Diversity in Technology Initiative: African American


Diversity in Technology Initiative: African American
Intel Corporation
2200 Mission College Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1549
Diversity in Technology Initiative
African American
This initiative was formed in 2006 to deliver unique development and retention programs designed to
create a robust leadership pipeline and increase representation at the senior leadership and vice
president levels of the company. Our programs are designed to leverage the skills and talents of Intel's
African American employees and to present our African American leaders with the opportunity to be
visible role models and mentors.
Within Intel
 Blueprint for Extraordinary Performance is designed to address the challenges of isolation and
equip mid-level African American employees with actionable tools to successfully navigate their
careers at Intel, strengthen relationships with their managers, build strong networks, and
proactively drive a clear path toward progression. The alumni community is more than 900
members strong.
 Leadership Edge focuses on facilitating progression to senior leadership levels. The program
provides a platform through which participants strengthen their strategic business acumen and
gain insight into leadership behaviors and skills required to progress to senior leadership at
 1st Year TouchPoint program connects African American employees in their first year at Intel
with more experienced peers. The program is designed to facilitate integration of recent hires
by providing awareness of and access to resources and facilitates creation of a foundational
internal network.
 The Network of Intel African American Employees (NIA) is a chartered, strategic employee
resource group with chapters located at Intel’s major U.S. sites. Though NIA’s membership is
inclusive, its charter is to provide leadership development and networking opportunities for
members, access to resources to advance their careers, and the opportunity to engage in the
external community in a broad array of relationship-building projects and activities.
 Intel Black Leadership Council – Members of the IBLC are the company’s most senior African
American leaders. They serve as role models of leadership and champions of the company’s
African American employees and initiatives. The mission of the IBLC is to promote the
progression and growth of black employees at Intel.
 Mentor Programs:
o Intel Black Leadership Council Mentoring program – In support of its mission to
promote the development and growth of African American employees, the Intel Black
Leadership Council conducts formal and informal mentoring and sponsorship programs
targeted at the next generation of African American leaders. As the mentors, council
members engage in formal partnerships for a period of six months with numerous
relationships continuing for longer periods.
o Finance Mentor Rings – These programs are long-term mentoring rings comprised of
African American employees in the Finance organization. Each mentor ring leverages an
IBLC member and two senior finance employees from the majority population who
serve as diversity champions.
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Blueprint Mentorship Program – This program is designed to strengthen leadership
skills of Blueprint Alumni as well as provide valuable role models and sponsors to our
employee resource groups. Participating alumni establish mentoring relationships with
Intel Latino Network and Network of Intel African American members. Mentors and
mentees are paired using information in Intel’s professional profile, and mentoring
relationships vary from short to longer term as determined by individual needs.
Internal conferences:
o Joint Network of Intel African Americans and Intel Latino Network Conference – The
conference is designed to strengthen leadership and business acumen. The conference
connects employees to important professional development content and a network of
influential peers through featured executive speakers, workshops and networking
o Joint Intel Hispanic Leadership Council and Intel Black Leadership Council Summit –
The summit is designed to strengthen the leadership acumen of our leadership councils
and provide council members opportunities to connect and increase their visibility to
Intel executives. The Leadership Council Summit features executive and external
speakers and networking events.
Outside of Intel
Intel’s Global Diversity team and other internal partners have developed strategic partnerships with
external organizations comprised of thought and opinion leaders in the African American community.
 National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) – NSBE’s mission is to increase the number of
culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and
positively impact the community. Intel has been a member of the Board of Corporate Affiliates
(BCA) for 15+ years, and the organization’s 31,000+ members have consistently ranked Intel in
the top 20 employers of choice.
 National Urban League (NUL) – Intel has representatives as members of the board of directors
on the Sacramento, Phoenix and Portland, Oregon, local affiliates and has established a
Computer Clubhouse in collaboration with the NUL affiliate in Tucson, Arizona.
 National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME) – Intel continues to support its
association with NACME, whose mission is to increase the number of successful African
American, American Indian, and Latino women and men in science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics (STEM) education and careers.
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