Special Populations Activities


Special Populations Activities
Volleyball: Summer Break Camp
(Grades 3-8)
Stay active over your summer break by participating in this four day
volleyball camp held at New Century Fieldhouse, near Gardner. Southwind Rising Volleyball coaches will be conducting the camp. Girls and
boys entering grades 3 - 8 can participate in the camp and will be split
up into groups by grade and level of play. Serving, passing, setting,
hitting, fun drills and games will all be covered during the course of the
camp. Each participant will receive a T-shirt. For questions, please call
New Century Fieldhouse at (913) 826-2850.
Earns JCPRD U Physical Credit
4 - 3 hr. sessions - $75
28171 New Century Fieldhouse
7/13 M-Th
9 am
Volleyball: Summer Break Camp
(Grades 3-8)
This four-day Summer Break Volleyball Camp will be offered in June
and July. The camp is designed to provide the basic skills in the game
of volleyball. Serving, passing and setting will be covered in order
for campers to improve their skills in a positive learning environment.
Participants will be divided into groups based on age and ability. Each
participant will receive a camp T-shirt. This camp is limited to the first
100 kids that enroll. Camp will be held at Okun Fieldhouse in Shawnee.
For more information please visit www.kcusssasports.com.
Earns JCPRD U Physical Credit
4 - 2½ hr. sessions - $60 / $65 nonresidents
27775 Okun Fieldhouse
9 am
27776 Okun Fieldhouse
7/27 M-Th
9 am
Volleyball: Summer/Fall Leagues
New Century Fieldhouse (Grades 3-8)
Whether you’re an individual looking to join a team or you’re part of a
full team, New Century Fieldhouse can accommodate you this summer
and fall. All games are played on Sunday evenings. Most teams will
practice once a week in addition to their game day. Detailed league
information can be found online at www.newcenturyfieldhouse.com in
April for the summer league and July for the fall league. For questions,
call (913) 826-2850.
Volleyball: Youth Fall Leagues Okun Fieldhouse (Grades 3-8)
This ten-match season for girls and boys teams in grades 3 through 8
will be played at Okun Fieldhouse in Shawnee. These leagues are designed for team registrations. Fall leagues will offer play for all teams,
recreational to competitive. Registration requirements are due August
7: Registration Form, Conflict Form, Full Team Payment. The early
bird registration deadline is July 31. Registration materials can be found
at www.kcusssasports.com. The fall season will run August 23 to October 18. Fall league games will take place on Sundays. Individuals
seeking teams may complete an individual recruitment form at www.
Volleyball: Youth Summer Leagues Okun Fieldhouse (Grades 3-8)
This ten-match season for girls and boys teams in grades 3 through
8 will be played at Okun Fieldhouse in Shawnee. These leagues are
designed for team registrations. Summer leagues will offer play for all
teams, recreational to competitive. Registration requirements are due
May 8: Registration Form, Conflict Form, Full Team Payment. The
early bird registration deadline is May 1. Registration materials can be
found at www.kcusssasports.com. The summer season will run May 31
to August 2. Summer league games will take place on Sundays. Individuals seeking teams may complete an individual recruitment form at
Locations on Page 76
Keep Active with JCPRD U!
This holistic wellness program for ages three to 18 lets participants earn
achievement badges in five wellness dimensions: physical, social, environmental, intellectual, and mindfulness, in order to advance through
JCPRD U. Each eligible class listing includes information on which dimension your child will earn their achievement credit in. To learn more
about JCPRD U, visit jcprdu.com. To enroll in JCPRD U, contact Sarah
Shaw at (913) 826-2953 after signing up for a credit-eligible program.
Special Populations offers recreational, educational, and social activities for mentally and physically challenged individuals. Information Line: (913) 312-8846
Volunteers help coach and assist athletes as well as chaperone, teach
recreational classes, and participate with various Special Olympic
committees. Please call Kelly at (913) 831-3355 if interested.
Financial Assistance
Applications for financial assistance are available in the Registration
Office, Bldg. D, Antioch Park. Call (913) 831-3355 to request an
Refund Policy
Refunds will not be granted later than one week prior to program
start date. Medical refunds will be permitted with physician’s note.
Special Pops: Dinner Night
(Ages 16 & Older)
Come join all your JCPRD friends as we
try a new KC restaurant four times a year.
Group will decide restaurant location. Bring
money for dinner.
Earns JCPRD U Social Credit
1 - 2 hr. session - $5
28212 Antioch Park
28213 Antioch Park
6 pm
6 pm
Special Pops: Game Night/BBQ (All Ages)
Summer is coming to an end so come out and enjoy some good old
BBQ and play some games with friends. Whether you like cards, to
board games, to bingo, we will have it all. We will serve an assortment
of burgers and hotdogs so come hungry. Games will take place directly
after in the board room at Antioch Park.
Earns JCPRD U Mindfulness Credit
1 - 2 hr. session - $10
28214 Antioch Park
8/20 Thu
6 pm
Special Pops: Music to My Ears
(All Ages)
Antioch Park
Antioch Park
Antioch Park
Come join your friends to learn how to
play the guitar.
Earns JCPRD U Mindfulness Credit
6 - 45 min. sessions - $35
6 pm
6/18 Thu
6 pm
7/30 Thu
6 pm
(913) 831-3355
Join the group as we travel out to Kauffman Stadium to cheer on our local team against the Milwaukee Brewers. Don’t forget to bring spending
money for snacks. Registration is due no later than
May 18.
Earns JCPRD U Social Credit
1 - 4 hr. session - $40
28215 Antioch Park
6/18 Thu
6 pm
Participants experience the thrill of water slides at a local water park.
Participants must bring a lunch and sunscreen. Please bring spending
1 - 5 hr. session - $40
28224 Antioch Park
7/16 Thu 9:30 am
6 pm
Special Olympics: Softball Practice
(Ages 8 & Older)
Bring your glove and be ready to hit, field, throw, and run. You must
have a current physical on file.
Earns JCPRD U Physical Credit
9 - 1 hr. sessions - $25
28240 Trailridge Middle School
6 pm
Special Olympics: Weight Loss Challenge
(Ages 8 & Older)
6 pm
Special Pops: T-Bones Night
(Ages 16 & Older)
Join the group as we go cheer on the KC T-Bones. Don’t forget to bring
money for snacks and souvenirs. Game time is 7:05.
Earns JCPRD U Social Credit
1 - 4 hr. session - $20
28234 Antioch Park
5/28 Thu
6 pm
Join your friends for a variety of workout activities to promote health
and weight loss in a friendly challenge.
Earns JCPRD U Physical Credit
24 - 1 hr. sessions - $40
28241 Mill Creek Activity Center
M,W 5:30 pm
Mill Creek Activity Center
10 am
28242 Mill Creek Activity Center
M,W 5:30 pm
Mill Creek Activity Center
7/11 Sat
10 am
Special Olympics Dates to Remember:
May 2............................................................................ Metro Track
May 16............................................State Powerlifting Competition
June 5-7.................................................................. Summer Games
July 11...................................................................... Metro Softball
July 16............................................................................Metro Golf
TBA....................................................................State Softball/Golf
Special Olympics: Bocce (Ages 8 & Older)
Please pick one practice to attend. Current physical must be on file.
Singles and Doubles available.
Earns JCPRD U Physical Credit
7 - 1 hr. sessions - $25
28236 Antioch Park
7/28 Tue 5:30 pm
28237 Antioch Park 7/28 Tue 6:15 pm
Special Olympics: Golf
(Ages 16 & Older)
Grab your sticks and head to the driving
range. Come learn the basics of golf. Registration is limited. Current physical must be
on file.
Earns JCPRD U Physical Credit
8 - 1 hr. session - $40
28238 Tomahawk Hill Golf Course
6 pm
We also offer Kinesis Strength Training
for People With Disabilities, See Page 41
Locations on Page 76
Sign up and join your friends for a musical Cinderella
under the stars. Bring money for dinner.
Earns JCPRD Mindfulness Credit
1 - 5 hr. session - $30
28233 Antioch Park
Come join your friends as you enhance your soccer skills. You
will be learning the fundamentals of dribbling, passing, and
shooting as well as working
together as a team. Fee includes
regional tournament assessment fee. Current physical must be on file. Sign up soon!
Earns JCPRD U Physical Credit
8 - 1 hr. sessions - $30
28239 TBA
Special Pops: Starlight Night
(All Ages)
Special Olympics: Soccer Practice
(Ages 8 & Older)
Special Pops: Schlitterbahn Trip
(Ages 18 & Older)
FUN FOR ALL Special Pops: Royals Night
(Ages 15 & Older)
(913) 831-3355