
Second Circular
Second Circular
August 11–15, 2015, Kazan, Russia
Welcome to Kazan
It is our privilege and pleasure to invite you to the XVIII International Congress on the Carboniferous and
Permian, to be held at the Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, August 11 – 15, 2015.
The Carboniferous and Permian successions of Russia have a long history of study and are renowned for
excellent outcrops that occur over a vast territory, a considerable variety of depositional types, and abundant
fossils. This makes Russia one of the most famous and popular locations for basinal studies, global and
regional tectonic reconstructions, paleogeographical and biostratigraphic research, and upper Paleozoic fossil
collecting. Carboniferous and Permian research in Russia has recently seen a marked increase in activity.
National and international projects have focused on documentation of candidates for global stratotypes for
stage and substage boundaries in historical and newly discovered sections, and paleotectonic reconstructions
of the Uralian Ocean, leading to new interpretations of the evolution of the Paleo-Tethys. Considerable progress
was made in the study of Carboniferous and Permian successions in Siberia and the Russian Far East. Exciting
fossil excavations revealed new faunas in the Cis-Uralian Region, which in combination with modern
geochemistry technologies has led to great advances in our understanding of the paleoclimate at the end of the
Paleozoic, and new insights into the causes and consequences of Carboniferous-Permian events, especially
the P-T extinction. The XVIII ICCP meeting in Kazan will provide an important forum for discussion of the most
relevant cutting-edge topics of Carboniferous-Permian geology and paleontology, and a unique opportunity to
see and collect from exceptional geological localities in European Russia.
General sponsors
Russian Academy of Sciences
Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee of Russia
Carboniferous and Permian Commissions of Russia
International Subcommission on Carboniferous Stratigraphy
International Subcommission on Permian Stratigraphy
International Association of Sedimentologists
IGCP 630 — Permian-Triassic climatic and environmental extremes and biotic response
IGCP 592 — Continental construction of the Altaids (Central Asian Orogenic Belt)
compared to actualistic examples from the Western Pacific"
Second Circular
Congress Organizers
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI), St.-Petersburg
Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Perm State National Research University
Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, Yekaterinburg
Institute of Geology of the Ufimian Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa
Organizing committee
President of the XVIII International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian
Professor Ilshat R. Gafurov
Rector of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Chairman of Tatarstan Rectors Union
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
Professor Danis K. Nurgaliev
Vice-Rector for Research
Director of Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies
Congress General Secretary
Dr. Vladimir V. Silantiev
Head of Paleontology and Stratigraphy Department
Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Phone/fax: 007 843 292 0819; E-mail: [email protected]
Scientific Committee
Alexander S. Alekseev, Igor V. Budnikov, Alexander S. Biakov, Zhong Q. Chen, Boris I. Chuvashov, Annette
E. Goetz, Valeriy K. Golubev, Natalia V. Goreva, Adrian Immenhauser, Olga L. Kossovaya, Galina V. Kotlyar,
Elena I. Kulagina, Svetlana V. Nikolaeva, Tamara I. Nemyrovska, Victor V. Ogar, Galina Y. Ponomareva,
Barry C. Richards, Shuzhong Shen, Joerg W. Schneider.
Detailed information about the organizational committee is available on the congress website
and continuously updated
International Advisory Committee
National advisory committee
Technical Committee
Second Circular
The City of Kazan is among the most ancient cities in Russia. With a population of 1.2 million people, it is a
cultural and industrial center included in the UNESCO World Heritage list, and its mosaic of Muslim and
Christian architecture contributes to its unique atmosphere and scenery. Kazan is easily accessible from
Europe via Frankfurt, Moscow or St. Petersburg, and its position in the center of European Russia makes it an
ideal base from which to explore a wide variety of sections and outcrops located in several adjoining districts of
Schedule for 2015
August 10: Arrival at Kazan, Registration and welcome reception
August 11 – August 15: Talk and poster sessions, workshops
August 13: Mid-Congress field excursion B1. Permian deposits and historical-cultural sites along
the Volga River (boat tour)
August 15: Completion of talks and poster sessions, workshops; Congress banquet
By air to Kazan via Moscow or St. Petersburg.
By train to Kazan via Moscow (12 hours) or St. Petersburg (14 hours).
Obtaining a visa to visit Russia: Please check to see if your visit to Russia will require a visa:
The process involves contacting the nearest Russian embassy or consulate in the country where your passport
is issued.
We will send an official invitation letter issued by Kazan University to delegates who need to apply for a visa.
Please send us a request for a visa invitation after April 1, 2015.
Second Circular
Scientific Programs
Meeting Format: The meeting will consist of concurrent sessions of talks, each of 20 minutes (including
questions and discussion). Talks will be grouped based on broad geological topics. There will be one poster
session, which will include afternoon refreshments. Speakers will normally be limited to one presentation (talk)
at the meeting. Individuals may participate as a non-presenting coauthor on additional talks. Individuals may
participate in as many posters presentations as they wish.
Session Titles
1. Carboniferous stage boundaries, stratotype sections, and GSSPs
Co-Conveners: Barry C. Richards, Alexander S. Alekseev
2. Permian stage boundaries, stratotype sections, and GSSPs
Co-Conveners: Shuzhong Shen, Galina V. Kotlyar
3. Carboniferous and Permian high-resolution stratigraphy (multi-proxy correlations)
Co-Conveners: Michael M. Joachimski, to be confirmed
4. Late Paleozoic glaciations and interglacials: impact on ecosystems and sedimentation
Co-Conveners: Alexander S. Alekseev, to be confirmed
5. Carboniferous and Permian plate tectonics and orogenies
Co-Conveners: Inna Yu. Safonova, to be confirmed
6. Late Paleozoic marine macrofossils: systematics, biostratigraphy, and paleobiogeography
Co-Conveners: Xiangdong Wang, Svetlana V. Nikolaeva
7. Late Paleozoic continental biota: systematics, ecosystems, and paleobiogeography
Co-Conveners: Valeriy K. Golubev, to be confirmed
8. Micropaleontology: systematics, phylogeny and biostratigraphy
Co-Conveners: Tamara I. Nemyrovska, to be confirmed
9. The terrestrial late Paleozoic world: paleosols, lithofacies, and environments
Co-Conveners: Sergei V. Naugolnykh, to be confirmed
10. Sequence stratigraphy and cycles
Co-Conveners: to be confirmed
11. Late Paleozoic reefs, biostromes, and carbonate mounds
Co-Conveners: Olga L. Kossovaya, to be confirmed
12. Cold-water to tropical carbonate lithofacies and environments
Co-Conveners: Victor G. Ganelin, to be confirmed
13. The late Paleozoic oceans: paleoceanography
Co-Conveners: Alexander S. Biakov, to be confirmed
14. Latest Devonian and mid-Carboniferous extinctions and recovery
Co-Conveners: Yuriy A. Gatovsky, to be confirmed
15. End-Permian mass extinction and Early Triassic recovery
Co-Conveners: Zhong Q. Chen, Yuri D. Zakharov
16. Carboniferous and Permian coal and mineral deposits
Co-Conveners: Annette E. Goetz, Rinat R. Khassanov
17. Eurasian conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon systems
Co-Conveners: Danis K. Nurgaliev , to be confirmed
18. Marine-Non-marine Carboniferous and Permian Correlation
Co-Conveners: Joerg W. Schneider, Shuzhong Shen
The Program of Sessions will follow in the Third Circular.
The information on the conveners will be regularly updated at
Second Circular
Call for Abstracts
Abstracts for the meeting are due on April 1, 2015.
The abstracts must be prepared in English, in a working language for the scientific program.
The Abstract volume will be edited by Alexander S. Alekseev, Galina V. Kotlyar, Svetlana V. Nikolaeva and
distributed to registered delegates at the meeting.
Abstracts of oral or poster presentations are welcome. Please indicate your preferred presentation format
when submitting.
Format: Abstracts are limited to one side of A4 including text, figures and tables; margins (top, bottom, left,
right): 25 mm; title: upper and lower case, left justified; Arial, 14 pt bold; contributor's names: upper and lower
case, left justified, first name first, surname last, Arial, 12 pt.; affiliation: upper and lower case, left justified,
Arial, 10 pt.; numbered superscripts should be used to indicate the affiliation of each contributor; e-mail
address should be added in parentheses at the end of the corresponding contributor's affiliation; main text:
single‐spaced text, Arial 12 pt, no section heading, no references, no citations, no figures.
Automatic Rejection of an Abstract
If an abstract contains a citation, reference, figure, or caption it will be rejected.
Example of an Abstract:
Gondwanan nonmarine–marine cross-basin correlations utilizing
palaeoclimate signatures recorded in Permian palynomorph assemblages
Annette E. Götz1,2, Katrin Ruckwied3, John Hancox4
Department of Geology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa ([email protected])
Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
Shell International Exploration and Production, 200 North Dairy Ashford, Houston, Texas 77079, USA
University of the Witwatersrand, School of Geosciences and Evolutionary Studies Institute, Private Bag 3, 2050
Wits, South Africa
Palynological data of Permian formations of the Sub-Saharan Karoo basins play a crucial role in
the study and for the understanding of Gondwana's climate history and biodiversity in this time of
major global changes in terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The palynological record of coal
deposits reflects changes in land plant communities and vegetational patterns related to climate
change, thus providing significant data for high-resolution palaeoclimate reconstructions in deep
time. Marine black shale deposits contain marine and terrestrial organic particles that allow for
nonmarine–marine correlations.
Please submit abstracts by e-mail (as an attachment in *.docx or *.doc format) to:
[email protected]
Include your surname in the filename of the abstract. Also include the session no., surname
of the first author, and serial no. (if required), for example:
File name: 2 Ivanov (1).docx (Session 2, talk by Ivanov, no. 1)
File name: 13 Ivanov (2) .docx (Session 13, poster by Ivanov, no. 2)
SPAM NOTICE: Please add [email protected] to your list of email addresses that are sender
friendly in order to receive your abstract submission confirmation.
Second Circular
Proceedings Volumes
Congress proceedings are planned for publication in two bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journals
of MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica" Publishing House.
Correlation (Stratigrafiya,
Geologicheskaya Korrelyatsiya) covering fundamental and
applied aspects of stratigraphy and the correlation of geological
events and processes in time and space.
morphology, and taxonomy of
fossil organisms, as well as their
distribution, ecology, and origin.
It also publishes studies on the
ecosystems, and the biosphere and provides information on global
Manuscripts for the Proceedings Volumes are encouraged, and
should be prepared following the Guide for Authors of MAIK
"Nauka/Interperiodica" ( Contributed papers
relating to the topics of XVIII ICCP meeting are invited from
contributions to the proceedings volume is scheduled for October 30, 2015.
Several free workshops will be scheduled and are mainly designed for the Subcommissions on the
Carboniferous and Permian stratigraphy.
Any colleagues or working groups wishing to hold a special symposium or workshop are
asked to contact the organizers not later than April 1, 2015.
The official languages of the meeting are Russian and English. The working language for the
scientific program and all business of the meeting is English.
Second Circular
ICCP-2015 Field excursions
Pre-Congress ‘A1’ Trip: Lower Carboniferous of the St. Petersburg region (north-western Russia)
During the field trip, participants will learn
about the geology and sediments of the
Viséan and Serpukhovian stages.
• Outcrops along the Msta River.
Intercalation of the clay layers and limestone
of the Aleksinian and Mikhailovian Regional
Stages, Lower Serpukhovian boundary and
Tarusian deposits.
• Gverstka quarry and the mouth of the
Poneretka River. Carbonate deposits of the
Steshevian Regional Stage, the base of the
Protvian Regional Stage.
• Outcrops near Malyi Porog Village.
Limestone of the lower part of the Uglovka
• Uglovka Quarry. Outcrops of the Protvian
Date: Friday, August 7 – Monday, August 10
Time: Departure at 8:00 am on August, 8, and returning
evening of August, 10
Pick up Location: Karpinski Research Geological Institute
(VSEGEI), Sredny pr., 74.
Drop off Location: St. Petersburg Airport
Cost: €300 per person
Cost includes: accommodation in Borovitchi town, breakfast,
packed lunch, transportation from St. Petersburg to
Borovitchi town, ground transport to the sections and the
field trip guidebook, transportation to and from airports.
Evening meal can be ordered in the hotel in Borovitchi by
participants themselves. Participants will need to book hotel
for two nights (one night before and one night after the
excursion) in the Vasiliev Island district in Saint Petersburg.
Minimum number of participants: 7
Maximum number of participants: 15
Leader: Olga L. Kossovaya
Karpinski Research Geological Institute (VSEGEI), Sredny pr., 74.
Phone: 007 812 328 9044; Fax: 007 812 328 3023
E-mail: [email protected]
Pre-Congress ‘A2’ Trip: Stratotypes of the Serpukhovian, Moscovian, Kasimovian and Gzhelian
The aim of the field trip is to show stratotypes
and reference sections of the Serpukhovian,
Moscovian, Kasimovian and Gzhelian stages:
• Novogurovo Quarry, the Viséan −
Serpukhovian stages.
• Zaborie Quarry, lectostratotype of the
Serpukhovian Stage.
• Domodedovo Section, the neostratotype of
the Myachkovian Substage.
• Afanasievo Quarry, the neostratotype of the
Kasimovian Stage and a possible candidate
for the GSSP of the Kasimovian.
• Gzhel section, the historical stratotype of
the Gzhelian. Gzhel clay Quarry.
Date: Saturday, August 8 – Mobday, August 10
Time: Field Trip departs at 9:00 am on August 8
Pick up / Drop off Location: Hotel “Uzkoe”, Litovsky
boulevard 3а. Moscow, 117593, Russia
Cost: €250 per person
Cost includes: 3 packed lunches, ground transportation to the
sections and field trip guidebook. Transfers to and from
airports, and food and accommodation in Moscow are not
Minimum Number of Participants: 15
Maximum Number of Participants: 35
Leader: Alexander S. Alekseev
Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of
Phone: 007 495 339 0822, 007 926 245 1591
Fax: 007 495 339 1266
E-mail: [email protected]
Second Circular
Pre-Congress ‘A3’ Trip: Southern Urals. Deep water successions of the Carboniferous and
Permian. Lower Permian GSSPs
The participants of the Southern Urals Trip will
see deep water Upper Carboniferous and
Permian (Cisuralian) sections:
• Mechetlino, GSSP candidate for the base of
boundary beds with ammonoids, conodonts,
and fusulinids.
• Right bank of the Usolka River. Upper
Carboniferous (Kasimovian and Gzhelian)
and Lower Permian (Asselian and
Sakmarian), composed of a thick series of
carbonate-argillaceous rocks with layers of
volcanic ash
• Dalnyi Tyulkas section, base of the
Artinskian GSSP candidate. Base of the
Artinskian Stage GSSP candidate . Artinskian
(Lower Permian) siliciclastics and carbonates
with layers of volcanic ash.
• Shikhany Outcrop. Sterlitamak Shikhany
Mounds are isolated mound hills found in
the Bashkirian Cisuralia, and are relics of the
Early Permians.
Date: Thursday, August 6 – Monday, August 10
Time: Field Trip will depart at 12:00 noon on August 6
Pick up Location: Ufa Airport
Drop off Location: Kazan
Cost: € 450 for the trip
Cost includes: accommodation, meals, all transfers, and the
flight from Ufa to Kazan.
Minimum Number of Participants: 15
Maximum Number of Participants: 35
Boris I. Chuvashov & Valery V. Chernykh
Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of the Ural
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Phone: 007 343 371 0588, Cell Phone: 007 912 265 2116
E-Mail: [email protected]
Contact persons:
Guzel M. Sungatullina & Rafael Kh. Sungatullin
Kazan Federal University
Cell Phone: 007 960 032 4028
E-mail: [email protected]
Pre-Congress ‘A4’ Trip: Middle Permian – Lower Triassic continental sequences in Vologda and
Arkhangelsk regions (north of European Russia) and localities of flora, tetrapods, non-marine
fishes, etc.
Participants will see one of the most complete
Permian-Triassic continental redbed successions
of the Guadalupian, Lopingian and the Lower
The main sections include:
• Verkhnyaya Tozma. The base of the
Severodvinian (Capitanian) Stage, Kiama–
Illawarra boundary.
• Mikulino. The hypostratotype of the
Severodvinian (Capitanian) Stage.
• Kotelnich. The richest locality of complete
skeletons of Severodvinian (Capitanian)
tetrapods in European Russia.
• Mutovino. The limitotype of the Vyatkian
(Wuchiapingian) Stage.
• Sokolki. The well-known Vyatkian tetrapod
locality (Amalitzky Pareiasaurus fauna).
• Aristovo. Permian-Triassic transitional interval;
basal Triassic.
Date: Tuesday, August 4 – Monday, August 10
Time: Excursion group departs around 10:00–12:00 noon on
August 3 from Moscow
Pick up Location: Moscow, Paleontological institute
Drop off Location: Kazan
Cost: about € 900 for the trip (to be confirmed)
Cost includes: accommodation and full meals during the
excursion days in the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions, road
and water transport, excursion to Veliky Ustyug
Minimum Number of Participants: 7
Maximum Number of Participants: 15
Valeryi K. Golubev, Borissiak Paleontological Institute,
Russian Academy of Sciences; Phone: 007 495 339 1844,
Cell Phone: 007 916 179 7052, E-mail: [email protected]
Michael Arefiev, Geological Institute, Russian Academy of
E-mail: [email protected]
Second Circular
Mid-Congress ‘B1’ Boat Trip: Permian deposits and historical-cultural sites along the Volga River
Boat trip along the right bank of the Volga
River exposing classical Permian outcrops of
Guadalupian Series (Kazanian and
Urzhumian Regional Stages), originally
described by Roderick Murchison in 1841.
Visit to the island-town of Sviyazhsk founded
by Ivan the Terrible.
Archaeology and architectural, clerical and
industrial objects.
Master-class in blacksmithing and pottery,
coin and leather embossing. Also, watch or
participate in a real Medieval tournament in
full armour, and learn small arms shooting.
Date: Thursday, August 13
Time: Trip will depart at 10:00 am and return at 18:00 pm
Pick up location: Kazan River Port at 09:30 am
Drop off location: Kazan River Port
Cost: €50
Cost includes: boat transfer, lunch and soft drinks, guided
tour and entertainment
Minimum number of participants: 50
Maximum number of participants: 100
Contact person:
Fedor A. Mouraviev Kazan Federal University
Phone: 007 843 233 7624
E-mail: [email protected]
Dinara N. Miftakhutdinova Kazan Federal University,
Phones: 007 843 292 0819, Cell Phone: 007 937 621 1450
Fax: 007 843 292 0819
E-mail: [email protected]
Post-congress ‘С1’ Trip: Volga and Kama region. Middle and Upper Permian
Volga-Kama region is a classic area of
allocation of shallow-marine and continental
deposits of the Middle and Upper Permian.
During the trip we will visit the type sections
of Kazanian, Urzhumian and Severodvinian
regional stages:
• Pechischi section, Upper Kazanian carbonate
deposits, containing marine fauna of
brachiopods, bryozoans, crinoids, bivalves;
• Cheremushka Gully section, Urzhumian
continental deposits with bivalves, tetrapods,
fishes, paleosols and plant remains;
• Monastyrsky Gully section, Urzhumian and
Severodvinian continental deposits
fishes, bivalves, tetrapods, paleosols and
Kiaman-Illawarra paleomagnetic reversal;
• Elabuga, Sentyak, Shugurovo and Karkali
sections, Ufimian-Kazanian (Lower–Middle
Permian) deposits. Coal-bearing and bitumenbearing siliciclastics, marine carbonate
deposits with brachiopods, bryozoans,
bivalves, crinoids, forams.
Date: Sunday, August 16 – Thursday, August 20
Time: Field trip will depart at 08.00 am on August 16 and
return at 9.00 pm on August 20
Pick up and drop off location: Institute of Geology and
Petroleum Technologies, Kazan
Cost: 400 € per person
Cost includes: transportation, hotel accommodation, 5 field
lunches, 4 dinners, Elabuga cultural excursion fee, Field Trip
Guidebook. Participants will need to book their hotels in
Kazan for 16th and 17th August.
Minimum number of participants: 7
Maximum number of participants: 30
Vladimir V. Silantiev
Kazan Federal University, E-mail: [email protected]
Phone/Fax: 007 843 292 0819, Cell phone: 007 917 286 5098
Fedor A. Mouraviev
Kazan Federal University
Phone: 007 843 233 7624
E-mail: [email protected]
Second Circular
Post-Congress ‘C2’ Trip: Middle Urals. Carboniferous and Permian
marine and continental successions
The participants will see type and reference
Upper Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian
(Cisuralian) sections:
• Chekarda continental section of the
Kungurian Stage with a unique locality of
fossil insects and plants;
• Artinskian-Kungurian boundary in the
stratotype region;
● Kungurian algal-bryozoan buildups (Sylva
●Carboniferous-Permian boundary in the
Kholodnyi Log Section;
● uninterrupted sequence of the Asselian
Stage; Sakmarian and Artinskian Stages in
the Belaya Gora section;
● Serpukhovian, Bashkirian and Lower
Moscovian in the Mariinsky Log section;
● Viséan-Serpukhovian boundary in the
Ladeinyi Log section.
Date: Sunday, August 16 – Wednesday, August 19
Time: Field Trip depart at 9:30 am on August 16
Pick up Location: Railway station Perm-2
Cost: about €400 for the trip
Cost includes: accommodation, transfer from Kazan to Perm,
breakfast, lunch, dinner, ground transport to the sections and
the field trip guidebook.
Minimum Number of Participants: 10
Maximum Number of Participants: 20
Galina J. Ponomareva
Perm State University
Phone: 007 (342) 239 6755;
E-Mail: [email protected]
Olga L. Kossovaya
Karpinski Research Geological Institute (VSEGEI), Sredny pr., 74.
Phone: 007 812 328 9044; Fax: 007 812 328 3023
E-mail: [email protected]
Post-Congress ‘C3’ Trip: Carboniferous reference sections: potential candidates for the base of
the Serpukhovian GSSP, deep-water and shallow-water sections of the eastern slope of the
Southern Urals, organic buildups
Complete successions of the Viséan,
Serpukhovian and Lower Bashkirian (Lower
Part) of the eastern slope of the South Urals
with numerous fossils and organic buildups
and a D-C boundary section with ammonoids.
• The Uchaly Copper Mine, the second
largest open pit copper mine in the world.
• Lower Bashkirian algal and microbial
buildups along the Khudolaz River.
• The Verkhnyaya Kardailovka section, a GSSP
candidate for the base of the Serpukhovian.
Deep water carbonates with abundant
fossils and layers of ash.
• Upper Viséan brachiopod coquinas with
giant productids. \
• Viséan, Serpukhovian, Bashkirian shallow
water carbonates on the Bolshoi Kizil River.
Lower Viséan lava flows.
Devonian-Carboniferous boundary beds near
Verkhneuralsk (E.A. Perna Locality).
Date: Sunday, August 16 – Wednesday, August 19
Time: The field trip will begin at 5.30 am on August 16 and
finish at 9.00 pm on August 19
Pick up and drop off location: Magnitogorsk Airport.
Cost: €250 per person
Cost includes: ground transportation, 4 field lunches, 1
dinner, airport transfers between Magnitogorsk and Sibai,
Field Trip Guidebook. Accommodation is not included –
participants will need to pay for evening meals (€ 3-4), two
nights in Magnitogorsk Airport Hotel and two nights in a hotel
in Sibai (€35-50 per night).
Minimum number of participants: 5
Maximum number of participants: 20
Elena Kulagina Institute of Geology Ufa Scientific Centre
Russian Academy of Science, Ufa, Russia;
Phone: 007 9174417665, E-mail: [email protected]
Svetlana Nikolaeva, Borissiak Paleontological Institute,
Russian Academy of Sciences;
Phone: +44 077 663 31 807, E-mail: [email protected]
More information about Field Trips is available at
Second Circular
Guest Program
A special guest program is planned. The congress organizers can help coordinate local excursions to suit
most interests. Feel free to request information, provide suggestions or share potential interests. See the
Official Kazan City Guide at
A large variety of hotels is available in the city of Kazan (see the ICCP-XVIII website). Kazan Federal
University will provide low cost dormitory accommodation for all student participants of the Congress – in the
2013 Summer Universiade Games Village.
ATTENTION! The ICCP-XVIII Congress coincides with the 16th FINA World Aquatics
Championships 2015, also held in Kazan, from 24 July to 9 August 2015.
This may cause difficulties with finding hotel accommodation if that is left too late. We
suggest that participants make their reservations early.
Travel Insurance
Participants should have valid health insurance for the entire journey. All foreign participants are
required to bring with them health insurance contracts, covering the period of the trip, from an
insurance company that provides an international insurance policy.
Kazan has a continental climate with warm, often hot, dry summers. August is hot, average 21°C to
25°C, infrequently exceeding 33°C or dropping below 16°C. There is a possibility of light rain.
Overall it is pleasant.
Type of clothing and weather conditions
For the field excursions, you are advised to bring sturdy field boots (rubber boots could be useful), a
raincoat, and a hammer. All hotel rooms are normally air-conditioned.
The registration form is available on the Congress website: until April 1, 2015.
The registration fee is reduced, and is a fixed price
Regular participant
250 Euro, this price is inclusive of the Congress fee, the volume of
Abstracts, and refreshments during session breaks
125 Euro as above: students must show a valid student ID card
Accompanying person
50 Euro, as above: with the exception of the volume of Abstracts
Participants are required to pay the registration fee at the meeting registration desk.
Second Circular
Geohost program
The organizers are trying to raise funds to support regular participants and students from countries
with struggling economies. The funds will be used to waive the registration fee and to pay the
accommodation during the Congress. If your participation in the Congress depends on such
financial support, please fill in the application form on the Congress website:
"IAS sponsorship for sedimentology students"
The 18th International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian in Kazan is partially sponsored
by the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS), and therefore IAS student Members can
request travel grants.
IAS Student Members can apply for a travel grant through the IAS website
( Applications can be submitted until 10 June 2015; after the
deadline the application page closes automatically. The application procedure is simple and requires
submitting a short letter of justification together with some specific details regarding location, travel
distance, affiliation, etc.
After approval, successful travel grant applicants will be informed by the Office of the IAS Treasurer.
Given the difficult situation with money transfer between Europe and Russia, travel grants will be
transferred to student bank accounts after the conference, or paid in cash by a representative at the
end of the congress after signing of a receipt.
Important Dates
April 1, 2015: Deadline for registration and abstract submission.
April 30, 2015: Deadline for registration on fieldtrips. Associated costs to be advised.
June 1, 2015: Third Circular with the program is available for distribution and online.
June 10, 2015: Deadline for application form to the Geohost program.
October 30, 2015: Deadline for manuscript submission to the proceedings volumes.
Contact us
Vladimir V. Silantiev, Congress General Secretary
Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
Kremlevskaya St., 4/5
Phone: 007 843 292 0819
007 843 292 8267
E-mail: [email protected]