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A Hudsonia Workshop
Reptiles and Amphibians of the Hudson River: Two Sessions
Workshop at beautiful Norrie Point (Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve
headquarters, Staatsburg, NY)
Part 1: Wednesday 20 May 2015, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. A full day with presentations,
specimens, field gear, and literature for viewing, and lunch at Norrie. Presented by Erik
Part 2: Thursday 21 May, 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM. Location TBA. Extended field trip (bring
your own lunch). Led by Jason Tesauro.
A workshop for consultants, biologists, students, university and high school instructors,
environmental professionals, NGO staff, regulators, policy-makers, preserve and park
managers, restorationists, and others involved with the study or conservation of
amphibians and reptiles on and near the Hudson River estuary or elsewhere in the
Reptiles and amphibians (the herpetofauna) are attracting attention as vulnerable and
declining species, indicators of ecological integrity, models for ecological theory, and
subjects of educational and aesthetic interest. Environmental professionals, naturalists,
and researchers increasingly are interested in finding, identifying, studying, and
protecting the herpetofauna, especially those species listed as endangered, threatened, or
special concern (there are 22 E, T, and SC species in New York, exclusive of sea turtles).
Most amphibians and reptiles are cryptic and secretive in their appearance and behavior,
and particularly little research has been conducted on those habitats and species
associated with estuaries.
Hudsonia biologists have worked with turtles, snakes, lizards, frogs, and salamanders in
the Hudson Valley and around the U.S. for many years. We have performed surveys,
conducted research, analyzed the scientific literature and environmental documents, and
planned conservation for common and rare amphibians and reptiles in a variety of
habitats, localities, and land use situations. These include analyses of mining impacts on
timber rattlesnake and power plant expansion on Pine Barrens treefrog; studies of bog
turtle habitats in relationship to surrounding land use; surveys for northern cricket frog;
research on the ecology and behavior of snapping turtle, painted turtle, red-bellied turtle,
wood turtle, musk turtle, mud turtle in tidal wetlands and box turtle and painted turtle on
former farmland; general herpetofaunal surveys of research preserves, barrier islands,
dredge spoil disposal areas, invasive plant stands, industrial sites, and parks; surveys of
mole salamander breeding in woodland pools; fifteen years of research on Blanding’s
turtle response to created habitats; and surveys, habitat analyses, and species studies of
herpetofauna in the tide-affected habitats of the Hudson River.
LEARN (in the indoor session) which species of reptiles and amphibians occur on and
near the Hudson River, how to identify their habitats, and how to survey for the species.
PARTICIPATE in an extended field trip to try out selected survey techniques
(provisionally, cover objects, visual encounter, hoop traps, and minnow traps).
SEE AND DISCUSS the results of studies of the Hudson River herpetofauna.
REVIEW the regional (Hudson River and Hudson Valley) herpetofaunal literature.
REVIEW the species occurring in our region, their identification and habitats, and the
threats to their populations.
VIEW preserved specimens representative of the regional herpetofauna.
Instructors: Erik Kiviat, PhD, a herpetologist and wetland ecologist, is a co-founder and
the Executive Director of Hudsonia. Erik began participating in herpetological surveys in
1962, and has studied Blanding’s turtle in Dutchess County for 35 years. Erik is author or
coauthor of papers on several species of reptiles and amphibians as well as articles on the
Hudson River herpetofauna. He is also coauthor of the Biodiversity Assessment Manual
for the Hudson River Estuary Corridor, author of a regional conservation book The
Northern Shawangunks: An Ecological Survey, a principal in Hudsonia’s award-winning
habitat restoration project for the threatened Blanding’s turtle, and author or coauthor of
scientific papers, nontechnical articles, and technical assistance reports on other aspects
of biodiversity, wetlands, rare species, urban environments, and ecological restoration.
Jason Tesauro, M.S., will lead the field trip. Jason is an expert on survey and
management methods for the endangered bog turtle, and conducts a variety of other
herpetological surveys, habitat management projects, and biodiversity assessments in
New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
Participation is limited and by application only, to ensure that the workshop is offered to
conservationists, managers, regulators, policy-makers, and other professionals who can
make the best use of the information. The indoor session is limited to 30 participants and
the field trip to 15 participants. The field trip is also limited to those already signed up for
the indoor session. Please see the application form, below.
Fee: $30 per person for the indoor session and $30 for the field trip, payable in advance
(free for students – but application necessary for everyone!). Fee includes lunch (indoors)
and course materials. Payment must be received by May 10th in order to hold the place.
This workshop is underwritten by an education grant from the Hudson River
Improvement Fund.
Application for Reptiles and Amphibians of the Hudson River workshop 2015
I would like to register for just the indoor session [ ] or both that and the field trip (space
permitting) [ ]
Telephone: day
E-mail address
Mailing address
Primary interest(s) in workshop as a: Consulting Biologist Land Manager
Restorationist Regulatory Agency Staff Policy-maker Researcher Engineer
Student Educator Other
Primary Activities: Field Office Other
Geographic area of professional activity
Environment(s) working in: Wildland Rural Suburban/Urban
Experience with amphibians and reptiles
Professional workshops or conferences attended recently
Why I want to take this workshop and how I will apply what I learn
How I found out about this workshop: Web News from Hudsonia Email from
Hudsonia Mailing from Hudsonia Professional Society Friend or Colleague
 I would like to be on the mailing list to receive News from Hudsonia (paper copy only
twice per year)
Hudsonia does not give, sell, or trade personal information
Please send applications to: Lea Stickle, Hudsonia Ltd., PO Box 5000, Annandale, NY 12504
Or Fax to: (845)-758-7033
Or E-mail: lstickle[at]bard[.edu]
Feel free to contact us with any questions by e-mail (above) or call: (845)-758-7053
Please make checks payable to: Hudsonia Ltd.