoying the sights and sounds
2015. The memories we
and creating new friendships
have created this past
as well as meeting old friends.
year will be cherished
Many of these bonds created
Joey LeBlanc
for years to come. As the
will continue for years to
South Plains Regional
come, even after many of us
retire from the sport we love so much
called bowling.
So for the year 2015 make your
plans to travel our region and others
to enjoy IGBO hospitality.
Joey J LeBlanc
South Plains Regional Director
Rock of the South Plains Region
Tom O’Dell joined IGBO leagues in
Houston in the late 1980’s as a league
member of the Montrose Monday Men
and the Thursday Night Mixers. Two
nights a week was not enough so he
founded the Sunday night league,
InnerLoop Alternatives, which is still
going strong and is Houston’s largest
IGBO league. He also started a doubles
league. He served as President of the
InnerLoop and then became Secretary
and later Secretary/Treasurer and also
serves as Secretary/Treasurer for the
Wednesday Night Mixers.
He was initially involved with the Texas
Invitational Tournament (now known as
the Houston Invitational Tournament)
as a committee member and after a
couple years became a Co-Director and
co-directed for several years including the
IGBO MIDYEAR 2001. He is still involved
with the tournament and bowling in
two leagues despite being 105 years old
(according to Facebook) and has had
both knees replaced, two hernia surgeries
and open heart surgery.
He has also served on the IGBO Board
as Regional Director for the South
Plains Region and as Chairman of the
Fellowship Committee. He has been
awarded both the Fellowship award and
the Tom Hack Service Award. He serves
on the local Greater Houston USBC as
house rep and has been asked to run for
a position on the Board of Directors. He
was awarded Secretary of the Year for the
GHUSBC Houston area in 2012.
Tom has bowled in many tournaments
over the years and is proud of his
collection of 30+ trophies in his office
from IGBO tournaments locally and
nationally. He has five (5) 300 games to
his credit and several honor scores.
Tom is very interested in charity work
and animal welfare and has volunteered
with many of the local Houston
organizations over the years including
the AIDS Foundation, the PWA Coalition
and SPCA. His primary charitable interest
now is organizations dealing with helping
feral cats.
Tom works for the Tony Award winning
Alley Theatre and has been there since
1968, starting his 47th year – currently
as Director of Audience Services. His arts
involvement includes past performances
with the Houston Grand Opera and other
local theaters as a singing/dancing chorus
member and member of the original
Montrose Singers, the gay men’s chorus.
He looks forward to several more years
of involvement with the IGBO community
and hopes someday to add that elusive
800 series to his achievements.
His favorite recollection is going back
to college and being in a US history class
and seeing a chapter on the Cuban Missile
Crisis. It just so happened that he was
in the Air Force stationed at Goose Bay
Labrador during that period. Maybe he is
Sunset Combo Joins IGBO
by Cary Fleming, Secretary/Treasurer
This season our league, Sunset
Combo, decided that it would be a
good idea to join IGBO. The conversation started because a dozen
bowlers from our league had been
bowling in various IGBO tournaments around the South Plains
region and even a few in other
regions. Of those dozen bowlers,
only one was a member of an IGBO
league, so the rest of us were just
associate members of IGBO. This
seemed a bit silly when we started
discussing it, and we wanted to attract more of our league-mates to
the tournaments.
Now for a little background on
Sunset Combo. I’ve been bowling in
the league continuously since the
fall of 1989. We are not sure when
it was originally founded, but it has
always been a relaxed, yet competitive, fun league. We have bowlers
with averages all over the spectrum
of organized bowling, from the
brand new bowler with an average below 100, to the multi-league
200+ average bowlers. We take all
kinds. I have been the Secretary and
Treasurer of the league for about
13 years and am happy to call this
league my family. We are what
IGBO would call a “straight” league
but we consider ourselves to be a
friendly, all-inclusive league, and
we invite anyone and everyone to
join us. Our only stipulation is that
you have to be willing to have fun
while you’re bowling.
Three seasons ago, we decided
to become a Sport Bowling league
and changed from bowling halves
to quarters. That only lasted one
season, because we stopped having
fun during league. The very next
season the Sport Bowling conditions were out, but we kept the split
season configuration. It enhanced
our enjoyment, since you only have
to put together eight weeks of great
bowling to grab a spot in the playoffs. Speaking of playoffs, they can
be brutal. They are Eliminator-style,
and last year’s contest included a
perfect game by a bowler on the
team that ended up in second place.
We are a very giving group, in
general, and have supported various
charitable endevours throughout
the years. Our current beneficiary
is a local group called Christmas
Wish Project. They provide Christmas gifts for Tarrant County foster
children in Tarrant County foster
homes, Tarrant County foster children placed in surrounding counties and foster children from other
counties placed in Tarrant County
foster homes. In 2013 they granted
wishes for more that 920 foster
All in all, Sunset Combo is a great
league, and I consider most of the
bowlers to be my extended family.
We are there for each other through
thick and thin, and are always
looking to grow our bowling family. If you are looking for fun and
fellowship while bowling, no matter where you come from, or what
you do, you can do a lot worse than
Sunset Combo.
Good luck & high scores!
Family and friends of the South Plains Region
to our newest regional directors
we can accomplish some significant
tasks with the help of each of you.
Please do not hesitate to reach
out with questions, feedback, or
suggestions. All are welcomed.
I started bowling in the junior
program at Skylanes in East
Stroudsburg, PA at the age of
9. Once I got the bug that was
it. I was hooked. I’ve been an
avid bowler for over 35 years. I
was introduced to IGBO through
the Orange Blossom Bowling
Association (OBBA) and GLBL
in the early 90s. My first IGBO
tournament was the mid-year
tournament that Orlando hosted
in the mid-90s. That was quite an
experience. I met a lot of wonderful
people I would not have had the
opportunity to meet because of
IGBO and bowling.
I’m very humbled and
appreciative to have been elected
as the Regional Director for the
Southern Region. I truly think
we have one of the best regions
because of the people who are
so active and passionate about
bowling and IGBO. Always trying
to outdo each other on who has
the best tournament. I’m here to
tell you, they are all great! They are
great and successful because of the
support that each tournament gives
to another. I have also been a codirector for the Orlando Sunshine
Invitational Tournament (SIT) for a
few years and an active committee
member for a few years.
In Unity, Fellowship, and
Scott Stiff
Scott Stiff
Please see “regionals” on page 20
“regioals” ... from page 19
When asked to become more
involved, I said yes almost immediHello one and all, my name is
ately, it truly is my honor.
James McLain and I am the new
Our wonderful PNW region has
Pacific Northwest regional director. four cities and 5 tourneys to particiI have been involved in the orpate in. I will do everything I can
ganization for quite a few years
to bolster our presence at those and
now and first became a member
other tourneys as well as be responof IGBO by joined the Seattle Pride sive for your leagues to have a voice
and Century 21 leagues as early as in the larger group.
the 1998-99 season. For a number
Whether bowling in Seattle Esof years, I was the IGBO rep for both presso Cup in January, Vancouver
of these leagues.
English Bay Cup in March, Calgary
I’ve met many people through this Western Cup in April, Portland Rose
group and it’s my honor and pleas- Bowl in June or Portland Bridgeure to call many of you friends. I
town Invitational Tournament
came to realize this past year that
entering its second year this Octoit even runs deeper. This past year
ber, I will be at each to support you
while at a near lifetime low, so
and all the other participants. I am
many of you showed me so much
looking forward to meeting many of
support and love, I now see you as
you in the months to come.
chosen family.
Please know that if I can help in
any way, just let me know. For those
of you outside the PNW Region, I
heartily recommend this part of our
family. They have proven to be kind,
thoughtful and among the best
people of the gay bowling community. Again it is my pleasure to serve,
please say hello anytime.
James McLain
Silliman honored to recieve Hack Award
On November 9, 2014, I had the
true honor of being awarded the
Tom Hack Service award.
The Tom Hack Service award was
created as a way to acknowledge
extraordinary service to IGBO and
named after the first President of
IGBO. Now, I’m not sure about the
word extraordinary when it comes
to my work with IGBO, I would
rather say I’m passionate about it
and there are two reasons why.
First, the members of IGBO drive
me to do better. (Corny, I know,
but true.) I have met the most
incredible people since becoming
involved in IGBO, and I hope in
some small part that the things I do
help make IGBO better for all of our
Second, the organization itself.
We are 35 years old and we are
still going. That itself is a huge
acknowledgement to the people
that have helped guide IGBO thru
time in getting to this point. I still
see enormous potential for this
organization to grow and become
even better than we are today, and
that alone drives me to do whatever
is asked of me to help in making
that happen.
I would like to thank the Board
of Directors, past officers and
committee members that I have had
the pleasure of working with, I will
always do my best to live up to this
In Unity, Fellowship, and
Rob Silliman
Committee spotlight: Bid standards and Archives
Bid Standards committee
Hosting an annual or midyear tournament
By Steve Frable
Hosting an IGBO event is a lot of
fun and really showcases how exciting
a host city and the IGBO members
there can be. It’s a lot of work, but is
very rewarding. It’s Bid Standards job
to ensuring that anyone interested
in bidding to host an Annual or MidYear Tournament are following IGBO
guidelines, putting together a bid
that protects all parties, and for them
have a positive view of working with
IGBO. For many cities it is the first real
look behind the curtain on how IGBO
Annual and Mid-Year Events actually
come together. Many people know
that there is a 2 year commitment to
host an Annual or Midyear, but Bid
Standards has already been working
with them for 6 months preparing
them for presentation to the General
Bid Standards right now is comprised
of 6 people - Jaime Morrow (FL),
Steve Frable
Richard Foster (AZ), Sharon Stump
(CO), Michael Letendre (CA), Tim
Tkacik (WA), and Steve Frable (VA)
is the Chairperson. In conjunction
with the IGBO Board, we work with
cities throughout the bidding process
- from receiving Letters of Intent to
Bid, to working through the 3 drafts
of a bid, and finally to coordinating
with them and the current hosting
Archives Committee
Next month, we begin the task of
scanning and electronically saving
our information that has been sent
to Archives. This process should take
a few months and we hope to have it
completed before the IGBO Annual,
Omaha in May 2015. We are also
making plans for all items that can’t
be scanned and we hope to have a
system in place for storage of these
Also, we are looking at revising the
checklist of items the organization
needs at the end of each Annual and
Mid-Year for the archives. That will
be completed in the next month or
so. These items that we require at the
end of an event help us and other
Committees in trying plan future
With all of that being said, we are
looking for anything you may have
about the history of IGBO. If you
have been a past tournament director,
board member or committee member and you find you have some old
city for Annual or Midyear where their
bid will be presented to ensure they
have everything they need to properly
present to the General Membership
Meeting. Normally, we communicate
through email, but as needed phone
conversations take place to ensure
proper understanding of what’s needed
and what’s going on with the bidding
If you’re interested in joining Bid
Standards and have been an IGBO
Tournament Director in the past, let us
know or sign up in the GMM book
Letters of Intent to host Midyear 2017
are being accepted now. Email bid.
[email protected]
See you on the lanes!
Steve Frable
memorabilia from IGBO, we would
love to see it. So, please contact Toby
Pineau @ [email protected],
and he will coordinate with you what
the next steps will be. Thank you.
Ever wonder how the fellowship process works?
I have been asked to explain the
process the Fellowship committee
uses to select the recipient of
this award each year. It all starts
with the nomination by you the
bowlers, and taking the time to
recognize the deeds of those
people in your communities that
uphold the mantra of IGBO:
With that said, the nominator
includes at least 2 references
and a letter detailing the
contributions that the nominee
has made in their community, as
well as any bowling affiliations
they have locally, or on within
IGBO. This award unlike the
Tom Hack is based on what we do
in the community at large not just
within our leagues, tournaments,
or committee work in IGBO.
Once we have all the nominees,
they are assigned to at least one if
not two committee people to do the
vetting of the information provided.
We always ask for the good, the
bad, and the ugly. We have had
instances where things were found
out after the fact and little to
nothing could be done at that time
depending on the severity of the
act. All in all the information we
get and are given by the references
and friends that we contact who
live in the same city is always great
to hear about and does IGBO proud
when their name is selected as a
recipient of this award.
Our committee communicates via
email, phone calls and even Skype
if necessary. At Annual each year
we come together and sit down to
discuss the nominees. Last year we
started something new, which is to
submit the information as if writing
a speech about the nominee. This
document is sent to me and I
assign a number to it and then
send it back out to the committee to
read over. When we meet at annual
we discuss all of the nominations
thoroughly. At that point each
member of the committee casts a
vote. Our voting procedures are a
matter of record and can be found
in the by-laws/P&P section of the
I hope this information has shed
some light on the selection process
and has answered any questions
you may have on how Fellowship
winners are selected.
As a reminder we have
4 nominees still active for
consideration and hope we hear
from you the membership on
any information you will or can
provide us on them and also to
nominate someone from you
city or region for this award. The
current Nominees are Lyn Dwyer,
Alex Gregory, Lucien Rene, and
Jeff Weinberg.
You can submit information
to me directly or through our
fellowship committee email at
[email protected].
Respectfully submitted,
Skip George
Skip George
Darryl Rossi
George Miller
Phil Deem
Ken Scadden
Rod Radant
Andrew Riveria
Ricky Wells
Vince Wilson
Jay Sotelo
Gideon Spaar
Doug Dunkle
Donovan Pavlik
Paul Szymanski
Rick Lawrence
Randall Buda
Edwin Diaz
Steven Parson
Tim Yaeger
Kyle Goyens
Country Lanes Tuesday
A League of Our Own
Merry Mixers
Tuesday Nighters
Wednesday Pride
Gay Games
Jansrainbow League
Friday Night Mixed
Fun Handicap League
Monday Mixed Classic
Sunday Brunch
California Spring Classic
Beantown North
Monday Mixed Classic
Friday Night Mixed
Check out all the results from IGBO Midyear - Jacksonville
Who was crowned Ms IGBABE 2014?
Click here for Midyear results
To see more photo’s and
reults click there
Come see what everyone’s talking about!
Join a league near you....
Click here to find one in a city near you!
What’s your next tournament?
Come see what all the fun is about. Here is a look at some of the member tournaments
over the next four months. To find more tournaments, click here HYPERLINK
February ~ March ~ April ~ May
Second City Open
Tournament Chicago
Chicago, IL
Phoenix Regional
Invitational Tournament
Phoenix, AZ
Vancouvers English
Bay cup
St. Patricks Invitational
Memphis, TN
Silicon Valley Inviational
San Jose, CA 03/20/2015
Winter Express
Trio Tournament
Ann Arbor, MI
Dixie Invitational
Bowling Tournament
Atlanta, GA
Gotham Open
Bowling Tournament
Jersey City, NJ
Columbus Ohio Midwest
Invitational Classic
Funlovers California
Spring Classic
Foutain Valley, CA
OK Classic
Oklahoma City, OK
Great Rochester
Eastern Area
Sunshine Invitational
Orlando, FL
IGBO 2015
Omaha, NE
Rose Bowl Classic
Portland, OR