Communications Update


Communications Update
Transforming Rehabilitation
Update May 2015
Transforming Rehabilitation - Probation Reforms
The Ministry of Justice ‘Transforming Rehabilitation’ programme of probation reforms has split probation
services into two new organisations:
• A new public sector National Probation Service (NPS) dealing with all those who pose the highest risk of
serious harm to the public.
• Twenty one regional Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) managing all other offenders.
The Safe Durham Partnership Board have a task and finish group in place to manage the transition from a
County Durham perspective, it was established in January 2014.
The membership of the task and finish group includes the Ministry of Justice Contract Management Manager
for our area giving the Partnership a local forum to raise concerns, queries and highlight opportunities as the
‘Transforming Rehabilitation’ programme progresses.
Current Activity
The Transforming Rehabilitation Task and Finish Group have been working to mitigate risks and issues that
include; the speed of change for planned reforms; partnership working arrangements for statutory and
non-statutory responsibilities; management of contract issues post award, timely agency access to offenders
in resettlement prisons and ‘Through the Gate’ provision.
Making sense of ’Who does what’
As reported in the last issue, the Ministry of Justice announced the formal contract award to ARCC (Achieving
Real Change in Communities) with the share sale of Durham Tees Valley Community Rehabilitation Company
taking place on 1 February 2015. But what does this really mean and who delivers the services?
Here is our simple explanation:
• Durham Tees Valley Community Rehabilitation Company Limited (CRC): The CRC delivers
contracted offender management rehabilitation services in the community and will be the main point of
day to day contact for partners, organisations and services uses.
• ARRC (Achieving Real Change in Communities): The ARCC are small group of investors who own
shares in Durham Tees Valley CRC. They won the Ministry of Justice contract for offender management
rehabilitation services in the Durham Tees Valley area and direct the CRC to deliver the contract.
• National Offender Management Service (NOMS): The NOMS Contract Management Team work on
behalf of the Ministry of Justice to monitor / review compliance of the contract. The Ministry of Justice are
the commissioners of the contract.
• National Probation Service (NPS): The NPS is a statutory criminal justice service that supervises
high-risk offenders released into the community. The local divisional area will be the main point of
contact for partners, organisations and services uses.
Partners should continue to use the term CRC and NPS when referring to probation services.
A range of documents and strategies have been updated to reflect the changes brought about by the
Transforming Rehabilitation reforms such as the Safe Durham Partnership Plan, Durham Police and Crime
Plan, County Durham Youth Justice Plan and the Reducing Reoffending Strategy. The task and finish group
have also identified representation at statutory and non-statutory partnerships from the NPS and CRC.
Continue overleaf…..
Transforming Rehabilitation - Probation Reforms
Page 2
May 2015
Through the Gate
On 1 May 2015 the Through the Gate aspect of the Transforming Rehabilitation agenda came into operation.
This means all prisoners sentenced more than one day will be released on Licence and Supervision totalling
12 months.
Whilst in prison all prisoners will be interviewed by Durham Tees Valley CRC staff on reception and again
before release so a resettlement plan can be drawn up. Durham Tees Valley CRC will offer services including
Accommodation, Finance, Education Training and Employment (ETE), Restorative Justice, Debt Management
and specialised support for sex workers and victims of Domestic Violence.
Through the Gate will bring a whole new set of offenders into statutory supervision process with new
opportunities for partnership working and an enhanced ability to develop and maintain family stability and
support though sentence.
Durham Tees Valley CRC are responsible for delivery of Resettlement Services in
HMP Durham
HMP Low Newton
HMP Holme House
HMP Kirklevington
Contacts for Through the Gate are:
Helen Raine - HMP Durham and HMP Low Newton. [email protected]
Jan Bateman - HMP Holme House and HMP Kirklevington. [email protected]
Below are some useful points of contacts for offender management services in County Durham.
Useful Contacts
Durham Tees Valley
Community Rehabilitation Company
National Probation Service
Hazel Willoughby,
Head of Offender Services Durham & Darlington
Durham Tees Valley Community Rehabilitation Company
Tel: 0191 3861265
[email protected]
Carina Carey
Head of Durham NPS
National Probation Service
Tel: 0191 3895032
[email protected]
National Offender Management Service HMP Durham
Chris Dixon
Senior Rehabilitation Contract Manager
NOMS Commissioning and Contract Management.
Tel: Newcastle Office 0191 2112197
[email protected]
Tim Allen
Prison Governor
HMP Durham
Tel: 0191 3323421
[email protected]
Durham County Council
Durham Constabulary
Gill Eshelby
Strategic Manager
County Durham Youth Offending Service
Children and Adults Services
Tel: 03000 265989
[email protected]
Chief Superintendent Paul Beddow
Response and Criminal Justice Commander
Durham Constabulary
Tel : 0345 6060365
[email protected]
Sean Barry
Community Safety Officer
Children and Adults Services
Tel: 03000 265434
[email protected]
Jeanne Trotter
Strategic advisor – reoffending
PCC office, County Hall
Tel: 03000 264771
[email protected]
Police and Crime Commissioner