IT 445 - Department of Applied Information Technology


IT 445 - Department of Applied Information Technology
 IT 445
Spring 2015
The Department of Syllabus
Applied Information Technology
The Volgenau School of Engineering
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax. VA22030-4444
IT 445 Advanced Networking Principles II
Spring 2015
Revised 11/04/2014
Sections DL:
Asynchronous Distance Learning Section *
Louis D’Alessandro
Room 5503, Nguyen Engineering Building (Fairfax campus)
Office Hours:
Tue 12:00 – 1:00 or By appointment
Office Hours:
Panneer Selvam Santhalingam
[email protected]
[email protected]
* Asynchronous Distance Learning Section:
This is an online asynchronous distance learning section. Students will meet twice on the Fairfax
campus to take the Mid Term and the Final Exams. The dates will be announced during the first
month of the class.
Each week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. Working online requires dedication and
organization. Students must check their GMU email messages on a daily basis and communicate
any questions or problems that might arise promptly.
IT 445
Spring 2015
In our online learning community, we must be respectful of one another. Please be aware that
innocent remarks can be easily misconstrued. Sarcasm and humor can be easily taken out of
context. When communicating, please be positive and diplomatic. I encourage you to learn more
about Netiquette.
IT101, IT106 or IT108, IT212, Math108, and IT341 or permission of the instructor
Technology Requirements:
The technology requirements for this online course are listed belowHardware:
You will need access to a Windows or Macintosh computer with at least 2 GB of RAM and to a
fast, reliable broadband Internet connection (e.g., cable, DSL). For optimum visibility of course
material, the recommended computer monitor and laptop screen size is 13-inches or larger. You
will need computer speakers or headphones to listen to recorded content. A headset microphone
is recommended for live audio sessions using course tools like Blackboard Collaborate. For the
amount of computer hard disk space required to take an online course, consider and allow for the
space needed to: 1) install the required and recommended software and, 2) save your course
For hardware and software purchases, visit Patriot Computers.
Web browser (See Blackboard Support for supported web browsers)
Blackboard Courses (Log into, select the Courses Tab)
Blackboard Collaborate (Select Tools from the Blackboard Course Menu, then select
"Blackboard Collaborate")
Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
Flash Player (free download)
Windows Media Player (free download)
Microsoft Office (purchase)
Cisco Packet Tracer simulation software (available at Cisco Networking Academy at no cost)
Note: If you are using an employer-provided computer or corporate office for class attendance,
please verify with your systems administrators that you will be able to install the necessary
applications and that system or corporate firewalls do not block access to any sites or media
IT 445
Spring 2015
Learning Outcomes:
Design switch architecture and configurations
Configure port security
Design and configure VLANs/trunks and troubleshoot same
Be able to configure Virtual Trunk Protocol and Spanning Tree Protocol
Describe all types of WAN technologies
Understand, design, and configure Frame Relay networks and Point to Point Protocol (PPP)
Design Access Control Lists for network security
Design Network Address and Port Address Translation (NAT & PAT)
Lecture Textbooks:
Lewis, W.; LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide, Cisco Press,
ISBN-10: 1-58713-273-7
ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-273-5
Vachon, B & Graziani, R.; Accessing the WAN, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide, Cisco
Press, ISBN-10: 1-58713-349-0
ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-349-7
IT 445
Lab Textbooks:
Spring 2015
Johnson, A; LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide, Cisco
Press, ISBN-10: 1-58713-202-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-202-5
Rullan, J; Accessing the WAN, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide, Cisco Press,
ISBN-10: 1-58713-201-X
ISBN 13-978-1-58713-201-8
IT 445
Spring 2015
Instruction for Purchasing at a Discount Rate:
Can be obtained from
Here are the instructions: Follow these 4 steps once then after that just login to to
get this discount from now onward.
To take advantage of the special offer, simply apply your school’s Sales Rep membership code
and follow the steps below:
**The membership code for the AIT dept at GMU is: *EDU-1FB*
Go to
Registration required via this unique URL
1. Click Register or Log In
2. Enter your e-mail address on the Login or Become a Member page
3. Choose "Apply Membership Code" on the My Account page and enter your code (again
that is EDU-1FB for this department at GMU)
Then just log in as a Member each time you visit to automatically receive
your special pricing and save on every purchase.
Class lectures
Course Materials at:
This course focuses on Layer 2 and 3 of the OSI model and WAN technologies. Frame Relay
and ISDN, complex router configurations of Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM),
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR), Network Address Translation (NAT), Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and study of Network Management Systems available for Data
Communications Networks. Layer 2 involves Ethernet-switching components, including detailed
IT 445
Spring 2015
hands-on configuration covering all aspects of switches using the command-line interface
Homework Discussions Lab Work NetAcad Online Final & Skills ExamsMidterm Exam Final Exam -
Grades will be awarded in accordance with the GMU Grading System for undergraduate
students. For details, refer to
Three Discussions are scheduled this semester during week 2, week 8 and week 14.
Discussions will open on Blackboard on Sunday at 6 a.m. EST. Submit your initial post no later
than Tuesday before midnight EST. Read your classmates’ posts and reply to one of them by
Sunday noon EST.
Your initial discussion and your reply to another post will range between 25 to 50 words.
The rubric for discussion grading is posted in the Discussion Grading Rubric folder on the
Syllabus and Documents page of Blackboard.
Week of
January 18
Week of
January 25
Chapters 2, & 5
Routing Protocols – Static & RIP
Reading, Assignments & Labs
Released on: January 18th, 2015
• Lab Session 1
Released on: January 25, 2015
• Lab Session 2
• Discussion 1
Due: January 25, 2015
• Lab Session 1
Chapters 9 & 11
Routing Protocols – EIGRP & OSPF
IT 445
Week of
February 1
Spring 2015
Released on: February 1, 2015
• Skills Exam (Routing Protocols)
Released on: February 7, 2015
• Routing Protocols Final Exam in
Chapter 1 (LAN Switching &
• LAN Design
Chapter 2 (LAN Switching &
• Basic Switching Concepts &
Net Space & Feedback
Due: February 7, 11:00 PM
• Routing Protocols Final Exam in
Net Space & Feedback
Released on: February 7, 2015
Lab Session 3
Due: February 1, 2015
Week of
February 8
Week of
February 15
• Lab Session 2
Released on: February 8, 2015
• Lab Session 4
Chapter 3 (LAN Switching &
Chapter 4 (LAN Switching &
Chapter 5 (LAN Switching &
Due: February 8, 2015
Lab Session 3
Skills Exam (Routing Protocols)
Released on: February 15, 2015
• Lab Session 5
Due: February 15, 2015
Week of
February 22
Week of
March 1
Week of
March 8
• Lab Session 4
Released on: February 22, 2015
• VLANs Lab Session 6
Chapter 6 (LAN Switching &
• Inter VLAN Routing
InterVLAN Routing
Due on: February 22, 2015
• Lab Session 5
• Released on: March 1, 2015
Chapter 7 (LAN Switching &
• Basic Wireless
• Midterm Exam Review
Guide posted on Bb
Home Assignment 1
Due on: March 1, 2015
• VLANs Lab Session 6
Spring Break
IT 445
Week of
March 15
Spring 2015
Released on: March 15, 2015
• Home Assignment 2
• Lab Session 8 PPP
• Discussion 2
• Skills Exam (Switching and
Chapter 1 (Accessing the WAN)
• Introduction to WANs
Chapter 2 (Accessing the WAN)
Week of
March 22
Week of
March 29
• Midterm Exam
• Switching and Wireless Final Exam
VLSM Lecture & In Class Problem
& Feedback Assessment
in NetAcad after the midterm
Chapter 3 (Accessing the WAN)
• Frame Relay
Chapter 4 (Accessing the WAN)
• Network Security
Released on: March 29, 2015
• Lab Session 9 Frame Relay
Due on: March 29, 2015
• Home Assignment 1
• Lab Session 8
• Skills Exam (Switching and
Chapter 5 (Accessing the WAN)
• ACLs
Released on: April 5, 2015
• Lab Session 10
Week of
April 5
Network Security
Due on: April 5, 2015
• Home Assignment 2
Lab Session 9
Week of
April 12
Week of
April 19
Released on: April 12, 2015
• Lab Session 11 ACLs
• Home Assignment 3
Due on: April 12, 2015
• Lab Session 10
Chapter 6 (Accessing the WAN)
• Teleworker Services
Chapter 7 (Accessing the WAN)
• IP Addressing Services NAT
and DHCP
• IT Tel
Released on: April 19, 2015
• Lab Session 12
Due on: April 19, 2015
• Lab Session 11
• Home Assignment
Week of
April 26
Due on: April 26, 2015
• Lab Session 12
Special Session (CCNA 4)
• IPv6
IT 445
Week of
Spring 2015
Chapter 8 (Accessing the WAN)
• Network Trouble Shooting
• Final Exam Review Guide
posted on Bb
Released on: May 3, 2015
May 3
Of May 10
• Final Exam day and time will
be announced
Lab Session 14
• Discussion 3
Get Voucher for CCNA Exam on
Net Space
• WAN Final & Feedback
Assessment in NetAcad after the
final exam
Due on: May 9, 2015
Lab Session 14
Skills Exam (WAN)
Note: For Lab Sessions please refer to Lab Folder in
For Home Assignments please refer to the weekly modules in
The reading assignment shown for each lecture is to be completed prior to that lecture.
This schedule is subject to revision before and throughout the course.
Grading Scale:
97 – 100% àà
93 – 96% àà
90 – 92% àà
A87 – 89% àà
83 – 86% àà
80 – 82% àà
B76 – 79% àà
70 – 75% àà
60 – 69% àà
0 – 59% àà
Raw scores may be adjusted by the Instructor to calculate final grades.
Homework Assignments, Lab Sessions & Online Fundamentals Exams:
Homework assignments and lab sessions are in Blackboard, and NetAcad final exams are on the
Cisco NetSpace website. Each homework assignment and lab session will be released for
viewing 7 days prior to the due date. Late homework assignment and lab session, and missed
Cisco NetAcad final exams will not be accepted – if accepted, a penalty will be applied.
IT 445
Spring 2015
Acceptance of late homework assignment and lab session, and retake of missed NetAcad final
exam will be at the sole discretion of the Instructor.
Midterm Exam:
The midterm exam time will be announced at a later time and will cover material discussed up to
Session 8. The midterm exam will be “closed book”– no reference materials will be permitted.
Final Exam:
The final exam will be announced at a later time and will cover material discussed primarily
during sessions 9 thru 14. The final exam will be “closed book”– no reference materials will be
permitted. Final exams are retained by the AIT Department and are not returned to students.
Registered students should see the Blackboard Learning System for the latest class schedule.
Important Dates
Last day to add classes: Refer to the link below
Last day to drop with 50% tuition penalty: Refer to the link below
Last day of classes: Refer to the link below
Religious Holidays
A list of religious holidays is available on the University Life Calendar page. Any student whose
religious observance conflicts with a scheduled course activity must contact the Instructor at
least 1 week in advance of the conflict date in order to make alternative arrangements.
Attendance Policy
Departmental policy requires students to take exams at the scheduled time and place, unless there
are truly compelling circumstances supported by appropriate documentation. Except in such
circumstances, failure to attend a scheduled exam will result in a score of zero (0) for that exam,
in accordance with Mason policy on final exams. Students should not make travel plans or other
discretionary arrangements that conflict with scheduled classes and/or exams. If the University
is closed due to weather or other unforeseen conditions, final exams may be rescheduled –
students are strongly advised not to make plans that would prevent them from attending exams
that may be rescheduled during the entire exam period.
IT 445
Spring 2015
Registered students will be given access to a section of the Blackboard Learning System for this
course. Blackboard will used as the primary mechanism to disseminate course information,
including announcements, lecture slides, homework and other assignments, and scores for
homework and exams.
Communication with the Instructor on issues relating to the individual student should be
conducted using GMU email, via telephone, or in person - not in the public forums on
Blackboard. GMU email is the preferred method – for urgent messages, you should also attempt
to contact the Instructor via telephone. Federal privacy law and GMU policy require that any
communication with a student related in any way to a student's status be conducted using secure
GMU systems – if you use email to communicate with the Instructor you MUST send messages
from your GMU email account.
Lecture slides are complements to the lecture process, not substitutes for it - access to lecture
slides will be provided in Blackboard.
All course materials (lecture slides, assignment specifications, etc) are published on Blackboard.
This allows users of most computing platforms to view and print these files. Microsoft® Word
(or a compatible word processing application) is required for preparing assignments – it is
available on computers in the Mason open labs.
Instructors respect and protect the privacy of information related to individual students above,
issues relating to an individual student will discussed via email, telephone or in person.
Instructors will not discuss issues relating to an individual student with other students (or anyone
without a need to know) without prior permission of the student.
Assessable work other than final exams will be returned to individual students directly by the
Instructor (or by a faculty or staff member or a Teaching Assistant designated by the Instructor
or via another secure method). Under no circumstances will a student's graded work be returned
to another student.
Faculty and staff will take care to protect the privacy of each student's scores and grades.
Disability Accommodations
The Office of Disability Services (ODS) works with disabled students to arrange for appropriate
accommodations to ensure equal access to university services. Any student with a disability of
any kind is strongly encouraged to register with ODS as soon as possible and take advantage of
the services offered.
IT 445
Spring 2015
Accommodations for disabled students must be made in advance – ODS cannot assist students
retroactively, and at least one week's notice is required for special accommodations related to
exams. Any student who needs accommodation should contact the Instructor during the first
week of the semester so the sufficient time is allowed to make arrangements.
Honor Code
All members of the Mason community are expected to uphold the principles of scholarly ethics.
Similarly, graduating students are bound by the ethical requirements of the professional
communities they join. The ethics requirements for some of the communities relevant to
Applied IT graduates are available via the following links:
ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
IEEE Code of Ethics
EC-Council Code of Ethics
On admission to Mason, students agree to comply with the requirements of the
GMU Honor System and Code1. The Honor Code will be strictly enforced in this course. Honor
Code cases are heard by a panel consisting of students – students who meet the requirements are
encouraged to nominate themselves to serve on the Honor Committee.
Any use of the words or ideas of another person(s), without explicit attribution that clearly
identifies the material used and its source in an appropriate manner, is plagiarism and will not
be tolerated. The Instructor reserves the right to use manual and/or automated means (including
such services as to detect plagiarism in any work submitted by students for this
course, and to direct Teaching Assistants and/or other faculty and/or staff members to do
likewise in support of this course.
For this course, the following requirements are specified:
All assessable work is to be prepared by the individual student, unless the Instructor explicitly
directs otherwise.
All work must be newly created by the individual student for this course for this semester.
Any usage of work developed for another course, or for this course in a prior semester, is strictly
prohibited without prior approval from the instructor.
Students may seek assistance with assigned work (and are encouraged to do so if they feel the
need), provided:
The directions for the assigned work do not prohibit such assistance.
Such assistance is acknowledged in the submitted work, clearly identifying the person(s)
giving assistance and the nature of the assistance given.
Available at and related GMU Web pages.
IT 445
Spring 2015
Any work to be submitted is prepared entirely and exclusively by the student submitting
it. Students are expressly prohibited from sharing any assessable work for this course in
any manner with other students (except students assigned as Teaching Assistants or
Undergraduate Peer Mentors to this course and the student's section), unless all students
involved have had their work graded and returned by the Instructor, or the Instructor has
explicitly approved such sharing.