Code of discipline 2015 - Divine Mercy Balgaddy Senior National


Code of discipline 2015 - Divine Mercy Balgaddy Senior National
Divine Mercy S.N.S.
Code of Behaviour
Divine Mercy S.N.S
Co. Dublin
The Code of Discipline has been developed under the direction of the
Board of Management of Divine Mercy S.N.S. The Board of Management
recognises its legal responsibilities under the terms of The Education Act
(1998) and the Education Welfare Act (2000) to devise a Code of
Discipline. The Board also recognises the importance of the collaborative
approach in drawing up the Code of Behaviour and has involved board
members, teachers, and parents in developing the code. In devising the
code, consideration has to be given to the particular needs and
circumstances of this school. The aim is to maintain an ordered and
happy environment in which pupils can feel secure and make progress in
all aspects of their development.
Mission Statement
We would like to create an environment where children will acquire
and develop the necessary knowledge and skill to become
independent, confident learners-where they will develop their selfesteem to enable them to express and achieve their full potential.
We will endeavour to broaden each child’s experience to help them
become spiritual, well balanced and tolerant individuals with a
respect for themselves and for others.
a) The school recognises the variety of differences that exist between
children and the need to tolerate these differences.
b) It is agreed that a high standard of behaviour requires a strong sense
of community within the school and a high level of co-operation
among staff and between staff, parents and pupils.
c) The principles which underpin our school code of behaviour are the
principles of Discipline For Learning. Discipline For Learning
Divine Mercy S.N.S
emphasises the positive aspects of promoting a code of behaviour
based on praise, encouragement and reward while following a set of
clearly defined and easily understood rules.
d) The Code of Behaviour recognises the positive behaviour modelled by
the majority of pupils and the happy atmosphere which prevails
throughout the school.
School rules concerning attendance and punctuality
a) Pupils are expected to be in school each day and parents are obliged
to provide an explanation if pupils are absent from school. The school
is required to report absences of twenty days or more in the course of
the school year to the National Educational Welfare Board.
b) Pupils are expected to be on time for school. However pupils should
not be in the schoolyard before 8.45 am as the school authorities are
not in a position to provide supervision before that time. Pupils who
attend the Breakfast Club may attend at the appointed time only and
only on days when the Breakfast Club is in operation. On wet
mornings the pupils may be allowed enter the school only if it is
deemed by the principal or in his absence the Deputy Principal that
adequate supervision is available.
c) Pupils must remain in the schoolyard once they arrive at school in the
School rules regarding uniform and mobile phones
a) Parents and pupils should follow the guidelines on wearing the school
uniform as laid out in the agreed School Uniform Policy.
b) In the interests of health and safety, pupils are only permitted to
wear a minimum amount of jewellery.
c) In the interest of safety and security, pupils should not have a mobile
phone in school. If, having sought permission from the principal and
parents have signed the relevant note, a pupil brings a phone to
school, the phone should be given to the class teacher for safe
keeping and will be returned at the end of the day. Pupils who wish
to contact home for genuine reasons are allowed to use the school
School rules regarding behaviour in the classroom
Follow instructions straight away
Line up quietly and in order
Put up your hand if you wish to speak
Do your work as quietly and as best you can
Ask permission to leave your seat
Always show good manners
Pupils who follow these rules can expect the following recognition:
Praise and words of encouragement to show approval by class teacher and
A stamp in pupils stamp book
Divine Mercy S.N.S
Favourable mention to other staff member or principal
Favourable mention to parents
Certificates of merit
Lucky Dip
Principals Prize
Pupil of the Week Award
Hardest Worker Award
Most Improved Worker Award
Mention in school newsletter
Photograph on school notice board.
Favourable mention on intercom.
Favourable mention at school assembly.
In the event that pupils choose not to follow these rules the following
sanctions will apply.
1. Oral warning
2. Written warning
3. Sit in isolation within classroom for a period of 10-15 minutes
4. Sent out to partner teacher. A green note is sent home to parents if
this stage is reached. This note should be signed by parents
5. Sent to principal. Parents are generally contacted immediately.
Arrangements are made where practicable to have the pupil sent
home for the remainder of the day. The pupil is allowed return to
school the following day unless otherwise stated, following a meeting
with parents.
In cases of serious breaches of behaviour pupils are put directly onto Stage 5
School Rules regarding lunches
1. Pupils are expected to bring healthy food to school in the best
interests of health and well being
2. Fizzy drinks, sweets, crisps and chocolate coated toffee bars are
not considered to be healthy food and should not be brought to
3. Chewing gum is forbidden in the school and in the playground at
all times for health and hygiene reasons.
School rules regarding behaviour in the corridors
1. Keep to the left
2. Walk at all times.
3. Coats are hung on the hooks, not on the floor.
School Rules regarding behaviour in the playground
Follow instructions straight away.
Be prepared for the playground
Be in the right place at the right time.
Line up quietly and in order.
Play preferred games in the preferred area
Divine Mercy S.N.S
Pupils who follow these rules can expect the following recognition
Individual line stamps, leading to homework pass
Class stamps leading to a class reward
Fair Play Award leading to a class homework pass
In the event that pupils choose not to follow these rules the
following sanctions apply
Oral warning
Wall for 5/10 minutes
Wall for rest of break
Line warnings are given for pupils who choose not to line up
correctly. Three line offences in a calendar month warrants
In the case of serious misbehaviour a Red Card will be issued.
In all cases of misbehaviour in the playground pupils are encouraged to tell
the teacher on duty. In cases of alleged serious misbehaviour pupils should
tell the deputy principal who is on duty at small break or the principal who
is on duty at big break.
Examples of serious misbehaviour include
Kicking, punching, and lifting feet or hands in an aggressive way.
Showing aggressive verbal disrespect towards a pupil.
Showing disrespect to a teacher
Consistently choosing not to follow the playground rules
A pupil who receives a red card must stand at the wall for the rest of break.
The offence is recorded on the yard clipboard, recording the name of the
pupil, his/her class, reason for red card and the teachers name.
Pupils with red card have their names entered into the detention book
Parents are generally informed if their child gets a red card
A red card warrants detention on a date when sufficient numbers have
Pupils who present regular difficulties in following the Code of
Pupils who present difficulties in following the Code of Discipline may
present a danger to the welfare of themselves and others. As a result these
pupils behaviour may be monitored and supported by a number of
initiatives. These initiatives include:
Behaviour Modification Programmes
Referral to NEPS
Referral to the EWO
Referral to CAMHS
Referral to the SENO
Involvement in outreach groups such as Dochas,
The board recognises that it is very dependent on parental support and
goodwill in these interventions mentioned above.
Divine Mercy S.N.S
School Rules regarding behaviour on the way to and from
The Board of Management, staff and parents recognise the importance of
ensuring that pupils maintain high standards of behaviour on the way to and
from school. These high standards of behaviour are expected so as not to
allow situations develop which may interfere with the smooth day to day
running of the school. While the board recognise that it can be very difficult
to enforce high standards of behaviour on the way to and from school the
following rules apply in the vicinity of the school.
1. Pupils are expected to maintain high standards of behaviour on the
way to and from school
2. Where an incident is reported to the school, the principal will
endeavour to investigate the incident and to take appropriate action.
3. The principal may refer incidents to the Board of Management or to
other statutory agencies if deemed necessary.
Suspension is defined as requiring the student to absent himself/herself
from school for a specified, limited period of school days.
The Board of Management has the authority to suspend a student and in the
case of Divine Mercy SNS, this authority has been delegated to the principal.
In all cases the grounds for suspension are a proportionate response to the
behaviour that is causing concern. Normally other interventions will have
been tried before suspension and staff will have reviewed the reasons why
these have not worked. The decision to suspend a student requires serious
grounds such as that:
 The student’s behaviour has had a serious detrimental effect on the
education of other students.
 The student’s continued presence in the school at the time
constitutes a threat to safety
 The student is responsible for serious damage to property.
In all cases due process and fair procedures will form the basis of the
suspension process. Parents and students will be informed of the complaint
and will be given an opportunity to respond before any sanction is imposed.
In the case of immediate suspension parents will be notified and
arrangements will be made with them to have the student collected.
A student may not be suspended for more than three days, except in
exceptional circumstances where the principal considers that a period of
suspension longer than three days is required.
A pupil may be suspended from school as a last resort when the
normal sanctions have been exhausted. When a pupil has been
Divine Mercy S.N.S
suspended he/she will be re-admitted to the school only when
accompanied by his/her parent(s) at the end of the period of
suspension. In the case of suspension, the suspension will be reported
to the N.E.W.B as required under the terms of the Educational
(Welfare) Act 2000. Instances of serious or gross misbehaviour will
warrant suspension.
Examples of serious misbehaviour
Telling lies which may lead to serious consequences / stealing / damaging
and vandalising other pupil’s property/damaging school property/ damaging
property belonging to the school or the staff/bullying / defiance / leaving
school premises during school day without appropriate
permission/Deliberately injuring a fellow pupil.
Examples of gross misbehaviour
Aggressive, threatening or violent behaviour towards a teacher/pupil.
Behaviour likely to cause injury to self or to others/possession of
implements or substances that might cause a threat to the health and safety
of pupils, parents, staff or other personnel attached to the school.
Expulsion (permanent exclusion)
Under the Education Welfare Act, 2000, “a student shall not be expelled
from a school before the passing of twenty school days following the receipt
of a notification under this section by an educational welfare officer”
(Section 24(4)). It is the right of the Board of Management to take “other
reasonable measures as it considers appropriate to ensure that good order
and discipline are maintained in the school concerned and that the safety of
students is secured.” (Section 25(5))
Under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998, parents (or pupils who have
reached the age of 18) are entitled to appeal to the Secretary General of
the Department of Education and Skills against some decisions of the Board
of Management, including (1) permanent exclusion from a school and (2)
suspension for a period which would bring the cumulative period of
suspension to 20 school days or longer in any one school year. Accordingly
schools should advise parents of this right of appeal and associated
timeframe if it has been decided to suspend or permanently exclude a pupil.
Appeals must generally be made within 42 calendar days from the date the
decision of the school was notified to the parent or student. (See Circular
Parents are informed of their entitlement to appeal a decision of the
board of management in relation to suspension or exclusion by the
chairperson of the Board. Parents to be given a copy of Circular 22/02
and any related forms.
Divine Mercy S.N.S
The Chairperson of the BOM will prepare a response if and when an
appeal is being investigated by the Department of Education and
skills. (Section 12, Circular 22/02-Processing of an Appeal)
Implementation Date
This policy was initially drawn up in March 2006. It has been reviewed on an
annual basis and adapted to meet the changing needs of the school as
deemed appropriate by the Board of Management.
Date of current review: February 2013
This policy was further amended in February 2015 take into account the
name change of the school in September 2013
Divine Mercy S.N.S