Term Sheet


Term Sheet
Fiducia Active Income
Term Sheet
Portfolio Type
Fixed rate of return instrument; Short-term structured notes
Investment Objective
Capital preservation; Income
Custodian Bank
This portfolio offers investors with an interest in the short-term structured
notes of select companies with good credit quality, operating in the
telecommunication industry. Investors will earn a fixed rate of return out of
income realized by these companies and underlying assets will be held by the
Nigerian companies or International companies with operations domiciled in
This investment opportunity is intended, only for privately solicited discerning
investors seeking to achieve relatively high yields and who are conversant with
risk and return considerations associated with investing.
This portfolio aims to achieve its objectives by purchasing short term notes
issued by select companies. These notes qualify to be of high credit quality
based on the structure of the transaction and/or financial condition of the
issuer. The portfolio manager adopts robust due diligence checks and practices
in reviewing the obligor to mitigate operational risks.
20% - 100% in money market instruments;
0% - 80% in structured notes; when fully invested the portfolio may attain 100%
The portfolio benchmark is the 91 days treasury bill offer rate1
16% (91 days treasury bill offer rate +5.50%)
Short-term notes must have an internally computed credit quality score
equivalent to a minimum of BBB(ng)/Low to Medium
Stanbic IBTC Bank Plc2
Current Note Series
One (1)
Open/Close Dates
22 April 2015 – 29 April 2015
Commencement Date
1st May, 2015
120 days
Lock In Period
Investment funds are locked in for a minimum period of 90 days
T + 30 days after the lock in period
Nigerian Naira (NGN)
Minimum Investment
N5,000,0003 (Five Million Naira) up to a maximum of N15,000,000 (Fifteen
Investment Geography
Investor Profile
Portfolio Strategy
Asset Allocation
Performance Benchmark
Fixed Rate of Return
Credit Quality/Risk Profile
Million Naira)
Portfolio Manager
Fiducia Capital Investment Advisers Limited4
These terms and the information set out in this document are not required to be and have not been filed with or
cleared by the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission. The Notes have not been and will not be registered
with the SEC and are not being offered or sold to the public. Prospective investors of the Notes described in this
document should therefore ensure they understand fully the nature of the Notes and the investment
considerations before investing in the Notes. If you are in any doubt about your position or action to be taken, we
recommend that you consult your own professional adviser
Source: www.cenbank.org. For reference as at 8 April 2015 the 91 days Treasury Bill Offer Rate was 10.50%
Portfolio investments are ring-fenced under a SAFE CUSTODY AGREEMENT executed between Fiducia Capital Investment Advisers Limited and Stanbic IBTC Bank Plc
Fiducia Capital reserves the right to review the minimum investment amount and refuse additional investments, per series
4 Fiducia Capital Investment Advisers Limited is registered by the Securities & Exchange Commission “SEC” as a Fund/Portfolio Manager and by the FMDQ OTC (a fixed
income securities exchange regulated by the SEC) as a Registration Member (Quotations); No. 8 Office Apartments (3rd & 4th floors), Rasheed Alaba Williams Street, Lekki
Phase I, Lagos; Tel: +234 1 295 7760; email: [email protected]; www.fiduciacapital.net