04.19.2015 - First Christian Reformed Church


04.19.2015 - First Christian Reformed Church
Religion: Pure and Undefiled
First Christian Reformed Church
Sunday April 19, 2015
Pastor Gary Bomhof
Gathering to Worship
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Song: Jesus Lover Of My Soul
God’s Greeting
Time of Friendship
Service of Reconciliation
Song: Come As You Are
Call to Confession
Song: How Deep The Father’s Love For Us
Assurance of Pardon
Song: I Love You Lord
Scripture: James 1:19-27
Message: “Religion: Pure and Undefiled”
Pastor Jack Hielema
We Respond in Giving, Prayer and Praise
Song: Lord Speak To Me
First Church News
We pray for J. P. and Carey Yoos who are mourning the
death of Carey;s father, Wilbert (Jim) Walker of Sylvan
Lake. The funeral was Saturday (yesterday). May God
comfort the family and give them peace.
We have a request for prayer in the healing of Dr. Peter
Bouch and family, as Dr. Bouch broke his clavicle in
multiple places after falling while riding his bike on
Thursday. Presently he is waiting to have surgery. Our
prayers are for him and his family as they get through the
next few weeks.
Cor Bruin is in hospital again as his strength continues to
fail. May our God who renews our strength find it in His
will to give Cor strength to carry on. He turned 94 this
past Friday. May he continue to be blessed with a long
Winnie Tensen celebrated her 92nd birthday this week,
but was in hospital. Many of you went to visit her in
hospital and she had a great day. May God continue to
bless her and keep her.
We continue to pray for Ena Wamsteeker as she
remains in hospital.
Pastoral Prayer
Our Tithes and Offerings:
First Church Budget Ministry
Gems (Grand Rapids)
Pray for Albert Friesen (father of Barb Thompson) who
was admitted to Red Deer Hospital on Tuesday with
pancreatitis. We pray that he may gain strength and
mobility as he continues to recover. We ask for prayers
for the family, as Natalie Thompson (daughter to Bert
and Barb) continue to manage the pain after her surgery
as she attempts to return to classes.
We Leave to Serve
Doxology: His Eye Is On the Sparrow
Thanks to Pastor Jack Hielema for again supporting this
church with his leadership and preaching this week as
our guest Pastor. He will lead Dig Deeper tonight at 6:00
Remember the many people who are unable to worship
with us regularly due to illness or age including Hermina
de Gruyter, Alice de Wit, Lies Harkema, Marge
Groeneveld, Henny Oosterhoff, Dicky Mulder, Winnie
Tensen, Helen Spanninga, Janet vanderMeulen, Peter
Humting, Jannie deBoon, Cor Bruin, Cor and Pearl
Nienhuis, Louis Braaksma and Henk Werkema.
Guests: We extend a special welcome to guests who are joining us this morning. JaMtime is for the children age 3 to
those going into Grade 5. There is a supervised nursery care for infants to age 3. Everybody is cordially invited to a
time of fellowship and friendship in the Social Hall following the worship service
We are working on the first phase of our Safe Church policy at First CRC. This means that anyone involved in the
interaction of children under 16 in this building will require a police check. They are $5 (can be reimbursed) and take
several weeks to complete. Pick up the needed form at the welcome desk after the service and take it to your local
police station. When complete, please bring the original to the office. We will copy the original and file it in the Safe
Church binder.
Soup and Bun Lunch Sunday April 26 the Youth will be hosting this lunch and they invite everyone to stay for lunch
and fellowship. This is a fundraiser for the upcoming YC trip; donations for lunch will be gratefully accepted. YC is a
youth convention held every year in Edmonton; it’s an opportunity for our Youth to worship, hear speakers and be
encouraged in their faith. This year 10 of our Youth and 2 chaperones will be attending. Thank you for your continued
support of our Youth!
Vacation Bible School July 6-10 (9:30 – 11:30 am)
Take the Plunge!
What a great initial response! Already we have 17 people who have volunteered to help at VBS this summer!
Awesome!!! Pre-registration is up and running on our church website!!! We are getting excited!
We are still looking for help in the following areas:
1. Classroom teachers You teach the lesson (about 30 – 45 minutes) Other volunteers lead crafts, games and other
activities which you assist with, but are not responsible for.
2. Classroom helpers (students entering Grade 7 & higher)
3. Nursery (to care for young children of teachers and other VBS staff)2 people/morning
4. Crafts, Games and /or activities (If you have an activity you would like to lead – please talk to us!)
5. Sound/power point
6. Drama and/or puppet play for the assemblies
Remember to get your volunteer application form from the kiosk in the hallway to take along when you get your criminal
record check completed
To volunteer, or if you have questions or need more information, please call Kathryn Ludwig(403 986-3027) or Michelle
Driedger (403 309- 8855) We look forward to hearing from you!!!
Foundations meets tonight, Session 20.
YIS meets tonight after Foundations, our new members please attend.
Games Night Tuesday at 6:30pm for all Youth and Young Adults.
Young Adults Bible Study meets Thursday at 7:30pm in the council room, studying ‘The Unshakable Truth’. All Young
Adults out of high school and beyond are invited.
YC’ers Sunday April 26 is the Soup Lunch fundraiser, plan on being available to help Sunday. An email was sent with
more information.
His Eye is on the Sparrow was written by Civilla D. Martin. Here are her words.
"Early in the spring of 1905, my husband and I were sojourning in Elmira, New York. We contracted a deep friendship for
a couple by the name of Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle, true saints of God. Mrs. Doolittle had been bedridden for nigh twenty
years. Her husband was an incurable cripple who had to propel himself to and from his business in a wheel chair.
Despite their afflictions, they lived happy Christian lives, bringing inspiration and comfort to all who knew them. One day
while we were visiting with the Doolittles, my husband commented on their bright hopefulness and asked them for the
secret of it. Mrs. Doolittle's reply was simple: "His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me." The next day she
mailed the poem to Charles Gabriel, who supplied the music.
The choir has a new website, www.chancelchoir.ca. Many thanks to Deanna Schroeder for doing this for us.
Save the Date! May 3, Sunday evening, 7:00 pm, is the Chancel Choir's Most Amazing Spring Concert. The choir is
partnering with His Time Ensemble, from Koinonia Christian School, directed by Annette Bradley, for an evening of
great choral music.
Sadie Bylsma
Ben Brunner
Pamela Dodd
Ethel vandenBrink
Jim Tenhove
Johanna Wiersma
Jeanette Rogers
Ray Ortlieb
Albert Bouwman
Ted Oostenbrug
Jason Dalstra
Harry Veenstra
Siam Grobler
Ashley Oostenbrug
Dig Deeper
Coffee Break
Youth Games Night
Young Adults Bible Study
Michener Hymn Sing
Men’s Breakfast
Afrikaans Bible Study
Today’s Tithes and Offerings:
First Church Budget Ministry
Gems (Grand Rapids)
Future Offerings
Honduras Water Project
Cadets (Grand Rapids)
Greeting: Rika Kranenborg
Helping Hands: Floyd Groeneveld
Nursery: Krista Dunstan, Nick VanderVeen, Minka Lodewyk, Natalie Elgersma
Coffee Hosts: Jim & Kim Bakker
Serving Elder: Dirk vanderBerg
Greeting: Rea deJong
Helping Hands: Alfred Prins
Nursery: Erin Visser, Anna Lodewyk, Morgan Schalk
Coffee Hosts: Garth and Sharon Stange
Serving Elder: Tyler Westera
Up Coming Events
First Christian Reformed Church
16 McVicar Street Red Deer, AB T4N 0M1
[email protected]
Phone: 403-346-5659
The Alberta March for Life Association invites you to attend "Yes I Choose Life and will March for Life" themed
March for Life on Thursday, May 14, 2015 from 11:30am - 4:00 pm. Please meet at Churchill Square 102A and 100 St.,
Edmonton, AB T5J 2V4
"Exciting Summer Employment Opportunity"
Bethel Christian Reformed Church in Lacombe has a full-time position for a Summer Ministry Coordinator. The vision is
- Maintain excellence in ministry and worship during the summer months.
- Engage in outreach through a one week Vacation Bible School.
Qualifications are: Musical skills (play a lead instrument and lead in worship) and administrative skills to keep all of the
details of weekly ministry flowing smoothly.
Wages are $15.00/ hr. A fuller “Position Description” is available upon request.
Phone (403)-782-0744, or (403) 782-6400. Email: [email protected] or [email protected] To find out more about
Bethel church check our website: www.lacombebethelcrc.org
The Classis Alberta North Student Fund Committee exists to provide financial assistance to members of churches in
Classis Alberta North who are preparing for full-time ministry (ordained or unordained) in the Christian Reformed
Church. Ordinarily no financial assistance will be provided to students enrolled in non-seminary post-secondary
institutions. If you are a student who is entering seminary in preparation for full time ministry within the Christian
Reformed Church and would like more information about this support, please contact Ron deVries at
[email protected] or 780-619-6566, by April 27th.
Celebrating 10 years of Silence: InterMission weekend, silent, directed retreat---now in its tenth year. May 22-24,
King's Fold Retreat Centre, Cochrane, AB. $350. Retreat, rest, pray, feed your soul, go deep with God.
www.intermissionsilentretreat.com Led by Pastor Ron Klok, [email protected].
Looking for a fun relaxing night out and support a great ministry? Then get your tickets for Shalom’s Spring Gala,
featuring local singer/songwriter Randi Boulton. It’s on April 25th at the Balmoral Bible Chapel. Tickets are only $20
each or a table of 8 for $150 – they include sumptuous deserts, and a silent auction (there are always some great items
to bid on). All proceeds go to supporting this much needed ministry of reaching out to hurting people in Central Alberta.
You don’t want to miss this one! Tickets are available from Marian Warkentin or the Shalom Counselling Center.
WAYNE GRETZKY. Ok now that you have started reading this lemme fill you in. CANYA is hosting a young adults
retreat in Canmore this May. Here's the deets: May 29-31 at the Holiday Inn, Canmore AB. Things to expect, but not
limited to, are; peaker discussing the challenges of the Christian journey, reflecting on Romans 5:3-5, riding elevators in
hotel, worship, hockey themed scavenger hunt, eating, fellowship, Banff hot springs and more!
Please join us, ages 18-30ish, for a "Hockey Night in Canmore" weekend of fun! Da-da dat di da dat did da. (that's the
theme song). Rea Register at http://canym.weebly.com/ For more information contact Ron deVries at 780-619-6566 or
email [email protected]