An invitation to join the 250 Circle for “A Night at


An invitation to join the 250 Circle for “A Night at
An invitation to join the 250 Circle for
“A Night at the Light”
A sunset concert featuring the Portland Symphony Orchestra in Fort Williams Park
Photo courtesy of Sarah Beard Buckley
250 Circle Tickets
We invite you to join the 250 Circle by purchasing a ticket at $250 per person
What you get
 One invitation to the VIP Summer Soiree on Battery Knoll which includes: hors d’oeuvres and
complimentary beer and wine before the concert
 Small tours of Portland Head Light
 Premium parking
 Reserved seat at the front of the Green near the stage
 A seasonal and gourmet boxed dinner
 Recognition in the concert program
What you give
 A chance for students, seniors, and children to attend the event at a reasonable price
 The Town the Opportunity to Celebrate 250th Anniversary
 The Fort Williams Park Children’s Garden a bright future
250 Circle Tickets Reservation Form
“A Night at the Light” – Saturday, July 25, 2015 (rain date 26th)
250 Circle
$250 per ticket
How you would like to be recognized on the program:
# of Seats _____________ x Price of Ticket _____________ = Total _________________
Please mail this form with check payable to Night at the Light to: Fort Williams Park Foundation, PO BOX 6260, CAPE
ELIZABETH, ME 04107. For more info please contact Liv Vega at (207) 831-4750.