Judging Standards Work Sample: Year 3 History - K


Judging Standards Work Sample: Year 3 History - K
The annotated work samples in Judging Standards support teachers when reporting
against the achievement standards, when giving assessment feedback, and when
explaining the differences between one student’s achievement and another’s.
Judging Standards
Reporting against the Achievement Standard
Grey highlighting identifies those aspects of the achievement standard addressed in
the work sample. Annotations in black text refer to the assessment pointers while
those in coloured text highlight additional, specific qualities evident in the work.
Work Sample: Year 3 History
Performance associated with Grade C, representing SATISFACTORY achievement
Summary of task:
Australian celebrations and commemorations
Prior to this task, students generated a class list of significant Australian celebrations and commemorations. In groups,
they created a list of relevant questions to research about their chosen significant day. Students then identified and
used relevant sources to answer questions and draw conclusions about the significance of the day and any related
symbols and emblems. This task was later used to create a class timeline/calendar ‘Australia Celebrates and
Commemorates’, which included relevant information, symbols and emblems.
Year 3 History Achievement Standard – relevant to this task
By the end of Year 3, students explain how communities changed in the past. They describe the experiences of an
individual or group. They identify events and aspects of the past that have significance in the present.
Students sequence events and people (their lifetime) in chronological order, with reference to key dates. They pose
questions about the past and locate information from sources (written, physical, visual, oral) to answer these questions.
Students develop texts, including narratives, using terms denoting time.
Celebrations, Australian culture
Student achievement is reported at the end of the semester or year using the letter grades
and achievement descriptors. Letter grades and achievement descriptors should not be used
to assess individual pieces of work.
2014/1450 [PDF: 2014/10423]
History: Year 3 Grade C Work Sample
Work Sample
Uses relevant terms when
describing historical events,
e.g. ‘Australia Day, celebrates’.
Poses questions about aspects
of the past and/or present.
2014/1450 [PDF: 2014/10423]
History: Year 3 Grade C Work Sample
Work Sample
Uses sources appropriately to locate
information and answer questions
Uses facts and/or dates to describe
the historical significance of an event,
e.g. ‘on 26 of January dat (date)
back to 1808’.
For copyright reasons the Australian Day image with
Australian flags cannot be reproduced in the entire version of
this document, but may be viewed at:
For copyright reasons the Australian Day image with
Australian flags cannot be reproduced in the entire
version of this document, but may be viewed at:
History: Year 3 Grade C Work Sample