from the general president `s office


from the general president `s office
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General Presidents Mailbox
Thursday, April 23, 2015 9:49 AM
Business Managers All; Field Officers and Staff; HQ Staff and Employees; Apprentice Coordinators - All
April 23, 2015
All Local Unions, District Councils and International Staff
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
I have had the honor of being an Ironworker for over 42 years and the privilege of serving
as an officer and representative of Ironworkers since 1976. Our Union and the Brothers and
Sisters I have known, helped to develop the skills and the character of the man before you
today. They have shaped my life, a very good life, and one for which I will always be
eternally grateful.
Our Union must always strive to be better; to grow and deliver safer, better lives for future
generations of Ironworkers. Change is a needed character that ensures our ability to deliver
for our members. It must be the dynamo that provides the opportunity for future
generations and embraces the energy of new ideas while driving us toward success.
It is with the full faith and confidence of a great future for our Union and members, I have
made the decision to not seek re-election as your General President and retire effective June
30, 2015.
I am truly a fortunate man to have been able to make a living doing something I love and
enjoy. I have my health, the love of my beautiful wife, Liz, and daughter, Lauren, and the
desire to explore the future with the knowledge that my Union, our Union will flourish
under the guidance of General Secretary Eric Dean and his leadership team.
In accordance with the International Constitution, Article XIII, Section 3, the General
Executive Council has met and unanimously elected Eric Dean, Local Union No. 63, as the
thirteenth General President of our great Union.
Thank you for your friendship and hard work that has helped to build our great Union.
With best wishes and kind personal regards, I am
Fraternally yours,
GENERAL PRESIDENT —IPM.Note&id—RgAAAAAbyLh986dSQrqxlcA.1... 4/24/2015