

I-ENVEX 2015
17 - 19 April 2015
Prodi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia
Title :
Preventing Diabetes Mellitus
Rambutan fruit has many benefits. This fruit
contains carbohydrates, protein, fat, phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamin C. In rambutan
fruit stored drug efficacy invaluable, according
to an expert study of medicinal plants, fruit
rambutan contains iron, potassium, and vitamin
C. In each of the 100 grams (about 3 rambutan)
contains 69 calories, 18.1 grams of carbohydrates, and 58 mg of vitamin. Rambutan fiber
content is also quite high, about 2 grams per
100 grams of fruit. Character is suitable consumed fruit like people who are dieting lose or
maintain weight.
The fruit is not always easy to be consumed
by the public. But it can also be an alarm for
certain people to be careful in taking them. Especially for people with diabetes mellitus. But
did you know that rambutan can be a remedy
for patients with diabetes mellitus.
Turns rambutan seeds can also be used.
Rambutan seeds are non-toxic and contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, which can meet the
nutritional needs of the body. Rambutan seed
polyphenols also quite high in fat. Chemical
constituents in rambutan seed is 30-43% solid
fat, protein, fiber, starch and acid stearik. This
oil contains 34.7% and 42.5% acid aracidik
oleik acid. Composition of chemical substances
in the rambutan seeds produce hypoglycemic
properties (lowering blood sugar levels) so rambutan seeds are widely used for alternative
medicine to normalize blood sugar levels diabetes patients (diabetes mellitus who tend to be
With Rambutan Seed Tea
How to make tea :
 Take five rambutan seed is ripe
rambutan, separate the seeds
 Rambutan seed Cut into small parts, then roasted or
gongseng to yellow-black.
 Finely milled to a powder
 Enter all the powder into a cup, pour boiling hot
 After a cold, clear drinking water section at once
dispose dregs or sediment.
 Do it before eating as much as 1-3 times a day,
depending on how high sugar levels while doing
this therapy.
 Consumption every day if necessary
Contact person:
Rahmayani : 082361006625
Cut Nurmayanti : 082365355271