04-05-15 bulletin Easter Sunday.indd


04-05-15 bulletin Easter Sunday.indd
Easter Festival Services
April 5, 2015
First Presbyterian Church
Santa Fe, New Mexico
208 Grant Avenue
[email protected]
Celebrating Spring photos in the lobby courtesy of Charlie Stringfellow and above courtesy of Pat Luiken.
First Presbyterian Church is an
inclusive, reconciling congregation
which welcomes into its worship
and full membership all persons
who profess faith in Jesus Christ
regardless of race, age, gender,
disability, sexual orientation, or
economic status.
We are delighted you joined us
today and invite you to register your
presence with us on the friendship
sheets. On Sundays Parking can
usually be found in the Santa Fe
County lot behind the church and at
metered parking without charge.
Childcare is available on the second
floor in the preschool area.
Ask the ushers if you have questions,
need a Hearing Assistance Device,
or would like a Large Print Version of
the service.
Get Involved in the Life of the
Church: Have questions about the
church or what Presbyterians are all
about? Gatherings are held monthly
on the second Sunday after each
service—next one is April 12. Contact
the church office (982.8544) for more
information about the gathering or
about how to become involved in the
Counseling by arrangement with
the Pastoral Counseling Center
(988.4131). Medicare and most
insurance accepted or sliding scale
fees negotiable.
Worship & Study
—Sundays 9:45–10:45
Classes return on Sunday, April 12. Children’s classes on the second floor. Jim Brown will lead a
five-week Adult Education class on the Book of Confessions, which is the part of the Constitution
of the Presbyterian Church (USA) containing some of the great affirmations of the Christian faith
such as the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Theological
Declaration of Barmen (written by Lutheran and Reformed Christians as a rebuke to Nazism). Most
recently, in 1991, A Brief Statement of Faith was added. Jim served on the Committee of 21 that
drafted this statement and he will use it as a lens through which to view the other creeds, each of
which will be considered in the light of Scripture and in their historical contexts. Members of the class
who don’t have a copy of The Book of Confessions published after 1991 can purchase one for $10
today in the lobby.
The Reimagining Team will present a three-week series beginning April 19 on its draft for a new
design for our church’s ministry. The first week will cover the great change happening across the
American religious landscape which prompted session to form this team. On April 26 we will present
core values that came from our listening sessions last fall which provide the basis for the design. The
final class on May 3 will present the new design for congregational comment. Please join us!
Religion & Science Discussion 1st and 3rd Mondays at 7:00PM, Rendon Room
Mary’s Women 2nd Monday each month at 5:30PM, Rendon Room—a spiritual reflection of Karen
Armstrong’s book Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life
Morning Prayer Wednesdays at 7:00AM, McFarland Chapel
Base Community Bible Study on Wednesdays at noon in the Rendon Room
Prophetic Spirituality Wednesdays 5:30–6:20PM in the Rendon Room
Taizé Service Thursdays at 5:30PM, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 841 W Manhattan Ave
Spanish Bible Study Saturdays 9:00–10:00AM—Moore Conference Room (third floor).
Circle of Friends 2nd Saturday, April meeting at Charlotte Whitcomb’s house. This is a group for
women of all ages seeking small community fellowship and study.
Music & Art
TGIF Concerts every Friday night at 5:30PM. Free will offering. Pick up a schedule in the lobby of the
concerts through the summer and take one to friends and neighbors and other music lovers.
The Back Pew Gallery is planning a community exhibit with art coming in on Sunday, April 19,
from 8:00AM to 12:00NOON. The theme is Artful Birds and we are looking for painting, photographs,
sculpture, jewelry, wearable art, decorate art, furniture, etc. that features birds. We will also have 15
small, unpainted wooden birds ready for decorating by church artists. A signup sheet is on the lobby
table for anyone who would like to create a bird. They can be collaged, painted, feathered, beaded,
etc. and will be displayed in the gallery along with others from the community. Let’s celebrate spring
in a unique way! Contact Carol Fallis 670.9250, Barb Hutchison 982.0684, or Andy Ritch 471.6596.
April 5, 2015 8:30 and 11:00AM
Those who are able may stand
God Calls Us
Jan McDonald and Jim Toevs,
HYMN 232
bold in unison
The moments before worship are a transition from “getting here” to “being here.” Take the
opportunity to listen to the prelude and quiet one’s mind and become open to the spirit.
Concerto in C op. 9 no. 9
by Tomaso Albinoni
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Sisters and brothers in Christ,
take your places here today
in celebration and in awe.
What you are about to hear again,
has the capacity to change the world.
Your very presence attests
to the rising up of life
from the tomb of despair,
and to the uncontrollable power of God.
It is Easter morning again.
Alleluia! Christ is risen! Alleluia!
in unison
bold in unison
Almighty God,
you raised Jesus from the grave,
and shattered the powers of sin and death.
But we confess that we still remain captive to fear
and are bound to ways of being that lead to narrow living.
We hide in tombs of indifference
and seek comfort rather than justice.
We cling to hurt, resentment, and disappointment
and refuse the freedom that comes with forgiveness.
Forgive us, O God,
and restore us to joy and wholeness. Amen.
Be Not Afraid
To all and to each, on his community and on his friends,
where regret is real, Jesus pronounces his pardon
and grants us the right to begin again.
Thanks be to God!
printed at right
God Renews Us
Chancel Choir
Jan McDonald and Jim Toevs,
Isaiah 25:6-9
New Revised Standard Version, pg 652
That Eastertide with Joy was Bright
by Howard Helvey
Mark 16:1-8
Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III
“Who will roll away the stone for us?”
HYMN 248
Jan McDonald and Jim Toevs,
New Revised Standard Version, pg 54
The Lord be with you.
Lift up your hearts.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
And also with you.
We lift them up to the Lord.
It is right to give our
thanks and praise.
It is truly right and our greatest joy to give you thanks and praise...
♫ Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,
heaven and earth are full, are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who
comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna!
Trumpet Voluntary no. 1
by William Boyce
printed at right
God Sends Us on Our Journey
752 in the hymnal,
words at right
HYMN 245
♫ Dona nobis pacem, pacem. Dona nobis pacem.
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today!
Toccata from the Fifth Symphony
by Charles-Marie Widor
The service of worship concludes after the postlude. The music can be enjoyed and this
time can be used for prayer. You may remain seated or depart quietly.
Serving today
Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III
Rev. Bobb Barnes (8:30)
Mary Jo Lundy (11:00)
Madeleine Wright, Mary & Bruce Black, Missy & Gayle Lomax (8:30)
Carolyn Stupin, Ann Morgan (11:00)
Music Director:
Linda Raney
Choir Accompanist: David Solem
Call to Worship excerpt written by Ann Siddall, in Lent to Easter Liturgies: Year C. Posted on the website of the Stillpoint
Spirituality Centre. Prayer of Confession from the Presbyterian Church of Canada.
Prayers and Praise
Names of those to pray for will be listed for four weeks unless
otherwise requested. Notify the church office 982.8544 or office@
fpcsantafe.org with your joys and concerns.
Pray for bell choir member Jodi Bustos as she recovers from
surgery, Joe Armbruster, and Lolly Bair.
Pray for church member Melanie Roberts Moore on the death of
her son Marcus (Marc) Jefferson Moore in Texas on February 24.
Her “baby boy” was only 38 years old.
Deacon on call: Anne M. 466.1120
Jenny Harland is representing us on the Presbytery Trip to Cuba. If
you wish to donate items for Cuba, there is a box in the lobby with
a list of suggested items. Especially needed are over-the-counter
medications of any kind for babies, children & adults. E-mail
[email protected] if you have any questions.
Men’s Breakfast on April 11 from 8:00–9:00AM will feature Charlie
and Jane Stringfellow in a talk entitled Impressions of Saudi
Arabia. Charlie made around 30 trips to Saudi Arabia during the
period 1979 to 1991 as the Program Manager for a large US Navy
program in Riyadh, Jidda and Jubail. Jane went with him on one
three-week trip. They will describe many of their impressions there:
the land; the people—Saudi Royal Family to Bedouin; traditions;
Islam; restrictions on foreigners; women; the fondness for “Picnics
in the Desert”; and the rapid move of Saudis from 17th to 21st
Century. You and your friends are invited to attend the breakfast. To
cover the cost of the breakfast, we ask a $2 contribution. Help us
anticipate the food requirements or field special food requests by
contacting John Whitcomb at 982.3921 or [email protected].
Before April 12, pack a complete Backpack for Immigrant Women
and Children being released from San Antonio detention centers.
You can find the shopping list for items on the lobby table (purple
page) or contact Liz Hinds for more info 982.0208.
A Tour of La Fonda has been scheduled by the History Committee
for April 24 from 10:00–12:00. Historical records suggest that an
inn—fonda—was established on this hotel corner by 1601. During
the 19th century the old adobe structure changed hands and names
(one being the Exchange Hotel) several times but remained a Santa
Fe landmark. The hotel was razed in 1919 and rebuilt as today’s
La Fonda. A signup sheet is on the table in the lobby if you wish to
Our congregation is participating in the One Great Hour of Sharing.
One of the four yearly special offerings of the Presbyterian Church
(USA), OGHS supports programs that provide food and clean water,
self-development assistance, and disaster relief that changes lives
and communities in places most in need of a helping hand. The
OGHS that supports Presbyterian Mission Agency ministries is a
unique way of joining other Presbyterians across the globe to help
people facing challenging circumstances find resilience, hope and
the tools necessary to improve their lives.
Who We Are
We are a church with a rich legacy of being involved in
the community and the world, facing issues head-on,
from homelessness, hunger, violence and poverty, to
addressing their underlying reasons. We continue this
legacy today.
We are an inclusive church where all are welcome,
no matter what. No exceptions.
We are a church that is celebrating its 150th
anniversary in 2017, the oldest Protestant congregation
in New Mexico and Arizona.
We are a church that takes scripture seriously, not
literally, and seeks its wisdom and guidance daily.
We are a church that loves great music.
We are a church that seeks to remain relevant to
new generations and thrive in a challenging culture.
We are a church that hopes to always re-form its life
around the life and ministry and teachings of Jesus
By doing so, we can be a church that has the
capacity to heal the world as we work to care for our
environment, confront injustice, work for peaceful
solutions, and care for those in need.
We are a church that enjoys being with one another
and welcoming new people into our midst.
To those of you who are visiting today
we are so glad you are here!
The planning and preparation for the 150
anniversary is already underway. An Idea Bank
is coming soon where all of you can share ideas.
Anyone interested can join the task force. The next
meeting is Wednesday, April 8, at noon in Pope Hall.
Connect with Us
Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III, Pastor
Mary Jo Lundy, Parish Visitor x10 (leave msg)
Linda Raney, Director of Music
Anne Liley, CDC Director
Krista Peterson, Office Manager
Marcella Ortiz, Business Manager x12
Bill Adrian, Facilities Manager
Cindy Piatt, Kids’ Community Coord. x13
E-mail addresses are all @fpcsantafe.org