LAF Club Policies - The Learning and Fun Club


LAF Club Policies - The Learning and Fun Club
Learning and Fun (LAF) Club
Policies and Procedures
What is the LAF Club?
We are a group that offers opportunities for home educating families to join with
others to accomplish aspects of education that are enhanced in a group setting or are
difficult for some parents to teach. Parents retain full responsibility for the education
of their children, the assignment of grades and transcripts, and the assignment of
earned high school credits.
Does the Learning and Fun Club have a statement of faith?
The LAF Club does not have a written statement of faith; however, our classes are
taught from a Christian worldview. We are an inclusive group, meaning we welcome
all families from diverse backgrounds, beliefs, church affiliations, and homeschool
What are the requirements for enrollment?
Membership is open to all homeschooling families. You do not have to be members
of any church to participate; however, our classes are taught from a Christian
Parental participation is also mandatory in a limited capacity for enrollment. If your
child takes classes right before lunch, you will be required to sign up to be a lunch
helper for all students once each session. There will be a minimum of two parent
helpers at all lunches. Additionally, if your child is taking the last class of the day, you
will need to sign up twice per session to help with the clean-up of the facility
Failure to sign up for either of these when registering your child will result in your
registration being incomplete. Your child’s spot may go to someone with a complete
If you are unable to complete your assigned lunch/clean-up duty, it is your
responsibility to find another parent for replacement.
How long do the sessions run?
The 2015-2016 classes run over the course of 28 weeks, consisting of three sessions.
Session 1 and 2 run for 10 weeks each and session 3 runs for 8 weeks.
Fall Session: Sept 17 to Nov 19 (Make-up date: Dec 3rd)
Winter Session: Jan 7th to Mar 10th (Make-up dates: Mar 17th & 24th)
Spring Session: Mar 31 to May 19th (Make-up date: May 26th)
Some classes run for all 28 weeks, while others change with each session. Please
check the schedule to verify the dates of each class that you pick.
Who teaches LAF classes?
The Learning and Fun Club employs teachers. Those teachers may be certified
teachers or a parent with a degree, knowledge, or passion for a subject. Some classes
may also include the use of a parent helper, especially in the case of lab sciences or
large classes.
How much do the LAF club classes cost? How are fees used?
We aim to minimize expenses; however, we do pay our teachers to teach the classes
and we do provide a donation to Grace Fellowship Church for use of the facility.
Currently, enrollment in classes requires a $35 fee per child, per year. Fees are nonrefundable even if you choose not to participate in classes after you register. This
registration fee helps to pay for administrative expenses such as liability insurance,
registration system costs, and website hosting fees necessary for our group to hold
Individual class fees pay exclusively for the teacher and/or class materials, donation to
the church, fees associated with the electronic payments of classes, and administrative
expenses necessary to run the program. Materials fees need to be paid at the
beginning of the year or, in some cases, at the beginning of a session. The material
fees are non-refundable even if your child withdraws from the class.
How do you register for classes?
All registrations will be completed through Click on Register to
access our registration system, then create a user account. Please make sure to enter
all the information requested so it does not delay your registration process. Then, use
the drop down menu to select classes, sessions and grade levels. You will register and
pay online via credit card.
The $35 non-refundable, enrollment fee will be collected at registration. If a class is
full, a waiting list will be started and the class will be filled based on the order of the
waiting list spots.
Registration is open early for all students of teachers and for LAF club families
currently enrolled in classes. Registration will open for everyone else on April 24th,
the night of our Open House.
At the time of registration, parental lunch duty and clean-up duty signups will be
Is this a drop-off program?
Yes. If your child is enrolled in back-to-back classes, you may drop off your student.
However, if your student has a break in their schedule, a parent will have to be
present during the break. They may not just “hang out” at the facility, including the
parking lot, or a car, without supervision. The youth room of the church will be
available for the student and parents to work or participate in a quiet activity.
Do I have to enroll in all classes for my child?
No. You may choose to register your child for as many classes as you chose. You do
not have to register for all day classes. Parents may enroll students in the program a la
carte style, enrolling in as few as one class to as many as all six offerings.
Parents must be back in time to pick up their students by the end of classes. If you
are continually late picking up your students, a late arrival fee will be assessed to
reimburse those who are having to stay late and supervise your children after hours.
What size are the classes?
The teachers of each class set the limit on the number of students they can handle.
Generally, 15 to 25 is the maximum for most classes as this not only fits the size of
the classrooms but also ensures that the classes have effective student to teacher
Are parents allowed to sit in on classes?
Absolutely. Parents may sit in on any class. However, if a parent chooses not sit in
the classroom, a designated area will be available for parents to sit and socialize during
their child’s classes.
Parents can also utilize the Lord’s Gym , which is a donation-based full fitness center,
in the same shopping center as Grace Fellowship Church, as another option.
We missed the first session. Can we still enroll for the second session?
Some classes are year-long classes and may not be enrolled in mid-year, but we do
offer many session based classes that do allow for enrollment in the 2nd or 3rd sessions.
Please check the Course Descriptions for details on which classes qualify for sessionbased enrollment.
What is the typical classroom approach used in the classes? Is it lecture format
or projects?
Classes are reserved for group activities, such as discussion, debates, experiments,
labs, projects and simulations. Classes, especially in the case of high school level
classes, may employ the use of lectures. Classes are supposed to enrich and enhance
what students do at home. Middle school and high school students are expected to
read and study during the week to reinforce what they do at class. Parents should
make sure middle school and high school assignments are completed during the week
according to the syllabus or weekly schedule provided by the teacher but realize that
the classes may need to be supplemented in order to meet the minimum number of
hours required for credit by your state. Also, parents should discuss topics during the
week with their children in preparation for class discussions, and they should assign
any additional coursework to complete the subject. More hands-on activities are done
in the elementary and middle school classes.
What curriculum do you use? Do we have the use the same curriculum at
Each teacher determines the books and materials to be used in their class. The class
description will note if the student must purchase the book. High school classes
usually require purchase of books, particularly for the sciences. Sometimes
elementary and middle school classes will require the purchase of curriculum
How can I contact the teacher?
The teachers can be contacted through or via an email address
provided by the teacher to your student the first day of class.
How do I pay?
Payment of the $35 enrollment fee is required upon registration. Payment for each
session is due in full one month before the start of the session. Material fees are also
required at the beginning of the school year (for full year courses), or in the case of
individual sessions, a month before the start of that session. Failure to pay will result
in your child’s registration being put into jeopardy.
What is expected of parents?
By joining our classes, you are agreeing to participate for the full year (or in some
cases by session), so please consider before committing yourself and your family.
Participating in classes means attending diligently and being on time. By registering
your children, you agree to help once per session with lunch duty (for classes that
meet before lunch) and with end-of-the day clean-up (for classes that meet during our
final class period) as specified earlier in the policy and procedures.
As the primary teacher of your child, you have responsibility to supervise your
student’s work and assign the final grade, so please maintain contact with your child’s
teacher to stay informed of assignments and progress. Use each syllabus to help you
devise lessons at home and to ensure your student is prepared for class. To earn
suggested credits, high school students must complete the homework, and you may
need to assign supplemental coursework at times.
What type of behavior is required of my student?
Students are expected to show respect and courtesy to all adults and fellow students at
all activities. In classes, students show respect by being attentive to those who teach,
raising hands, and waiting to be called upon. Being prompt, and ready for class with
their materials and assignments, shows respect for the teacher. Students should also
be courteous to other students.
Students are expected to respect all church property. Any damage incurred by your
student will be the parent’s responsibility. Parents will be contacted if a disciplinary
problem arises and may be asked to remove their child from class. There are several
church ministries using the facilities and the church staff who works in the offices
adjacent to the cafe, so students are not free to wander about the property. Teachers
should keep their students in class for the entire session. Ultimately, it is the
responsibility of the student to successfully transition to their next class. Parents may
need to be there the first week to help their students find their next class.
What is expected of teachers?
 Teachers should be punctual, be prepared and teach with enthusiasm and
 Prepare a class discussion with class materials clearly specified
 Provide a syllabus on the first day of class for academic classes
 Provide a contact email for students and parents
 Conduct themselves in a professional manner
 Be courteous to parents, students, and other teachers
 Clearly specify homework requirements in the syllabus, on the board and/or
verbally at the end of each class
How can my high schooler earn high school credit hours?
When your child signs up for classes, it is with the understanding that parents are still
the primary teachers of their children. We do not take that responsibility from the
parents. To earn high school credits suggested for each class, parents must not only
ensure that their students complete all homework but parents should also discuss
topics during the week with their children in preparation for further class discussions.
You may also need to assign supplemental coursework at home to meet the minimum
number of credit hours specified by Pennsylvania or Maryland state law. Additionally,
in some classes, parents can administer tests and determine final grades. Some classes
may have tests administered by the teacher.
Remember, teachers may or may not administer grades for these classes. Final course
grades and transcripts ultimately are the responsibility of the parents.
Can I bring a visitor to classes?
Yes, but each visitor must fill out an information sheet that the Homeschool Liaison
will have. Visitors do not include different family members or friends that may pick
up your student but instead anyone that will be spending time in the facility for any
length of time, for example, having lunch with your student. Visitors may not join the
classes but may sit in the designated area or have lunch with your child.
Are classes ever cancelled?
Yes, there is the possibility that classes may be cancelled at times.
Classes may be cancelled due to bad weather. When bad weather occurs, we will not
follow a specific school district’s decision, but instead rely on a decision made by the
leadership team of Grace Fellowship Church based on the safety of the road
conditions and parking lot conditions. This decision will be made by 7:00am and will
be available by calling their recorded message line at 717-235-8390.
While Grace Fellowship does not expect that other cancellations will occur, they have
reserved the right to cancel our classes on a particular day if a ministry event comes
up that would require use of the entire facility. They will provide a two week notice if
a cancellation is needed in order to meet the overall facility needs of the church. If
this happens, we will use a make-up day to reschedule the classes missed.
In addition, if an instructor is ill and cannot find a substitute to fill in for him or her,
there may be occasions where we will have to cancel a class. When this happens, we
will make every effort to reschedule or reimburse students for the missed class.
What is the duty of the lunchroom helper?
The lunchroom helper’s duty is to assist with the overall management of students, any
discipline issues, assist with clean up, wiping down of tables, and organization of the
overall area after lunch is over. Parents may provide any help to students as
necessary. There will be a minimum of two helpers each lunch duty in addition to the
Homeschool Liaison.
When is the lunch break?
We have a lunch break between 12:00 and 12:30. Each child must provide their own
non-refrigerated lunch. If you plan to eat lunch at GFC, please bring your family’s
lunch in a cooler as no refrigerator is available. The designated area will have ample
tables and chairs for families use.
If you prefer to eat out, or pick up lunch and bring it back, then McDonald’s, ChickFil-A, Wendy’s, Arby’s, Big Apple Bagels, KFC, Panera, and Chipotle are within a 3minute drive.
What if my child has a food allergy?
We have no control over what individual families bring for lunch. When we are
alerted to a food allergy situation, the most we can do is ask children and parents to
carefully wash their hands with soap and water after eating. Parents and children are
responsible for monitoring their own food allergies and sensitivities.
If your child has a serious allergy, please make sure you carry the appropriate
treatment devices at all times in the event that your child is exposed.
Can my student go outside during lunch or breaks?
No. Students may not leave the building for any reason during classes unless
accompanied by their parent or at the specific request and supervision of a teacher.
Can I host a birthday party for my child during lunch?
No. With the number of children, there would always be someone with a birthday a
few times a month so it could quickly get out of hand.
Who is in charge of my student during the day and during classes?
There will be a homeschool liaison present for all class days. This liaison is a church
employee who also homeschools her children. Your child must obey any helping
parent’s instruction and any requests of the liaison regarding your student’s behavior
while on the premises.
What happens during the 10-minute break between classes?
There is a 10 minute break between classes. Your child will be responsible for getting
to the next class immediately after their class ends. For the K-2 classes, the teacher
will take them to and drop them off at their next class, if needed. The students will be
able to socialize in their next class while the teacher prepares for their next class.
During this time, they may not socialize out in the hallways or with people outside of
their class. However, this time is a perfect time for them to go to the restroom or to
get a drink once they have obtained their new teacher’s permission. Students may not
wander through the church, offices, other classrooms, sanctuary, or hang out in the
Can we drop a class after we start?
Your student may drop a full-year class after the completion of the first 10-week
session. We allow drops after this first session in case you decide the class is not a
good fit for your child. Payment for the first full session is required and will not be
refunded; however, no additional payment will be required for the remaining sessions.
After the first session, students are responsible for paying for the remainder of the
school year. No late session drops are allowed. We give you a 10 week trial period,
after that time we expect students to continue classes through the end of the year.
Additionally, any material fees or textbooks purchased are not refundable by LAF. If
your child drops a class they are still responsible for the materials fees and textbooks
purchased at the beginning of the year.
Any classes that change session by session do not have a trial period. Once you
register, no refunds are given if you decide to withdraw. You are not required to sign
up for subsequent sessions, but payment for the first session is required.
What is your sick policy?
We cannot stress this enough: If you or your children are sick or recovering from an
illness, please do not attend class that week. We do not want classes to be a source of
sickness for any family, so please use good judgment. If in doubt, err on the side of
caution, and stay home.
If you or your children have the following, please do not go to classes:
 Fever of 99 degrees or greater within 24 hours of classes
Fever that needs medication to control (such as Tylenol or Motrin)
Vomiting within 24 hours of classes
Diarrhea within 24 hours of classes
Green, yellow or excessive nasal congestion and discharge
Common cold with listlessness, sore throat or persistent coughing/sneezing
Strep infection, until 48 hours after medication has been initiated
Antibiotics for less than 48 hours
Infected skin or eyes or undiagnosed rash
Other contagious symptoms, including but not limited to lice, ringworms, etc.
How are classes planned each year? Can I suggest a class?
Classes are planned by surveying the families involved to determine their needs.
Classes with the highest interest levels and those with subject matter for which we are
able to locate teachers are more likely to be scheduled based on facility availability. As
a result, each year may be different from previous years.
What is your discipline policy?
The standard of behavior expected for children kindergarten and above is first-time
obedience. If your child cannot adhere to this standard, then our classes may not be
the best choice for your child. Parents and students agree to be on time, participate
willingly in class, and bring all completed assignments and required materials to class.
In cases of inappropriate behavior, these steps will be taken:
1. For the first offense, the teacher will give the student a verbal warning.
2. For the second offense, the teacher or teacher’s assistant will ask the student to
sit quietly outside the classroom for 5 minutes.
3. If the inappropriate behavior continues, the teacher will notify the Homeschool
Liaison so that the issue can be discussed with the parents.
4. If the situation does not improve, the Homeschool Liaison will notify the
parents that the student is suspended from classes. The student may return to
classes after proper apology and restitution are made.
5. If behavior problems persist, the student will be expelled from classes for the
remainder of the session.
What is your attendance policy?
Students should be encouraged to attend all classes when possible to ensure academic
success. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to contact the teacher to make
up any work that is missed.
Rules and Regulations for using GFC property:
There should be no balls in the building.
No running anywhere in the building at any time.
No rough play, hitting, or kicking.
No gum.
No student is permitted to leave the building or play in the parking lot.
No student is permitted in the church offices or the sanctuary.
Our group has been blessed by GFC allowing us to use their facilities for our
functions. Out of respect for use of their facilities, please adhere to the following
Put tables and chairs back where they were before classes began.
Do not rough-house
Do not touch or go near sound equipment, the sanctuary, or the kitchen.
Do not wander through halls or into other rooms.
Observe parking lot rules and keep off the grass
If something is not working or is broken, please tell the teacher or Homeschool
 Clean up all lunch trash and classroom trash after leaving each area.
Is there a dress code?
All children and adults must be dressed appropriately while attending classes. If you
are unsure if something is appropriate, it is probably wise to choose another item of
clothing. No inappropriate slogans or illustrations may be worn.
Can my child bring electronic devices to classes?
No. Students should not have electronic devices on and/or out during class, unless
requested or required by the teacher. This includes cell phones, Ipods, and electronic
games. If needed, a teacher may collect the device during class and return it to the
student when class is over. To avoid loss or damage, it is best to leave the electronic
device at home.
Are we required to buy books for the classes?
Yes. Any required books will be provided with the course description by the teacher
at the time of registration. If books are to be determined at a later date, the teacher
will specify that as well. It will be the parent’s responsibility and cost to obtain those
materials to ensure success for their student.
By registering for classes, both parent and student(s) have agreed to the abovementioned policies and procedures of the LAF club.
In addition, each parent and student will be required to print out and sign a
form agreeing to and accepting the policies and procedures printed above and
will be asked to bring this the first day of classes.
Furthermore, all instructors, parents, students and siblings will be required to
sign a copy of our release of liability form before participating in any class.
We reserve the right to photograph classes in session and use those
photographs for advertising purposes. We have included a notice of consent
for us to use student photographs on our website or in a slideshow advertising
classes at future Open Houses. We will not use any personal identifiers with
the images. When you complete the signature page (below), you are giving us
permission to use the images.
2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR
My family has read the policy and procedures document for the
Learning and Fun Club Home School Classes, as presented above.
By signing below the student(s) and parent(s) indicate that they
understand all the information that is found within this document. The
student further understands that they must abide by ALL the policies
and procedures dictated by this program document, especially when
they are taking courses and parents are not present.
I/We grant permission for photos/images that includes the student(s)
listed below (without any other personal identifiers) to be published on
the LAF Club’s website or in a photo slideshow to advertise classes at
our Open House.
Families agree to abide by the policies contained within this document
by signing below:
Parent Signature (Mother)___________________________________________ Parent Signature (Father)____________________________________________ Student 1 Signature ________________________________________________ Student 2 Signature________________________________________________ Student 3 Signature ________________________________________________ Student 4 Signature________________________________________________ Student 5 Signature________________________________________________ * Please add additional student signatures below if needed Date ____________________________________________________________